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- This topic has 14 replies and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
I had been dating this guy for a little over 3 months. The relationship was what I would call “easy”, we hung out a lot, went out to dinner, met and regularly hung out with each others friends/family. At the beginning it was just what I wanted. My last relationship had been over the top, too intense and crashed and burned badly!! So this was a nice change. There is nothing he did to make me think he wasn’t interested. He would call/text daily etc. It almost felt like we had been together for a long time and had already gotten to that comfortable stage. This started to worry me as I didn’t feel as though a connection was happening (or at least not getting deeper) and I didn’t understand what he was thinking.
So the last time we were together we went out on a Saturday night, met up with a bunch of his friends, had a really fun night. We went back to his house afterwards, had sex. Sex was really good between us, he was very affectionate and attentive, we always spent the night together whether at my house or his, cuddled, etc. But it was really the only time he was overtly affectionate. I just don’t think he was a PDA type of guy. He’d hold my hand in the car and stuff but wasn’t touchy when in public. Anyway.. After we’d had sex this last time my son called (adult child) saying he’d come home and was wondering when Id be home. So I told Bill I had to go and he acted a little upset that I was leaving. I wasn’t planning on having “the talk” but it just came out and I asked what he was looking for in terms of a relationship. I said I was looking for a serious, long term relationship. All he said was he thought things were fine the way they were. I said I didn’t think so and explained how I felt things were a little too casual. He just said “oh” and he pretty much ended the conversation there. We chatted for a bit after that, just basic things about what I was doing the next day then I left to go home.
I kinda felt like that was going to be the end and I was ok with that, thinking if things were so flat at the beginning it didn’t show much hope for the future. BUT it’s now been almost 3 weeks and I haven’t heard from him at all and I must say I’m really surprised. I expected some period of no contact (I rarely contacted him unless he’d contact me so it wasn’t weird for me not to initiate contact) but I expected Id hear from him by now, even if it were just a friendly text or phone call. In my head I knew he would need some time to process things so I knew I would not contact him again until he did so. We do have mutual friends whom Ive seen since but he or the status of our relationship was not mentioned at all.
Is it normal for 3 weeks to go by if doing NC? I’m not sitting around waiting for him, have gone on a few dates and am basically living my life but I’m finding I miss him more than I thought I would. I did avoid attending an event last weekend that I knew he’d be at because I didn’t want him to think I was coming around to see him but now I’m wondering if I should have gone … Maybe he’s thinking I’m mad at him and am purposely avoiding him. He definitely would have expected I’d be at this party, it’s actually weirder that I didn’t go. Should I continue to avoid places he’ll be? I don’t know what to do in this situation! I’m not mad at him, we didn’t fight (ever). If he really just didn’t see a future with me that’s ok, I wasn’t sure about him either, but I don’t like the feeling of walking on eggshells around our mutual friends or not going places I’d normally go. Part of me wants to just call him and let him know I hope we can be friends and not awkward around each other if/when we run into each other, and I would really mean that, not just doing it to try to reinitiate contact, but on the other hand I think he should be the one to contact me and if he doesn’t I’m thinKing I should just let it be.
I’d really appreciate your thoughts!
Hi Shelly,
I think you did the right thing—you need to be direct and to the point with a man, that’s the best way to get through to them :-)
You were at a critical stage where by now a guy KNOWS if its love, lust or a sexual friendship. The fact he didn’t respond, and hasn’t by now is a resounding YES, he was NOT considering a relationship with you and it was best to end it if that’s not what you’re looking for. I do think you missed an opportunity though, whereas you shouldn’t be forced to avoid him just because it didn’t work out—you’re adults and should try to be amicable with each other.
However in the future I would suss this out in the beginning, by the 3rd date if he hasn’t opened up this line of questioning. Do it in the form of a general inquiry such as “when dating, are you looking for something long-term or casual?” and then carefully LISTEN to what he says. If its “I’m not looking for a serious relationship right now” then I would be very cautious and definitely keep sex off the table. If he says “if I meet the right woman I would be open to it”, although it may not be with YOU (still keep sex off the table), at least he’s OPEN to it. I would say by the 2nd month if he’s not giving out CLEAR SIGNALS, then its most likely not with you.
Men actually do fall in love rather quickly, so if they aren’t integrating or talking about future plans with you by the 3rd month, then its more than likely he’s not envisioning a committed relationship with you. Hope this helps! :-)
Hi Shelley…I am sorry things worked this way and I think you were smart to ask for what you wanted. I think he silence is telling but I would not wager a bet on it. Who knows what he has going on. One thing is for sure…if he wants you, he sure as heck will make the effort to get you.
In the meantime, I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to call him and say something along the lines of : “Hey Bill, I hope that you are well. I think we sort of let things go because maybe we are looking for different things right now. That said, thank you for the great memories and I hope we can remain friends. I look forward to seeing you at next gathering our friends put together.” You come off relaxed, positive and strong with a message like that. You know your boundaries…you won’t sacrifice them but you won’t hold a grudge either. THAT’S SEXY:)
Carrie, you just made me laugh out loud. I’m a very independent person and whenever I’d tell Bill I was doing some “manly” task (replacing the leaky faucet, taking the lawnmower apart to try to figure out why it wouldn’t start) he’d reply, in all caps just like you did, “THAT’S SO SEXY”. Lol
I’m not sure I’m sexy enough to make the phone call after such a long period of not talking to him but I will definitely attend the next event with our mutual friends and will just greet him in a friendly way, let him know it’s nice to see him and that I hope he’s well… Then move on and enjoy the party. I think that will be the most natural way to handle this.
