It was consensual, but it can be forceful on his part right?

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    He is my husband, we together 11 years, married 7 years.
    I need to validate my feelings on this please.

    He did something to me back in 2017, and I can’t seem to get pass it/forget about it. And what he did wasn’t a one time thing, it went on a whole month, so he knows exactly what he was doing.

    He initiated sex, and I did specificly told him that it was not a good time due to my missed pill that month (in all fairness, I did not use the word No).
    He should just say okay and walk away. But No.

    Instead he went on forcefully suck on my mouth, then to my neck, then he slide down one side of my shirt and forcefully suck on my shoulder repeatedly, repeatedly, he just won’t stop use his mouth. However I did not say No or stop.
    what I did was called his name, then I called his name again, while tried to get him to stop use his mouth all over me.
    He still won’t stop suck/kiss, then he he went to my boobs, then continue use his mouth down to my belly, then his mouth down to my vagina. Then I gave in, and had consensual sex with him.

    Sucking here he was just using his mouth, he never hurt me.

    In fall fairness I enjoy enjoy the sex with him, after the I gave in part.

    I guess you can say that he did that to turn me on, or persuade. But I feel somewhat forceful, like pressure, like he not gonna stop all those kissing/sucking, it like he force me to get turn on.

    I asked him why he did those above to me, he said it because he loves me very much and he crazy about me.

    Validate my feeling on this please, he is my husband I do love him, I’m just confuse on how I feels.

    #930147 Reply

    Being married does not give a spouse a free pass to coerce or pressure or force you to be intimate… in some cases sex between husband and wife isn’t even consensual, unfortunately. Some cultures allow that abuse to be considered a criminal offense, though it’s hard to prove. But the point is that the label of spouse does not make it okay to ignore someone when they say no. Your feelings are valid.

    At the minimum, he was disrespectful and put his needs above yours even though your concerns about the pill were very legitimate. Is this disrespect and lack of consideration for your a theme in the relationship?

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