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- This topic has 75 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
So, I shared awhile back my connection to a guy I met on POF. I have decided to stay in touch with him since our last date in July. He has said he takes things slow, he is working a schedule that wears him out and he has been traveling. So, I’m testing a new way of staying in touch with just being his friend. I send him txts. He is always nice, responds quickly or within the day but still keeping his distance. He knows I am leaving town next week so it may be one of the reasons he won’t see me and not pursuing contact. My last txt to him was received with such a different response to the others. The last one I sent was directed towards caring about him on a big day for him and he responded with “Made my day, Thank You”. I was shocked but it was revealing to me what he wants. So, I will work off of that and see if changes occur. Most of the txts is about him being tired, work taking up so much of his time and then his week of travel. I believe him and why I am treating him like a friend! But….
Has anyone had any luck with using the concepts from this site with success?
I never see any comments about success stories. There should be a folder for those stories.
I’m sure other women will chip in here… IMO I would not take the approach you are taking. Men rarely take friendship into romance.
Plus… The man has to pursue you. He should be the one sending you texts, Checking in, providing messages that make your day. You are essentially in pursuit mode. Albeit it’s slow pursuit, but nonetheless its chasing him.
Men have to chase you and feel as if they won. You making it so easy just strokes his ego and are not a challenge.
More times than not ‘taking it slow’ ‘ and being busy with work’ are code for a man telling you he isn’t interested in a relationship with you. So you can wait around and keep this ‘friendship’ up but you may also end up really hurt when your friend tells you he started seeing another woman. Because, after all,your just a friend.
I hope you are dating other men right now and not putting all your hopes into this one.
Another poster,Lane, stated on another thread.. There are no questions or doubt when a man is truly interested and wants a relationship with you. if women stuck with men who made such intentions crystal clear, you wouldn’t have women posting on this forum.
Honestly, I don’t want to sound mean but sounds like you are the one pursuing this guy. If he’s too busy working he shouldn’t be dating.
I have had success with advice given in books but I can confirm all my theories on the site. The main and I think most effective of all is, be happy without him, live your life and have fun, stop pursuing him and if he really wants he will look for you. Otherwise he will continue to be elusive. You’re acting like a man, he’s acting like a shy girl, don’t invert the roles.
Yeah idk where you got advice that you should be sending him texts and pursuing him as a friend. That’s not going to get him interested. It seems he’s not in a place right now to entertain a relationship so while I’m sure he appreciates you being friendly, your patience and persistence will not be rewarded in the end. He’s just not sufficiently interested, and a friendship works both ways. It shouldn’t be you constantly texting him and checking in.
I think you need to back off a bit and see if he tries to maintain contact and sustain this “friendship”. My guess is once you stop putting in effort he won’t pick up the slack. You also should be dating others because I don’t see this materializing into anything with this man in particular.
I knew you would disagree! But I am in test mode!
So, after talking with a friend I rely on she said contact him. So I did. I sent him txt: I want to take you to lunch. I leave on 9/10 and I want to see your face. Can we catch up?
He responded immediately and asked if it could be Tuesday or Wednesday.
I guess he has today off and yes he didn’t contact.
So, we are scheduled to meet on Wednesday for lunch.
I will keep you posted if he doesn’t show up!
I don’t understand why a guy would be on a dating site if he is too busy from traveling and too tired from working all of the time to go out for coffee once in a while with a woman that he’s interested in. It sounds like either he is not ready or available to date seriously or he wants to keep you as an option. If you don’t mind dating a man that needs a woman to pursue him, then by all means pursue away but in my experience whenever I pursued the man it never works out. I hope it does work out for you.
I’ll be interested to hear how your date goes on Wednesday. Have fun!
Leigh I remember your original post on this guy. You were given overwhelming advice to cease and desist when it came to this guy but you were (and apparently still are) hell bent on doing it “your way”.
You asked about success stories, I have one. I met my guy online, we’ve been dating almost 2 months. He does 95% of the initiating, he sets up dates, is clear about his intentions and always follows through. I got to him by stopping myself from trying to force each guy before him to be the right one.
You will live a life of what you consider “mixed signals” if you don’t stop trying to force things to work that shouldn’t.
Have you considered that you may be bypassing a great match by focusing your energy in the wrong place?Leigh
Hi Jules, I sense an attitude in your comment but that’s OK! That is great that you met someone! Good Luck! X
I’m not looking. Haven’t looked the last 6 years. They just show up and they teach me great things after having fun with them. I joined POF on a whim. Did n’t expect to find someone so captivating. So, when I meet someone that I will be good for I will give it try. How am I to know if I am doing something wrong if I don’t practice. Being treated like a queen is not forte. Having fun going to lunch, play golf, go jet skiing every once in awhile makes sense. Becoming 100% invested in each other when you first doesn’t. Maybe in 6 months Wed get to that point but not at the beginning. It’s a trial period.
This guy I met might be shy, indecisive, overwhelmed and just not sure. So you push the envelope a little to see where they are. If he blows me off or he cancels I will call him out on it and ask. You can’t assume!
How long did it take to for you to find him?
It will be very interesting to hear what happened.
The thing is this: your sociological ‘test” or experiment has already been proven out over centuries of dating and relationships.
Men pick the woman and pursue. Women select from the men that PURSUE the one that best fits them. Proven in man and the animal kingdom.
So test away, hun.. :-). Let us know. But I agree you could be missing out on the man who really wants you by experimenting with this one .
By the way, the way you think and work relationships is totally masculine.. Think on that.. Men want a woman .
Here is my success story. Met a man at the gym.. He had been clearly interested over a year, but I was in a relationship. Wheni became single again, he pursued heavily. Took me on dates, planned everything. We got engaged in 4 months and married within the year. We celebrated our first anniversary yesterday.
