Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › My older bf acts weird when I send him sexy pics
- This topic has 22 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
Kate W.
Kate W
I’m an LTR and my older man and I have a good emotional reletionship. He’s 16 years older then me, but despite that we get on well, and because we do by get to see each other much, we rely more on a emotional connection rather then physical.
However sometimes very occasionally I like to spice things up with him by sending him sexy pics (not nude but in lingerie etc) his only replies are “lol silly” when I send him these pics.
What the hell? Am I being over the top or is this not normal?
I really don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m an attractive female in my early twenties, I take care of myself and my body, I just expect a little bit more of a reaction when I’m trying to dress and up and spice things up with my man.I know he’s not getting attention elsewhere. I 100% trust him, but what’s a gal got to do to be made to feel sexy, beautiful and loved? I don’t expect hearing it all the time, but im concerned, maybe he’s too old for sexy pics? What the hell I don’t get it :(
He cannot get it up. He needs Viagra, get him a prescription next time. Cheers!
Early 40 ‘ s is too young for him not to be turned on..how often do you see him ? perhaps. .the pics turn him off…He has no respect for you….just a thought. do you go out on dates .does he call you gf ?
I see this completely differently.
It’s a generational thing. Gen X didn’t grow up in the hyper-wired world that you did. Sending sexy photos would be not the norm. And from his response he is uncomfortable with you doing this and doesn’t know how to tell you directly. I”m Gen X… I would not in a million years ever send a man a photo of me in lingerie or God forbid nude, and I would drop anyone who did this to me or at least tell them I didn’t feel comfortable with it.
I doubt those pics don’t turn him on. If he’s a man and you’re a decently attractive female, they will turn him on.
There are a number of reasons why he could be reacting like this. I mean my guy just did smth similar. I sent him a pic of me in a hot dress and his response was to send me the whatsapp emoticon of the monkey covering its eyes. Yknow that rly cutesy one. I was just a little disappointed, but in no way did I doubt that he was turned off. As the lyrics go- I’m sexy and I know it- and even if I’m not all that matters is I think I’m good enough. Nonetheless, I was irritated by his response. It’s just not very romantic, and just kind of lame of him.
So I get where you’re coming from, but please don’t question your attractiveness to him.
Hi Kate,
I agree with everything Stephanie said (I’m a GEN X-er, too). I would wait until the next time you’re with him in person or can Skype and just ask in a very low-key way something like, “So, I was wondering, does it make you uncomfortable when I send you sexy pictures?” and see what he says. Maybe it makes him uncomfortable, maybe he doesn’t know how to respond, maybe he doesn’t like texting his response, maybe maybe maybe. You need to ask, and then you can try to find a way to spice things up that works for both of you.
Omg ladies… Give us older folks credit. My husband is in his fifties and I’m not far behind.. And I can hold my own body wise to any 20 something.
I send him sexy pics all the time and he LOVES them.. In fact we take sexy pics together…
So age isn’t an issue IMO.
Can you talk more about The relationship?
I believe a bigger issue is age difference… Do you connect otherwise? Someone in their twenties is in a totally different mindset and place than their 40s. How often do you date. Is he a bf? Why is it you don’t see each other often? Does he like you to dress sexy when you are together? I was with a man in the past who wasn’t into lingerie..he liked sex and nudity but didn’t much get turned on by sexy nighties, etc…
the typical guy WOULD love it but some guys think you’re leading with sex & for some reason they don’t respond to it well. I’ve actually had this happen to me with a 27 year old a few years ago lol & I asked my guy friends about it & they were dumbfounded like he has to be gay!!! but he wasn’t gay lol it was just that it was sort of a turn off for me to be like that without him asking for me to be.. I don’t know how to put it into words cause it’s odd & hard to understand but it’s almost as if when you lead with the sexy stuff the guy feels masculine energy from you
also, it’s as if they feel like you’re seeking attention on some level. it’s like a subconscious reaction
Maybe he just doesn’t like that kind of sexual explicity.
Or maybe it’s a cultural thing. I know many british people would feel uncomfortable with that.
Or maybe he just thinks you sending ‘sexy pics’ is you being full of yourself and is turned off by that. It could be a myriad of reasons.
I’m turning 50 in 3 weeks and I can physically run circles around most women half my age. I’m a US size 2 and a British size 8. I”m in outstanding shape because I fence and dance ballet and do HIIT class. No one takes me for over 35. It’s not that I”m embarrassed about my body. Bluntly? This sexting s*** is undignified, ridiculous and a security risk. That is what I really think. A lot of people will disagree with me, and that’s OK, I acknowledge it is my own set of standards. Sexting is just tacky. I think it cheapens you and no man I would date would even want a photo like that. Given his response “lol silly” that is probably what he thinks too.
You never know where those pics could wind up. Just ask Jennifer Lawrence or any of those girls who had their “private” photos displayed all over the internet.
