Looking for online dating suggestions for a friend

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  • #832874 Reply

    Hi all!
    I have a friend who is doing the online dating thing. I think online dating is great if you know what you want, have the confidence and self esteem to ignore the morons and can take the process in stride. (I found my guy online; we’ve been together over 2 years and it’s going great.)

    I have a friend who has just started dating again. She’s pretty incredible — confident with herself, knows what she’s looking for, not afraid to say no to those who don’t interest her. She’s on a site right now, but I wanted to gift her 3-6 months on a site that she might have a better chance of finding someone amazing who relationship-oriented (which is what she’s looking for). Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

    #832879 Reply

    What sites is she currently on? There are so many sites nowadays it is a hit or miss no guarantee one will work better than the other. My girlfriend was on a site I believe it was called Millionaire Match Maker or some sort of which she had to pay and decided to get off before the membership expired. She stated a lot of cat fishing on there. I have had success with Bumble which is actually free (not sure now). If you want to get your friend something to “help” her in the dating scene how about something a bit different. Since I think dating sites utilized should be the free ones (IMO). I hear about virtual speed dating and there are still matchmakers out there (might be on the pricier side). My friend told me a friend of hers did a matchmaker. I am not sure how successful it was for her but it was different than the dating sites, since it is someone else actually setting you up with potential suitors who meet your requirements. Just my 2 cents!

    #832893 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I agree with Elvira that I wouldn’t pay for a dating site. I met my guy on OkCupid almost 3 years ago now. I have friends that have been very successful on Tinder & Bumble — serious relationships and marriages, even.

    With the free sites a lot depends on location. So much of luck in dating is the dating pool itself, not the dating app, I think. I have a friend who moved from a very large city to a much smaller one (for work), and has used the same dating apps extensively in both cities. She always complains about having much fewer connections/opportunities in the smaller city.

    I like Elvira’s idea of a matchmaking service. Let her try something new and different. I’ve heard of It’s Just Lunch but I know there are others out there.

    #832909 Reply

    Thanks ladies! I should mention she’s in her 40s, with a couple of kids. We’re in an area that might have some personal matchmakers… that might be something to look into. She’s all about authentic connections so maybe talking to someone about her needs might make a difference. I’m not sure how well dating site algorithms would work for her.

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