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- This topic has 6 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
It’s been awhile since I’ve dated. So when I met this guy from a mutual friend party I thought he seem nice but still wasn’t sure if I’m ready. We started talking to each other everyday for about 3 weeks before I agree to go on our first date. We got along really well, talk and laugh and overall was a good date. Due to our busy schedule we only manage to go on date every 2 weeks. The second date I felt was rushed since we only went to the movie and then home, didn’t really get a chance to talk much. The third date was a lot better, we had dinner and dessert and spend the night talking. He gave me a small gift which I was shocked but really happy. We started to call each other more and I thought things was going well since 2 out of 3 dates are good.
We planned out 4th date but the night before the date he called to cancelled on me unexpectedly. Said he has to finish off some stuff for his big project at work, which I remember he told me not due for another 2 weeks. But the night before that he was visiting his friend. I got pretty upset feeling like I was more keen on seeing him than he was seeing me. It’s been 2 weeks since our last date and if we can’t see each other this time it be another 2 weeks. I don’t get why he seem to be ok with that. We got into a heated argument.
It’s been 3 days now and he still haven’t text me, does this mean we’re done?? Should I try and msg to make up with him?
I thought it was school work…
I thought your name was Vicky…
Oh wow, this is exactly how I lost my first boyfriend, I started bugging him and constantly making him feel bad for choosing his friends over me. Clearly I was way out of line and only when I lost him I released my mistake. It took him a year to forgive me but he came back to work it out again. I wasn’t in a good place and I needed this experience to learn that you can’t force anyone to give you their time or presence unless they want to so take it slow and appreciate the moments you might get to spend together from now on.
I thought you already got advice about this?
Sorry my best friend decided to prove to me that the 3 days was not the main reason for the break up since I’ve been blaming myself for not contacting him earlier after the fight.
My friend believe that she can get opinions from other people to show that if he was that interested in me, he would of contacted me the next day and not left it until I reached out.
I told her that it just make me feel that if I did contact him earlier I might of been able to safe the relationship.
Sorry for the repeated post.
2 good dates (out of 3) is nothing more than a couple dates. It’s not a “thing” yet, it’s not a relationship to save, it’s not even dating. You didn’t know each other yet. If he was going to flake before you even really knew each other, nothing was going to change that. It has nothing to do with you not contacting him for a few days, your friend is right. He was never pushing something serious if he was so casual about the frequency with which he was actually seeing you and getting to know you. Plus, it was really crappy he canceled on you last minute without a solid and timely reschedule, but having a big fight after only 3 dates is also a very bad sign. This isn’t the guy for you. It may hurt that it felt like he had potential, but focus on moving on and getting yourself ready so you don’t have doubts when you meet a better guy.