You are all welcome to do what you want, I judge no one for their choices. But I’d never sext and the kind of men I date would think it odd if I did.
Kate w
Hello ladies, thanks for the responses!! Well here’s the thing when we first started talking he couldn’t get enough of them! He loved them! I don’t send porn pics, but just sexy (IMO) cute pics, Nd I don’t send them all the time, maybe once in three months??
It seemed as our emotional connection got deeper he got less interested in sex, and my sexy pics for that matter. A part of me feels bad because I shouldn’t be complaining, I just actually don’t get it. He’s 40, I’m 24. we have a great friendship and we do flirt and say sweet things to each other, but because of the distance I have not seen him nor had a physical connection with him in just under a year.
I know he’s been depressed lately, sort of up and down. I just am trying to figure out if I am being stupid about this? I have not talked to him yet about it.
As for maybe turning him off, to be honest, really really honestly I don’t see how I could, I mean I’m his girlfriend, I’m not being desperate, I take care of myself and honestly when I look in the mirror I’m happy with what I see.
Kate W
Stephanie, thanks for your opinion, but I think you fail to understand that this man and I are in a committed serious reletionship. With the distance sometimes you have to improvise.
You might think it’s cheap and tacky – whatever. He’s my man, I love him, I want to share my soul and my body with him and only him. He’s not just some random fling im sending nudes too, he’s someone i eventually want to marry and have children with.
I think if he was someone I didn’t know, yeah that would be tacky, but to say that’s cheap and tacky when I’m doing it with someone I love and respect.. While IMO that’s more judgemental on your part. I mean why would it be tacky showing your body to your long distance partner? Lol just the way I see it.
Kate–everything you just said really adds a lot to the situation. Being depressed could definitely affect his sex drive, and not having seen you or been physical with you for so long could be having an effect on his reaction to the pics–maybe it feels awkward to him because he hasn’t had sex with you for so long?
Is there any way for you to see him in person anytime soon? And to come up with a plan to see each every three months or something like that? From everything you describe it sounds like the problem is a combination of his depression and the long distance issue. If there is no way to see him in person, maybe assume it’s not about you if everything else is okay, let it go, and see if things go back to normal when you can be together again?
You’re not being stupid about this, not at all. He’s changed the way he reacted to you, but it sounds like it has more to do with him (depression) and not being able to see you for so long than anything else.
How come you haven’t seen each other in near a year? ??
Does he put off seeing you ???
is it possible he had lost Interest in a Ltr and is just strictly going you along at this stage ?
You’re right Kate. I didn’t not understand the situation. Wrong place and time to sound off. Sorry.
*** meant to say…stringing you along.
Dear Kate,
I’m in a similar situation, so i recognize the issues. That’s why i got here in the first place. When you can only talk to your guy for a long period of time, the bond does get deeper. But you also miss out on a lot, you cant touch, curl up etc. So based on the advice i read here, i decided to only continue if we really can come up with a plan to be together. It gave me piece of mind, because i know i can go either way: break it off or move over. Besides your question, you should make up some sort of game plan. A year is a long time.When it comes to the sexy stuff. Yeah i know that lol, but you never know where he is when he gets them. So i wouldn’t think much of it. Amd i think the other ladies adressed his depressed state already.
Kate W
Hi ladies,
Yes last time we saw each other was feb 2015. We both live in different countries, it cost around 5 thousand just for me to fly there. Similar price for him to get here. We both have been saving and he’s coming here soon. We talk everyday, he tells me he loves me all the time, but maybe he has lost attraction.. I do not know… I was just trying to spice things up :(Kate W
Sorry I meant feb 2014*
Yes. ..I figured the distance was huge. I just think if 2 are to make a ldr work..The money has to be got from somewhere …or one should be moving to the others country.
I’m starting to think…he’s stringing you along. sorry. how about you tell him you are flying to see him i 3 mths time and see what he says to that !
with the situation I was in, it made NO sense to me either because he was my boyfriend we exchanged I love yous all that but it put him off in some way meanwhile I was the most beautiful girl in town like it made NO sense.. he would look at porn so it wasn’t that he didn’t like racy photos.. it was a strange thing that yes he used to love but later didn’t go for it. he suddenly viewed it as a turn off, maybe I was behaving “desperate” in his eyes, somehow, even though I was just being flirty & fun. it was a decline in his interest in me it was like before he loved it & would ask for it then he thought I was putting on act, trying too hard, all this stuff when that was not the case at all. whatever it is, it’s just something going on with him.
Kate W
Sorry missed some of the comments,
Prehaps he is just depressed, wouldn’t surprise me at all. As for a long term plan, we have talked marriage and children, but we can’t go full steam right now. His concern is im too young atm, he wants me to follow my dreams first before I full on settle down with him, he tells me he’s not going anywhere else and our end goal is kids and marriage. So I applied for nursing in my home town, it’s going to be another three years till there is a possibility of being with him. -