Not a great situation –

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Not a great situation –

  • This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 3 years ago by tammy.
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  • #931075 Reply

    Had posted previously a couple of weeks back but unfortunately I can’t find the original post. 😔
    In summary, was dating a guy, was out separately on a night out bumped into him and he screamed at me that I was stalking and following him. It was humiliating and I literally ran out went hone and had sent him some messages more in shock but never threatening of nature in any way. We then did speak on the phone and he said he was hurt needed time etc and at that point I honestly felt like this was my fault. On the phone be opened up about his depression and some significant things that happened in his life. He implied he knows lots of people where I live and get me barred and make my life difficult. (On the phone)
    We did end up talking some more because tbh I wanted things to be friendly because I was just really worried about whaether he followed through with those threats. He has personal messages from me basically of me apologising and how he made me feel but never abusive at all. We had agreed to be amicable and had even agreed to meet next week to just clear the air because to be honest I have never been so on my head and on edge. Fast forward to Friday night. Was out with friends. Saw him in the last 20 mins before the night ended. He was pleasant but the second thing he said to me was waved his phone at me and said should I show them how crazy you are. And laughed. He then went over to one of my friends who was speaking to a male friend of ours, grabbed her hand (to point to her wedding ring) and laughed shaked his head and stormed off. This friend doesn’t know this guy so was very confused. Anyway he stood there angry and tbh I wish I had just left as soon as I saw him. As I left and after the uncomfortable end I said to him I don’t understand why your acting like you hate me and then fine the next. We then had a phone conversation with him screaming saying he will report me to the police for harassment. We have some mutual friends and tbh I am really on edge and haven’t left the house since I’m just so on edge. I’m worried he will send personal messages I’ve sent him to friends because he has threatening to to humiliate me and now he is threading with the police. I genuinely have never had any dealings with the police so now I’m on edge if I think there is someone at the door. Obviously I won’t be seeing him to clear the air and we have both blocked each other and not spoke to each other since that phone call. But I literally am worried his trying to get me in trouble. I have no interest in reprinting anything to the police I just want things to stop. And I guess technically they have but I’m on edge waiting for someone to get a message or for the police to come and know how manipulative he is

    #931076 Reply
    Honesty Rocks

    Jeez why why why ? Stay the hell away from this lunatic as you were told to before. Why did you even agree to meetup with crazy chops after he showed you clearly who and what he is ?? And why do you keep engaging ?? If you see him out you should know it wont end well. In fact if you had any sense you would make sure you dont see him out. Stay away from his haunts. Hes a raving lunatic. Understand it and act accordingly. The police and the nonsense he is threatening is the least of your problems. You should be asking yourself why you cant just accept what this guy is and leave him well alone.

    #931077 Reply

    Honestly my main motivation to make things civil was because I was so on edge. Figured it would be better to be on good terms. He knows where I live and tbh I don’t know all his haunts enough to avoid them- it’s not a massive town where I live, and I live right by the heart of the town of restaurants and bars etc so to guarantee avoiding him isn’t really an option. . I’m most definitely at a point where if I saw him at this point I would leave, I have no interest in ever speaking to him again. I just am sat anxiously waiting to see if the police come to my door or he starts messaging my friends or tries to make things difficult.

    #931078 Reply

    I understand your concerns. You just don’t want any beef with anyone since you are not a person that likes trouble. So you gave this civil opportunity a shot. It didn’t work so now you know that some people are just not at peace with themselves they can’t make peace with anybody.

    Avoid him at all cost. If you’re worried about the police you have loads of evidence of your intention towards him in your phone, they will see what a sicko he is. So do not worry, infact having the police aware what’s going on might be a protection for you too. It would be good to mention that your personal info might get spread by this psycho.

    #931079 Reply

    The guy is mental.

    Everyone who knows him, knows he’s a psycho. He’s this way with everyone, not just you.

    You don’t need to worry about him ‘outing’ you or him calling the police on you. And, if he does so what?! What will they do- Nothing, cos you’ve done nothing wrong.

    #931107 Reply

    first thing you need to do is block him totally and stop engaging with him. he sounds crazy and you sound frightened. i don’t think you should worry about the police as you have done nothing wrong. it seems you hate fights and confrontations so you wanted to end things on an amicable note. but thats worked against you clearly. just avoid the man. and let him show whatever he wants to show to frnds. his problem not yours. and do stop engaging with him. go silent.

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