more ghosting – COVID related? Guy w/ G-friend says he's thinking about u

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  • #838901 Reply

    Anyone else experiencing that more guys – is it COVID related- seem to easily connect and chat – and then completely stop. One guy sent me great I-tune songs each morning, and now dead silence, wont respond. Set up a date with a guy last week, who apologized that he had to cancel and now NO response.

    Also, old subject, but guy that i had a budding relationship with, started to date a girl and then texted me to say he was thinking of me. I think its bizarre, he thinks its nice as he says we are just friends

    Opinions on both? Thanks!

    #838906 Reply
    T from NY

    I don’t think all this is covid related, but the pandemic certainly exacerbates already awful behavior dating apps have created, and just keeps on breeding. People have just lost their center! A lot don’t interact with people in an authentic way because they don’t interact with themselves in a centered way. Men use women SO often for comfort, guidance, validation – then when their head is turned by something better or have a stressor – they don’t even think about the woman and just peace out.

    The trick is to ignore time wasters!! Not just by physically not responding – but try to minimize how it affects you emotionally. Say a couple of curse words. Have a little laugh. Be kind to yourself if you get your feelings hurt but move on, think about something else and don’t put up with the nonsense. Poor pathetic souls who reach out to others in meaningless ways. Not today Felicia

    #838992 Reply

    These are boys… This is not the behavior of someone you want to spend any air-time on.

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