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- This topic has 105 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
Oops Flower I didn’t realize ur quesiton was directed at Giggly. Sorry!
Stefanie- I am thinking of just not responding. Is this rude or immature?
Amy, I’m going through this right now… I feel you. It’s like everything was so great when we spent time together, but I felt so insecure when we were apart. In my case (if you read my other post), he just separated from his ex-wife 7 months ago. He is a great guy, I have no problem with him, but I find that he is not emotionally available lately. In the beginning I thought I was no problem if he didn’t want a relationship because I knew he needed time to heal from previous relationship, but one thing I can’t stand for is that I know he contacts his ex sometimes. I mean, how do you move on if you keep contacting your ex? And the timing is so wrong, Xmas is coming. I think this is another reason makes him distance me recently. He has his plan for holiday and is not willing to share with me which makes me realize that I’m not that important to him. This past couple days I have been thinking if I want to continue this, and my answer is NO. He has too much going on in his life and I don’t deserve to be treated this way. We have been no contact for 3 days, but I’m still thinking whether I should let him know my feeling or not before ending this. And we work in the same building (different company), I don’t know how to do if I meet him in the building… and afraid the feelings will come back when I see him…
Reading all of your experiences, I think I make the right decision to move on. It’s hard but we will go through this difficult time :D
Amy, Alley,
My advice is not to just ignore. Although it is tempting.
Just write a short note that says, I appreciate your wanting to stay in touch but it is too hard for me to do that right now. I need some time for myself and it would be best if we didn’t have any contact at all for a while. Thanks for understanding.
This is the classy thing to do. Then you can ignore anything they send past that, unless some time goes by and you feel OK about responding.
Alley, sorry you are going through something similiar. I definitely think it is not worth it if you are not 100% happy.
Stefanie- I ended up responding and kept it short and sweet. I just said “I’m glad you like him too :)”. He did not respond back to this and I am not surprised.
If I do hear from him again, I am definitely going to take ur advice and tell him it is too soon for me to talk.
Good. I”m glad.
Also, your responses on here were really appreciated….I appreciated you checking up on this thread despite not posting on the forum as much
You’re welcome. I’m looking at the ones where I knew I was doing the OP some good and am posting before I go. I don’t know what has happened here, or how I got in the middle, but if it’s this hard for people to know that I’ve got no mean intent whatsoever, I”m not doing anyone any good by being here and I have to use my time more productively.
Don’t go Stefanie!!!
I understand…. It seems that some of the OP’s are in a vulnerable state, and sometimes the advice is not what they want to hear. It’s also difficult to hear people’s tone when posting on here and sometimes advice comes off as blunt. I’ve read many of your posts on here to others though and thought your advice was always given with good intentions, while it may not have been what someone wanted to hear.
Thanks for the support girls. I have NEVER posted with an intent to belittle or hurt. I get frustrated sometimes because an OP is just settling and she doesn’t have to or is being SUCH a damn doormat that I want to shake her – because this is so unnecessary.
Maybe I just need to spend one day responding a week.
Stefanie…those of us who have read your advice over time know you are probably one of the kindest people out there. You also have a lot of insight to offer and so I would ask that you stay.
My personal take on this forum is I don’t respond to ridiculous posts. Some posts here are so over the top that I feel even if I chimed in it would do no good. I chime in on posts where the person does not sound ridiculous as I think could actually benefit from advice.
I agree with Carrie. I too have started being selective in what I respond to though I read all the posts. If a person is already told what I want her to know then I don’t bother. Bec IMO if she chooses not to listen to that person why should I waste my time giving her the same opinion.
Thank you so much. I decide to take your advice to let him know how I feel and to end this. I don’t feel the connection between me and him lately. Something is going on but I don’t know what it is. I’m tired of figuring out what’s on his mind. You’re right to not just ignore the problem. At least I will get relieved after things are sorted out. So I will reach out to him shortly, I don’t want to wait after Christmas. Ahh I really want to end this, just need courage to bring things up.And I very appreciate your effort on the forum! You’re very kind to give everyone advice. So please don’t go!
Alley, thank you. Ended mine definitively last night and I am really, really glad I”m going into Christmas free and clear of someone who is incapable of having a loving relationship with me. We deserve more. When we get clear on that, it must come. As long as we don’t settle!
Sherri, I think that is they key to it. I will just get selective and add where I think I can help. That girl in Sweden who is talking with the stoner in Canada who has so many issues and has now posted three times with the same thing, because she wants to keep living in fantasyland and not make a decision one way or another… I can’t help her any longer. I think the lesson is not get so involved and want so much for people who don’t want much for themselves.
