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- This topic has 27 replies and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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April 17, 2021 at 8:34 pm #859485
Hi, I am going through a terrible pain of missing the woman whom is my first ever person to meet in US. She was 41, single mom, working woman and I am 35 divorced, IT professional. We met in fb as I have been reaching out to singles. She was the one genuine person who replied so nicely. I felt the spark and we immediately kept chatting for 5 days and even got into intimate teasing texts. We decided to meet on 6th day which was Saturday. She was the first to call me and she wanted to hear me. She spoke very well for more than 30 mins and was saying she is excited and wants to meet me right on that Friday night but couldn’t not. We were so friendly in all the conversations we had many many common things and topics and interests. I didn’t notice that I started feeling very seriously about her as she started giving all that attention. She finally drove 30 miles next day to come to my place. She spent 6 hours with me and we spoke so many things sitting together in my apartment and then in restaurant. There was not even one moment where she appeared busy in phone. She was always into me and had given undivided attention which started sparking the true love in me. I tried few ways to show her that I really like her and be intimate with her as well. I sat along her side. She let me touch her hands, her ears sometimes as we kept talking. Even in middle of restaurant dinner she put her leg forward on my knee to show her toes painted in red which I like. (I once told in messages that I like red nails and I like woman feet.) These all things aroused the real man in me and I took every chance to make her feel like my queen. I was mesmerized that looks like I met the one that I wanted always. She told me many many things about future travel spots we can go, other things we could do.. finally it was 10:30pm in my apartment and she started to leave. I requested if I can hug her. I hugged her tight. She hugged me too and then we kissed few many seconds and I ended up kissing other parts which she let me or never stopped me until I stop. She kissed me near lift as well when we hugged. She then left to home. Since then, she stopped her replies. I kept missing her so badly because I never ever felt such a way with any other woman. I know from inside that I don’t love her because of her beauty but because of her personality and her interest in me. I decided to go her work place as I was getting into deep depression and I must concentrate on work which can not be possible until I see her. I went and handed over flowers and her chocolates as she was off on that day. Somehow she immediately got to know that came to her work place and immediately messaged me and blocked me. Please please tell me if I deserve such huge punishment. I love her so much. I am dieing to see her just one more time. This never happened to me in last 12 years. Please tell me if she can unblock me and meet me again. I can not bear this pain. I am not a guy who gives up and moves on to find another one. This woman is the one I was searching my whole life. I am so capable financially and physically to fulfill every need of her in her life. But I am dieing without her being blocked. Please please tell me if I deserve such huge punishment. I didn’t cook didn’t eat from 1 week. I don’t want anything other than her presence. Please tell me if she should unblock me and give me second chance.
April 17, 2021 at 9:31 pm #859494Sophia
It was only one date. Move on.
April 17, 2021 at 10:21 pm #859497T
Sophia. Thanks for reply. I am trying very hard but we matched in some of the most sensitive things I never could I would ever find. She is my perfect woman with whom I feel confident that I can live life long without getting bored ever. She would be the most friendly understanding love of my life. I just can not imagine to give up and move on. I now even lost interest in other 10 woman I was messaging before her. All I want is her. Please help me how to let her know how much I feel about her. She really doesn’t know any of these things I am feeling about her. Maybe she will love me more than I do once she knows what truly I feel for her. If there is any woman who can understand my feelings, kindly help me understand if I must try something.
April 17, 2021 at 11:10 pm #859501Rox
Well, sorry to hear. I think going to her workplace was very much going into her personal space even though you had a nice gesture for the gifts. You probably scared her.
You just have to back off and see if she comes back around.
April 17, 2021 at 11:58 pm #859511T
Thank you Rox. Yeah I never expected that she will be scared because she knew all about me, visited my home, knows my workplace. I am actually a senior engineer at amazon. I never expected she will block me if I did that. Even her workplace people treated me and spoke to me well understanding I am trying something to convince or apologize to my lady. They accepted with a smile. She blocked me after an hour. I hope she has taken her flowers and chocolates next day…. I did one more crazy thing that I bought diamond earrings which she mentioned that she wanted to buy soon when we were discussing about her ears. The order is on its way to her workplace again. It includes a message that I truly apologize for upsetting her and I will not disturb her again until she remembers me…. I am little worried how she will react..
