More Than Just Friends Review (by Rebecca Mercy)

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  • #349809 Reply
    Eric Charles

    Hey everyone,

    I just sent out an email with a link to Rebecca’s More Than Just Friends program (about how to get out of the friend zone with a guy)…

    I want to hear your feedback about the product… write your honest review here. I was actually a consultant on the project and I want to hear what you guys think of the product?

    If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out here:

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Eric Charles.
    #349835 Reply

    I tried to pay attention but I have too short an attention span I guess

    #349850 Reply

    I think she’d sell more if she called it “How to make men want you”, since the market for that is much bigger. Bigger market means more competition though…

    Also, this type of advertising is brainwashing and annoying. IMO there are much better ways to push a product.

    Would I buy it? – No, cause I don’t believe in making someone love you. (That’s just my opinion though, I’m sure lots of other girls would consider buying and trying it)…

    #349883 Reply
    Eric Charles

    Good feedback so far…

    Yeah, as far as the marketing side of things goes, I would love things to evolve in such a way where experts are able to sell their best stuff without the whole “song and dance”… but the problem is, without marketing, they don’t make any money… which isn’t really fair (assuming their product is great, which it is in this case)… but as a result, every product has some long drawn out video to pump it up.

    I mean, even my product for A New Mode (He’s Not That Complicated – has a video… granted, I tried to make it interesting and put in real tips, but when I didn’t have the video, it didn’t sell!! I honestly believe it’s one of the best relationship books out there and yet without the marketing, it wasn’t selling…

    So I can see it from both sides… what I’d really like to do is find ways to make the marketing better, so it doesn’t feel like marketing, it feels like valuable information and entertainment… that would be the best for everyone.

    One of the ways I want to get to that point is to start the review center for A New Mode, where everyone can hop on and review the product they just bought, like people do on Amazon and other vendor sites. Like a 1-5 star rating, comments, etc.

    @maria – I think for this product Rebecca wanted to focus on a specific niche and make it less general because, while there is less people with this specific problem, there’s still many in this situation and nobody is specifically addressing the problem. There are already multitudes of products on creating desire and love, but nothing on how to get out of the friend zone… so I personally think her targeting makes sense.

    @Stacey – What would have held your attention? That would be really valuable for me to know if you don’t mind sharing your thoughts…

    #349885 Reply

    I am not a huge fan of the title so I guess the concept of it either. Mostly because I don’t like the idea of the friendzone. It gives out this idea that if you’re nice and friendly to someone you have some kind of right to a relationship or sex. So that’s my beef with it, but i’m sure tons of ladies would actually like this. :D

    #349900 Reply
    Eric Charles

    @EL – Lol, yeah I mean… I guess it’s hard to sell something to someone who doesn’t want that thing…

    Like, there’s no amount of fancy titles and marketing that will get me to buy tampons, for example. So if you’re not someone who has a friend who you want to be romantic with, I don’t think any title is going to help solve that marketing problem… ;)

    #349916 Reply

    Question about the more than friends article:

    I tried dating my best guy and he was more interested in pursuing other girls.. he was going through a divorce.. but now things are completely ruined between us. Is there anyway to turn that around??

    #349918 Reply

    If I’d market a book (or any product), I’d make a short video (5-10 mins), put a PERSON in it and have him/her talk in a normal tempo and without repeating things 10 times.

    At the end I would have it say “press > to watch this video again”. If people are interested they will watch it again (or buy the product after just one watch). I don’t believe in “the longer the video the more you sell”…

    Oh, and if that’s you talking in your video you have really nice voice. Not one bit annoying :-D

    #349925 Reply

    I have friends who I could see being more with, but at the same time I don’t think it’s a good idea to kind of trick someone into liking you. If they’re your friend chances are they see you a lot and they either like you or they don’t.

    But you’re right this isn’t a product I would be interested in so no matter how it was presented I wouldn’t buy it, but I know several of my friends who would consider buying it. I already sent them the link :D

    #349944 Reply
    Eric Charles

    @maria – Good feedback, thanks. And thanks, yes that really is my voice, I appreciate that. :)

    @EL – Right right :)

    #349964 Reply

    I’ve not watched it. 2 years ago I’d have jumped at the chance as I was very much in love with my best guy friend. He adores me as a friend and is very caring towards me, but he just never saw me in any other way. So back then I probably would have bought it, as I desperately wanted him to want me.

    But, from the many video links I have viewed I either get bored before it finishes or fed up up of the repetition.

    I always think ‘get to the point will you, please’

    Sometimes I have got sucked into buying e books but to be honest I get just as worthy advice from everyday women here.

    And most of these e products are way out of my price range. As a single mum of 4, as much as I may want the right video/book to catch a man, I just have bigger priorities to pay for.

