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- This topic has 75 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
Experiment. Oh sweetie. If this were just an “experiment” with a “male friend” you wouldn’t be posting here. You want him. It’s obvious. You’re chasing him. Why can’t you be a little forward with men? Because it’s a total turn off to them. No matter what they say about liking a woman to initiate. They don’t deep down like it. You’re clearly going to do it your way so good luck with that. As others have said he’s not a lab rat and this one has been tried many many times and being forward with a man ends you up in the friend zone, if he doesn’t just walk away completely. Read this site. I just got here and I”m blown away at how there are so many women making the same basic mistakes repeatedly.
When I catch myself getting the urge to pursue a man I think of one of my favorite movies- Gone with the Wind. Scarlett in GWTW didn’t pursue anyone except for Ashley, yet so many men pursued her but she wanted what she wanted. Ashley was nice enough to her, but he was very clear that he was going to marry Melanie. She ended up miserable in the end.
I think what others are saying about masculinity vs femininity is true. The man wants to be the man. Scarlett didn’t let Ashley be the man, and he friend zoned her from the start. :-)
It’s hard, but it feels so much better when they are with you because they chose you, not because they took you up on your offer. My marriage failed bc I pursued my ex husband and in the end he felt very emasculated (after 16 years of being together). I regret that.
Regardless of all the good advise here, I think the OP is going to do what she wants. Unfortunately it will be her lesson to learn even though she’s been advised not to go that route. Sometimes we have to make poor choices and learn a hard lesson so as not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.
I see a lot of guys saying they want to be pursued by women, that it would be refreshing, etc, and I think they like it simply because it means that they can relax and not have to do anything to keep the woman around (no effort) and then they can just dump her when they meet someone better or get bored.
As an update: he cancelled saying he was sick! He said he wanted a rain check which means nothing. What I learned is men can’t handle the intensity of being treated well. It is really sad and maybe why he is still single and never been married at 53. You just don’t know what they have been through. Plus his job ways on him so having a relationship is very difficult.
He is a good guy and I am so glad I met him. Will keep you posted if he contacts me or as others show up in my path. It’s all a learning process.
And yes in response to the immature attacks towards me: Yes, I am testing out the system. There is no way I am going to learn unless I try, fail and then succeed. So, yes, I am taking your harsh attacks towards me and I am working with at my own pace. I’m am being open with my process. No need to be bitter about the truth of an actual dating story. That’s immature. This is a site to talk about dating. Not attack people. Sheesh!!
I guess I am curious why do you have to attack people?
Why are there so many relationships out there that dont work? A small percentage of them succeed? The numerous threads here is horrendous. Is it really that complicated? And No I am not spending $100s on the dating programs offered here. What a scam.
Come on ladies, what is the easy solution.
(1) we have to be queens demanding them to lower themselves to our expectations?
(2) we have to be emotionally distant?
(3) we can’t treat men like they are as worthy as we are?I have seen so many dating promotions and they all say different things.
How come men are not posting here? That is where you need to get the real answers.
I don’t think anyone attacked you throughout this thread.
What I did see is you wanted to do things your way and got defensive because the opinions were not of your own.In the end if you feel empowered by taking on the role of a man in the relationship then so be it.
The women on here actually care and were trying to help you out.
We have all seen what happens when women go after men and it doesn’t end well.
If, this is a lesson you want to learn and continue to learn then by all means go for it.However, you won’t get that kind of advice here.I have seen women be crushed, lost their self esteem, and lose their minds because they went after a man. Their forwardness was rebuffed every time. That being said I would not feel right or anyone else here giving you advice that we know won’t be beneficial to you.
I wish you well and I hope one day you’ll find a great guy. Take care.
No one here attacked you. You were given constructive criticism and advice and because it wasn’t in line with what you insisted on doing, you took it as an attack.
