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- This topic has 21 replies and was last updated 6 years ago by
Today we just got back from England from meeting his parents, he had to start work this morning so I went on his laptop to keep myself entertained! I came across a couple rude videos of him and his ex and lots of pictures of them together and their engagement party and all of their holiday pictures together, then his camera which he used recently was filled with them!, so I dismissed it! Then I started cleaning for him and found loads of letters from her and photos from when they were together!, I don’t know what to do:( please help… I’m literally on the line of being single I don’t want to be with someone who is not over their ex….
When did they break up? How long were they together? And how long have you two been together?
They broke up last August! They were together 6 years and we have been together for 8 months… I know it’s not long but I’m not sure if I should be concerned :/
Hmm…if they broke up almost a year ago, it seems like he should have had time to clear out some of the pics. Why did they break up? Does he give other signs that he isn’t over her? Did you have to do some digging to find these things, or were they all out in the open?
Also, did they actually get married, or did they break up before the wedding? It seems like you guys got together pretty soon after they split up–maybe he didn’t really have a chance to process the breakup and move on.
I thought he would of had the time to as well, he hasn’t give me any other signs, they are actually lying around I didn’t have to do much digging at all…, they broke up cause he said it’s not what he wanted and he didn’t want to marry her, I’m thinking about letting him have space to process and see what it’s like to be single I don’t think he knows
Oh my goodness. So what?! He has a past. It does not mean he’s not over her. And he does not have to get rid of them. Maybe later he will on his own, but he certainly won’t do it because you freaked out. You said you guys just got back from meeting his parents..so all is good! Don’t mess that up with your insecurities. Stop “cleaning” his place and finding his personal things. After you get married and maybe move in, then maybe you can tell him it makes you uncomfortable. My boyfriend has pics of his exes on his computer and in albums that I came across also and I had to be chill about it. I actually went online to see what others thought and that calmed me down. You are the CURRENT girlfriend. She is the past. Do you want to join her in the past gf’s list, too?
If they were out in plain sight, I think it might be worth having a direct conversation with him and asking him where he’s at. You could just explain that you saw all of these things, and that it has made you wonder if he has fully moved on from that relationship. Explain that you are willing to give him space if he needs it, but that you need to know where you stand. You don’t want to waste more time if he is not over her. Take some time for yourself to figure out if you are comfortable with this. I’m sorry you had to see all that.
Vanessa, I agree that everyone has a past, but I also think that when you move on from someone you usually don’t have pictures and letters from them out in plain view. I have pictures and some letters I kept from previous relationships too, but they are in a box in a closet, where they belong. I also wouldn’t want pictures of an ex on my camera. Why would you want to continue looking at pictures of someone who you decided was wrong for you? They were engaged and together for six years. Approximately four months later he became involved with OP. That’s not a lot of time to recover from a breakup of a LTR, and I think that OP is right to wonder if he is not over the ex.
Thank boog you have been great help! I’ve already messaged him to talk later!, and Vanessa I understand he has a past etc but he shouldn’t have it lying around for me to see it’s hurtful, he knows I’m insecure and he still does that… I just don’t want to be a time passer
I met my ex 6 months after him and his fiance broke things off. A year later I was officially his gf. We were together for several years. He had pics of her/them on his computer and some souvenirs from when they were together in his boxes.
Did/do I care? No.We broke up almost a year ago and right now he has pics of me/us on his computer, AND ON HIS FB PAGE, and he has souvenirs from our time together. (It was an amicable breakup/I’ve spent weekends at his place since, that’s how I know.)
So friggin’ what, is he supposed to erase his past (life experiences) every time a new girl enters?I have pics/souvenirs/gifts from my exes. It has sentimental value, and it’s part of my life (experiences) and who I became/am. It’s unlikely that I would get rid of it, ever.
Am I still hung up on these guys? No.Vanessa
He knows you’re insecure? Well, that’s a whole other issue then and this situation won’t help you in his eyes. Rushing into a relationship with you may be one thing, but I wouldn’t use the pictures as sign on it’s own that he’s not over her.
And regarding the having the pictures out in plain view, guys don’t think like we do! He probably isn’t even aware or think it’s a big deal. If he was really trying to hide something because he’s not over her, then they would be hidden. And by the way, you found them on HIS computer. You obviously had to go into his pictures folder. You should’ve stuck with the internet. And you found the others by “cleaning” so they weren’t out in plain sight. If they were, you would’ve found something before 8 months.
And you really messaged him to tell him you had to talk? Poor guy. Why not just bring it up when y’all are together instead of already starting the dramatics? This is what he will think, “I took this girl to meet my parents and she’s still doubting me? I can’t make her happy.” And then slowly he’ll start checking out and you’ll blame it on the fact that he’s not over his ex. You need to look at your relationship overall. If then you think you’re just a time passer, then you can move on. Stop looking for other clues that you’re not worthy of his love because of your insecurities. Maybe you do need to be single, like you said, and work on that before you try to date.
Thank you, MsAqua. You said it perfectly.
Also, he did love this girl at some point. They were together for 6 years. Let him have that and don’t make him feel guilty. He will resent you for it.Amy S
I still have holiday pics and stuff of the ex who I have no feelings for. I don’t think it means anything. I keep the pics because they are memories of nice times and places I visited. Not cos the ex is in them. Men aren’t very nostalgic anyway, he prob just hant got round to clearing them away. x
He recently just uploaded pictures from his phone to his computer and it was filled with candid pictures of him and his ex fiancé. They broke up about 8 months before we started dating. He still keeps her old letters and pictures.