    #349971 Reply
    Eric Charles

    @buttercup – Good feedback… yeah, I think there’s going to be an evolution in this marketplace coming soon, that’s why it’s so important to me to understand your thoughts and experience of what’s out there.

    #349977 Reply

    I have bought a couple e books, one about letting him call first, and The Reverse Ultimatum. That one I found particularly interesting, and was keen to keep reading it.

    Since that I bought another. Cant remember what about but I read a couple chapters and I couldn’t open it after that to continue with it. So it was £17 wasted.

    I know it is so easy to want to buy these books when you’re desperate to get that certain man and willing to do anything. I’ve done it loads and even considered paying for s p e l l s and astro readings etc. Once I sit back and get back to reality I know that you cant make any man fall in love with you, or commit to you. He either wants to or he doesnt but no amount of guidelines can make it happen.

    #349996 Reply
    Eric Charles

    @buttercup – Lol… oh god… paying for spells… yikes. ;) :P

    #350000 Reply

    Wanting that man bad enough drives you to anything Eric!!! Ha ha

    Good job I’m very loved up now!!

    #350044 Reply

    I bought it yesterday and to be honest I was skeptical (I have been scammed before buying a product online making big promises and then the product itself was terrible!)

    It’s actually really good!! It’s high quality, you can tell Rebecca actually cares about customer satisfaction and she’s a very clear author. I’ve bought courses from a few other people (I won’t name them here) and this course is much better – it’s clear, everything is written in a simple straightforward way and there’s no vagueness (I always hate when the authors give advice and then when it gets to the real issues the author gets really vague and dodges explaining anything).

    Everything in here makes sense and it’s all stuff I’m going to use. I’m really excited to use it actually, but I’ve been so absorbed in the book that I haven’t had any time to use the material yet with the guy I’ve been in love with for the past year (he says he loves our friendship and just isn’t ready for a relationship with anyone, that’s why I bought this).

    Thanks for putting up this page! I love that there’s a place where real people can write really reviews (there’s like 50 fake reviews for any product you search for usually)

    #350057 Reply

    I bought it yesterday and I’m already using some of the stuff. He’s never flirted like this before so it’s definitely working, this is the real deal!! Thank you for sharing this with us.

    #350094 Reply

    Just bought it an hour ago and I’ve been going through it ever since. I love it! All this makes so much sense why my guy friend (who’s 35, I’m 36) put me in the friend zone in the first place. I can’t wait to use all of this…..some of this stuff looks like it will really make him crazy, but in a good way. Wish this existed 15 years ago this would have changed my life. Ladies, buy this book!!!

    #350110 Reply

    I’ve been in the friend zone for over 2 years with a man that I have secretly loved for the past year. I don’t know if he knows or not but it was breaking my heart. I am so glad this product exists…. it speaks to exactly what i’ve been going thorugh and exactly what to do about it….it’s really straightforward and no dumb crap that would never work or would be weird to use in real life (you know, like the stuff you read in cosmo). i m absolutely in love with this book and it’s already made me feel so much better, even though i’m just starting to use the material with my guy. thanks for posting about it, i just randomly stumbled on it yesterday and i love it.

    #350522 Reply

    Dear ERIC,
    I need ur help please i love my best friend and he broke up with me ,he just says ( idont feel that i love u ) and now we are friends he didnt want more than that ,
    i love him and i told him that a lot of times but his answer is i cant feel the same !!!
    we talk every day i cant lose him i love him please help me to make him know that i important to him too and i need ur simple way that i can start from now because iam in egypt and i didnt find rebbica book do help me pllllllllz please because he will travel after 15 days

    #350795 Reply

    Those who read n bought this book. Sincerely give comments or reviews. There are lots of women need assistant and advised. Thanks. Please rate it. Recommend. Not recommended or miderate. Tks

    #354703 Reply

    Hi Eric,

    I have been receiving your newsletters for over a year now. And I have shutdown myself completely on any other dating advice or website. I always find an answer to my situation at anewmode. In fact, my google searches start with ANM like, ‘anewmode he pulls away after sex’ / ‘anewmode what to do when he ghosts on you’ and so on.

    Because of your reputation here, initially I did watch several loooooong videos, that I received in newsletters but only found that they all try to sell a product and they could’ve done in just 2 minutes or max 5 minutes! Hence, now I no longer watch these, no matter how appropriate the title is to my current situation. But since you have personal interest with this one then I can only give following feedbacks, 1. Change the title to something more alluring 2. Definitely make it short one. 3. Don’t let words run on the screen, put real people up there, use subtitles if necessary.



    #354710 Reply

    Hmm… Is “Rebecca Mercy” a pseudonym?

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