Is it more than a Lie?

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  • #931925 Reply

    Hey,yall , I really need some clarification here, I believe he´s a narcisssit, that is making me feel like i am the crazy one, I am over-reacting etc.

    My boyfriend of 2 years (known each other for 6) lied to me about helping his ex gilfriend redirect her letters. They would arrive to his apartment, because she was in the process of buying an apartment. He explained she asked him for this favor after they broke up. And the reason for the break up was her mom died in cancer, she started partying and ended up cheating on him.

    I didnt like that i found out about this and He promised me he cut all contact off and told her to change her address so the letters stopped coming. I got hurt, and shortly after this confrontation he ghosts me. 17 Months later he comes back (I was in therapy,had zero contact with him) he convinced me we start over again and he had nothing to hide – i´m his soulmate, and he realized he wants to be with me. I was so unsure , i didnt want to undo all my hard work for 17 months, and I said it will take time to rebuild my trust for him again.

    Last week we were in the process of moving in together. I caught him entering her address into his computer and asked what´s going on, I thought the letters stopped? He explained it’s because he needed a residence card and at the time he didn’t have an address – me and him were broken up (he ghosted me) and he reached out to her, and asked for her help – it costed 1500 dollars to get a new adress so he just wanted to do it for free and she was the only one he knew who had bought her own apartment. When confronted why he went behind my back, tricked me into getting back with him, it was all supposed to be a fresh start, he said its just letters, I havent cheated on you.

    He was being very evasive of any questions when confronted, I felt really upset and started shouting at him…why the hell are you doing favors for you ex for years and going behind my back? Not once but twice?

    HE said know it looks bad but it’s just letters. She only send me 1 letter every 3 months. Now I didn’t believe him. So i asked to see the messages on his phone because this situation makes no sense, he refused for 7 hours – He was holding the phone the whole time and scrolling back to november but i said, that´s not the recent message, instead just 2 days ago. they were texting every week – only 2 pictures of letters in 6 Months,and all the 200´s messages were her asking for advice on work issues, birthday wishes etc

    Now I knew he lied nHe also started crying how he feels sorry for her mom passing away 5 years ago. He feels no need to be nasty to her? Yet i was being so hurt and crying , but he cared for her? Doing favours and hiding from me?

    He keeps reassuring me that he dosent have any feelings for her, he only loves me? He also said she has a boyfriend and she would laugh in my face. He said hes with me cause im trustworhy and that she’s a bitch who cheated on him why would he be with her?

    He’s asking for forgiveness now, there was nothing going on, he believe he proved it too. I feel the opposite. She dosent even know about me. He still got photos of them on Facebook never put any of mine on his. Or even added me on Facebook. He thinks im jealous of her? I am not, i am upset he lied to me so many times? Does he really have feelings for her, i mean he cares enough to help her out with work etc, even if it´s just text and they don´t see each other.

    He’s also told me to contact his ex and ask her and she can confirm there is nothing betweeen them?. He also said he’ll block her and change address but i don´t think he will do this. Just like first time it happened. Now hes asking me to reconsider ? Am I wrong here for not trusting him? Should i leave this relationship and never look back? Am I the crazy one again for discovering this? It just happend by accident, both times. Is this a sign?????

    Someone please help me out here :(

    #931926 Reply

    It’s a clear sign that this guy is full of 💩

    #931927 Reply

    First thing, to me you are not crazy. If the gut feeling is there that something is off with this situation it really is.

    Second thing, some people are okay with the exs still in contact for whatever reason and some are not. He knows you’re not okay with this which is why he’s hiding the communications with his ex.

    Third thing, if his ex was such a bitch and he’s hurt that she cheated on him then why would he still be asking favours and keeping contact? If he really disliked her, 1500 dollars would be the better option than asking favour to someone that wronged you. Meaning, I don’t buy this excuse.

    Fourth thing, no relationship is going to survive when one partner feels they come second to an ex. You will always be insecure and it is not going to be a fulfilling relationship for you.

