My boyfriend told his ex that he loves her too

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  • #758284 Reply

    I agree with Amy – give a go don’t leave him because of that

    #758286 Reply

    I would not give it a go with someone you met one week post breakup that wrote he still loved his ex but she messed up. I think once he gets over whatever it is he feels betrayed by he will go back to her. Because he loves her…

    #758287 Reply

    I agree with DD. Unless he is a sociopath with no emotions he can’t get over someone in that little time. I met my ex about 3 weeks after him and his ex broke up and he ended sleeping with her like one year later..This guy is using you as a crutch to get over her or make her jealous. He may like you a lot but you can’t expect anything serious to develop until he properly heals from this. Guys do not stay in touch with their exes usually unless they still have feelings for them. And now you broke his trust by looking at his messages. PS what an idiot! haha..Its not that hard to close your FB inbox..either way good luck and I hope it works out for you. I don’t think people are trying to be mean they’re just being brutally honest and the more you invest in him the worse it’s going to hurt in the long run! Find a guy who isn’t bran newly is single! Unless his relationship was holding on by a thread for a long time and he was no longer “in love” with her.

    #758289 Reply

    There are always exceptions- Unfortunately, there are more casualties than exceptions…

    #758307 Reply

    I see no signs of him doing that Sharon when he’s oushing her away

    #758309 Reply

    Wouldn’t he think getting her jealous would possibly back fire too? I mean what if she gives up

    #758312 Reply

    Keep looking for excuses. Good luck with that.

    #758462 Reply

    I read through these comments and i have a different opinion don’t you think that him telling her he would see her but he’s seeing someone else basically telling his ex that she’s the backup ?

    #758464 Reply

    Me thinks the ‘current’ is the backup…
    Either way, not very assuring…

    #758465 Reply

    He basically called her a backup when he said “i would but i have someone else” he told her if he wasn’t single he’d be with her so he has the power to end his relationship and be with his ex but, he is choosing to stay with OP

    #758503 Reply

    surprised to see thread still alive. the OP wants to give it a shot with the man. she’s coming up with positive responses defending the man and his every action which she believes is in her favour. She is convinced hes interested in being with her than the ex. so she should stick with him cause her gut feeling tells her to be with him.

    #758505 Reply

    OP didn’t so much say she betrayed his trust more so she talked about their relationship to an outsider. But i do feel like he did call his ex the backup/2nd choice he does have the power do dump the OP and go back to his ex but he doesn’t ?

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