My husband is talking to his ex

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    I just found out that my husband has been back in touch with his ex. I saw the message on his phone and when I asked him, he said that his ex reached out to him first and he was being polite. It was a relationship that he ended, but it also ended really badly. It wasn’t a ton of texts, maybe about 2 or 3 back and forths. Should I be worried?


    Do you trust him? Yes or no. Choose. I am serious.

    If no, you should not be with him anyhow.

    Your jealousy is yours to own, not his. Assuming this has never been an issue and he is your husband, just assume you are awesome and unleavable. That is a better approach. Now go tell him something you love about him or something you appreciate.


    Thanks TallSpice. I trust him, but also I was the girl he cheated on her with, I always liked to think that I won. From everything his friends say about her, he was in the wrong to break up with her and it was rough on her. I just wish he wouldn’t respond back to her and let it end. I know I should trust him and I do, it just annoys me.


    You married a cheater & are now worried he might cheat?


    Well you won a cheater. Its amazing to me she texts him after he married but who knows what she is thinking. She problem with cheaters is that they are prone to cheat

    Liz Lemon

    “I was the girl he cheated on her with” and “I trust him”– written in the same sentence! Do you see the contradiction there?

    T from NY

    Of course you should be concerned. You have first hand knowledge that he lies and has been deceptive in the past. Also – healthy relationships don’t normally start with deeply selfish choices BUT – if you’re relationship is what it should be now – you should be able to talk to him about anything. Do y’all readily admit how f-ed it was that your whole relationship began with lies and deeply selfish choices? Watch and wait. If it remains concerning or his behavior seems off – sit him down and communicate.


    Thanks for everyone’s input even though its not easy to read sometimes. Their relationship was already complicated at the time we met and they were on and off the last year of their relationship, we work together, and things just evolved for us naturally, not with malicious intent on his part or mine, he is 8 years older than me and I was 25 when we met and have been together for almost 5 years now . I don’t really see it as being f’ed because of the circumstances of how we met. He cut off contact with her when we started dating, and beyond the first few angry calls from her, she never reached out until recently. They have a long history though, and even if its cordial, is it wrong for me to want my husband to not have any relationship with her as friends.


    But he cheated on her to be with you? Emotionally or physically? Or he ended it with her to be with you? Before anything started except some interest?

    Working together is actually irrelevant.

    And how unhealthy to start a relationship where you think you won. Literally sad and gross. Healthy people dont think this way. When you start a relationship that way, you can always unwin. And it sets you up as always competing.

    T from NY

    None of us know the particulars of exactly how things went down for you and your relationship — but I can tell you with certainty that you are mostly getting his side of the story unless youve had meaningful conversations with his ex wife. It was you yourself who described the origin of your relations as cheating. And if you cannot see how sad it would be for a woman to lose her husband to a woman that is 8 years his junior, that he worked with – that’s something to ponder.

    I stand by my original advice – if you cannot speak openly to your partner about all things – it is an unhealthy dynamic. I hope for your sake he is always respectful to you and grateful for what he has.


    Jeez! Why are people always so harsh to the “other woman”? The OP didn’t come here to be criticised for how her relationship started. She is feeling uncomfortable with her husband talking to his ex. Yes i guess it’s relevant that their relationship started as an affair and thats why the OP gave us that information, but i don’t think its fair to be so off because of this.

    OP – you are anxious over this because you still have some feelings about how you got together- maybe guilt? The fact that he left you for her means you are anxious that she might “steal” him back. I get why. I get why people have commented as they have one because the adage goes once a cheater always a cheater … if he cheats with you, he can cheat on you. That may be true of some men that have cheated but if he hasn’t given you cause to doubt him in 5 years and he isn’t hiding their messaging then you are going to need to decide you trust him and leave it alone or that you don’t trust him. If you don’t trust him then you two have some work to do because a marriage without trust is just no good at all.

    So, its decision time. You need to honestly reflect on whether this was a different ex, one he had not left to be with you, would you feel so anxious?

    Best of luck xx


    Thank you, Ss for putting into words exactly what I wanted to say. None of us know all the facts or exactly what happened that lead to their relationship. Not one of us are in the OP´s shoes to judge her in that way.


