Not over his ex

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  • #779919 Reply

    If a guy is truly not over his ex, and says he cannot commit to something new. And you let him go. How likely is he to come back once he feels like he is over her?

    #779926 Reply

    I think it totally depends on how long you were dating, whether he formed an emotional bond with you or whether it was just sex trying to get over his ex. If you dated less than 3-4 months I would say the chances are slim. And really you don’t know if he told you he wasn’t over the ex as a way to break things off without you feeling like it was anything you’ve done. When in reality he just doesn’t see a future with you. Pretty easy way to end a relationship without the woman asking for a bunch of closure or was it something she did, was he just not interested, etc.

    #779928 Reply

    You already posted about this as Remy.

    #779939 Reply

    I wouldn’t necessarily believe a man’s reason. You don’t really know what is in his head.

    #779963 Reply
    Better off single

    It means he’s not that interested and move on.

    #779965 Reply

    I know it hurts when a man doesn’t want what you do but its a fact of life and I’ve found it easier to view it as life’s way of telling me there is someone better out there for me, this isn’t ‘the one’ so to speak.

    Out of many many men I’ve dated a couple who ended up coming back (wanting a second chance) after months of separation, they ended up lasting the longest—married one that lasted over 20 years, and in a relationship with another that’s still going strong three years now. The thing is, I never expected to see or be with them ever again. I had totally moved on and when they came back they had to jump through hoops and step way up to earn my trust and love before I felt safe enough to return it. These are the only men you should give your heart to because you have totally captured theirs—anything less is a futile waste of time and effort.

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