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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by
There is a guy I have been talking to on and off for a year. Mostly texting. We have met and hung out maybe 4 or 5 times. He’s recently getting more aggressive again. He keeps saying he wants to get together but we don’t. This past Thursday he texted me told me he had a 3 day weekend and asked if we could get together. I told him sure if he was available when I was. I told him 2 out of the 4 days I had off I was available and told him to let me know which worked for him. He said ok and I never heard from him this weekend. Am I missing something? I really don’t think it was my responsibility to get a hold of him and ask him which days. Was it??
NO!! You are right!!! NOT your responsibility!!!
This guy is just kind of being a flake …. I personally would PULL BACK…DON’T initiate texts, don’t text more than he does, don’t suggest hanging out. IF he says he wants to see you, say something playful like “Well, maybe if you actually ask me out :-)” DON’T take him seriously until he PROVES he is serious … until then just treat him like the goofy, wishy-washy boy he is acting like … FOCUS on you, DATE other people, don’t hang around waiting for him….if he asks what you did this weekend DON’T say “oh I was hoping to hang out with you,” just tell him the awesome things you did …. ideally with a CUTE BOY :-) next time he flakes out on you just make it clear you go on living your life without him and have no intention of pursuing him….IF he steps up, great … if not … BETTER GUYS ARE OUT THERE!!! put yourself in a position where they can start asking you out!!! either you’ll forget completely about this guy or he’ll suddenly show up and want to take you out for real …. until such time as he is ACTUALLY asking you out, don’t take him seriously, and don’t invest much….he’s being a lame flake … flirt with him if you like but DON’T take him seriously until he ACTS on his words….until then (and even then) just go on LIVING YOUR FULL AND AWESOME AND DATE-FILLED LIFE :-)
Thank you Anna! That’s what I thought was the right thing to do. It’s what I’ve been doing but nothing changes so I guess I just needed to here that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Thanks so much for your awesome advice!!
anytime!!! :-) even when you know what’s right it helps to have some outside perspective …. trust me we have ALL been through this … or at least I have… the whole “omg maybe he really likes me but he’s just scared??? i guess it’s my responsibility to endure his flakiness and indulge his lameness and just stick around waiting til he figures out his issues cause WOW how nice that MAYBE he likes me now I DEFINITELY can’t write him off ever let me do everything possible to indulge him…” NO NO NO!!!!
boys will be boys will be flaky little boys. DON’T worry your pretty head about them, you are WAY too cute and smart and awesome to be hanging around waiting for some dumb guy to get his act together and figure out that he likes you enough to ask you out. DON’T give him one more second of your time or thought than he deserves — just get out there, love yourself and love your life like crazy, and don’t ever doubt for one second that the guys who are worth your time will show up and want to spend TIME with you and not play weird little texting games trying to get whatever affirmation or validation he needs to feel good about himself or whatever … HIS issues are not yours, he can be the random boy that sends you flirty texts once in a while but sooooo not worth taking seriously until he acts like it. also the second you DROP these dudes and decide your time here on earth is precious and glorious and valuable, your vibe changes and you exude awesomeness and guys want to be around you more than ever :-)
I know you are right. The more you ignore men, the more they come around. Once a man feels like he’s losing something, he tries even harder. And they say women play games.
Lol. So true. In a way it’s just SO immature and silly beyond belief but once you just accept that about guys life gets SOOO much easier….