Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › Is my Fbuddy slowly pulling back?
- This topic has 11 replies and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
Hello everyone. I met a man online about two months ago. I’m 49 he is 45. He told me he only wanted something casual. I agreed. We have met up a few times. We live about an hour away so we rent a room halfway from each other’s house. He wants casual but he also texts me every other day just to check in I suppose. He says he isn’t sleeping with anyone else and has been pretty consistent about making plans to hook up and following through
I saw him last Monday and we made tentative plans to meet this week, that’s what we usually do. That day he also asked me if I wanted to grab dinner one of these days. I told him I wasn’t sure and I would let him know. On. (I want to not get attached to someone who already told me he doesn’t want a serious relationship)
Friday he texted me, told me to have a nice weekend and we would talk about hooking up this week. I didn’t hear from him the whole weekend which was a bit weird since I usually do. I finally heard from him today. Asked how my day was going and asked if I had work tonight ( I work nights). I told him no. He said “nice that you get to stay home and relax” I told him I wish, but I had things to do. He asked. “Hot date, kids? Or chores? He followed that by saying. “I’m kidding, I’m just being nosey”
I just told him he was being silly. Anyhow, my concern now is that while he did text me he didn’t bring up hooking up which is something he would bring up pretty much every week. Sometimes because of his schedule or mine we have not been able to hook up but most of his text messages are sexual in nature, except for the ocasional how’s your day text. Is he starting to lose interest? Or am I reading too much into this?
Mee thinks he was ‘fishing’ but you’re only FWB, so…
I guess I’m more concerned that he is no longer interested in hooking up since he texted me and didn’t bring it up. Again, I don’t know if I’m overthinking this. Did he lose interest or is just busy and unable to meet and that is why he didn’t bring it up but still contacted me. We both agreed to tell the other one if we decide to sleep with anyone else, as this will mean we will stop sleeping with each other.
I know there are no guarantees he will keep his promise. I just don’t want to ask him what’s going on since again it’s a FWB situation and I don’t I want to come across as getting into his business.
If you are going to enter into an FWB, both parties need to be very clear on their expectations (wants and needs) before you enter into it, or you’ll end up with a confusing mess. Not sure why you are so afraid to tell him what you want or expect, because men can’t read minds so you need to let him know them what you really want/need, and if he is unable to meet them, you have to walk away.
I had an FWB, who over time, wanted more than I was capable of giving him and had to end it because FWB’s are suppose to be EASY without all the expectations of a relationship, and only work when both parties have the same mindset. Now if both parties change their position after spending a good amount of time together, and want to segue into a relationship, then that discussion needs to take place as well or you have a confusing mess.
What do you really want—a FWB or relationship? I’m confused too because you appear to be back and forth, entertaining both but don’t seem to know what you really want, so these mixed messages between the two of you is causing a lot of angst. I would put it on the table and ask what he really wants, and you tell him what you really want because if you don’t gain clarity then you’ll continue to end up in limboland, like you are now, with the next one if this one doesn’t get off the ground.
This sounds exactly like Sonia from the post FWB Keeps Canceling, Should I Find Someone Else from a few days ago. Is this you? If so, the site rules are you pick one name and use it consistently, because it’s pretty annoying when someone posts the same story over and over.
If it’s not you, then suggest you go have a look at that post and read the replies.
There’s no way anyone here can possibly know what his reasons are for texting you and not mentioning hooking up. There should be open communication in FWB and if you can’t ask him directly then maybe this is the wrong guy or the wrong type of situation for you.
Liz Lemon
You’re putting too much emotional energy into this situation for a FWB. You’re overthinking and fretting about what he’s doing. What Angiebaby said: “There’s no way anyone here can possibly know what his reasons are for texting you and not mentioning hooking up. There should be open communication in FWB and if you can’t ask him directly then maybe this is the wrong guy or the wrong type of situation for you.”
Honestly most women are not cut out for FWB. Most women can’t help getting emotionally attached after sex. This guy is FWB, which means he’s casual, and will see you when it’s convenient for both of you. If it’s not convenient for him this week, he won’t ask to hook up. You should be able to just ask him directly, like Angiebaby said. But I also advise that you seriously rethink whether this situation is right for you.
And yes, this does sound a lot like Sonia from the other post…..
Hi everyone thank you for replying , I do appreciate it. You are right. I have never been in this type of relationship before and I guess I thought it would be fun until I realized i kept trying to figure out everything he was trying to say or do. I was married for 20+ years so I have not dated in a long time. My kids are grown and out of the house, so I find myself lonely and in need of attention. I think I need to take a step back from dating until I can do it right.
