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I need some advice. I’m sad writing this because I hate feeling this way, but it’s gotten to a point where I feel anxious/unhappy most of the time I’m around him so I just need some advice. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for about a year now, we are both in college. It’s my first serious and long relationship, but I’ve never felt like I was madly in love with him. I liked him, he treats me wonderfully, gets along with my parents, but since the beginning I never felt that magnetic pull to him like I have once for someone else in the past. When I ask my mom for advice, she keeps telling me to appreciate what I have and that he’s not perfect. But that’s not really what the issue is. I keep feeling like there’s something missing, no matter how good our relationship looks on paper. I think about the first guy I ever really liked and how intensely I felt, and I keep wishing I would feel that way about my boyfriend.
I don’t know what the problem is. He’s done absolutely nothing wrong and our sexual chemistry is good, but lately I haven’t been able to be intimate either because it no longer feels right. I keep trying to enjoy our dates but there’s this nagging feeling in my gut that tells me he’s just a good friend. I don’t know if I’m just getting relationship anxiety or maybe I’m unsatisfied with myself so I project onto others, or if he really just isn’t the one for me. I’ve been told by others that his personality is amazing and I think so too, but somehow, my heart just doesn’t feel anything most of the time. But I admit, I’m scared if I let him go I’ll regret it too.
Also, just to add I have discussed this with him after I got mad over a non-issue that wasn’t really his fault. He reacted well and told me he still wanted to stay with me and that it made me human. This is what I mean. I feel like 90% of the time, he’s so understanding and more mature than I am. So I feel guilty when I get annoyed at his personality because objectively it’s great. He’s very social, funny, extroverted…and yet, I feel annoyed a lot of the time. Just had to get this off my chest.
You should cut yourself some slack. You’re in college and this is your first relationship. This is when you’re learning who you are, what you want, what works for you, and what doesn’t and isn’t compatible. Most people who date in college don’t stay together forever because people change and grow a lot over their teens, 20s, and even beyond.
That being said, do you have an insecure attachment style? That can make you lose interest in a steady partner due to unresolved issues that have nothing to do with the partner. Which means you may need to take some time working on yourself. Unfortunately, if you’re just not in a good place for this to be the right relationship for you, then forcing it won’t change that. Timing is important in relationships as is everyone being ready and wanting the same thing. If you can’t put your finger on the problem but you don’t feel good about things, that suggests you may need more time and experiences with different people and possibly even some discussions with a professional to figure out what’s right and healthy and compatible for you. If it’s not your current boyfriend and if it’s going to take you too long to figure things out to get there and that’s unfair to him, it’s okay to want to end the relationship and do what’s best for yourself. If you do have an insecure attachment style it can make dating very difficult, but it’s also something that can be addressed and healed, especially with a therapist.
You have a nice guy that you are dating, and you get to explore your feelings in a safe space. Maybe he’s not the guy for you. He didn’t do anything wrong, you just aren’t feeling it anymore and that’s okay. People don’t have to do anything wrong to break up, sometimes it’s just not a match. You are not married, you are in a dating relationship. Everything you are feeling is okay.
It sounds like you’re wondering if you are settling. Don’t settle. You are going to go through so much change (and so is he!) throughout your college years.
If you aren’t feeling it, have respect for yourself and him and let him go to find someone who really digs him. Just because it’s not you doesn’t mean either of you are bad people. Give yourself some grace!
Thank you guys, I appreciate this. I’m not sure if I have an anxious attachment style, I’d honestly hadn’t thought about it before. Just an update, I broke up with him. I don’t know if I regret it because a major detail I left out was it had a lot to do with my mom. I always like to keep relationships and parents separate, but over this weekend when my bf came to visit me, we were having a fight and those two kept having conversations about me and she just would keep giving her input when I asked them not to do that. It’s like they drove me to the brink of insanity that I ended up breaking up with him because whenever we had a problem, he would involve my mom by asking for advice and then she would get angry at me and call me selfish. After I got into another fight with her today, I called my bf and told him that now just was not good timing and that I didn’t think being together was a good idea. He knows my issue is my mom’s over involvement and what does he do? I found out an hour later that he told my mom in the form of “saying goodbye and wishing them well.” I get he meant well, but I specifically asked him NOT to do that. So now I just feel terrible. Partly because I broke up with him even though he doesn’t deserve it, and I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. He still has to come visit me to pick up his AirPods when I return to college, so maybe we’ll talk him. I do miss him, and I’m sad and confused.