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- This topic has 88 replies and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
Milon it probably feels hard but it seems to be for the best right now. Give it time. If it’s meant to be, he’ll pop up later.
If you are truly a real poster Milon then all the best to you. I think you made the right choice. Thumbs up
I sadly don’t think you’re going to do it and will need to learn the *hard way* of what a rebound looks and feels like.
Just know men process break ups very differently than woman do. They stuff their emotions down but eventually they bubble to surface and are forced to recon with them. There’s a saying “to get over one, get under another” and it initially works well for men so they don’t have to deal with the emotional fall out of a break up but deep down they suffer in silence, engage an internal war by trying to decide if they made the right choice or not even though they APPEAR to look fine on the outside, the inside is a whole different story.
Eventually he’s going to decide which way to go and it will either be forgiving when his emotions have time to calm down, so a reconciliation is still highly possible. Or he’ll decide he doesn’t and at that point he’ll choose his freedom which is when he will drop you and go play the field, date around and act like a single person until his heart and mind is fully mended, feel’s indifferent towards his ex, not in love but not angry with her either.
Only then will he be ready to love another again. His heart still belongs to her, will need time to heal as it is broken, so at least be prepared for one or the other to happen.Sarah
It does sound very reboundish to me.
My friend was married, 13 years, and he ended it, she cheated, and he moved on very quickly. He often texts his ex wife (daily actually) and told me he still loves his ex wife, even though he is with someone new.
Any one (dumper or dumpee) requires time to heal and get over the break up. The mere fact he has told her he loves her too, says it all.
He has told his ex he loves her back & you are trying to make excuses for this? I think deep down you know the answer.
I was in relationship for 9 years, engaged in last 2 years of relationship, my fiance telling me over and over how much he loves me and actions matched his words. However, something happened (nothing brutal), I just wanted to take more time before getting married, and he ended it one day. We are still friends 5 years after the break-up. But he found a new lady online just a week after we broke up and he is with her since then…..not married but they are seeing each other several times per week, sometimes live together for several days, going on trips, holidays, etc. Everyone would think this one was a rebound too but obviously it wasn’t if they are still together, and they were serious about their relationship maybe 1 month after they met….introducing to each other parents, etc. They are also in LDR 50 miles away from each other, and it works! I actually did the same thing and started dating online the very next day after we broke up and ended with a new guy a we are still in great relationship after all these years.
Another friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend after 4 years, then found another one within a few days and 6 months later they married.
So not everything is as it seems.tammy
no but the fact that he owes the ex some money which he hasn’t returned, told the ex he still loves her and also the fact that the guy doesn’t have the means to repair or buy a new phone. all these are red flags and the lady in question needs to tread carefully.
He’s going through money issues
So you don’t think he will decide to stay with me
Honey, he has known you 3 weeks. Three weeks. Three weeks. And what would he decide? Are you asking if you end it, will he fight for you? Never ever do a fake breakup. Either stay or go, but do not do something that is attempt for him to prove his feelings.
His finances are messed up right now
I never said anything about a fake breakup
IMO, I believe you are on the shakiest and unstable ground based on how he still feels about the ex (still in love with her), and his current money problems—a double whammy. Until he get’s those settled I don’t think he’s in the right frame-of-mind to make any long-term relationship decisions at this point, and is rebounding in an unhealthy way to avoid it, instead of facing his issues.
Your story has been told so many times on here, and based on your odds, the deck is stacked against you in this lasting longer than a few months, which is about the time men can no longer ignore it, it bubbles to the surface, and they are forced to deal with it. Your a band-aid on a sucking chest wound, to put it bluntly.
