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- This topic has 49 replies and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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My ex of 2 wks did the same ut left me twice throughout our 4 year relationship we were so happy so I thought he has depression etc and finds life difficult everyday but I didn’t deserve for him to leave take £400 and our family car !! I have no contact with him as know he’s blocked me the day after he was going to return again..He broke my heart but feeling great in the way that I have wonderful ppl around me including my kid’s. He’s been rock bottom and never seems to hold a relationship I’m his longest bar his wife of 7 years and then still left and went back to her many times..I can’t understand why he would be so nasty and most of all immature.do the think about us at all.. I can’t read a man’s mind
I know I am responding 2 years later almost, but Ems, what ended up happening since then? I’m going through the same problem with my ex, where we dated for 4 years, and were planning on moving out and starting a life and he broke up with me 2 days before signing a lease. We met 5 days after the breakup and he told me he missed me and kept giving me scenarios for how we would be “if we got back together” and it was nice. We agreed to stop talking as he needed his space and it was going okay. 3 days after we last talked he called me drunk asking for a ride, I politely gave him one and didn’t say anything about our relationship. The next day he didn’t say anything but blocked me on social media. My friend says that he is just embarrassed for almost “relapsing” but now i’m worried there might not be a future. Your story gives me hope and I would love to know if you two are still together.
1. Only he knows why he blocked you. 2. He’s your ex – don’t worry about why. 3. There’s a chance an asteroid will hit Earth tomorrow. Doesn’t make it likely.
Leave him alone. It’s not you, it’s him. He is unhappy about his life so that he is no way to be a good partner now. You need to let him go. You shall never persuade a person to be with you. He chooses to leave and you should respect his will.
Move on and live your life to the fullest.Anni
I was in a relationship for about 8 years.It was going all right suddenly I had an argument with my bf.The reason was not so big and I even tried to calm him down but he didn’t even listened to me.He held down my Cal and after some time he blocked me in everything..what will I do now..will he come back to me??since I had tried many times to Cal him but I m still in d black list..it’s very hurtful for me.
Hi Anni,
I have faced a similar situation with a girl that I like recently. 2 months ago me and her were good friends and then we got closer to each other. One day we decided to chill at her place and there I then opened up to her as to how I felt about her. Then me and her hooked up by which she was down for a second date. Just before the second date, she said that we shouldn’t talk to each other for a while. I then became needy and within a month she had blocked me from her life completely.All I can say is move on and if they come back, be sure to remember how they treated you and forgive them, but never forget.
So I have a similar situation right now. I was in a happy relationship with my boyfriend for 6 months, really happy times, we travelled a lot together and were very happy. He told me he loved me and was looking forward to the future with me. One day we were chatting and sexting, and a few hours later, out of the blue, he called me to say he didn’t want to be with me anymore, ‘its not me, it’s him’, his feelings changed and he doesn’t want a relationship right now, wants to focus on school and other things and not have to worry about holding down a relationship with me. I was so shocked and confused and really heartbroken. He then said he didn’t want me to get with anyone else and still wanted to be friends. I told him that it was too hurtful to be friends right now and it was no longer up to him who I see. Then he got really angry, calling me bitter, childish and wishing he never met me. I’m so confused. I was a really good girlfriend to him, not needy, looked after him, did little things every day to make him feel special and know I loved him. I feel like I didn’t deserve this and I don’t know why he has done it? Anyway, this was three weeks ago, I went straight into no contact and stuck to it, I didn’t contact him at all for the three weeks and tried to get on with things. We stayed facebook friends for three weeks and I know he was still checking my profile all the time. I went on a girls holiday to a place where me and him had actually been before, and uploaded a picture of it to facebook. It was a place he liked very much. But I had an offer to go there with friends and didn’t see why I shouldn’t. About 5 mins after uploading the photo, he deleted me and BLOCKED me from facebook and all social media. What does this mean and why on earth would he do this? I haven’t pestered him or bothered him at all, I just don’t understand. I want him back so much and its so hard because I honestly can’t see that I have done anything wrong to deserve the break up of the facebook block :( Any advice on what I can do?D
Same… Was seeing a guy for about 3 months, and randomly after a nice date he breaks up with me at a bus stop. I was a great GF. We never even argued and everyone loved us together. His reason was that he cant be a good BF and his feelings are suddenly gone. He also said he wouldn’t date anyone else and wanted us to be friends. I was totally blindsided and didn’t lose it, just got the bus home. It’s been a month of NC (I never contacted him or even viewed his Instagram stories). We still followed each other on Insta, but he hadn’t been posting. 3 weeks after the breakup he suddenly posted some random hiking video, and it hurt me to see it so I unfollowed him. The next thing I know, he blocked me AND my 3 best friends he met on all social medias. They didn’t even follow each other, he literally searched for them through my account and blocked them. This dude is 28. I later found out people had seen him with another girl a few days before he dumped me. Trust me, any guy that does this kind of stuff is just a guilty manchild with something to hide. He didn’t want to get blamed for cheating so he tried to break up quickly before you found out. He blocked you because it hurts to see you not being a trainwreck from losing him. Sorry, but no real man acts this way. And yes, men block women like me who went straight into NC. I didn’t do anything, but I guess seeing me look happy on Instagram was too much for him to handle. I say, do whatever you want but do not contact him. If he blocked you, that’s his loss.
