lunch date = serious?

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  • #509163 Reply

    So I have a 2 part here. My friend went on a lunch date on Thanksgiving. It lasted a few hours (like 12-5). She never mentioned if she heard from him again. She just went on another lunch date, on a Friday (the guys day off) and it was only a couple hours. My perception and what I always believed as that lunch dates means the guy is not serious. If he doesn’t take you out at night, he’s not in it for real. My friend who went on these dates says it’s not like that and sometimes people do lunch dates to feel each other out or that’s the only time they had. What do you think?

    P.s. the thanksgiving one bothered me most because shouldn’t they be with family or something? It’s a red flag to me

    #509166 Reply

    It is just dating.

    How serious you want to be?

    It is just a method to know someone.

    Night dates are not actually better than lunch date.

    Seriousness is about relationship. Early dating stage is more casual getting to know you stage.

    #509168 Reply

    Stop looking for drama where there is none. There are no ‘rules’ about when you meet someone?! Who’s to say if it’s night its serious if it’s day its not?? How completely ridiculous. People are free to do what they want when they want….
    And just because it seems ‘normal’ to you to have Thanksgiving with family – doesn’t mean that’s the same for everyone?!
    Broaden your mind – be more open and accepting of difference and most of all, (no offense) mind your own business!

    #509170 Reply

    I think people put to much emphasis on this lunch date thing. They say it means you are being “friendzoned” or whatever, its nonsense in my opinion.

    Its a way to meet up with someone, have some food, a coffee and get to know them. If they like you or want you it won’t matter what time of the day you met them at, just that you meet them.

    #509190 Reply

    I assume you’re talking about a lunch date for a first date with this post. I don’t necessarily think a lunch date means they’re less serious about you. If you’re doing online dating, I like a lunch date because there’s usually and end. Meaning no one expects lunch to last over and hour or two whereas if you go on a dinner date and the guy is totally a dud then you’re stuck trying to figure out a way out so you’re not spending the entire evening with him! Your friends lunch date on Thanksgiving was unusual because it lasted 5 hours, but that’s the other thing about a lunch date, if you’re having a really good time and it’s on a holiday or a day off then you can extend it into something else!

    #509216 Reply

    For me I felt like the guy I’m seeing now was more serious about me the moment he asked me to do sth during the day with me.

    I feel like night time fun van just be forever fun, seeing someone in daylight is serious business. Maybe that’s just me, though.

    I feel like a guy is serious if he mixes it up, I guess. Which probably isn’t a very accurate way of estimating things either.

    #509222 Reply

    I’m also assuming you mean first date or first few dates as she’s dating other people. Lunch is even more involved and more costly than coffee and many people prefer that to just feel each other out and decide on whether to go on a more time and money consuming date. Daytime is also safer. Men don’t want to buy dinner on a Saturday night for every first date. Of course it’s not serious the first date or two! Now if he’s not planning Saturday night dates here and there as time goes on, then he’s not serious about you.

    #509227 Reply

    I prefer coffee dates for the 1st date. Imagine if the guy is really boring and a dud and you have placed your order. Now you have to wait till your food is prepared and comes and then eat it till you can part with his company … what torture!!

    Coffee on the other hand you can extend it to include dinner/lunch/a walk/ what have you if you like the guy’s company and conversation. That does not necessarily mean that you will get a second date.

    #509233 Reply

    Too much overthinking…

    #509496 Reply

    Unless he’s asking to meet up after 11pm on a “first date” the time of the date means nothing. Lunch is a good one. daylight, gives the option to extend it if you’re getting along.

    #627424 Reply

    I met my husband on a blind date for lunch. That will be 34 years ago. It was so perfect we had dinner together and have been happily married for 32 years.

    #627439 Reply

    Point of lunch dates is that they’re limited time and you have a reason to leave after certain time (hour or two). If date is boring yey you are saved, if it’s great it will leave you (idealy) both wanting more and there is plenty of mistery left. Your friend technically didn’t have a proper lunch date.

    But why are you so bothered with your friend? Are you sure you aren’t jealous of her or that you aren’t generally fed up with her and everything she does annoys you?

    #627447 Reply

    i wouldn’t consider a lunch date “less serious”, more….. “less pressure” or “less I’m trying to get in your pants on the first date”.

    #627449 Reply

    The original post is over a year old.

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