I know i don’t know how bad he’s off financially but i don’t want to get involved with his money
Yeah no OP. He did admit he was with someone else but he also told her he still has feelings for her
as I said before. your really into the guy and your not really interested in looking at the ground realities. in such a scenario please do go ahead and give things a shot. if it works well good for you. and if doesn’t, you anyways knew the deck of cards was stacked against you but you still wanted to place a bet. its like rolling a dice. you never know. all the best.
when i was at varsity, i met a guy and we wen’t on a date. he’d dated a woman before me for 5 years. they were serious. they were considering marriage etc. he asked me on a date less than a week after they’d broken up.
everyone warned me i’m a rebound etc. i didn’t care. i enjoyed the time i spent with him and figured that’s what i’ll keep doing as long as it lasts.
3 weeks later he told me she’d contacted him. she wanted to see him. she wanted to think about getting back together
i asked him what he said, and he just said no, he’s not going to see her
we were together for 3 years. had an amazing relationship. eventually broke up because he wanted to get married and have children, staying in a small town. i was not ready and wanted to move to the city to start my career
another friend of mine started dating a man who was only seperated for 2 months after a 20 year marriage at the time. they dated 6 months. moved in together. got married 2 years later. have now been happily married for about 4 years
stories like these may be the exception, not the rule. but it does happen
Thank you for giving me hope
People that move on quickly and successfully after a break up, have usually emotionally and mentally checked out of the relationship loooooong before they left it. So i would be careful putting my hopes up as it doesnt seem to apply to your situation at all.
What evidence do you have that it doesn’t apply to my situation
Him saying that is loved her isn’t enough evidence for you? Sheesh.
You clearly like the guy, so give it a shot. you can’t win if you don’t roll the dice.
just keep in mind that he is fresh out of a relationship. he may go back to her. he may be on the rebound. he may also love her with all his heart whilst he knows for whatever reason it wont work out with her.
take it step by step. day by day. and see where it goes. enjoy the time you spend together and dont get too focussed on the outcome, as that will only make you needy and insecure. just enjoy yourself as long as it lasts.
he may fall in love with you. he may leave you. but that’s a risk you take in any new relationship. some people go back to their exes after years of being with a new woman. some people just fall out of love and leave.
99% of relationships ends in a breakup at one point or another, for one reason or another.
so don’t bail now. give it a shot and enjoy your time together.
just remember you and your happiness isn’t dependant on the outcome of this or any relationship
He told her he loves her and also that she “messed up”. That doesnt sound like he was emotionally already out if the relationship, that sounds like he left because she hurt/disappointed him in some way.
Of course its a risk but a smart person mitigates those risks by carefully observing and making a sound decision based on what they are working with to determine their rate of success.
There’s a concept called ‘risk mitigation’ where a smart person plans, implements and continues to monitor to reduce a risk or risks. Vegas is a stupid example as I’ve seen too many begging on the street because they don’t have enough to get home because they were so focused on “winning” they kept playing, and playing, only to end up broke and homeless. Then there’s the ‘smart’ gamblers who know how much they have to play with (money to gamble with); how much they need to get home; and how much they need to cover the bills (mortgage, car, electric, etc.), and stop gambling when they reach their risk threshold.
Like Kenny Rogers said “know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run!” A smart person wouldn’t get involved with a man who’s still in love with another woman (his ex); to whom he also owes money too; and so broke he can’t even afford to fix his cell phone.
Go ahead, take the gamble and risk your heart, and potentially your $$$ in the process since some seem to believe he’s such a “good bet”.
He puts up this persona like he never even had a girlfriend but yeah he talks about how he feels betrayed
The “leave him” crowd is out in full force. hs is one of the few who gave a realistic and reasonable answer. As hs said, it may work or it may not but you won’t know unless you try.
People on this site like to give the ex all the power unless you are the ex. If this post had been from the ex’s point of view the answers would be-
He broke up with you.
He was only saying that because he owes you money.
He told you he’s with someone. What more do you need?
Move on. He has clearly moved on.
You chased him. If he wanted you back he would have contacted you.Do you now understand what goes into some of the responses?
What he said to his ex isn’t ideal for your relationship. It may mean something to him or it may mean nothing. You have to figure out if this is a situation you want to proceed with. Don’t let people who have a habit of pushing drama decide for you.