And, as I predicted, it didn’t work in your favor! So you didn’t learn that a man doesn’t know how to accept being treated well; the lesson to take away here is that a man doesn’t like being chased! I don’t know what it’s going to take for you to understand that but I guarantee if you keep trying this “experiment” with different men you will get the same result. It is a turn off. If you read around a lot of dating advice preaches the same basic message which is to let the man lead and pursue and the woman should respond positively and warmly to show their appreciation and interest. You don’t have to chase him and do all these things just to show him you like him; just being warm and receptive to his efforts will make him feel appreciated and show him that you care. And the occasional nice gesture by you is fine, but you leading constantly is just not going to ever work in your favor.
I hope you do learn eventually the best way to navigate the dating world. Hopefully you don’t keep repeating the same mistakes.
What Gemini said, and I just wanted to add this: PLEASE don’t keep making excuses for him. Saying he only cancelled because he was busy with work, or he was sick, or he wanted a raincheck, or his job was always on him….those are all excuses that men use on a regular basis to give someone the brush-off.
And why would you want to test out a “system” that is known to always end in disaster? The system has already been tested, and the girls on this site already have the answers for you. I think that you should really listen to what is being said and trust that the OP’s know what they are talking about.
WaitWhat, after 16 years of marriage, I would call that a successful pursuit. Why are you all giving the poster a hard time for going after who she wants in whatever way possible. I see nothing wrong with pursing a man. You go girl!
@Leigh. You said
“(1) we have to be queens demanding them to lower themselves to our expectations?
(2) we have to be emotionally distant?
(3) we can’t treat men like they are as worthy as we are?”No-one has ever said any of that on this site that I’ve seen, in fact I’d say if you behave like that you’re likely to lose more men than you find. I’ve been following this site and Evan Mark Katz for a long time now and the advice given on both has been invaluable. The correct interpretation of the above points should be:
1) don’t allow a guy to treat as with anything less than respect, if he’s giving you the run around or sending out “mixed signals” then move on as he’s just not that interested.
2) Don’t get over-involved with a guy until he’s shown he’s at the same stage as you – you both need to be at the same stage of the relationship at the same time.
3) You should be treating him as worthy – as long as his actions are actually proving he is worthy. If he’s calling, taking you out, keeping his promises, and investing time in moving the relationship along then he’s worthy.Shelly
Nobody is giving the OP a hard time. She gave us all of the details of her “system”, and then at the end she asked “Has anyone had any luck with using the concepts from this site with success?”
The other posters were merely answering her question and giving their opinions regarding her system.
Leigh – I really do respect your honesty for the fact that you came back to this post to let everyone know what happened with your guy friend. I’m sorry that he was a jerk and he couldn’t see your value. If you want to REALLY test the system, I would suggest that you try doing the things that the other posters have suggested and see if that works. I would really be curious to know, after you tried the other way, whether you are able to turn things around with a different approach. Just a thought…
How is the guy being a jerk just because he doesn’t want to go out with her? Xyz is correct, there is too much man bashing on this site.
If a guy decides he doesn’t want to pursue things further with a woman, that does not make him a jerk. The OP has not once given an example of him being rude or disrespectful of her. He doesn’t feel like going out to lunch, so what. He’s not a jerk. The same way some women get a feeling that a certain guy isn’t right for her and she doesn’t feel like seeing him anymore. Does that make her a jerk?
Women need to get used to rejection because it happens all the time in dating. Yes, some men aren’t so nice about rejecting you but a lot of guys just distance themselves and hope you get the point because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. I really wish women weren’t so quick to say men are terrible, jerks, selfish, idiots for not seeing how great you are, etc.
Maybe to someone else you’re wonderful but to him something was missing or not right for him. And that’s fine. Not everyone is a match. Stop being such man haters.
Thank you Gemini….
I notice the tone on here is very much aimed at how bad men are…but I have seen many real examples of why men SHOULD run from some women.
We only can hear one side of the story, but realistically? Just because a man isn’t into you doesn’t mean he is a bad person. Women need to get over themselves.