Well weren’t dating really but it seemed like he wanted to so everthing was great until the second time we had scheduled to meet . I was a bit under the weather and i didn’t feel like talking about it just wanted to do what we had agreed to do in the first place …sex but he just kept asking me and pressuring me to talk about my personal stuff when this was only the second time we had met and it didnt help at all cause i was already on the verge of tears all i was thinking of was leaving
He then gave up in a cold hearted manner and told me to leave and from that point i still don’t know what i had done wrong ,because when all of this started i had already told him that communicating with him openly will only be a lot more easier once i had gotten used to being around him but i guess he didnt listen
Any way 3 days later i tried to apologise to him because i kinda felt bad but he didnt respond so i waited a few days till i said hie which he didnt respond again then i said “if want this to end then fine”… Which finally led to say “now you wanna talk” followed by “i dont want to hear it i gave u ample chances you said nothing…. At that point i didnt say anything but then it got upset so l told him that we clearly see things differently and that it was nice knowing you in return he tells me to “sort myself ” out and i was gravely offended . Which me to defend myself and my action but he did not reply then a week later he blocked me although he clearly knew i wasn’t gonna text him unless he did
What does this mean i was just starting to like him moreEmma
Lonah, it means you were dealing with a dork. You were gravely offended for good reason. Do not let anyone treat you this way and do not apologize!
If they break up with you suddenly it means they met someone else whom they consider “better” than you, a better catch. In 95% of cases this is the reason.
The dude who got angry that the woman he dumped did not want to stay friends and considered herself reee to date others after he dumped her, where do you ladies find such dorks?
I think that when you meet them you are not using your judgement, you are not being critical enough, you are overlooking things. Stop doing all that. Of course this means you’d talk to 50 dudes and go on two dozen dates and MAYBE meet on decent one. But this is better than getting involved with dorks and later suffer emotional damage.
Understand that dorky individuals would cause you emotional damage down the road. Stay away from them. Whether they are female or male.
Why would you go on a date and want to have sex with a guy if you were ‘under the weather?’ That’s kind of a turn off since apparently he noticed your mood. When someone isn’t willing to explain why they are in a bad mood, most people take it to mean you are annoyed or upset with them. It’s Avery passive aggressive move , for example, to show up and act down, out of sorts and when practically begged to explain why the mood, they shut down further and get all emotional. What was he supposed to think or do? Men don’t deal well with emotional women. Especially ones thy don’t even know. He tried to help talk about it, you clammed up, so his only option was to get you out of there. I don’t blame him. I would want some crying guy in my place on a second date that I barely even know!
I would have not talked to you again either if I was him. You only had one prior date. Dating is supposed to be fun. Not drama. If you don’t feel well or happy, then don’t go on a date. Impressions last, and his impression of you is that you could only hold it together for one date and then showed a real moody side to yourself.
I don’t see this as dork behavior. I see it as a perhaps normal guy going on a date as planned and agreed upon with you. You show up with attitude. He can’t levitate the mood and you. So he cuts the date short and you are history to him. He owes you nothing and he has no history with you that would suggest he give you more chances. Men see red flags too. And most times, unlike women, they don’t hang around for an encore.
Emma, the OP said they weren’t really dating, whatever that means. This was just a second meet up and apparently the intent was sex. He didn’t break up with her.
How are you now? I am in the same situation. How did it all turn out? I could use some advice!
My boyfriend broke with me 2 weeks before. Is there any chance that he’ll come back. Cause I had posted a nasty post about him on Instagram.. And after that he completely blocked me on social media. And i feel so bad about it.. Will he ever unblock me. He broke up with me because I had cut myself once and his parents don’t approve me he tell me this were the reason and I don’t know if I should believe it. I really love him , his friend told me he has moved on , but is it true do you think he has really moved on?