I didn’t have to chase, wonder, pursue, anything. You see when a man is interested? Shy or not, he knows how to get you.
Thanks! Yes, I will find out. And yes my guy will show up! Those are the best guys for me. Surprises at a party or reconnecteding somehow. Just surprises!
I just can’t justify interviewing so many guys to see if works. I find my candidates were so desperate. It’s depressing! New Guy #1: Nope. New Guy #2, Nope.. And so on! (Sigh). There is more to life than trying to figure it out. I feel so bad for everyone being let down.
Xyz, Congratulations! So you knew right away that you 2 would be good together?
How old are you?
What were you looking for before you met him?
I’m 47. I’ve been mostly in LTRs. I was married for 15 years and then subsequent relationships for 2 to 4 years until I met my husband.
i am fortunate that most men I have been with are decent. But I did experience very bad things in one relationship..can you say sociopath? Every form abuse.. Ugh. But I learned from it…we all just keep learning. :-)
YOU told HIM you want to take him to lunch? I’m still confused as to why you think pursuing him is the route to go.
I’ve seen your “experiment” play out many times before and it always ends with the guy either friend zoning the woman or completely rejecting her in some form or another because she didn’t give him the space to be a man and pursue HER, instead she pursued him, even when the signs were clear that he wasn’t that into her or wasn’t interested in being in a relationship with anyone.When you take that away from a man and change roles, the role he is supposed to play by being the pursuer, it becomes unattractive to him and is a turn off over time. Men are attracted to women with feminine energy, part of that being you knowing you are the prize and he needs to pursue you and earn your time time and attention. You are honestly coming across a bit desperate by chasing this man. As I said before, while he may enjoy your friendliness, he isn’t suddenly going to wake up and start wanting to date you because you’ve already been so pressed to “win” him over and it’s not cute.
I am interested to see your follow up a few months from now when this experiment doesn’t work out like you hoped. Good luck
Sadly this experiment will fail. When you play games there’s always a loser and its the one who’s playing games.
Honestly, why are you treating him like a lab rat? What your doing is manipulative, deceitful and not very nice IMO. I feel sorry for the guy and hope he catches on quick.
Lol! Yes, xyz, I can be considered masculine because I was never brought up to be a queen. NEVER was I told that a man should be begging for my attention, losing all sense of responsibility for their job to bring me into their life. That is all I see with the men I meet. The others are working, shy or hurt, in a relationship, or players! I was shown to get out there, earn your money, treat yourself well and they will come around. I dated carelessly when I was in my 20 – 30’s then worked on my confidence for 10 years. I was very insecure about connecting to anyone emotionally until 6 years ago. My life and heart blew open up after meeting a HS friend who I reconnected with via Facebook. The best experience for me even though he was commitment shy. We played, enjoyed each other physically and mentally and knew we needed to grow. He was beaten up from childhood and a terrible first marriage. He was getting better at feeling his worth as well as I was. Good guy! He was part of the reason I changed my entire life. Amazing!! But I had to end it. I am still working on myself as we all should. No one is perfect.
Gemini, why can’t I ask a male friend out to lunch? That baffles me. He knows I like him and he still said yes.. So, what is the issue? I don’t want him falling over for me. He took me out 2 times, why can’t I take him out once and maybe for the last time. There isn’t anything wrong with that. I feel empowered as a woman interacting with a man I like. If he is a no show I am very proud I gave it try!
We won’t know until we try!!
Good luck
Oh Lane, lab rat? Really! I enjoy his company, he is very nice, I am treating him to lunch and I am exercising “my” technique. I’m not scrutinizing him as a man, asking him out then showing up with another man or blowing him off. I’m testing my abilities. I respect him, what he does and we have a lot in common. If he thought I was being deceitful he wouldn’t be responding. I guarantee it. He’s a cop.
All I’m saying here is why can’t we be a little forward with men. I love having the flexibility to interact with men fully knowing that I can be there for them. I reach out to men I know on Facebook to see if I can come by to say hello for the first time. Hadn’t met them face to face before. Although nothing will go further as far as dating is concerned they enjoy the attention and I now have a friend who hopes I will stop by again. And I will. There is nothing wrong with that. So, I am taking this opportunity , with the guy I invited to lunch, to see if I can use my friendship approach. I want to see if it can work.
I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks Gemini! If your name indicates your astrology sun sign, the guy I am talking about is a Capricorn. They are tuff cookies from an astrology standpoint.
“Friendship” approach? Seriously?
I’ll tell you what really gets a man going. Talking filthy to a man, and making him feel like a king in bed. Not “friendship”.
I’m quite forward too, but not in a testing or trying out “techniques” to nab a guy kinda way.
I’m forward in a sexual way, in a I know what I want way. But believe me, once they get a taste of what I give them, they keep coming back. I’m enough women for a man. Remember that word. Woman.
Use the gifts God gave you. Your femininity, your sensualness. Don’t take no shit. That’s what men want.
Amy S
I dont know why you are looking for advice on here tbh you are doing things all “your own way” and justifying yourself when you are being advised its not going to work. It clearly isnt it but hey ho God loves a trier. Men dont it seems. Good luck with it all anyway cos ur gonna need it. x
Just the fact you question whether he will show says a lot. Leigh, I believe this statement alludes that you believe you are deserving of emotionally unavailable men and thus why you are pursuing one.
So you received a text that apparently shocked you -“made my day thank you”. And your telling us your pursuing him based on that one text.
No offence but that text means nothing. I could say that too anyone. In no way does it for sure set a romantic tone.
You are way more into this guy then he is into you. Makes me cringe -