Losing interest?

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  • #945540 Reply

    Okay, been talking to this guy for 4 months now.

    Just resuming, we went out 7 years ago, we were dating a lot, suddenly he pulled back, in a week said we should stay friends and then, he was with another woman.
    Three months later, was calling me and texting me back saying I was the woman of his life, and that he made a mistake, and I met a guy I was with then, for 7 years.

    We saw each other a few times, I’m a vet and I would see his dog, but felt nothing really.

    I broke up last September and was getting the time of my life being single, when he showed up again. Of course, he lovedbombed me, then pulled back, played it cool – and i kept focusing on me and playing it cool, too.
    Thing is.. it was all nice when we started going out again. And we kept texting each other practically every day. But he just keeps canceling dates last minute, and not every time he reschedules it right after.
    Basically, in nearly 4 months, we had 2 dinners (second time, we split, but I was the one saying we should), 2 coffee dates and he came to my workplace once, but no one saw him, but me. Oh, and he canceled / we opted for canceling 4 times already.

    We were supposed to go out last weekend, but then we couldn’t for X reason. So we would have dinner. Then, on the same day, we couldn’t for Y reason, but if we could have dinner on Sunday instead – which I said no, considering I had other plans already – and suddenly, he hurt his back again, he’s in full pain, because of the new dog (which by the way, we talked on the phone about it, I helped him out), and that was that.
    Monday came, and when to to work just fine, I had a full day, was able to answer his texts by the end of the day as well, and said that Tuesday I was free from work, and we could meet, even if for just some coffee, as he had said on Sunday.
    He asked for my schedule, said he would meet me today afternoon when he came back from work, but since my last message yesterday… nothing. No good morning, good night. No planning for today. Absolutely nothing.

    I then start to overthink, should I say something? Should I not say something? i believe in clarity, but then, it will be me, again, to initiate contact, when he didn’t even care to answer me. He’s been acting shady and I’ve seen some activity in social media, so he’s alive.

    The thing is, am i being needy, and I should be the one investing now – even though I feel I’m the one initiating conversations or continuing them most of the time, or I just plain see I’m not being treated as I want, and it’s a sign to not over invest myself?

    #945542 Reply

    He has shown you who he is over & over & over, ad nauseam. Why are you subscribing to this?!

    #945549 Reply

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me over and over, shame on me.

    Raven is right. He’s shown you multiple times who he is. This is a lame way to treat someone. Stop putting up with this. Cut him off cold. Block him. Ignore him. Refuse to see his dog, he can find another vet. He isn’t serious about you and never will be but for some reason you keep hoping he will be. For him it’s permanently Halloween and he’s out trick or treating! You can do a lot better than this.

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