    What he should have done is explain things to you and keep you in the clear (if he truly needed the address that is) about what the situation is and allow you to choose if this is something you can be okay with or not before starting fresh with you. But he ruined his second chance and learnt nothing the first time. If you forgive him again he will keep doing this and thinks you will keep forgiving him. Manipulative!!

    Walk away.

    #931928 Reply

    I agree with the posters. And its obvious u no longer trust this man. This is over. Walk away.

    #931942 Reply

    I agree wholeheartedly with you Rubi – I don´t buy that excuse either, and he has a simillar setup with his company, where he pays 1500 dollar a year for an company adress, why cant he do it with his homeadress to , so he could obatain that residence card?

    I know they are talking now, and keeping in touch for over years, and he lied that it all stopped, it makes me think what else does lie about?

    I guess he´s waiting for her if she dumps her boyfriend, so he can run to her, and just use me in the meantime.

    And why is he even telling me to contact her?

    #931943 Reply

    So… My question to You @Miss.Wood, you don’t trust him, know he’s up to no good, yadda yadda yadda, why are you still pondering this?

    #932027 Reply

    Its not that easy Raven – I got blindsided, and he said he hasnt cheated on me.

    I feel so down :(

    #932028 Reply

    @Miss.wood, He lies & lies & lies some more. He’s not going to change.

    Cheeter, liar, ghost lighter, what ever his deal is he’s not going to change.

    I’m sorry…

    #932056 Reply

    Don’t move in with him. You already know he is a narcissist.

    #932094 Reply

    I’m stuck in this new apartment with him. Im I’m living aboard have no family or many friends. I feel so tricked it’s breaking me.

    After his mask fell off -and i uncovered his lies/hidden feelings for his ex his behavior has escalated. I’m really trying to grey rock him – only necassry communication when cooking or cleaning. I stay in home office most of day.

    Last night he came into the room started nitpicking on me – saying stuff like I’m treating this as a hotel, I’m not going to bed or sleep together for long time, he feels ignored, i should get out, why you living here , it felt so horrible and sad seeing that person say things and treat me this way.

    This makes me distance myself more.

    It’s already a cold relationship both physically and emotionally. He’s the cause of it yet asking me why I’m withdrawing.

    He makes me sick. I resent him for setting me up and now throwing me out 2 times when I have nowhere to go. He’s the definition of disgusting and sick mind. 13 years older than me too

    #932096 Reply

    Sorry this has happened!

    Get out as soon as you can. Do you have friends at home who can help you?

    #932509 Reply

    I have nowhere to go right now. He´s constantly throwing me out, telling me that im ignoring him, im annooying, im only saying “sly” comments – he´s just textbook narcisst, and i treat him accordingly – I grey rock as much as i can.

    He constantly tries to create fights – If im sitting in the living room, and he´s about to go to bed, he´ll walk into the livingroom, shut of the tv and turn off the lights and walk out? I ask him why he´s doing that, i´m watching tv – and its on really low volume, but he just says, it´s bothering him – it´s his house.

    He´ll just start things like this all the time – for no reason. It+´s like he knows i know he´s a liar and now he´s just hating on me.

    He´s also upset, there´s no affection between us – he calls me “cold” – like why would i even kiss him, when he´s texting his ex behind my back, crying for her, and whatnot.

    Like for me, this relationship is over. He proved to be worlds biggest liar, and he´ll get what he deserves. I just need to stay sane, until i get my stuff together so I can leave.

    #932515 Reply

    its his house. and this is over. please make some alternate arrangements and leave before he calls the police and has you kicked out. or some other crazy s**t happens.

    #932554 Reply

    We only have ONE SIDE, yours, so we don’t know if you are blowing it way out of proportion or not. Regardless, you took someone you knew to be a lying narcissist back and need to OWN your own part, role and bad decision making in the dysfunctional mess you now find yourself in. Do you have a plan to move anytime soon because stonewalling isn’t going to work for much longer because he will eventually kick you out permanently, and then what are you going to do when he does?

    Why can’t you move back home or on your own? What is keeping you from leaving? Are you working? If not, then get a paying job, save up or ask your family/friends to help you move back home and you will reimburse them when you get back on your feet. Do something as what you are doing now isn’t going to work for you much longer.

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