Mixed signals!

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  • #879344 Reply

    Hi all, I’m in need of some help! I started seeing a guy 6 months ago, it was a casual thing to start with. Then lockdown hit and we spoke everyday and video chatted alot but was unable to see each other. Throughout the time of just talking and not meeting, the guy started saying stuff to me like ‘I’m going away with some mates and their partners in July, maybe you could sneak yourself and invite’ also saying he might take me out when life goes back to normal, and he also asked for me to plan something for his birthday! There was also other stuff along the same lines, anyways I was getting the hint that he liked me, throughout the time of talking and not meeting I was really starting to like him, he took a massive interest in my life and he seemed so lovely and caring. After lockdown finished I went up to see him and we had such a lovely datey weekend, I went over his, we starting teaching me how to play the guitar, we went for a walk, got a take away in the evening, I stayed the night and in the morning we made pancakes together. In the morning he didn’t really seem the same as the night before and he also decided to bring up that he’d been back on the dating sites, I was shocked as I thought he liked me, but also thought hmmmm is he telling me this to see how I react? I didn’t make a big deal out of it. After I left his I sent him a message just to say I was a bit shocked about him being back on the apps and that I had started to like him. He replied and said that he wasn’t ready for a relationship and was happy it being casual for the moment (I get the jist that he got very badly hurt in his last relationship). Anyway I said to him that I couldn’t do the casual thing with feelings involved. We didn’t talk for a couple of weeks and he cropped back up again, we were flirting and he kept trying to get me to go back up there again but I said no, not when it’s not going to go anywhere and I said to him that I needed time without talking to him. Again a week and a half passed and he’s messaging me again – almost like he can’t leave me alone, at this point I was feeling a bit better about the situation and I felt like I had my feelings under control and was happy to start the casual thing back up again, so we planned to meet and he said about doing it on a certain day, and I was honest with him and told him I had a date that day, he seemed fine but the day after he got slightly funny and said that he didn’t feel comfortable with me having a date and he ‘felt bad on the guy’ but he said he really wanted to see me, this was 2 weeks ago and ever since then he’s been very on and off and I just don’t understand it! He’s never been on and off before when he does message it’s short or he doesn’t reply, so I’ll leave it a couple of days and then next thing I hear from him again – literally so confused as I feel like he’s saying he doesn’t like me but the way he’s acting he is? Erghhhhh helpppp 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️

    #879371 Reply

    This guy only wants easy sex, on his terms…
    Is that what you want?

    Do you wonder how many other girls he’s talking to & doing with them what he’s doing with you?

    Why doesn’t he plan to take you out?

    #879388 Reply

    Lucy,this is going no-where! He likes you, but he either really does not want a relationship with you or anyone, or he does want a relationship, but not with you. Honestly, he knows how you feel and what your terms for dating him are (though you back tracked a bit on them )and he does not want to meet them. He is keeping you on a string in case/ until he finds someone “better”.
    Just NO to him and all that. Sorry, but I would totally forget him, stop answering his messages and keep dating guys that want to be with you. Good luck.

    #879411 Reply

    Your first instincts were good. You do not want the same thing. His words and actions actually do align… he’s both saying he wants something casual and acting hot and cold: like he wants something casual. The reason you’re interpreting it as “weird” is because there’s a power struggle going on now. Instead of respecting your boundaries and needs, he’s trying to find ways convince you to keep giving him attention and preferably casual hook ups. You’re also not respecting your own boundaries and needs because you’re still entertaining him, even though I don’t see what you’ll get out of it. Are you trying to convince both of you he’ll eventually want to date you? He won’t, and it has nothing to do with you, you just don’t want the same things but you’re not properly listening to him and are reading into something that’s meaningless in order to grasp onto hope he’ll change. Just drop him and don’t let him distract you from finding a guy who will commit. It doesn’t matter if he’s been hurt before — the fact he didn’t fully deal with his issues isn’t your problem.

    If you ever do encounter guys who are legitimately giving you mixed signals, that words and actions mismatch, it’s always a red flag if you’re looking for a real relationship, and you should always listen to whichever is more negative (if he says I like you but treats you like a hookup, listen to actions. If he acts like he’s into you but says he doesn’t want a relationship, listen to words. Only pay serious attention to guys who are fully consistent).

    #879496 Reply

    He clearly TOLD YOU what he sees of you.
    Why are you confused?>

    #879514 Reply

    You handled it well the first time when you told him you couldn’t do this. Do it again, with feeling, this time. Just cut him off, he wants the benefits of a boyfriend without being one. What has he done to earn a second chance, nothing.

    He is breadcrumbing you, stringing you along and benching you in case things don’t work out with his other girls

    Please block this jerkface and get a proper guy who is into you and adores you the way you want.

    #879569 Reply
    T from NY

    There is no such thing as mixed signals 99.8percent of the time. But there are sooooooo many tepid men however! He is not interested in investing in you, doesn’t feel lucky that you like him, therefore he is not your person!

    Sometimes the MOST CORRECT thing to do – is the MOST DIFFICULT. Say goodbye and mean it if you’re looking for a man with real boyfriend potential. And train your brain (and heart) to love YOURSELF first and foremost and be frankly turned off by tepid men.

    #879889 Reply
    Lucy Whitemore

    Hey everyone!

    Thank you so much for your comments, it helps a lot. I think I’ve known exactly what you were saying, I just needed to me told it!

    I think im just someone who always wants to help someone out and I have been giving him the benefit of the doubt due to his past. Hoping he would change but like you all say, that just isn’t going to happen!

    If I hear from him again, I will not reply, having over night to think about it and reading your comments has given me the strength to do it!

    Thank you all again

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