Lane. Thanks for your candor. I do tend to agree with you that his silence indicates he was not envisioning a serious relationship. It’s just so weird because everything he did seemed to indicate otherwise. I know he wasn’t seeing anyone else, if he wasn’t at work we were together. He didn’t text a lot, only to make plans. Any hing longer than a sentence or two and he’d call me. We were even to the point where others referred to us as a couple and if plans were made they included the two of us. We never really had a “first date” which is why I think we skipped a lot of the normal getting to know each other steps. When we first met it was through friends and we were just friends. He flirted a lot but I had just ended a relationship so it took a few months before I was ready to start seeing anyone. It was over the summer so lots of cookouts and such. We just slowly started being together more and more with friends, then we’d go out on our own or Id stay over after the cookout to help clean up and before you knew it we were a couple. I think he was a little taken back when I asked about his intentions because I really do feel like he thought everything was just fine. I should also mention that he is 47 and has never been married nor had what I would consider a long-term relationship (longest was 3 or 4 years, once). He works a lot, has a lot of longtime friends and is very comfortable and set in his ways. I think he was perfectly happy with having someone he enjoyed hanging out with in his spare time and that’s all he’ll ever really want.
How long do you suggest keeping sex off the table in a new relationship? I was married for a long time in a pretty much sexless marriage and must say I’m loving my newfound sex life!! I can’t separate emotions from sex (so no FWB for me) but… I’ve only got so many good years left. ;)
I think sex is different for everyone and some people feel comfortable on 3rd or 4th date. I’m not one of them:) I keep it off the table until the relationship conversation. That said I bring that conversation up fairly early…right around 3rd or 4th date. That is generally when I can sense a guy trying to make the move, I make mine before he even sees what’s coming:)
I have tremendous success with this talk. Men respect it and those who don’t want a relationship fade away but no one’s feeling are left hurt and generally a friendship is an option!
Carrie, can you explain your conversation?
Hi Sherri! I genreally use the first 2-3 dates to determine whether I like a man in that sort of way. ( I do not date men who I doubt that I may have a future with so these men have already passed that initial threshold).
At date 3 or 4 is generally when men push a bit on getting physical. Before that happens (and every situation is different, I am speaking generally only), I bring it up casually. It could be during a walk, dinner or whatever. I say something like “I’m really enjoying getting to know you and I am not sure what you are looking for but I would like to share that I am looking for something meaningful. In fact I don’t even get physical until I am with someone who wants a relationship too. I know that not all people are always on the same page and so I am interested in friendship with those that want something casual”.
That is all I say. I do not ask directly what they are looking for and I let them volunteer it after my lead. If they don’t volunteer it and need some time and space to think about it, I give it to them. No initiating contact for me during this time.
I have had great success with this but I think that in large part has to do with my vetting process. I ask a lot of questions and speak to someone for a couple weeks before I go on a first date. I have a curious nature, I am on the bold side and it generally has worked in my favor. I wish you the best in this brand new dating world. It can be tricky but it can also be a lot of fun!
Great advice from Carrie and Lane. I am going to use that when I plunge back into the dating pool in the new year. Carrie, that timing suits me too. Sex before the 4th date/one month just isn’t for me, I want to know who I’m dealing with before I drop my knickers, LOL. This is the perfect, light way to bring it up. I see so many ladies getting the fade or flat out being ghosted by month 3 or 4 – myself included on this last round – and I really feel it’s down to not sorting out what they were up for. I think some of this could be eliminated by using your method.
And Shelley, I think you are calling it and handling it right. After what I went through I see Lane’s point about men fall in love quickly and know what they want within the first month or two.
Stephanie…every single man that I have been in a relationship with has told me how much he respected and appreciated me saying what I wanted to rather than waiting and having expectations about things unsaid. Also, every single man that turned into a friendship is still a friend. They too, respected what I had to say and hold me in their highest esteems.
When I set out to have this conversation, it is not a long one. 2-5 mins max and I move on. Most men are direct and simple and when they get that in regards to this tricky conversation, they really appreciate it.
Carrie, when you say physical, do you mean sex or even kissing? I ask this because I am assuming that at least by date 4 you have kissed right? How do you go back to platonic if you guys have already kissed and he decides he only wants friendship?
Hi Sherri! Yes, by date 4 we have kissed…In fact I would prefer that on the 1st or latest, the 2nd date so I can confirm chemistry. How do I go back to platonic if he wants friendship? Easy…I give a couple weeks time and if he wants to continue a friendship and I do as well then we go down that route. To be honest, I don’t put all my eggs in one basket and do not become overly emotionally invested in a man until we are on the same page in terms of wanting a relationship. For me, kissing is to determine attraction and chemistry and sex is to determine meaning and substance. I don’t get emotionally invested in attraction only so moving it to a platonic friendship is not difficult.
When I go into it with this mindset, it becomes rather easy to separate things so they don’t get messy. Hope that helps!
Oh I did not mean if you became emotionally invested. I meant how do you get the guy to back off because you have already kissed. So he may think friendship with you includes a kissing session.
Oh, ok. If the man says he doesn’t want what I want but continues to pursue me in a romantic way, I tell him to contact me only when he can handle a purely platonic friendship. I say it that directly. If they can’t respect that, I discontinue all contact.
I ask on the first date whether I like a man or not, or even if I don’t know yet. This way it’s good practice and if he isn’t dating for a relationship then I can declie a 2nd date. I’d rather ask before I like a guy, then I am not invested at all and can walk away clean and clear.