Home › Forums › The Community Lounge › Is it totally wrong to re-add an ex on social media ?? Your thoughts ??
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I’m asking this because I am considering adding an ex back on Instagram but I have had an annoying experience previously and I just want to know what others think ..
Ok so one day I was passing by my ex’s house on a bike with a friend and his mum and sister were standing outside they saw me and waved , I waved back and they wanted me to stop , I didn’t and just waved and told my friend to keep going ..About a week later I saw my ex’s sister’s page on Instagram out of curiosity I checked her profile and then followed her , she followed back and within 24hrs of following her she posted over 10 pictures of her brother ( my ex) , his wife and baby .. I got all the details of my ex’s life since we broke up in less than 24 hrs of following her and it just seemed pathetic to me because I am very sure my ex put her up to it ( it’s the kind of thing he does) but I felt it been like 3 years I mean people grow up and I didn’t expect that and looking back at her previous photos she only had one picture of her brother on her Instagram so this wasn’t normal .. And honestly there was nothing enviable about his life except he has a wife and kid , he still lives with his parents and doesn’t have a job , so I found it really pathetic that after three years he was still trying to prove to me that I lost out on something .. it was all just annoying and I think I unfollowed her ..
Recently been thinking of following back another ex who I broke up with because he cheated on me , we have talked since then and met up twice after the break up , thought of him recently and checked his Instagram I noticed he never unfollowed me even when I unfollowed him but now I want to follow him again , not because I want him back or anything but because I feel enough time has passed and all that happened is behind me now and we can at least be friends online ..With my most recent ex even if things ended badly I know in maybe a year from now I would probably want to add him back on Instagram or something because again , I have moved on , all the anger and resentment would have gone and enough time would have passed ..
Also i have had ex’s add me back even a few months after the break up and I don’t feel when an ex adds me back it means they still have feelings for me or want me back , I know people move on and they probably added me again out of curiosity as I do and it usually just the same thing as when any other person I know sends a friend request .
So is it totally wrong to add an ex back on social media after sometime or do they automatically assume you want them back or still have feelings for them when you do so ??
Why bother unless you want to invite drama into your life. Start looking forward instead of to past exes that aren’t part of your life any more.
Where’s the value in this? Why are you putting so much thought and energy into men from your past? Time to let them go and focus on your future.
Why stop with social media? Drive past his house with binoculars and watch him. He’d love that!
It sounds like you’re obsessing over exes.. It doesn’t sound like you’re over them or that you’ve moved on. I guess we are all slightly curious about exes and what they got up to, but I wouldn’t put this much thought into it, or post a message on a forum for people’s advice on the matter.
Invest your energy into the people and things that are real in your life, now, not from the past. Get off social media – it’s just BS really.L
You want to remain social media ‘friends’ who don’t care about you?
Are people that concerned about social media?
He is an ex, stay out of contact.
What exactly do you plan on gaining from this?
Here’s a litmus test:
If you were in a happy relationship with someone right now, would you still be thinking about
re-adding your exes on social media or asking us for advice about this matter? If the answer is no, then MOVE ON, FOCUS ON YOUR FUTURE and STOP THINKING ABOUT EXES WHO CARE NOTHING FOR YOU.Amy S
Oof these guys the cheater and the jobless guy. Losers. Why would you be adding them. You should be learning from them and looking forward instead of back. x
Social media can be a passive-aggressive way of communicating your thoughts and feelings. You say you want to add ex’s to show that you have moved on and that adding them won’t bother you anymore. You probably have moved on, sure…but what’s the point of adding them and following their posts and updates? You don’t need to keep a tab on their lives, vice versa. Do you want them to feel some sort of regret looking at you now? Do you want to feel vindicated that you are in a better spot right now than if you had stayed with them? Do you want to be friends with your ex even though he already has a wife or new gf? Ask yourself why you want to do this and what good will come out if it. Adding them is not wrong per se, but you have to examine your real motive and be prepared for any drama it can cause you and your ex’s lives.
Don’t look back, look forward always…