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mitted 9 hours ago by HreatlyEvent
My boyfriend broke his phone two weeks ago. So he’s been using my laptop as a form of communication until he can get his phone situation figured out.My boyfriends ex that he literally broke up with a little over a month ago inboxed him on Facebook. I snooped (he left the page up) she asked to come see him. And she said she loved him. And he responded back “love you too i would hang out with you but I’m with somebody else and then he told her that’s she messed up etc” Should i ask him about it or let it go? I don’t mind admitting i looked at it Background info when I met him he did tell me he had just recently broke up with someone. He seemed over her. I don’t have much context over their relationship. He told me he just left her because she betrayed his trust or something he said she didn’t cheat but more so she kept letting others in their relationship. He told me he owes her money too.
My boyfriend broke his phone two weeks ago. So he’s been using my laptop as a form of communication until he can get his phone situation figured out.
My boyfriends ex that he literally broke up with a little over a month ago inboxed him on Facebook. I snooped (he left the page up) she asked to come see him. And she said she loved him. And he responded back “love you too i would hang out with you but I’m with somebody else and then he told her that’s she messed up etc” Should i ask him about it or let it go? I don’t mind admitting i looked at it Background info when I met him he did tell me he had just recently broke up with someone. He seemed over her. I don’t have much context over their relationship. He told me he just left her because she betrayed his trust or something he said she didn’t cheat but more so she kept letting others in their relationship. He told me he owes her money too.
TL:DR; don’t want to jump the gun but should i run or am i overreacting ?CaptainO
Run…you aren’t overreacting, you are a rebound and will get dumped.
How am I a rebound when he dumped her ? He told me she betrayed his trust and disclosed their personal problems and he dumped her without talking to her about it so I assumed he was more than over her
Just because he dumped her doesn’t mean he is over her. He clearly is not! Even if he had no feelings for her ( which he clearly still does) i very much doubt that someone can be over a relationship and fully ready for a new one in 1 month!!! You are a rebound, trust me!
Where does it show he isn’t over her? He told her that he was seeing someone else ?
Liz Lemon
How long was he dating the ex girlfriend?
The thing is, no matter what he says to her, it takes time to process and heal from a breakup. Even if he initiated the breakup. All people, men and women, need time to clear their heads after a relationship ends. Surely you can understand this?
The fact that he immediately jumped into a relationship with you after ending a relationship with her strongly suggests that you are a rebound. That’s what CaptainO is trying to tell you. It has nothing to do with what he says or doesn’t say to her, or to you.
Are you for real? Girl…he told her he loved her and said he would hang out with her. He only said he is with someone else to make her jealous and make her feel bad for “messing up”. How long have you even been together if he only broke up with her a month ago? a week, two weeks? You honestly think a person can get over a relationship and be ready for a new one in that short amount if time??? but please, your prerogative to believe me or not….i’m just a stranger on the internet, i don’t know him as well as you do.
He said they were together for over 2 years. He basically tried to say she betrayed his privacy and trust and he ended it without really discussing it
We have been together for three weeks. I assumed he told her that so she’s “bug off” . He seemed like he was over her and upset that she violated his privacy that’s why he dumped her
In answer to the question MIlon, no you are not over-reacting, yes you should run.
It sounds like he broke up with her as a knee-jerk reaction to something she did and after 2 years it’s going to take him more than 2 weeks to recover and be ready to start something with you.
You are a rebound…Milon
Can you explain what you mean? A knee jerk reaction
Raven okay but he’s the dumper here
Liz Lemon
They dated for 2 years and he broke up with her a month ago?
Wake up, YOU ARE A REBOUND. If you can’t understand this you probably shouldn’t be dating at all.
Liz Lemon
And the fact that he was the one who ended the relationship is meaningless. She betrayed him in some way (he says) and he needs time to process and heal from that.
Also he says he ended a 2 year relationship with her “without really discussing it”? Why would you even want to date a guy like that?
You come here seeking advice & then argue with the advice you’re given… Shakes head-
He hopped from her to you immediately…
How much money he owe her?
$200 and she initiated that’s why i asked
I feel like he basically told her to bug off
First of all it’s not bad enough you’re the rebound, but you’re dating a guy who had to borrow money from an ex and can’t get his phone situation figured out in over 2 weeks!! Who wants a guy with financial issues?
Regardless he broke up with the ex to prove a point. She broke his trust but didn’t cheat so the odds of him taking her back if she apologized are pretty great. She talked about their relationship to someone else. That’s forgiveable. He told her about you to make her jealous. To show he’s not waiting around for her.
She’s already told him she’s still in love with him. They have 2 years of bonds, you have 3 weeks. You’re an idiot if you think you mean something to him in that short of time. He’s not over her yet!!!!
I understand but i didn’t know the dumper could rebound especially when he acted like he was angry with her.. so why did he shoot her down when she asked to see him? You guys answers are contradicting him. She asked to see him and he shot her down and told her he was with me.
He told her he loves her. I’m guessing he’s not telling you that at 3 weeks!! Not sure what’s so hard for you to understand here. My guess is they got into a fight. He made a hasty decision and dumped her. In a couple months it’s going to hit him, he’s going yo realize he misses her and made a mistake and you’re going to get dumped.
Liz Lemon
Of course dumpers can rebound. Anyone who just ended a relationship can rebound. He might have been angry with her at the time, but chances are he’ll get over it and start to miss her. People don’t stay angry forever. And you said they didn’t even really discuss ending the relationship, he just ended it– so they still have a lot of unresolved things between them. All the more reason to think he’ll get over being angry and want to get back to her.
He told her he loved her and that he would hang out with her, except he was with you now. All the ex needs to do is apply a bit of pressure, or keep asking, and he’ll go see her. You’re totally missing the point. He LOVES her and WANTS to hang with her, as he told her in the message. They have 2 years of history. He just met you a few weeks ago.
You seem very innocent. I think you will be blindsided if you don’t look at this situation more critically.
What is making her jealous going to accomplish if he denied the request to see her
Did you come here just to argue?