April 18, 2021 at 12:17 am #859514Raven
Going to her work place makes you a stalker…
April 18, 2021 at 5:34 am #859749cupcake
I’m calling fake post on this. No one can be this detached from reality.
April 18, 2021 at 9:29 am #859826Howell Kathy
I’m saying fake post too. Unless this person is a foreigner and clueless about American ways.
If you are for real, just because you feel this way about this woman doesn’t mean she feels the same way about you. People have choices and you may not be her person.
I have been very nice to men on a first date, with no intention of ever seeing them again. Just the way it goes with dating!
April 18, 2021 at 11:56 am #859850T
Thanks for the replies and feedback about me. This is my true story currently happening in my life. Not a fake post. I really regret if I did something wrong in my date. Just trying very hard to move on and not think about her. But I am finding no interest in any other woman. I was all fine until she entered my life and stirred up all the feelings. I see many posts where even woman are suffering too after first date silence. It’s so painful. I will never remain the same person again without her. At least she could have given just one reply to understand me and help me move on as she is more mature and older than me.
April 18, 2021 at 1:56 pm #859880Peggy
You can not possibly know that you love her and she is the love of your life after a few hours of talking/one date. You came on super strong and I bet she finds it too intense and scarey.
April 18, 2021 at 7:59 pm #859956T
I regret if I scared her or hurt her unintentionally. I am a same working professional as she is. I will never ever do that mistake again. But I don’t want new chances with some other woman. All I want is a second chance with her. I just miss her so much. I hope she misses me too like she missed me last Friday night. Never ever expected I will fall in love so deeply after many years.
April 18, 2021 at 8:10 pm #859959Lane
I understand how crushes work, and over-the-top-men too.
You should not have gone to her work, but waited to see how she felt first before doing what you did. Bringing her flowers & chocolate with you on the third date, would have been the best option, for future reference. Sure, some ladies might like “love bombing” from a complete stranger but not all do, which is why you need to get to know the lady better before you engage in it.
People after a date pretty much know if they want to see you again, or not. After taking some time to ruminate about your date, she decided it was a no-go, which is why you freaked her out. So next time you get into an instant crush, pump the brakes, and make darn sure (at least a few dates) to know whether the lady is interested in you before making any grand gestures.
April 18, 2021 at 8:31 pm #859960T
Thank you Lane. One more crazy thing from me is my order of her diamond earrings is on it’s way to her workplace with a delivery on this Wednesday. Please let me know if I should stop it or will she upset even more or how a woman would react in this situation when someone remembers what she said on first date and sends it as a gift. Kindly advice.
April 18, 2021 at 8:49 pm #859965T
In case if it helps to understand situation better, She is 42, divorced with a 9 year old son and I am 35, divorced without any commitments and happy to be a good father to her son. She is a nurse and I am an IT engineer.
April 18, 2021 at 9:12 pm #859970Lane
Yes! Absolutely stop it! Seriously, you have to know, deep down, this was way too much to soon.
April 18, 2021 at 10:30 pm #859984T
I am actually in middle of very big projects. I was just not able bear the pain until I sent this loving gift with a message to forgive me and I will never disturb her again. I am afraid of getting into deeper depression needing some medical help if I don’t do anything. I really pray and hope woman will be kind to understand the difference between a guy who just forgets and finds a new woman and a man who does everything to try one last time to win her heart back and if she still can’t, then sacrifice his love and move on to never bother her again.
April 19, 2021 at 10:00 am #860335Gaia
I’m not sure if this is actually a serious post or not but for the love of everything holy LEAVE THIS WOMAN ALONE!!!!!
I have been the victim of a stalker and that is exactly what you are doing to this woman. It doesn’t matter if her workplace people are being nice to you or not. She made it clear that she was not into you when she BLOCKED you. That is a very, very crystal clear NO from her. You are documenting your own stalking behavior on this forum. Personally, I think you should look into therapy as you are getting attached to a person way to quickly and the behaviors you are discussing after a very clear NO seem dangerous.
