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- This topic has 75 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
Let’s see! I’m not investing any time in it. I’m watching and observing. Yes, you are right Jules.. But he thought about me. Baby steps!
But let’s get this clear.. I am not looking for a downright relationship like everyone here. I am seeing how things will go with men who I find that I will good for and if they work on my time clock then maybe they can fit into my time schedule then it will lead into a relationship that “we” agree on. I don’t interview several men at one time. One at a time ladies!! Anything more I find it desperation for us and I don’t have time. This doesn’t mean I am not going out with men at all.. I just know from the beginning that with the others it’s not going anywhere and they know it also.
Happy Birthday Leigh!! You’re confusing me with this whole I’m not looking for a relationship but if they “fit into my time schedule then it will lead into a relationship” talk. Sounds like you are talking out both sides of your mouth. Are you trying to convince us or yourself here?
Thanks Kaye for the birthday wishes!
I just don’t think relationships start right away. Some feel that interviewing with expectations that month 3 should be this and 6 months should be that! I don’t see it that way!! Especially after 40. I was involved with someone for 5 years. We enjoyed each other. He got scared, showed me disrespect and I said stop calling me. He pursued me after. He was healing too. I understood that. It was bumpy but it was the best experience ever for me and knowing I need to change my “dating” protocol. I still love him after all of the BS he tried to force on me.
Why we all think that a man is going to act a particular way forever us SO wrong. So, “if” the man I want to be with shows up.. He better be ready to deal with me. The beginning is the trial period that could last a year. No 3 month, 6 month etc… It is undetermined.
I guess for me I am not in need of a man to fill a gap. Add to my life yes!
He is not “pursuing” you; please don’t convince yourself that he is.
If you want to remain friends with him that is fine, but it’s important to change your mindset. When he reaches out periodically you need to remind yourself that he is being FRIENDLY, not that he is romantically interested in you or pursuing you. And you can respond in an equally friendly manner but just remember you and him are friends and you should be dating men who are actually romantically interested in you. This man is not.
I don’t care how old you are ..a and I’m in decade 4 of my life. Men don’t change…if he wants a relationship with you , there will be no doubts… He will make it happen.. If you want to try to go against nature, go for it.. But relationships and mating are centuries old and don’t change.
Agree with you both Gemini / xyz! Friendship first and men are not predictable. No matter what!
sorry to come across harsh but this guy’s a lost cause. honestly. continuing to pursue him is like pursuing a potential heartbreak.
he’s just not that into you!
Hi Lola! Thanks and I know! I’m not pursuing him. He contacted me after I let him go 2 weeks ago. He used an excuse about my mother to get in touch with me. On one of our dates he mentioned he might have to go take care of his mother. I already had plans to take of my Mom and we talked about it. That was 2.5 months ago that we talked about it. I think it’s wonderful that he remembered and contacted me about it. His txt was “how is it going with your mom up there (I am out of town up North). I hope it’s not too overwhelming.” He’s a nice guy… It made me smile especially when he sent it on my birthday. That is it.
I was using this example as a sign of what everyone says here. Don’t chase. So I stopped chasing him on 9/10 and he contacted me on 9/21. I am not pursuing him, contacting him or inviting him anywhere. I’m not in town near him. Let’s see what he does!
I’m not worried, stressed, sad or fearful. It’s just an example.
You never know what might happen. He might be staying cool because I told him I was leaving town for awhile.
And PS, his last comment to me on 9/10 was “talk to ya later”. I let him go and guess what. He followed through as he said. He did talk to me later.
Let’s accept guys good qualities the best way we can. They aren’t perfect and might need to take baby steps.
I responded to his txt about my Mom and kept it brief. He did not continue the convo. I let it go.
Again my disclaimer is: this is a test and only a test. If it turns into something.. Great .. If not, I learned something wonderful.
Are you dating other people by any chance?Leigh
Nope! No interest right now because my life is all over the place with travel, taking care of family, new job, going to school etc, etc. I have no time to interview! I do go out with a lot of my male friends who treat me very well. We both know it is not a date and we can have fun. It is a great confidence builder. I don’t walk away feeling disappointed!
My guy will show up when he’s ready… Or I’m ready. Right now, for me, its time to change my pattern when a guy I like appears. I’m testing out what is being advised here.
This guy is just helping my process!! If I never hear from him again, fine. But if my changes convinces him to pursue me then he will pursue me in the future. Let’s see! I like him!
Dating should not be seen as an interview because it’s not.
I see it as a journey of getting to know someone in different environments and experiences, to see if you have a connection and compatibility that could turn into a relationship.I suppose you will see what happens with this man.
Best wishes to you my dear.
