Need some advice on dating

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  • #909949 Reply

    My story is a bit in the past but I just wanted some opinion mainly for future reference since I am unsure if what I did was right or wrong and don’t want to keep carrying this regret without understanding it.

    I was talking to this guy for about 3 weeks before we went on our first date. I found he was a bit unorganised and a bit reserved. The date was ok and I did enjoy his company. We both love pets and talk about them a lot. A week after our first date he invited me over his house to meet his 2 dogs and to take them for a walk. He lives with his mum, sister, brother in-law, his niece and nephew. I feel it was still early in the relationship to meet his whole family, so I told him I feel a bit awkward going to his place, he laughed it off and said that’s fine, next time.

    Fast forward a month later, we got into a fight and both were upset. I thought he would reach out since I felt it was his fault for causing the fight. However, he didn’t and continue to be upset at me for days. I eventually gave in and talk to him but after a week he broke it off with me.

    After 1 and half month he started seeing someone else. I recently got told by a friend that he invited her home for dinner after only dating for 3 weeks.
    My questions are, should I have gone to meet his family when he asked me back then? I feel if I have gone maybe our relationship would have been stronger and we would of been more connected. Maybe he sees me declining the offer to come to his house as I’m not interested in him. Since we’re not official, how early into dating should I meet the guy family? Also with the fight I had with him, we both were stubborn and don’t want to be the first to reach out cause we both think we’re right. But I knew deep down he upset me a lot during that fight, I didn’t want to give in. Does that mean our personalities are not compatible? I’m not sure if something similar happen in the future what I should do.

    #909964 Reply

    Similar to another post from today, one of the most important things to find out when you’re just getting to know someone romantically is how you resolve conflict together. In a case like this, where it results in a total communication breakdown, yes, I’d say that indicates you are incompatible and should not continue to pursue a relationship together. If things are only working well in good times but fall apart in bad times, the relationship doesn’t actually work!

    The bit about his family may also be a compatibility issue. I’m with you and agree that he’s introducing women to his family way too early. Either they’re so chill that no one even cares about meeting a new person (can you imagine if you had met them and only 3 months later now he’s introducing them to yet another, different date??), or he’s rushing getting to know people (which usually doesn’t go so well). And while I think you are in the right about waiting and it shows healthier boundaries, ultimately it’s an incompatibility in the speeds with which you both wish to progress the relationship and no one is actively “wrong” because it’s subjective. But I point out that I agree it’s good to wait because I believe you’ll have better luck in the future if you don’t second guess yourself on that or put yourself in a situation where you feel rushed or uncomfortable because you believe it might make some new man happy.

    There are better ways to handle conflict than digging in your heels because being right is the most important thing to you both. That doesn’t mean you should ignore your own needs or give in to someone else to keep the peace, but what makes conflict resolution most effective in my opinion is prioritizing working together as a team to get both needs adequately met over being right, communicating honestly, not taking disagreements personally, not acting out of fear that any disagreement can end the entire relationship, and not lashing out in anger about a list of issues any time tempers flare. If you want to learn from this experience, I’d suggest looking up more online about good tools for healthy conflict resolution and communication skills and not worry at all about meeting families before you feel comfortable or ready. Continuously improving communication is always useful for anyone! But it wouldn’t have helped you in THIS case because you still learned that he was willing to walk away over something without discussing it further, so good riddance to him. Hopefully next time you can find a more mature guy!

    #909975 Reply

    Thank you for your respond Maddie. I really wanted to resolve that conflict but I just couldn’t believe he was still upset at me after so many days, and I have to be the one that apologise first hoping we can get back to normal. I know now that is it not a healthy way of resolving conflict. Your thoughts about meeting the family early help me a lot, I’ve been playing that scenario in my head over and over wishing I did go and meet his family, but you’re right I shouldn’t need to rush it if I’m not comfortable.

    It just hard knowing that this girl his seeing is already meeting his family. Make me feel like I have missed out on being part of his life. Its like it could of been me if I took a different route. I will take my time processing all of this.

    Your advice on how to deal with conflict in a relationship is very helpful. It make a lot of sense to me and I do agree with what you said. I do agree that working together to solve the problem is better, but sometimes I do find it hard to try when I feel the other person is not understanding of my feelings or the reason I was upset. I will read more into it and see what else I can do if similar situation arises.

    #910090 Reply

    Not everyone will always understand your feelings, but someone committed will try different ways with you to look for communication that works better. That’s why it’s important to see how you resolve conflict together, because you can learn to do everything “right” but still choose a guy who is very bad at it and doesn’t want to deal with it or doesn’t act respectful when he’s angry or thinks he’s right. And then there’s nothing you can do about it except recognize he’s not the right match for you (and eventually resume looking for a guy things don’t feel so difficult with!).

    In terms of the other woman, things might be better for her and they might not be. You really don’t know, she may just be more willing to put up with his nonsense, which wouldn’t make you happy if you were in her shoes. Between his rushing through certain relationship milestones and then acting immature and holding grudges when you had an argument, I don’t think you’re missing out here. You need some more time to process the hurt, but that’s okay. Breakups always suck, there’s not really a way around that. Be kind to yourself. And you should really feel good about yourself that you’re trying to learn from the experience, I think you’re on the right track!

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