Just a second opinion about online dating.

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  • #825119 Reply

    Hi guys,

    Im new to online dating so not had much experience in the dating world to be honest.

    A guy I spoke and texted during the first lockdown around April May time. He stopped texting me since June time. We actually had a connection on the phone. We actually hadn’t met up cos of lockdown. Then yesterday he texted me again and asked me how my blog was doing? I’ve had experiences with guys who strung me along in the past, they text and want to meet then disappear, then text and want to meet then disappear again and don’t want that to happen again, but I met them in person and they were my acquaintance. Is online any different? My gut instinct is “dont think he can come in and out and text me whenever he feels like it, online or not. Why all of a sudden he never contacted me when lockdown was eased?

    Should I give him a second chance and the benefit of a doubt? Thanks

    #825165 Reply
    T from NY

    This is what I will say about your situation. Knee-jerk reaction first -he’s just not that into you. (But hear me out until the end). If y’all talked on the phone and it went well, and if he liked what he saw in your pictures on the app, he should have set a time for a date when that option became available. But MOST important you mentioned your gut tells you he might be one of those flakety flakes you’ve had experience with in the past. I believe in women cultivating their listening ear to their gut because it almost never leads them wrong. But weeding out anxiety from past traumas is part of that process and can complicate the situation…

    But my advice to you now is – if you like this guy – text him back very easy breezy and if he prolongs the convo say something to the affect of “Its been so great catching up! Let me know if you ever wanna meet up IRL!” Then don’t reply unless he asks you real questions such as ‘what’s your schedule’ etc. Simply do not reply to anything except real date inquiries.

    The reason I say take a chance is – men can be super stupid, think they want one thing, meet another woman who turns their head, was easier sexually or something, then blow off a good thing. Or get overwhelmed with life and just peace out or WHATEVER. And although I think it’s good to keep in mind that men normatively go after what they want – I also think when a woman is living a healthy, authentic life, and in dating specifically – they should not operate from a place of fear or pride. There is nothing wrong with you communicating to him or reminding him you are interested but also setting BOUNDARIES and consequences. By responding the way I advised the boundary is – ya I like you, but am only interested in dudes who really wanna meet up. The consequences if he remains flakey or exhibits any further FUTURE flakey behavior, after you communicate your boundaries, is he doesn’t get anymore replies to his texts.

    #825167 Reply
    T from NY

    The above advice also is because y’all have never met yet. If he does it say after you meet or after another pattern of communication happens after you meet in real life – drop him immediately as he is most definitely a flake (chances are he is anyway)

    Best quote from a male dating coach I’ve heard in a long time
    “Women should only be expending their energies deciding if they like a guy NOT by how much she likes him, but how much he is investing in her”

    #825178 Reply

    Thanks T from NY

    I actually told him I wasn’t interested in him before your replied to this. I just used my gut instinct with this.

    #825183 Reply
    T from NY

    Ya good for you. I was talking to a guy last weekend who asked me for a drink but said he had his kids that weekend but he would be free this weekend. I told him that worked better for me anyway. Wells it’s Saturday almost 4pm and he never followed up. Bye Felicia he’s definitely lost his chance with me. Happens to everyone who’s dating – meeting people with undeveloped character or morals. Frees up our time and energy for ourselves, and people who aren’t flakes. Good luck and keep following your gut

    #825282 Reply

    T from NY

    I kind of feel bad saying I’m actually with someone else because I kind of had a what if moment where maybe he had other priorities he needed to deal with (maybe a death in the family) that he didn’t want to share with me, then he thought he’d reply back once his priorities have been dealt with. But then maybe I sound like I’m making excuses for him.

    #825284 Reply

    If I had told him what you suggested about “hey it was great to hear from you, if you’re free to meet up after lockdown, I’m up for it”, maybe it would have worked out. Every guy is different and they may have circumstances and priorities that need to be dealt with, not wanting to share it with someone they’ve spoken to online.

    #825303 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You are making excuses for him. I understand you’re new to online dating, and it’s easy to build up people/situations in our heads with online dating. With experience I think you’ll get more wisdom. I even think a healthy dose of cynicism is needed to successfully online date– not excessive cynicism, but you do need to keep things real.

    This guy stopped speaking to you in June and all of a sudden resurfaced in November as if nothing was wrong. He didn’t even offer an excuse or explanation as to where he’d been for 5 months. Chances are he was talking to other women at the same time he was talking to you, and I suspect he dated someone over the summer, and that relationship probably ended so he’s back. I highly doubt he had other priorities that kept him from communicating with you for 5 months. If he were interested in meeting and dating you, he would have done it. It’s really very simple.

    I’ve been with my bf for 2.5+ years and we met online. Two weeks after our first date, his mom was scheduled for serious (possibly life threatening) surgery, and he was the family member in charge of taking her to the surgery and caring for her afterwards. He was also working a really stressful job (50-60 hours/week). Plus he has joint custody of his child, so he had his parenting responsibilities to take care of. He still found time to date me, court me, and make me feel special. He did it *because he wanted to*. Because it was a priority. If a guy makes you a priority, there is very, very little in this world that will keep him from pursuing you.

    So please don’t torture yourself with “maybe it would have worked out if I had just said…” This is not on you. It’s on him. He chose to stop communicating with you for 5 months. We don’t know the reason (although as I said, I suspect he was dating someone else), but the reason doesn’t really matter, ultimately. You were not a priority. Do you really think that if he were strongly interested in you, and there was a death in the family or some pressing personal issue, he would not have let you know? Of course he would have, because he would not want to lose you.

    Your gut instinct was right. You did the right thing by telling this guy you are not interested. Because he is not really interested in you. A guy who is interested will not leave you in radio silence for 5 months. You deserve a guy who makes you a priority! So don’t feel bad or wonder about “maybes”. This guy was not the one for you.

    #825408 Reply

    You never met this guy, if I understood your original post correctly. So I wouldn’t turn what was nothing into something in your head. Don’t waste your own time and energy trying to figure a stranger out.

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