I get that you are probably done with this guy and you rightly should be from what I can tell.
But if you want my “success” story it is that I took the advice to NOT initiate contact or chase him down. When I kept initiating contact and was effectively chasing him, he kept telling me he didn’t want a relationship, etc. When I pulled back on him he came back telling me he didn’t want to lose me and now we are “excusive.” We see each other at least once a week, when we don’t have our kids we spend whole weekends together, we are traveling together…I consider it a success because it is exactly how I wanted it to be.
Awesome AC, that is what I want to see here! I don’t see your success story types here. It’s all the same thing “don’t chase” and you don’t hear how they did.
Happy for you!!
The last 5 years have been a time, for me, to change my patterns. It has been getting better each time I meet a guy I’m attracted to. I am tired of being alone, BUT, I am not afraid to be alone.
Good Luck to you!
AC, will you post more about your story. Do you continue to not chase?
Maybe you have your story somewhere else that I can read about?
a text of “how ya doing’ after 12 days is not a sign of being persued. Oh dear when will we ever learn?
Jules is right – he probly realised its been a ‘minute’ and thougth of dropping you a quick line. that’s it, nothing more. I have a guy I dated last year, we reconnected few weeks ago and he took like 2.5 weeks to responed to a text I sent. In my text I merely said “hi, remember me”. I left it alone. To my surprise 2.5wks later he replies to the text and asks if I’m available for a meet up that night or later in the week.
I don’t call this him persuing me, because of the time in between for his response. Unfortunatley we didn’t meet up until 2 weeks later when I was in his area for another meeting. At that time and only that time did I text him I’m in your area if your off work we can meet at Starbucks. He was getting off work and that’s just what we did. Hmmmm was I the persuer in this case??
I think not since I’m not interested in him in that way, he can be a good friend but nothing more so it didn’t bother me that he went so long to answer my text. When we dated now last year it use to bug the shit outta me but I learned that’s just his way and its one of the reasons I ended things or re created things so now we’re just ‘friends’. I knew then I wanted more and I knew it wouldn’t be from him.
But I don’t mind being the one to ask if he’s avail, since there is no interest and I know his style by now, its not a big deal.Leigh
Thanks Teri! He didn’t send me a txt saying “how ya doing”?. He sent me a txt asking me about my sick mother and how is it going for me. That’s not a casual txt. That is a well planned out thought on how to contact me about something important to him (his sick Mom) and now mine. On my birthday, no less. He’s not that careless. Not interested in me the way I want, yes, but he cared!
How this will play out, not sure but I will keep you posted. He wanted to connect with me for some reason. His ego, maybe being a good guy. I Thanked him, before I left, for being such a good guy. His response was ” talk to ya later”. And he did. But I am not contacting him anymore. Let the chase for me begin. If not, then he was a great guy to meet!!
As an update! Yes, I fell of the horse and sent him a TY text for thinking of me. It was the day before I was heading home. THEN.. My flipping phone was hit and dialed him early in the morning when I was getting on the plane. Ahhhh… So I was an idiot and sent him an apology. Needless to say I thought about it and said “what the flip are you doing girl”. He sends you a txt on your birthday without acknowledging it. I said to myself ” no way”. So, I removed his number from my contact list. What the heck? Why would he waste time on me when there is no interest on his part, we never slept together.. Blah, blah, blah!
Oh well, thought you’d like to know!!
You said earlier you are turned off by the guys being too needy…that’s how you come off to this guy you have your eyes on when you force your timeline on him. Dating is take it or leave it…we do have feminine grace to call upon…we have more options than men…fact.
And you are showing you want an emotionally unavailable person…you deserve better than all that!! ???? Turn your approach around and give the guy pursuing you a chance…love shouldn’t be games…it’s a foreshadow to your future relationship…start it with genuine respect, compassion, enthusiasm and beautiful things will come of it. Good luck.
Good job on deleting his number. I’m pleased to see that you’ve finally understood.
Laura, you are absolutely right!! That thought “why don’t I like available men” is a common thread for me. Actually unavailable men is how I was brought up. Dad and brothers weren’t all that into me as a daughter/sister. So, I feel comfortable with men like that. Trying to break that shell. Hard to do but I am not ignoring the a-ha moment.
Thanks Gemini. I feel lucky that I now dont have any connection to him. I don’t know where he lives, goes out and I don’t care that he works the streets. Glad I woke up.
Well we all deserve high quality love. I’m rooting for ya…I overcame codependency and I know you can face your issues head on and come out a stronger woman!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I know the right guy will show up. Just need to change my value level. Good wishes back to ya!! Xo
Yes, you deserve the best.
Keep us posted on your journey! -