He knows how I feel about it. I’ve calmly told him that it makes me uncomfortable. But he spins it like I’m just being silly and insecure and I have nothing to worry about. But it still bothers me. Do I keep bringing it up and risk him being bitter and resentful and then that might lead to a break up? Or do I keep quiet and be chill about it, but deep down it’s still so hurtful?
I keep telling myself that it’s just the past. I’m in the present. I’m his present. But why does it still hurt so much? It makes me feel like I’m less than. I’m not good enough. I know I’m not the best or most beautiful or most successful or anything. And the fact that he keeps those pictures is a reminder that I’m never going to be her.
But I can’t bring it up anymore because I feel like I’m so indebted to him, he’s done so much for me- why can’t I just let this go? I should be thankful for all his kindness, not focused on something that is in the past. But I can’t look at him the same way. I feel resentful and frustrated and angry. I don’t want to touch him. I’m hurt.
And he told me that his ex fiancé was very jealous and insecure and made him throw away his other ex girlfriend’s pictures, so I felt the pressure not to. I feel silenced. I feel like I need to listen to my gut and walk away because we’re not going to ever see eye-to-eye on this issue. There’s not really a compromise. Either he deletes the pictures and feels resentful, or he keeps the pictures and I feel resentful. He still occasionally texts and calls her. That also kills me.
Kimberley, different people may feel differently about exes pictures but I feel if it bothers you, you should address it sooner than later. I’ve noticed if we don’t address things that bother us with the concerned people, the issues continue to fester in our heads and could indirectly manifest negatively within the relationship. Nip it in the bid.
If he’s a reasonable person and you are gentle in your tone (he shouldn’t feel attacked), he should understand your concern. If he loves you and doesn’t care about his ex, he will get rid of the pics and you will get your peace of mind. I would expect the same from my man. I wouldn’t want his exes pictures around.
Kelsey? What do you want him to do? Destroy them entirely ir just store them away?
I like to keep letters and pictures. I’d happily store them away out of sight and I think that’s a very reasonable request. I don’t think I would destroy them though.
From my own perspective, as a human, how I function, I always have pics of the ex. When I break up with someone, I want no contact, so I don’t want to look at the pics to clean them away or throw them out. Once I’m over him, I don’t care anymore so I just leave the pics wherever they are. Now I’m not a pic hanger so that means they’re mainly just on my phone /pc etc. But it doesn’t mean anything, I just got over him enough to stop caring if there are pics or not.
Assuming you’ve been over to his place before, how come you dind’t see the pics then? Where are they exactly?My guy still has pictures of his ex…they are in a drawer. He is completely over her, but she was a big part of his life..so there are pictures of her. He doesn’t have them framed on the wall, but they are in his apartment if you dig around.
Are Kelsey and Kimberley the same person? If so it sounds like you’ve already brought this up numerous times. You’ve told him it makes you uncomfortable and it bothers you. If you keep bringing it up yes you will risk him being bitter and resentful.
And it doesn’t sound like these were out in the open at all! They are on his laptop and his camera. It’s one thing if he has her pictures in frames sitting around his place but that’s not the case here. You really need to work on your insecurities and not push them off on him. At a certain age every guy you are going to meet is going to have a past and ex girlfriends/fiances. It’s part of life.
If you keep telling yourself that it’s just the past and you’re his present and future then why are you letting it hurt you? He is choosing you and choosing to be with you. Why does that make you feel not good enough? You don’t want to be her because he broke up with her and didn’t want to marry her! But you can’t erase history. She was what he wanted at one time and you can either learn to live with that and work on your insecurities or you’re never going to have a successful relationship.
Let me tell you a personal story. I saw hundreds of pictures on my boyfriend’s phone of his ex. There were selfies, pictures of them on vacation, pictures he took of just her posing and acting silly. We didn’t do that. We don’t take selfies and when we went on vacation he doesn’t take a bunch of pictures of me or us together. I’ve never been that girl and it’s just not something I’ve ever done. I never told him I saw the pictures but it was really bothering me. Did he think she was more beautiful than me? Was she thinner than me, did she have a better body than me, was he more in love with her and so on and so forth until I was obsessed about it. I would creep on her Facebook page to look at her pictures. It really got out of hand the amount of time I allowed myself to dwell on it.
But I came on here and everyone told me that was the past, that all relationships are different and he was in love with me and saw a future with me. I never brought it up to him. I focused on our relationship and how amazing it was and I decided to never look back. I worked on my insecurities about it and focused on what made me so amazing that he saw the rest of his life with me. Now I’m married to that amazing guy!! But if I had been jealous, insecure and made him delete or throw away those pictures he probably would have resented me for it and realized I wasn’t the kind of woman he wanted to marry. He had already told me about jealous, insecure exes before and that’s actually why he broke things off with some of his exes.
I was married for 24 years and have lots of pictures of my ex husband. They are not in plain sight but some are on my computer. I have no desire to delete all of them or those memories and especially not those with our children or us as a family. My children will want to see those memories. He understands that and would never ask me to do it. It’s a matter of trust and respect. Enjoy your relationship, work on your insecurities and stop digging around trying to find stuff!!
Laurie Tetz
I found a picture of my boyfriend and his ex and pictures hidden in a drawer why does he keep those pictures,?
Because, his socks long for her…