All of you encouraging me not to go – OK, you’re right. I see I have done good here and helped people seeking answers get clarity and handle a situation better than they could on their own. That certainly was the case for me.
I rarely post and just read. I would like to chime in and say plus 1 on you staying put Stefanie! I have been learning a lot from you and you have become a role model on how to handle these men with our dignity intact.
Fantastic Stefanie! So glad you are staying. You’ve helped many people here…but you can’t help all. No one can. You do make a difference and even one positive difference is reason enough!
Thank you Bea, thank you Carrie. Much appreciated.
I spent 49 years feeling lousy about myself and in bad relationships. The spectacular turnaround I’ve had in 8 weeks has been amazing, and what I like now is that out of my experience I can help other people not waste so much time and find the way to be happy and get what they truly deserve. It really isn’t that difficult. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz… just found out I could have gone home any time. And now I”m home and I will never feel bad about myself again because of something someone else did or said. This is coooooool.
Update : Thank you for the feedback.
Stefanie, my note was succinct however, he was not that clear in reality. He changed his talk often as well. This is why I was confused.
Flower, I asked him forthright as he was indirect, passive-aggressive even at times. I wanted clarity and had had enough. It hurt to not know what was happening as I had deep feelings for him.My decision was difficult yet, just like I wanted a clear answer, I wanted clear actions or he was not providing them. On the contrary, he seemed oblivious to any pain or confusion he was causing yet would pull back at me whenever I’d start walking away. It was not healthy for me.
I subsequently cut all contact with him, after sending him an email thanking him for the positive aspects of our couple (because a relationship is two people, so if you stay in a poor situation you are also responsible, not just a victim) and I moved forward. I decided I did not want him in my life, this was not to “get him back”.
I have not replied to any of his attempts for contact as I did not like how he treated me the last few months. I am not interested in someone who needs a tug-o-war, and why would I want to return to someone who avoids clear conversation and does not treat me with respect?
It really is that simple.There were many good memories and leaving has hurt yet a relationship is not built on potential, it is built on what is in the here-n-now.
Giggly, good move. If you keep accepting his behavior when it isn’t acceptable to you, it’s on you and it sounds like you’ve made a decision to hold up your standards and keep going. Have a great New Year’s Eve!
Hi Amy. I actually went through this same situation when I met my bf a year and a 1/2 ago. He had kicked out his ex gf of 11 yrs in February. We met beginning of June. He would come into the 2nd job I have at a bar when I worked. Talked etc. Asked do my # on week 3. Went out twice then we had sex. The next day the “exgf” called me from his phone at 230 am. Then txt me. Calling me a name. All from his phone. She ended up calling my cell and my home phone a total of maybe 58 times in less than 12 hours. I lived with my mom and she woke her up at 6 am calling the house. I talked to my now bf let him know she had been calling (cont’d) after I told him in the afternoon. Needless to say he still loved her. Wanted to work it out with her blah blah. She called me text me 1day. I never answered her. She is now blocked and has been for over a year. Stalked me outside my house. He actually warned me. We wld meet and have sex then he would say he was trying to get back with her. After this went on for 2 months he finally woke up. She got the rest of her stuff out and started seeing me in mid September and we have been together ever since. I do have my own insecurities bout our relationship he is 10 yrs older then me and has cheated numerous times on his ex wife and the ex gf twice. (I’ve actually seen the texts from that girl and him in the last year). He said he won’t cheat on me and he doesn’t know Ive seen his phone. I’ve posted on here before. But to answer your question…. They can step up!!! Just like my mom told me. Quit talkn to other guys. He will come around. He chased me. Finally became more than just “sex”. I love this man and he shos me he loves and cares about me but hasn’t said he loved me yet. Verbally. Just be patient! If it’s meant to be it will happen. Go about your life and let him chase you. Don’t be needy with him let him contact you. That’s what I did in the beginning. Now if I don’t hear from him I freak out and it may only be a 2 hour period. So I “try” the no contact just to make him chase me again. Good luck!!
He’s back (they always come back). he texted saying he is in europe until sunday but would love to get dinner or something on sunday when he gets back.
idk if i am looking for advice or just need to vent….
Hey Amy, I read this thread when it started. Thought you had already moved on since it’s been over 3 months??
3 mths is not half long enough to move on.
If you still have feelings and think you will jump into bed with him…..do not meet.
I’d say….he’s at a loose end and curious to see if you are still Into him…an ego boost.
If YOU wish to meet him…to know for certain you ARE over him…I advise NOT drinking . and meet in public and book a taxi to go home…or arrange for a friend to come rescue you.
words are cheap. If he’s not explaining and apologising and a ski g for a relationship. …run run run. faster than Forest.
good luck !