my weird patterns

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  • This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 3 years ago by Maddie.
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  • #931215 Reply

    So I have observed tat whenever I find a guy that I get really excited about, and that is a once in a blue moon situation kinda thing that I am talking about like it has happened 4-5 times before,, I f*uk it up big time. like i will either start ignoring him so much that i will literally give them the feels that i hate them or make them take me for granted by coming on too strong…like for instance there is this guy: the kind that i have the hots for tall, handsome, low key, shy, old soul kind, nerdy i don’t know him very personally but i am very attracted to him..i have had a crush on him since long..we kept in touch via instagram after connecting on a dating appp, they were some strict covid days i don’t really remember..he said he doesn’t like to text and i have had weird experiences in the past and was just out of a breakup so I did not give him my number…but he stayed in touch…then now a days that I am in better shape bmentally and post a lot of nice pictures he started liking them but did comment on them and we started joking and talking playfully a bit and keeping more in touch via instagram only and he said he isn’t seeing anyone and even his insta just shows him enjoying with friends or family, we have similar interests , he listens to exactly the same kind of music which is rare, i don’t find many such people, he posts the same kind of quotes that i like to read……then again one day while texting he said why not call wen we have already been texting for an hour, then I took his number and shared mine but said will call the next day as it was quite late…today he told me that he thinks I am really very pretty and that he likes me, i hearted his texts and replied that’s really nice wit a shy smiley ..I am just not calling him, even after him asking 2-3 many times…I just don’t know why I am not calling, it is true that I am very busy but I am dating others, god knows why I have been so weird with him when I find him so likable just by having an outside view of his life and is well umm pictures and videos…i am just scared I will catch feelings maybe..what should I do in such a situation…what do i call and say..he is the shy kind so he will not ask me out till i talk to him and he probably gets comfortable and I am generally out going god knows why I am acting so weird…

    #931216 Reply

    Why are you so afraid of catching feelings? Isn’t that eventually the point of dating someone if you get to know them and it’s a good match? Have you considered that you may be emotionally unavailable? People often are when fear or shame drive their decisions.

    #931217 Reply

    The easy answer, You are emotionally unable…

    Why is the question

    #931228 Reply

    You might be avoidant attachment type

    #931270 Reply

    I am afraid of catching feelings because I feel people fake or change and then it just hurts too much to separate. On the other hand if you don’t date someone you are too attracted to then the pain of separation is also less. Plus a lot of guys have faked love for me in long relationships while taking my real love and concern for granted pu*sy while trying to keep a goof gf. I have been in such situations and they ripped my soul apart. It has been years and now I do believe that there might be some man who is different and will be capable of genuine love but I am so scared that I just don’t feel like getting into it altogether. But I do crave intimacy so I end up dating guys that I feel will hurt much less to leave because I don’t like them that way….maybe makes me sounds pathetic… However, I wanna break this pattern. Could you suggest a few things that I can do to become more emotionally available to this guy? And suggest some things that I can talk about.

    #931273 Reply

    Find a trained someone to talk to…

    #931274 Reply

    I agree with Eva, you sound like you have a fearful avoidant insecure attachment style. And Raven is right.. you can’t really become emotionally available for someone else, you need to do it for yourself and a trained expert to help guide you will make it seem easier.

    I don’t recommend starting something up with someone you really like if you’re still in a mindset that you sabotage yourself out of fear, you should find someone to talk to about this first now that you know what to call the weird patterns. But if you want to try anyway, you can start by calling him like you said you would, apologize that you hadn’t called earlier but you are shy and it is hard for you to make the first move, and tell him you are interested in getting to know him better. Then you find “normal” get to know you topics… what kind of movies, music, entertainment does he like, do either of you like traveling, what are his hobbies and are any the same as yours, what does everyone do for work or school, does he have any life passions, all that kind of stuff. See what you have in common, though you don’t need to learn everything at once. Take your time at your own speed, and if he likes you then he will match your speed.

    #931292 Reply

    Thanks Maddie. That helps. But it could also be that I feel t is weird that he started talking directly after I started posting nice pictures of myself. Guys with such behavior, I mean those who give a lot of importance to looks are generally play boys..or this is my overthinking and avoidant personality talking? I don’t like the guys who are nice to me because they wanna play me or they don’t have anyone, if they like how I look they wanna get in my pants, etc etc.

    #931317 Reply

    Men are initially attracted to visuals. That’s the way it is. But that doesn’t tell you anything other than he likes how you look, which is a minimum requirement for a man to be interested. Since you really don’t know him at this point, you’re jumping to conclusions and trying to read his mind about what he wants from you. You are right to not want to deal with men who just want to fool around when that’s not what you’re looking for. But you need to talk to him and get to know him before you know his intentions. If he is bringing up sex in early conversation, then you know he’s not worth your time. If he’s interested in getting to know you and wants to plan dates, that’s great! Meet up, see if you’re interested in getting to know him better, don’t jump into bed with him and don’t invest in your feelings for him immediately. Just get to know him and see if you like him as a person first.

    Starting from a default position of distrust of others before you get to know them, assuming and mind-reading their intentions, and rushing into things with weak boundaries and losing yourself immediately when dating a new person instead of taking time to get to know them (or the opposite, having boundaries so strong you have a wall up) are all typical habits of the fearful avoidant personality style. But again, you should talk to a professional because recognizing and doing the opposite of those things is only a small piece of the puzzle. It’s more complicated to address your patterns, but it IS doable.

