Messed up on 2nd date! How do I get another chance?

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  • #789451 Reply

    I met this guy on tinder and from the start we hit it off. I’ve actually knew who he was when we matched because I always had on a crush on him from afar. Basically we texted everyday for about 5 days then hung out for the first time. It went great! I was fangirling so hard because we connected so well. We ended up hanging again a few days later but I messed up. We had been drinking and I wasn’t watching how much and ended up getting way too drunk. I guess you could say I acted a little crazy and got upset over nothing, making a fool of myself and saying hurtful things to him I never should’ve said. The next morning i stayed to apologize and he forgave and said all long as I realized my mistake. I thought all was good I mean he kissed me on the forehead before I left! Skip ahead to that night he leaves me on read (never did this before) and I texted him a few days later and he basically said he needs to cool off on the situation and I said that’s totally understandable and that I would really like to show him that i want to make up for what happened. He said yeah maybe in the future. I was thinking of waiting two weeks and texting him saying I’ve been working on myself after everything that happened. And that I’m still not over him or what was starting between us. Is this a good idea? I have a feeling that his roomate made him change his mind about him forgiving me for the colossal fool I made of myself which made him second guess continuing this. I really like this guy. Not sure how to explain it but it felt wrong when it ended so quickly it’s like deep down I feel like there’s more to us.

    #789461 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You got drunk on the 2nd date, acted “crazy” and foolish, got “upset over nothing” and said “hurtful” things? What exactly did you say?

    Honestly I don’t see a way to come back from this. The thing is, I suspect you have given him a preview of how you act in relationships. I’m willing to bet he’s thinking that if he gets involved with you, it will be more of the same. He’s probably thinking “jeez, if this is how she acts on the 2nd date how is she gonna act when we have relationship disagreements or conflicts?”

    You should really work on your self-control and not get so drunk on dates. And don’t lose it and act crazy when you do get drunk. Emotionally healthy, mature women do not get drunk and go nuts on the guy they’re dating for no reason, saying hurtful things and acting foolish over nothing. So you have a lot to work on.

    Definitely don’t contact him in 2 weeks. Or ever. If he wants to contact you he will. I wouldn’t get my hopes up that he’ll be in touch, though. I think you should just write this one off.

    #789473 Reply

    Please don’t contact him again! And no it’s not a good idea to contact him in 2 weeks to say “you’re still not over him” because that makes you look even crazier after only 2 dates!! When my husband and I were dating we had a conversation one night about our worst first dates. He told me about a girl who had a crush on him, she called him asking to meet her out and she was already drinking when he got there, she continued to get so drunk on their date she couldn’t drive home, he had to take her home and she was hanging all over him trying to have sex and when he turned her down she locked herself in her bathroom crying! He just left and no he never went out with her again. 

    I jokingly ask him what if I had acted like that on our first date. He said I might have gone out with you again but I could never have had a relationship with someone who acts like that! You show your crazy to a guy too early and he’s going to run in the other direction! Saying hurtful things to a guy on the 2nd date? It’s not like he’s going to forget that easily even if he does forgive you. 

    Let’s turn this around. What if the guy had done this to you? Gotten drunk, acted like a fool and said hurtful things to you? Just because he apologized would you be willing to give him a second chance? I wouldn’t. And I haven’t. There have been a few guys who got drunk on their first date with me and after being married to an alcoholic for 20+ years I had no use for that. It’s called a red flag and I don’t tend to ignore them.  

    #789479 Reply

    Add on: I know I messed up and I know I have things to work on. Trust me I realize that I ruined things. I’m just asking if you think there’s a chance. The morning after he was forgave me and even made comments that implied we would be seeing each other again. So that’s where this false hope is coming from and also him telling me maybe in the future.

    #789482 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    No, I don’t think there’s a chance, honestly. You still did not explain what hurtful thing it was you said to him, so I’m going to assume it was pretty bad.

    The morning after he may have “forgiven” you just to get you out of his house & avoid a confrontation. He may have feared another blow-up from you, if you had acted crazy the night before. He probably just wanted you gone and said whatever he thought would get you out.

    So I wouldn’t base anything now on what he said then. Even if he meant it at the time, he may have thought about it and decided he didn’t forgive you after all. I wouldn’t blame the roommate. Depending on what you said, it may have been unforgivable.

