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- This topic has 64 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
I think you did the right thing to reach out and say what you felt. Now you know that you did everything that you could to see what would happen and can have peace for that. It is possible he will decide different and then you can decide if you want to speak with him if he has a history to just disappear. That won’t be good.
Thank you Sonia.. I do feel that way. The “What if I had just told him how I felt, just reached out one more time, just try..” was weighing very heavily on me. I feel like I’ve done all I can now. There’s nothing left but to move on. Easier said than done.. But I am walking that path now.
I can assure you a lot of us on here are walking that same path. You never know, he may come back around. I hope that if he ever does and you are still interested you tell him what you want before you get in too deep. For now though live your life as if he isn’t coming back.
Yep, it’s been nailed…you came off as needy and he panicked. He probably felt that if you were getting on him about something so small such as a phone call when he at least texted, how would you react to something bigger? No need beating yourself up about it now though…learn from this. Next time curb your anxiety by keeping yourself busy! Go to the gym, call a girlfriend, throw your phone in a pool…whatever you need to do to keep yourself from reacting and then feeling bad about it later. Seriously, sometimes I need to give my phone to my friend or throw it somewhere and run away to keep myself from saying something that I know will come off as needy, because I have a tendency of doing the same thing.
If he comes back, great! If not, dont sweat it, hes not worth it. Another one will come along that is even better.
I realize I came across as needy, that’s why I backed of for a couple of days. 3 messages in 5 days isn’t excessive or needy communication to me. I could see if I were calling him everyday, leaving several messages, texting multiple times a day.. but I am not. This was our first “argument” if you even want to call it that. If that’s all it took for him to treat someone that has been nothing but good to him, then I am better off for it.
I’m not perfect, I made a mistake. For this to happen over something so small, is making me come to the understanding that I was much more invested in the relationship than he was. Which is embarrassing and humiliating in itself because I thought we were on the same page. I guess I was a fool for that too.
So long story short, I’ll be ok if I don’t hear from him. I think I am finally getting past the hurt stage and into the angry stage.. which is where I need to be LOL
Lol Nicole, I have had people take it from me in the past.:))) Fortunately, I am over that now and that was the worst breakup of my life and even then I made one phone call and sent one message later but anyhow I think even that is too much sometimes, it can be enough to push a guy over the edge. But I am much better off without him.
I am just telling you Luzinha that it can be too much, 3 messages is a bit much in five days, double texting is already too much if he does not respond to one. I even double think sending one. But you know that this is not the right person and is a coward. You are of course not at fault. He is the one that did not care about you and you will be better off in the end.
Just learn from this and walk away with dignity, do not continue feeding his ego with texts, that is the only reason we are telling you not to. Also because sometimes when a guy is thinking they should be left alone but if someone runs away from one text that is not your person anyhow.
There will be stages and relapses but stay strong for your own good please. Something so short should not take so long to get over. I am sure no serious damage was done to you and you will be able to find happiness.
Ha! Yes, I am going through many stages right now. Today has been mostly a good day though. No temptation and even if I wanted to.. I deleted his #. In a way, it was very empowering to do that. Thankfully, in this day and age, we don’t memorize phone #s anymore LOL. My dignity is somewhat tarnished from this experience, but it will recover as will I.
just an updated I keep my word of not contacting my boyfriend or “nagging him” is been four days since tuesday night that day i send him a text saying to call me i wanted to talk to him I ask him what wrong, “in my mind I was thinking why haven’t you contact me like he always does” of course i did not say it out loud I keep my calm and i told my self cool down I do not want to get mad at him or say something I do not mean.he said he just been to busy at work and the boss is all on them and he tired and does not want to do anything and he ask me how I’ve been and I said great just busy with school.then before we hang up he told me he loves me like he always does.
I told myself this time I wont beg for his text or give him to much attention like i always do maybe if i stop doing all that he will get it.
I started going out with friends and focus on myself because I think he taken me for granted for all the little things I do for him when he need me I am always there but not this time I will stay away for a while and see if he gets it.
what do you guys think?
Keep yourselves busy girls. I know it is tough, the first three days are the worst.At first it is very very hard. After a while it gets easier. It is just that we are creatures of habit and we need to break the habit. Of course in every relationship we get used to the other person being around so now we have to get used to the idea of them not being around. If they go a week, then you have good reason to believe that they are gone and if they come back and do not give you a good explanation, please do not fall into their traps because then they are likely playing and they are coming back for an ego boost. A guy who is invested in you can have a bad day but is afraid of losing you and will not disappear for extended periods of time.
thank you. yes is hard not to want to but I also want to keep my word. What happens when I do not bother to look for him he comes finds me and this time I will not . Yes is hard not having him text me or hear his voice and I I will not get his mother or sister involved is not their fault the way he acting .
that way I think he taking me for granted because he thinks I will always be there for him and will always answer him when he need to talk to me .
Is hard but I can do it I already told him nice that aleast to text me once in a while but two weeks have this started since. I will not him the ego of thinking I always will be there.
I hope I get my answer soon.
Luzinha have you heard anything yet? I have a feeling that he is going to contact you and act like everything is ok. Guys are so crazy like that, and you just need to remember how you’re feeling right now and know that he’s capable of doing something like this again. stay strong girl!
Kay, loved your comment here. Finally someone saying that the “book” offered on this site is helpful to someone. I was so skeptical about it but reading your opinion made me say hmmm… Maybe I should.
Good discussion here and Good Luck Luzinha! Hang in there, let him go and see if he returns!
I am sorry he ghosted. He may come back and if he does own that your communication came across not as it will ever again, whomever the person I am involved, because you learned from it. It was needy behavior, but the problem also is the way you must convey your wants to a guy. By reacting to his nonreaction rather than saying something positive when you had heard from him so he could say to himself “she is happy without my constant attention”. Wow, she is so darn independent. What a girl!
(meant to say happy EVEN without my constant attention).
Hello everyone, I think my opportunity to try to work things out with him is gone. It’s been two weeks now.. and no contact. I haven’t attempted to contact him since that last Friday when I left the voicemail. I told him I was worried, that I cared about him. I never heard back. It has been difficult this past week. I have wanted to reach out to him on many occasions, but have decided against it. What bothers me so much is why did he put so much time and effort into showing me he cared, to just disappear? Something just isn’t right.