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I have a bf . We were two yrs together and i nvr meet his family. . He meet mine . His parents is back in japan but his sister live in the same city that we reside in. What bother me is that. He nvr let me meet his sister so i always had this doubt in my mind that what if that was his friend and not his sister. He is waiting for her to finish uni and possibly pursue her because im the one paying for the groceries and take outs in our relationship even though we are not live-in/ common in law
Is it okay not to meet his family? I find this very weird coming from my culture. It goes to show that he is not serious in our relationship. I brought this up to him but he doesnt want me to met his sis. Should i just end the relationship? I FEel like this problem is not that big and im making a fuss about it.
Honesty Rocks
Why are paying for a grown ass man’s food ??
Liz Lemon
Yes, I find it weird that you’re dating 2 years and haven’t met his sister who lives in the same city as you. If his parents are far away in another country, I can understand not having met them yet (especially during covid), but do they at least know you exist? Does he talk about you to them?
And why on earth are you paying for all the groceries and take out in your relationship?!
Hi Ren,
I’m going to put this bluntly.He is not putting in any effort through finances or with showing you his family. The excuses are piling up. He is just not serious about the relationship. Have the conversation wtih him to see why.
This is strange in any culture. This is a big problem if you want to have a real relationship with him. You are not common-law until you declare it on your taxes and own things together. But, you are “living together”.
Don’t doubt yourself! This IS a big problem and weird situation. Even if it weren’t that big a problem, it’s still valid that it’s big for you… but in this particular circumstance most people are going to find it strange and non-committal.
Because of covid and distance, I can’t meet my boyfriend’s sibling, but we’ve still had long phone conversations. We did a video chat with his parents prior to it eventually being safe enough to meet in person. So, if he wanted you to meet them, he’d find a way, even if it’s virtual. And even if he’s not so excited about it for whatever reason, since it’s important to you, he still should find a way.
Have you asked him the reason? What excuses did he give? If it’s cultural and he only introduces one woman he’s planning to marry to family, then that sets up the talk about how serious you actually are after 2 years. I’ve also been told after a long wait and avoidance to meet the family that it was not about me, it was about them… the sibling kept flaking out because that’s the way that person is and my ex was insecure that I would judge him for his family having major issues and being off (this was a red flag for several reasons and I finally met them after pushing but it eventually didn’t work out for other reasons).
Trust your gut if something seems really off, because it probably is! It sounds like there’s a power imbalance in the first place, if he’s having you pay money to support him and making you feel bad about asking for normal relationship milestones like meeting family after 2 years together…
why are you paying for his groceries? and takeouts? he has job issues?
Hi. I sadly have to disagree with some lovely folk here, just because sometimes it really depends case to case, everyone’s situation is different.
Me and my bf have been together for 2.5 years and while I’ve met his family, he’s never met mine yet. My family is (very) religious and have strong beliefs to a point where its suffocating me and bc of this I have an estranged relationship with part of the family. Had some weird drama because I got a bf in the past that caused me to spiral and brought out some serious mental problems, hence I only keep it touch with them to tick a box and keep my mental health in tac.
I’m not saying this is ok or it is not weird. What I’m saying is communication is key. Me and my bf talked about it and we both understand why I do what I do. My bf has stuff in his life that I find odd initially without the full story but after a calm adult conversation, it normally clears the air.
Another example is he’s met my best friends few times but I’ve not met his. Normally people find that odd but long story short something weird happened to his friend and he doesn’t want us to met. He explained honestly to me why. Again communication is key and you’ll normally have a gut feeling whether or not it is the truth.
In terms of the money situation, I’m not sure why. I would double check with him.
I hope this helps. You can generally feel if he actually wants to put effort in or not. In my case, I am confident we’re both putting in same amount of effort in 50-50. Often it’s still ok if it’s 60-40 but when it’s 90-10, that’s when you need to evaluate the relationship.