    Remember, you’re a woman he’s been out with twice, not a girlfriend. A guy is going to be much slower to forgive a woman he barely knows for being hurtful, than he would a girlfriend. It’s like Kaye said, you showed your crazy too soon and he most likely doesn’t want any part of it.

    Anyway if he wants to see you again, he knows how to reach out. I would most definitely not contact him in a couple weeks saying you want another chance. I don’t think he will respond well to that at all.

    #789483 Reply

    I have to agree with the other responses. I don’t think you will get another chance and you definitely should not in any circumstances ever contact him again. He was probably being polite and not wanting another confrontation when he implied he would see you again.

    For the life of me i cannot imagine what sort of hurtful things you could have said to a guy you only went on two dates with … i mean you don’t even really know him so I’m assuming it was pretty out of order!

    Learn from this one x

    #789484 Reply

    I have to agree with the other responses. I don’t think you will get another chance and you definitely should not in any circumstances ever contact him again. He was probably being polite and not wanting another confrontation when he implied he would see you again.

    For the life of me i cannot imagine what sort of hurtful things you could have said to a guy you only went on two dates with … i mean you don’t even really know him so I’m assuming it was pretty out of order!

    Learn from this one x

    #789485 Reply

    Add on: I didn’t say these things out of nowhere. I was telling him something I was insecure about and he got defensive and started yelling. I have realized it’s a sore spot for me when someone makes me feel embarrassed about an insecurity. So I said some choice words back to his choice words. I know this all sounds bad. I’m not even sure if I should be with him if he reacted that way to me opening up. But he probably feels the same way about me overreacting and saying things back. I just think the guilt is weighing on me and for good reason. It’s just hard for me to let this go when I know it was the start of something good.

    #789486 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Wow, he got defensive and started yelling at you? So you went off on him? On your second date?! I’ve been with my boyfriend 2 years and we’ve never shouted or gone off on each other! We’ve had disagreements, we’ve been upset & argued, but we’ve never been disrespectful and hurtful to each other. And we’ve been quite drunk together too.

    Why did you think “it was the start of something good”? It sounds like you dodged a bullet! Seriously. You and this guy do not sound good together. Let go of whatever fantasy you’ve made up in your head, because it’s not reality.

    #789487 Reply

    No no this was no start of something good. You still seem to think there is a chance and now playing it down. But no way. This guy was just polite afterwards but you cant redeem a first date total total Total disaster

    #790584 Reply

    We base our decisions on what we know of someone – this is why a bad date early on usually means there’s no second date.

    The truth is, you showed bad judgement several times over. Getting very drunk in the first few dates is unwise – even if they aren’t shady/don’t take advantage there’s the risk you’ll vomit over yourself or make some kind of fool of yourself.

    You then had a blowout with him over what? Just what made you so mad that you started getting insecure and namecalling a guy you’d only met once before? What kind of hurtful things could you even say to a guy you barely knew?

    He got offended. Or maybe he didn’t – but even if he just thought it was the drunk ravings, it doesn’t mean he liked it or had fun. People want to have fun when they go on dates – they want to flirt, and talk about shared interests and get to know someone. They certainly don’t look forward to being insulted or having someone pitch a fit. If you were in the same situation, would any of your friends suggest you give that guy a chance? Would you even feel happy or safe to do so? I think a lot of us would find the idea of seeing that person again unappealing. Not when there are plenty of epople out there who probably won’t act like that.

    He realised – this might be what you are like every time you have a bit too much to drink. Or what you may be like every time you have an argument in the future. And frankly, nobody would want to sign up for that after 2 dates. Maybe that’s not you at all, but he has no way of telling if this is normal for you. He just knows it’s clearly very offputting behaviour.

    If he liked you, nobody could persuade him to give you up. Unfortunately, you killed whatever attaction he had by acting way out of line. Don’t blame this on anyone else: it’s entirely on you. Its OK – there will be other boys. Just look after yourself! Take it easy when you go out.

    And if you do have some insecirites that make you go overboard with people get therapy. Because that won’t go away when you start dating.

    #790586 Reply

    Agree with everyone.

    No second chances here. Learn from your mistake and never repeat it.

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