My boyfriend said “i love you” but he said it after i gave him money

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice My boyfriend said “i love you” but he said it after i gave him money

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    My boyfriend is going through financially. So I gave him some money to pay his light bill and he said “ OMG ! i love you so much” i didn’t say it back i just smiled and said “you’re welcome “ but he texted me this morning and said it again “Goodmorning. i love you”

    #812515 Reply

    I love people too who give me money. Because its generous and it feels they have my back when im having a difficult time.

    But dont buy his love. See this as a one time thing. If he has financial troubles, he needs to sort it out for himself.

    #812516 Reply

    I mean i do have his back but he only said. I love you because i helped him. So should i take it at face value ?

    #812521 Reply

    Take it at face value for now.. but be careful giving him too much money and judge the situation on how it progresses and see if he keeps saying I love you after you’ve spent more time together.

    #812524 Reply

    Who knows? We know nothing about this relationship besides the fact you gave him money and he loved you for that.

    #812527 Reply

    Okay. We haven’t been together that long but i was just surprised he said it. Feels like he only said it because i gave him a helping hand

    #812534 Reply

    You should not be paying his bills. Specially if you are newly dating. What the actually f are you doing? Did he actually ask you to?

    He is a man. He pays his own bills. You want to pay for some dates, ok, but he will come to resent you for it so stop it.

    #812537 Reply

    Yes he asked to borrow some money

    #812550 Reply

    It is not a good situation. You should be the last person he asks to borrow money.

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