    No we don’t know.

    Something to think about: you, by definition show yourself to be untrustworthy as a person when you engage in cheating (either as the cheater or the person they are cheating with). And then you wonder why there is no trust. Good relationships need trust which is usually not on the table by definition.

    That is because there is a choice. End the other relationship – even quickly and harshly should you need to before engaging in something new.


    All I’m going to say is life isn’t as black and white as some people think it is, and not one of us is in any position to judge this woman.


    I would be concerned. Why is she reaching out to him? I would put my cards on the table and find out why he did not share that with you to begin with?

    T from NY

    @K. For me, I think my posts show I am a supportive person and try to champion women as much as possible – actually the reason I post on this site regularly. I’ve learned a lot here, and dating and self evolving in general and want to pay it forward. But I disagree we cannot judge. There are two types of judgments. Situational/behavioral versus final judgements. I never said the OP was an awful person. I said cheating was hurtful and deceitful and awful – because I have seen it shatter lives. Literally inalterably change them. No final judgements about her character – although I think my replies would have had a different tone if I had heard remorse or shame from the OP about how the relationship started. It was stated matter of factly and so the advice was returned in kind. Also I don’t think anyone here wants to give her false hope that a man she says cheated – can be completely relied upon. Its always been my contention that if more women stopped participating in cheating with married men – full stop, no excuses — men would not be as apt to do it. This man already “succeeded” in cheating. We only have his past behavior to predict his future behaviors unfortunately. But I agree if everything has been steady for 5 years straight, and he is currently being open about the messages, she can feel somewhat reassured.

    T from NY

    Sorry. Meant to put @K and anyone else that may feel the replies are harsh. To the OP of course we hope the best for you for fidelity and peace. But a dose of possible realism is always a healthy thing as well.


    If you trust him, then trust him now. Don’t make a big deal about it, or let it get into your head so that it changes your behavior and causes problems between you. She is part of his past, so let her stay there. Don’t forget, he married YOU!


    He’s probably just replying to her because he feels badly about how things ended. They clearly meant a lot to each other at one point, then at the end knew they were over, but struggled to let go without a “reason” (ie meeting someone else).

    But I’m sure he wishes there had been a cleaner and less hurtful break.

    If you trust him, then go ahead and trust him now. He’s most likely just trying to be kind.


    @T… I’m sorry, I’m cracking up here because you’ve just heaped more judgment on the OP and defended yourself for doing it. Two kinds of judgment?? Uh, sorry, no. You can split hairs all you want. Judgment is judgment.

    Here’s the problem with judging others: in doing so we presume we know what is right for them and what their life path is supposed to be. We can’t possibly know that. Hell, we don’t even necessarily know what’s right for ourselves and what our life paths are until after the fact. Ever had something happen that you thought – and judged – was a disaster and ruined your life, only to find out later it was the biggest blessing ever? And you realized your judgment was entirely wrong? Ever met a guy you thought was the greatest to find out he was the biggest jerk? And you realized your judgment was entirely wrong? Ever make a big mistake and it turned out you learned an important lesson from it and that changed your life? And you realized that your judgment it was a mistake was entirely wrong?

    I’m rarely on this site anymore because it’s largely the same group of people saying the same things over and over. And it tends to be their stuff projected onto an OP. This site could use some fresh perspectives. My comments here are for those who are willing to step back and look at things differently. That’s all. Best to all.

    OP, Jennifer gave you the best advice. He’s telling you what’s happening and you’ve been married for a while.It would be very unusual at this point for him to regret the divorce and seriously want her back. I don’t think you have a whole lot to worry about. I wouldn’t make a big deal unless you see or sense more evidence something’s going on.

    Liz Lemon

    @K “It would be very unusual at this point for him to regret the divorce and seriously want her back. I don’t think you have a whole lot to worry about.” How can you possibly know that? You’re making as many assumptions about the OP’s situation as anyone else here.

    It trips me out to see people willingly spend time reading and posting on a message board only to complain about how $hitty it is, or how crappy the other posters are. If you don’t like it, don’t post. Easy. There are lots of other boards out there that may be more to your liking.