    #931336 Reply

    Maddie: thanks. I will speak to a therapist. But till then is there any book for the fearful avoidants out there that you know of?

    #931337 Reply

    Give the free videos by Thais Gibson a try for a starting point. I haven’t seen too many good books on it… a lot of them are more focused on the other types of insecure attachment styles.

    #931338 Reply

    Same. I also came across majorly anxious preoccupied styles. But I think I am a mix of the two: anxious as well as avoidant. It is like when I am not yet in love or a relationship, I will try to avoid it at all costs, but when I get into one then I become anxious and preoccupied about it if it isn’t healthy, which it generally never is because I don’t date who or what I want. I just date whoever tried the hardest to get along with my aloofness and almost b’tch like behavior. I have terrible fear of abandonment and anybody that I have tried talking about this to ends up just using it to make me beg and cry at the end.

    #931339 Reply

    Yes, fearful avoidant is somewhat of a mix of the two styles, but it’s more complicated than just that. Gibson has a lot of videos that will help you understand it better. The problem is that when you choose whoever tries the hardest and is attracted to you at your most aloof, then they will have their own issues, or they wouldn’t chase quite so hard (they only want what they can’t have because they are emotionally unavailable themselves). So then you end up opening up to the people you can’t actually trust, as they aren’t emotionally mature men, and those are the ones that hurt you and make you feel like you were right not to trust in the first place. Not everyone is like that! But you are very right to look into your own patterns further to eventually learn to break out of them and heal. Before you do that, it is very natural for the insecure types to be attracted to each other over and over. And you don’t need any more guys who are just man-children!

    #931341 Reply

    wow. That is such an accurate description of my romantic history and baggage. So the problem is nothing but that I choose the wrong people to open up to. I am not able to recognize the good ones around me. I have totally always been with the ones who have chased the hardest and ended up with very bad partners or those that needed pleasing or chasing as well sometimes…thinking they are actually the ones I should be dating….but I think I will have to find someone who lies somewhere in the middle….

    #931366 Reply

    That sounds good, but don’t skip the therapy step. Choosing different types of men will definitely help, but the fear and shame that drive your patterns need to be addressed too to see real change. And don’t be hard on yourself if it isn’t quick and easy, these things take some time to heal!

    #931370 Reply

    The only problem is that there are not very many good therapists in this country that’s why I have been having problems trying to get the perfect solution. They don’t see my trauma, they assume I am a disordered individual and then won’t really be able to address my real concerns. That is why I was looking for books or workbooks which could help me work my way through things. But I will keep trying to look for good therapists. Thanks Maddie.

    #931372 Reply

    Thanks to Covid, there are many many online therapists…

    #931373 Reply

    Thanks for the hint Raven :)

    Just a bit of an update: I did start talking to that guy I had been mentioning. He asked me what took so long for me to call him, he had been waiting for so long. And we got to talking. He told me pretty personal things about himself, I mean the conversation just started flowing along those lines. For instance, I told him I am a little shy and feel jittery talking to new people. Then he went on to explain he is the same…however, not a lot of people feel like talking to him as he is a bit weird. I umm felt funny at that, I asked him why? He said I am a bit moody, kind of person, I don’t socialize much, I have had the same 3 friends since school and made 2 more in college. So that is my circle. However, if someone new or interesting comes around I can definitely talk. He told me he has changed a lot with time, ow he doesn’t judge women on the basis of their looks as it saddens him that people are not interested at all in how the person is from within…it is all about looks, wealth, job, status etc. Also, he highlighted many times that he is a nobody and doesn’t do anything great although he is from the best college and is an electronic engineer. Then he made me listen to some of his favorite songs and also said if you are getting bored I will close the songs, which was also kind of cute. Then he went on to tell me about his past relationships, and the conversation got a bit serious as his ex’s husband is now dead. After that he said I think I overshared and have really bored you to death the first time you decided to talk. I said lol no it is good to know such personal stuff about people. I mean it does feel nice to know personal details about him. But I don’t feel that interested to talk to him again…probably because it was all about him and we had spoken for an hour over the call. I did share bits but it was mostly him. I mean he could have asked me to show him some of my favorite songs too, right? Well, just to test this aspect of his personality, I sent him two of my songs the next day and told him you made me think of my teenage songs too. He sent me another song as a response, I listened to it and sent him a reply that is a nice song. He didn’t even mention whether he heard what I sent him. But sent me another song to listen to. I ave been wit such people before who just keep talking about themselves and they were some of the worst people I dated….I am thinking I will talk to him one more time over call and if he still just keeps talking about himself without trying to find out anything about me I will move on. Am I dealing with this in a fearful avoidant way or a secure way? Umm I know no one is a therapist here. But just sharing. Thanks :)

    #931375 Reply

    In my unprofessional opinion, dealing with it in an insecure way is when you don’t really know what’s wrong and start looking for flimsy excuses to sabotage and get extremely critical of the other person just to make up a reason to support not understanding your own feelings. However, you do have a solid reason here that you are unsure about him. If he calls you (as it sounds like it’s his turn to make the next move), you can give it a try with one more conversation. If you still have a meh feeling that you’re able to clearly identify, go with your instinct and move on. He has already warned you he’s a bit weird and a bit of a loner… could mean he’s socially awkward / on the spectrum, or could be a warning that there’s a good reason people don’t like him (such as he’s self-absorbed) and it’s not worth pursuing.

    If he doesn’t initiate speaking again, you don’t even need to worry about it.

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