April 19, 2021 at 11:29 am #860351T
I didn’t try to contact her even one time after she blocked me from last 9 days. I am not stalking her. And I am never going to call or message her or do anything. Please don’t use stalking word for everything. I am just sharing my pain here as one of million ways I am trying to move on and move away. I feel all the comments and replies on my post are very harsh on me. I stop everything here.
April 19, 2021 at 12:54 pm #860366Gaia
We just are not empathizing with your falsely “in love” claim. Because quite frankly it is B.S. At the end of the first date she realized that she was not compatible with you. No emotional attachment. Just a date where you thought it went great but for whatever reason she didn’t. She didn’t enough that she blocked you. Blocking, at least in my world, is pretty extreme and usually because respect was not shown.
You are stalking her or were. You sent flowers. She blocked you. Now there is diamond earrings on the way for Wednesday. Yes, stop the delivery. She does not want anything to do with you. Move on. This woman is not for you. Whatever lust/infatuation you have with her should not be mixed up with love. You don’t know enough about this woman or your compatibility with her to be calling this pain and acting like she tore your heart out. It’s a bit extreme.
April 19, 2021 at 3:48 pm #860404Tallspicy
I am sorry you think we are being harsh, but we need you to understand. She will be within her rights to get a restraining order against you. You went to her workplace and you are sending things there. She could call the police and if she were my friend, I would suggest it.
She is not responsible for your feelings. You are. Please please please find a therapist to understand why your behavior is this extreme.
You obviously have some trauma in your life and your focus needs to be on you and learning to self soothe.
April 19, 2021 at 6:26 pm #860424Padmini
I agree with the other Posters.
I know it can really hurt to be on the receiving-end of painful rejection and dismissal. So I empathize with you there.
I have a close Female Friend who confided in me that she was outraged when this man, who was chasing her, showed-up at her workplace. So I feel that your love interest could likewise feel that way regarding your appearance at her workplace. In addition, while you wish to show your love for her by showering her with gifts, she may not welcome it, as she is possibly no longer interested in you. The gifts could now place her in an awkward position of being pressured to return a favor.
So it was a smart, dignified move on your part to cancel the delivery of the next gift.
Good luck!
April 20, 2021 at 8:30 pm #860828T
I love her so much. I pray God to help me. Help me get her back one day. I will be happy even she becomes 50 year old. I love her so much. I still can’t eat, can’t work. I fall asleep to stop the pain of missing her. I think how lucky her ex husband was. How lucky her friends are. How lucky all those people in world who get to talk to her see her once in a while everyday. She gave me such a huge punishment to not even let me see or hear her. It is unbearable pain. And you all say I am a stalker and a horrible person which make me feel more worthless. I can never be the same person again. I am not mad. I ďont need counseling. I just know purely what I want. And she is the person whom I want. I don’t need her commitment or relationship or anything that she doesn’t want. All I want is to see her and hear her one more time. I am just dieing with the pain that I can never see her or hear her if this punishment continues. I request all woman and men to never block the person who loves you. Try to help that person. Only you can be the person who can help that person move on. My tears don’t stop. There is no one who can understand that I love her and I mean it.
April 20, 2021 at 9:30 pm #860832Steph
Definitely fake post
April 20, 2021 at 10:04 pm #860836Tara
Sorry T I understand that being blocked is extremely painful but I actually agree that you were a little too much too soon – so have you canceled your gift yet? if not, you should
April 21, 2021 at 9:01 am #861168Gaia
This is getting ridiculous. You definitely need counseling if we are taking your words at face value. There is absolutely no way you should have been this attached emotionally to a woman that YOU DO NOT KNOW!
Again, claiming you are in love with her when you do not know her and professing this deep pain is extreme. Another reason for counseling.
NO! NO! NO! It is not the job of the other person to make someone else feel better, move on or give them closure. She doesn’t know you at all and is completely justified in removing you from her life by blocking you. It is not her job to stick around because you claim you are in love. It is not her job to make you feel better because her feelings are unrequited.
Please seek out therapy. It seems like you have a lot of YOU to work on before you can healthily date.
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