    I mean, it’s an anonymous internet message board, so it’s just people giving their opinions. None of us are trained, licensed therapists (to my knowledge anyway). So of course it’s people projecting their “stuff”. It’s ridiculous to somehow expect it to be otherwise. People base their opinions on their personal experience.

    The OP has actually given very little information. We don’t know the context of how she discovered the messages (whether he told her upfront or if she saw them and confronted him), the content (if she was able to read them), whether or not there have been other issues, and if she feels her husband is trustworthy…if you felt you trusted your man 100%, would you come ask a bunch of strangers on an online message board their opinions? Probably not. So it’s natural for people who respond to reach certain conclusions.


    I’ve been cheated on by a man I was with for 8yrs. The other woman knew about me too and didn’t care, she kept participating with him.

    Once I found out, I ended it with him which was incredibly difficult. They stayed together for some years (I’m sure she felt like she “won” as well) but eventually he started reaching out to me.

    I only responded to him to be nice, because I knew he was capable of cheating I never was going to take him back. However, when she found out he was talking to me again she was obviously upset.

    He ended up telling me that at the end of the day, him and I just had more history together and because I was always true to him and never did anything like that he trusted me more and respected me more than her (I’m assuming he felt this way because he knew she participated in his cheating on me and he knew I’d never do something like that).

    Anyway, long story short. He ended it with her and tried for months to get me back which I held strong and said no. To this day, he’s still not with her and regrets what he did to me. I’m still nice to him and respond when he reaches out but it’s done for me and I’ll never go back.

    Moral of this story, don’t participate in cheating. Men eventually wake the heck up and don’t respect you for it! At least that’s what happened here.


    K, You may be cracking up at T’s advice, but I’m cracking up at yours! You just made the most judgmental post about how this site is  “largely the same group of people saying the same things over and over. And it tends to be their stuff projected onto an OP.” If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black! I just know what the Bible says…”Judge not, that you be not judged.” And of course the best part of this verse, Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.  I strive to be a better person every day but every day I fall short of the glory of God. 

    I think there is a fine line between giving your opinion and judging someone. What’s so hard about the format of this forum is because we are all anonymous and don’t know each other, we know nothing about this person’s character or positive attributes except for what they tell us and how they come across to us. Because we have such limited information from Karen, we focus on what she’s told us,  “I was the girl he cheated on her with, I always liked to think that I won.” For all we know Karen could be knitting blankets for the homeless, serving them in a soup kitchen, going on mission trips giving vaccinations to sick children, etc. But we don’t know any of that. So instead we look at the situation and make up our mind, judge her as you say, based on the fact she had a relationship with a man she knew was with another woman and when he broke up with her it really hurt her. We then sympathize with the person who was hurt in all of this and judge Karen for her part in it. It’s like some of you are wanting Karen to get the Karma she deserves, and the ex messaging her husband is a little bit of that. 

    The fact is we must use our judgment about situations every single day. Are we always right? No. Should we practice more forgiveness and love in our daily lives? Yes. Should we realize we’ve all made mistakes and bad judgment and be more kind to others? Yes.

    Karen, I think you were very brave to come on here and admit to the affair knowing how people were going to react. You were young, 25, when you met and you’ve been together for 5 years. I don’t think it’s unreasonable given the circumstances that you tell him how you feel and ask he not be in contact with her. I think it’s reasonable if he feels bad and wants to apologize for the way things ended and his part in it he should. But after his apology he needs to tell her he can’t be friends. If they haven’t spoken in 5 years and the two of you are happily married, I see no reason for them to rekindle a friendship now. 


    That’s definitely a thing. In a cheating situation, you can lack respect for yourself and the other participant but still engage.


    @Kaye… Big difference between an opinion and a judgment. ;) I have an opinion about what goes on here. I observe what some people say and knowing their back story, it’s my opinion they’re projecting some of their stuff sometimes. It’s my opinion we could use some fresh perspectives here at times. I don’t have a judgment about it. I didn’t say that karma’s going to get them, etc. I don’t think they’re bad or wrong. And I’m not looking for them to show remorse for what they’ve done, LOL. That’s the difference between opinion or judgment. You’re also confusing judgment with discernment and choice, but I don’t see any point in spending my time writing more here.

    And with that… I’m off this thread.

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