Just Broke Up With Fiance But….

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  • #945510 Reply

    So, we had a mild argument over the weekend. He blew up. We have been going through some stuff for about 2 months now. But I honestly wanted out. However, we were engaged and I still love him very much. Anyway, he hung up on me, saying “I don’t know if we’re done but stay the F—away from me” I texted him later that night, he sent me a long text, I responded and since then (4 days) he has not said a word. I’m mad, because he benefitted way more from this relationship than I ever did, and let my emotions get the best of me. I blocked him on FB, deleted the texts, pictures, emails, blocked him on email but not on the phone – yet.
    I’ve had many breakups in my life, but this one is upsetting me more and more. How do you have a conversation through text, then leave me hanging? I’m scared to ask if he ever really loved me…I’m hesitant to admit to myself he probably saw this coming? I guess I could use a man’s opinion on why he would just not speak. And yet he hadn’t blocked me, anywhere….just untagged himself on one photo. Mind you he has tons of photos of me up on his FB. I never cared about that stuff, but now I guess it’s pertinent to mention?
    I’m just so confused and can’t even explain why….

    #945511 Reply

    Hi @Neena, Lately, there’s not many if any guys in this group…

    We need more information… What was the argument about? How long have you two been a couple? Are you the same Neena who has posted here before?

    #945515 Reply

    It sounds like you’re going through a really painful and frustrating situation, and I totally get why you’re feeling this way. Breakups are never easy, but this one seems to have a lot of unfinished emotions attached to it, which makes it even harder to process.

    From what you described, it seems like he’s emotionally withdrawing, which can happen when someone is overwhelmed or unsure about what they want. The fact that he untagged himself from a photo but hasn’t blocked you suggests that he’s distancing himself but isn’t fully cutting ties—almost like he’s leaving the door slightly open, whether intentionally or not.

    Some guys shut down when they’re upset, especially if they feel like the relationship has been tense for a while. Instead of working through things, they go quiet, either because they don’t know how to handle the situation or because they assume silence will give them control over the breakup. It doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t love you, but it could mean he’s struggling with how to deal with his emotions and yours.

    The hard part is, you can’t force someone to communicate if they don’t want to. And the longer you sit in the confusion, the more painful it gets. If you really need closure, you could send a short, direct message asking for clarity. But if he still doesn’t respond, that silence is your answer.

    I know it sucks, especially when you feel like he benefited more from the relationship than you did. That’s what makes it hurt even more—you gave so much, and now it feels like he’s walking away without acknowledging that. But if you were already wanting out, maybe this is just the final push you needed to fully let go. It doesn’t make it hurt less, but it does mean that, in time, you’ll see this as something that needed to happen.

    Try not to torture yourself with did he ever love me? because that question will only keep you stuck. Love can exist even when people don’t know how to show up the right way. But if someone leaves you hanging like this, that’s a sign that they aren’t willing (or able) to give you the love you deserve.

    You’re allowed to be mad. You’re allowed to grieve this. But don’t let his silence convince you that you weren’t enough. His actions are about him, not about your worth.

    #945517 Reply

    ALLYSA – thank you so much for this. I made the mistake of telling friends, who are genuinely concerned, and they’re saying, “oh he’s done, he don’t want you, take the loss and move on” as if that makes me feel better. Fact is he had gotten used to hanging up when the convo didn’t suit him. And leaving me hanging when I was confronting him about his behavior. And I had warned him if he did that ever again there was no going back. So this last time, I blocked him on FB, cut off locations, and blocked his emails. I have not blocked his phone. I erased the text chain and most of the pictures are gone. I just have a ton with family in it that I’d have to crop.

    RAVEN – yes. I’ve posted before. This is the guy who hasn’t seen his son in 1. 5years, and whom I was helping with his crazy ex wife. Yes, she’s still unstable, but that’s not an excuse for him to not work and see his child. Together as friends 5 years, the last 2 years engaged, dating for 3 of the 5. He had a stable job good housing and everything. He had a bad accident everything went downhill in 2023, he hasn’t recovered. He has a mediocre job that he complains about but won’t get another one or a second one. He runs home at 3 to play videogames and smoke weed and he’s still lying about smoking weed. At 47 I’m not waiting around for him to “get motivated,” while I have 2 jobs, a career, and pay all my bills alone.
    The argument was about his care not being fixed for over a month, during Xmas and new year’s. The transmission blew out, and he somehow had $500 to give the mechanic. According to him, the mechanic was taking forever. And yes, he was driving his father’s car, I’d facetime, and he was driving his father’s car. But come on, a month? I realized this isn’t going to get better. I had mom visiting and he couldn’t make his way 40 minutes away? That led to me telling him I was unhappy, frustrated with how he lives his life and tired. He recognized I’ve been unhappy for a while, and I have.

    I’ve just never had a man not at least fight for me. He’s expecting me to reach out. He blocked me only after I blocked him. Man child.

    #945518 Reply

    No worries. I get what you mean. I’ve been married once and have experimented with different types of guys. Had a good dating history so many great guys and not so many great guys and at 41 I know what I want, I know how to communicate and compromise and commit, sex or no sex (if I say so myself) also this forum is a great help and thought guys my age at least should have the same emotional intelligence as me but clearly not. The guy I’m with now don’t even want to communicate with me on what he wants…I may have to break up with him as a last resort as I’m a grown ass woman who wants a grown ass man, not a boy.

    #945520 Reply

    @Neena, your friends aren’t good friends!

    It’s HIS LOSS, not yours…

    #945526 Reply

    Alyssa good luck with that. And yes, by the time we are in our 40s we know what we want and don’t have to deal with scraps..

    Raven – I think they said that because he’s not fighting for me. We had broken up (unofficially) in August. He simply got mad at me for expressing my needs, (I’m always clear) and left me on read for like 2 days. Then he reached out explaining how he thought I was cheating because he noticed the “poke” feature was enabled on my fb. I know, very childish. I’m never on FB anyway. But I digress. So we got back together because he called me and wanted to stay. I reluctantly agreed, started making plans to separate. Last thing he said was that I was leaving HIM because he finally started sticking up for himself. Delusional, I know.

    I’m grappling with wondering if he ever loved me. For him to leave my last text on read is crazy. Yes, I had said, “take care of yourself,” then “go take care of your son” But to leave it alone and never reach out? I have never in my life have someone just not say anything. Truth be told although I wanted to break up with him, I was having trouble saying goodbye. He seemed to have wanted it. Or was he just taking his queues from me.

    We were engaged. But his car was “broken” for a month.( And he had received $500 from who knows where when he’s broke. ) And so during this month I had time to detach. And I realized this would be a good way to end things. I just don’t understand why he stayed away. He could’ve gotten his car fixed. He was using his father’s car, I knew because I’d facetime him randomly. But I realized this was going to be his life – always financial troubles, always with me having to help him or deal with something.

    I’m just having a very hard time dealing with him not reaching out and fighting for this.

    #945535 Reply

    This sure sounds like projection: “Then he reached out explaining how he thought I was cheating because he noticed the “poke” feature was enabled on my fb.”

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