Every woman should feel great about herself and worthy of love. But it doesn’t mean a man is bad if he doesn’t feel the same way about you, that you feel about him. Learn to pick the ones that do want you. Men are not women and they do not date to get into relationships. They date for companionship, if you really do wow him, he will move mountains to be with you. If not, he will woo you and try to win your attention and sex. Men love the company of a woman. But he doesn’t look at every date as a prospective gf. Unfortunately, women tend to look at every man they date as a prospective bf. See the dichotomy?
Wow! Thank you to those who picked up on me thinking that men, when they aren’t into you, are good guys! Yes, I set myself up for this. But I knew it. I am a person who needs to be beaten down to face reality. At least I didn’t sleep with this guy. Ladies, me not sleeping with him is a HUGE step to recovery and taking the right steps to find the right guy for me. I will post demeaning experiences I have been in here. I have no problem sharing that with you all.
As an update: I lost a friend on Friday after him taking his own life. When the guy I have been talking about cancelled I shared with him that I was not feeling well either. That I lost someone from suicide. He could have ignored that. Nope, he responded with saying “I’m sorry about your friend”. This guy I am talking about is a good guy and cares. Not to pursue me as a potential relationship but as someone who can be a friend. And, mind you, he could contact me some time in the future. If so, I will take your suggestions into consideration and let him chase. Let’s see!
Sorry for your loss Leigh. And yes, I don’t think this guy sounds bad at all. Sounds like a pleasant guy and he’d make a good friend, just maybe not something quite there romantically, at least not at this time.
Thanks Gemini!
Leigh, my condolences about your friend. Hugs.
I just want to say that I really admire you for your honesty and courage. Even if I don’t agree with your reasoning and experiment and self denial, you did what you wanted, which is to get your own answers. And if you’re strong and mature enough to handle the consequences, especially when they don’t go your way, then you did the right thing for yourself by satisfying your curiosity. You harmed no one, not even yourself or any bunnies. You’re stubborn too, but if you channel your determination in the right direction, you will succeed! Thanks for your post!
Hi Mermaid, Yes! Double thumbs up on me being stubborn! It is a pain in my a** that I am like that but I am very strong with the consequences I stir up when I respond like that.
Thanks for understanding!
Hi.. I received a txt from the guy I have been chatting about here. I initiated a txt to him after him cancelling. Give me some slack. He was very nice and his last txt to me was “talk to ya later”. I left town and have been away. Yes, I thought about txting him because there were so many things he would like but I came back here and I didn’t. Well, he sent me txt today asking me how things were going. It is my birthday. I’m pretty sure he knows! He didn’t say anything about my birthday. It is still too soon for me to place standards on him. Anyway.. He contacted me after 12 days. I responded as I would normally do. Just a Hi and I updated him on what he was asking me. He hasnt contacted me again today.
So “let men chase you” forum. How did I do and what should I do next?
I feel like everyone has been pretty clear that this guy is a dead end as far as a relationship goes.
You said you were going to be his friend. Well then you do nothing. Friendships don’t require this much analyzation. Just enjoy your life. If you hear from him, nice, if not, thats okay too.
Lol! Did I say I was pursuing him? No, he is now pursuing me!
I agree with Jules.
Also, if he knew it was your birthday why couldn’t he wish you a happy birthday?
Anyhow I wouldn’t be contacting him, the conversation didn’t have much to it.Leigh
I have no intentions of contacting him. I responded as a friend! But as I let him go, didn’t contact him for 12 days.. He pursued me to see how I would respond.
I’m assuming he knows its my birthday! We never talked about it. But if he is familiar with dating as he has shown I’m sure he looked up my info since he’s a cop.
He’s not pursuing you. A text message nearly two weeks later does not mean he’s interested.
My guess? He was bored so he shot out a text. That’s it.
I personally think you’re wasting your time and energy on this guy when you could be looking for a man who is genuinely interested. You sound very thoughtful–give that attention to someone who deserves it and who showers you with the same.