I read the post from Sonia. I understand what the similarities are but the guy I’m talking about doesn’t suffer from depression, or at least he hasn’t told me he does.
@Marcia — I’m in the same situation – married a long time, and in need of attention.
To the group, question:
I have been “dating” this guy on and off for about 2 years. I enjoyed seeing him because it was easy and there was no discussion of the relationship.Month ago, I asked him to take a walk, he agreed but when the day came, he did not respond. Finally he let me know, that he was emotionally unavailable, but happy to have sex. And that he was serious about this
He came over 2 weeks ago.We spent about four hours together, and the best part was the pillow talk. He never responded to my “thank you for a nice afternoon,” but responded to other things.
We made a another plan to get together, but when the time came to plan date/time, he never responded, but again responded to other stuff.
Clearly, he’s not even interested in a NSA, but seems to enjoy the attention.
Do i just disappear and let things die and see if he gets back to me?
Do i ask him one more time to get together and then be resolved?
Do i just say goodbye and tell him to contact me if he’s ever serious?Thanks all
ANM Staff
KeymasterHi Marcia, I hope our community’s responses have been insightful for you and have helped you find clarity!
AngieBaby’s response brings up something that, indeed, I was going to bring up too: You have an ongoing topic thread that has a lot of feedback here at this link. You can keep that conversation going! (I understand if the advice is something you’re not ready to digest. If that’s the case, I think our community members understand that, and it’s something you can discuss with them.)
Anyway, you are welcome to discuss your situation, but stick with a consistent name while doing so. If you feel like you got good advice but you’re “stuck” trying to take the next step, that’s worth discussion! Or, if you feel like the advice doesn’t quite work for you, that’s worth discussion too.
Best wishes to you!
ANM Staff
KeymasterQuick update: I’m leaving this thread open; maybe the conversation will go further and help Marcia gain the clarity she needs.
Also, hi @Ronda! It looks like I posted in the same timeframe as you. @Ronda: You may get more responses (and more in-depth responses) by posting your own topic thread. (People may answer you in this topic thread, but the answers may be very short because this thread was originally made for Marcia’s question.) You can post your own new topic here at this link. It’s fine if you just copy ‘n paste what you wrote here to a new post. Anyway, that may help you get some longer responses from our community. Thanks, Ronda – good luck!
[Edit: I see Rhonda went ahead and did that, thanks! Rhonda’s new thread can be found over here. Best wishes!]
Liz Lemon
Thanks moderator!
Marcia/Sonia– we want to help, but we can’t give good advice if you’re not honest about your situation! The regulars here are pretty good at spotting when someone is re-posting under a different name and twisting the details. No hard feelings at all, we do want to support, but please be honest and consistent :-)
Marcia, I was in the same position you were after ending a 20+ year marriage. I understand how difficult it is to go from wife and mom, to single and trying to fill the void with someone else. I tried dipping my toe in the dating pool but quickly found out it wasn’t the answer and that I needed to be OK with being alone while also working on myself. I read a lot of positive self-help books, joined meetup, joined a co-ed softball team, took on hobbies such as the gym, puzzles, and focusing on my career, etc. In a nutshell, I became selfish where it was all about me instead of catering to everyone else’s needs. It was life changing where I found inner peace, harmony and happiness for the first time in a very long time and it wasn’t with someone else but achieved by myself :o)
What I learned is that you are responsible for your happiness, not someone else, and if it doesn’t make you happy then you remove it from your life. I would take being happy and single over a relationship that makes me unhappy or miserable any day of the week! With some *you time* (being single) you will get there and once you have it you will then find it infinitely harder to give it up haha. This is why an FWB worked for me about a year after my divorce because I was thoroughly enjoying my newfound independence (singlehood) while carefully choosing a man I wouldn’t emotionally attached too because if you can’t then its not going to work.
After a couple short-term relationships and FWB’s, I finally met a man, about 10 years post divorce, who was able to win me over but he had to work really hard for it lol. What started out as “a fling” evolved into a relationship and we’ve been together over 6 years now. I would forgo any FWB until you are mentally stronger. Dip your toe into the dating pool (no sex) every six months or so to see where your emotional state is before engaging in any FWB or relationship first. Don’t want to latch onto too many wrong guys or your self-esteem, worth and confidence will get all messed up.