You kids & your drama…
Hello i need some help and advice on what i should do and if he will come around to me. I met this guy back in December so about 3-4 Months ago insistently clicked well everything he was saying to me felt real and it was nice having someone around like that and it was nice to feel like i was loved and appreciated. he lived in a different state then me so we had plans to meet up and i flew to go see him and spent 4-5 days with him he was also in the military and was working while i was there. well we both had our friends and i didn’t know if us having our friends there made us act differently or what. i thought everything was fine and great and i was happy with him. well after i came back home he started acting a little distant and weird like things weren’t the same as before. i posted on Facebook i was in a relationship with him because we were dating and i posted a picture of us and everything seemed fine. well a couple days after i posted it he started saying he wanted to be friends he wanted to take things slow he said hell still talk to me we just wouldn’t have title he said all this stuff to me. well then 2 days after we broke up i saw on his Facebook that he put he was in a relationship with another girl.. that hurt me like hell because i was confused on why he told me lets take things slow and don’t push titles lets be friends etc. so i told his girlfriend that he is with now about us and everything he said to me like that we will still talk that theirs no other girl and when hes ready hell come back to me and all this stuff well later they did break up but i think they are back together but that’s besides the point well he blocked me off everything Facebook, snap chat, Instagram etc. i was hurt and confused i just wanted his girlfriend to know that he was playing the both of us.. well he facetimed me after that and asked me why i did it and why would i ruin there relationship and blah blah he then said that since i left it was basically the end for us like he never told me or anything.. i had told him that it wasn’t right or fair before this happened i had also sent him a valentines gift and he loved it and slept with the bear on his bed i had asked him if he threw it away he said no its on his bed.. well anyways him and this girl had only been talking since the 3rd of February and dated the 15th of February literally like a week or so. he broke up with me the 13th of February and got with her. he lied to me on the 15th telling me he was going out to dinner with a friend and that he loved me and will text me after come to find out his friend that he went to dinner with was that girl he started dating… im scared i lost him forever because i just wanted to be friends with him and now i am blocked off everything and i feel like he completely hates me knowing he got caught he then later called the girls mother crying saying i was a rebound from his ex and saying he made a mistake with me and that i’m a crazy B***h and all this stuff trying to cover his a** and then the next day i texted him saying sorry that i didn’t mean to ruin anything and all he ignored me i went to my car and started crying because i at least wanted to be friends and let him know that i was sorry for telling her now i don’t know what to do will he come back to me? will he forgive me? will he give me another chance? will he at least be my friend? or did i ruin it completely?
you C i think it’s all bout time don’t rush it and don’t talk to him if he doesn’t want to that could be annoying. i don’t think you ruined anything at all, you tried talking with him but he had blocket you, there isn’t much 2 do at the moment give him sometime and try talking 2 him again maybe and C if he forgives you that’s if he’s even mad. he could maybe only need sometime alone. if you really wanna be friends with him so bad then it’s never over.
Legit what I’m going through with my gf dated for just about a year talked about getting married having a kid she picked the name out then boom wants a break to love herself and wants space texted for about a month after then blocks me but not on fb I’m so confused she did say to my mom she loves me and if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be so idk but good luck
Better off single
Maybe he feels like he doesn’t deserve you
I think you should move on. You need to deal with some problems and, when you miss you, you will respond. But you have to stop thinking about it and reinvent yourself. You have to start thinking about yourself and not let this continue to affect you.
My ex dumped me the day after thanks giving I went to see his family and yes they were white and I am black but I’m not a racist person my parents didn’t raise me to be that way he said his family didn’t like me and that they some how felt
Disrespected. I thought of everything I could have said or
Done and it’s clear that I was being judged and he as my boyfriend at that time should have had my back his brother been was saying racist stuff about me. I never gave up on him I know for sure he’s a good person and that one day when he grows up he will realize you can’t let no one dictate what you want in life.Catfishin while roadtrippin
People suck. talk to him in person. Get your answers.
You guys are extremely young and I think him mentioning the marriage thing probably freaked him out because that’s a very serious comment. And he probably didn’t want to get your hopes up. He blocked you because you weren’t respecting his decision and acting a bit crazy/needy…sorry to be harsh. But when someone breaks up with you and asks for space–give it to them. Don’t go to their house unannounced, send them multiple messages, and call them all within a few days. When he said he enjoyed you smiley–he meant carefree, happy and relaxed. Not stage 5 clinger behavior. Anyways, have you considered maybe focusing more on yourself here? It seems that you are slightly obsessed with this guy and the relationship. You have your whole life ahead of you and should be enjoying your youth! Imagine how mad you would be in the future if you knew you wasted away your young 20s upset about a relationship. Anyways, I’m sure everything will turn out for the best and he seems like a genuinely nice person…
ANM Staff
KeymasterHi Nish, thanks for sharing your story with the community, and I’m sorry to hear about your situation.
The topic of the original thread that this is posted in was started in 2016. People that are catching-up on this thread might end up responding to the topic from 3 years ago rather than the fresh topic. If you’d like to continue the conversation, you’re welcome to start a fresh new thread.