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August 21, 2014 at 9:41 am #360654
Hello Gorgeous Girls,
Harley, I was so excited to read you got your shed. I hope that you’ll be able to get a permit. I’m sure if it’s on a heritage site it must be nice and well-kept no? Oh thanks for your feedback on the book.
Vi – Can I get a copy of the book that Harley is talking about? Or can you give me the name of it and I’ll find it. :)
Maria, I will definitely read the ANM articles when I get a chance and give you my take on them.
“It has actually been proven in MRI tests that telling yourself that you already have something/that you are well if you’re sick etc, is very stressful to your brain (and body/soul).” I find this interesting, I wonder if it’s because people then fixate on having whatever it is and worry if it doesn’t happen. I think this can be the case for people who don’t necessarily believe that that it’s not an overnight thing, it happens in time. Basically, ask, believe and receive. This might be people that don’t quite get the laws of attraction or think it’s a get quick type scheme. I don’t know if what I’m saying makes sense.
Vi – No updates on the ex. For a brief period I felt a bit bad about some of the things I said to him the other day and was going to just send him a random text, not apologizing but rather just something neutral like hope the event on Sunday went well. So he knows I don’t have hard feelings. I just felt bad bec during our text convo I said something about one of his friends treating him badly yet he had made so many efforts with him and I who did nothing to him per se got some of the worst treatment. He said I spent as much time as possible with you as I could …and I said it wasn’t about the time rather two people who understood one another and perhaps we didn’t and were incompatible. I just felt bad bec maybe it was harsh and that’s not my nature. I re-read the texts again and decided against sending a text bec it will just continue on and what’s the point. I also re-read some of the not so nice things he said to me. We got into this whole thing bec he brought up coming over to see me and then launched into what happened kinda. I don’t know what he wants. One of my friends says he still has feelings and I won’t lie I do care about him as someone who was a part of my life. At one point I even said to him if you cared then you could have helped make things right. He said I do care I’m talking to you now and I even wished you a happy birthday. I feel like we’re not talking properly and I just don’t have any more energy to fight /talk about the same things over and over with him. I was fine when we were just shooting the shit and it was casual convo. Anyway, that’s it really.
August 21, 2014 at 9:44 am #360655Serena
And it’s interesting bec I think the Universe is telling me to move on – it’s time. I have an online profile that has not been active in about 3 months, but when I got into this thing with him the other day. I rec’d an interest in my inbox. And again when I thought of sending him a text bec i felt bad, I rec’d another interest, but I’ve not been active on it and anyone who looks at my profile can see that. So I found that interesting.
August 21, 2014 at 10:51 am #360660Harley
Hi Beautifuls !
I pulled out of shed sale. Planners got back to me and said not a hope in hell of converting. I have been looking at more properties further away. Some things are meant to be.
I have decided to check out jobs in Germany next I am there. probably a pipe dream but no harm in thinking. Not because of Frank.. but in general. I have NO idea what I ma doing with my life since I sold my house near a yr ago. I have NO ties now her. My son is old enough. I can take a career break.. I just need another job !
I have signed up and paid for a Teach English as a Foreign Language course. My female friend in Germany.. she works at this… so she can give me tips.
I will probably not move… am just exploring my options !
Serena.. am glad all is ok. You are doing GREAT. It’s funny how a few months have changed us all !
Vi.. life is also good with you. keep it up. NO goig backwards.
Maria.. life is ALWAYS good with you these days. Read your crystal ball for me please.. I’m a capricorn. Stubborn, horny, thorny old goat !
August 21, 2014 at 2:27 pm #360689Violet
Serena, I’ll send you the book! It’s the one I quoted earlier. I sent you “The Sec” – did you get it? Also, can you send me Harleys email so I can send it to her?
that’s a really good point about the stress thing. I confess, I am still obsessing a bit about manifesting “the relationship”. I have so many negative thoughts about relationships I feel like I have to brainwash myself into believing that it’s going to happen. And at moments that can get intense.
What I’m really taking from it is the idea that you have to pour love into yourself. I’m getting better at that, and it’s amazing how little you have to control when you’re overflowing with love… people just respond better.
Will write more in a bit – battery about to die xxo
August 21, 2014 at 4:20 pm #360703Serena
Oh Harley, I’m sorry about the shed. You never know what’s around the corner, something bigger and better. It’s always nice to know your options, even if a move to Germany wasn’t in the very near future at least you know it’s an option ;)
Teaching English is something I’ve wanted to do too. It’s one of those things I think is rewarding personally – learning new cultures and exploring parts of the world. How exciting.
Vi – Got it thank you, replied to your email and sent you info in return.
It’s not always easy to stop worrying after all we’re human but it’s training oneself. I still don’t always practice what I preach with regard to this stuff. But I’m learning.Ok so ladies, I did end up texting him a neutral text, it was bugging me all day that our convo wasn’t the nicest. The way I see it is regardless of what he says to me – that’s him. And if I want to just put out some positive energy then I should do it for me not bec I want to engage him in convo. Now unfortunately, I’m stressing myself out and thinking about it. Arghhhhhh. I vowed I would not go background. :( I feel like this is step back for me. Or maybe I’m just over thinking it and I just need to leave it be and it is what it is. I’m still free to move forward and meet new people right. Oh dear.
August 21, 2014 at 4:29 pm #360705Harley
NO NO No.. Serena.. Don’t go there. NO backwards. Sometimes it’s OK to be mean.. you are too nice ! try to stop the thinking as this is what kills us. My head was soo mess up with mike..frank.. it’s soo much easier. I trust in fate. AND.. distract myself whenI think about him and have stupid fantasies/over analysing. SIMPLE TRUTH.. he’s NOT contacting me ! !Please don’t go back to sleepless nights. You are doing soo well on controlling the situation.
Vi.. being happier REALLY DOES bring happy people into your life. .. how do you think I ensnared Frank ???? The amount of guys checking out my happy, smiling face these days is unreal.. more my tits and ass they are checking out really.. I think.
August 21, 2014 at 4:57 pm #360711Serena
Harley, you’re so right. I’m just going to leave it. I control my actions and what he thinks doesn’t matter. I’ve already had a few sleepless nights, but not bec of this. Thanks H. hugs.
Harley you’re new positive healthy attitude is amazing. :) For sure people are going to notice, happy people can be infectious.
August 21, 2014 at 5:41 pm #360717Harley
Ah sure, I’ll charm some poor sucker into taking me on !
Serena : You said you liked FLOWERS post. I did too.. because I recognised that’s what I’ve metamorphised into. With Mike I worried about ALL, analysing, over thinking, sleepness nights, rushing home hoping for a text, crying, not believing in myself… etc etc etc. With Frank… not a bit of it. I am truly happy in myself. Self Love….And.. IT SHOWS.
You will be fine….you just need us to pull you out when the black hole is sucking you back in.
August 22, 2014 at 2:24 am #360767maria
AAh, Friday! Hello, my favorite girls <3
Serena, yes I think the stress comes from worrying it won’t come true. I think our brain finds it easier to cope with something we really believe could be true, instead of the “lie” that it already is true. Personality type and way of thinking could also play a part (like you suggested)…
If someone feels happy doing affirmations they should totally do it though IMO.
Personally, affirmations and ask, believe, receive is not my thing. I dislike that it disregards being in the now and the fact that true inner happiness is not about being happy because you get what you want, it is about being happy REGARDLESS of if you get it or not.
I prefer dreaming about things, going for my dreams, and as said be happy regardless of if I manage to fulfill them or not.
As for your ex, what did your text say?
Harley, lol, I guess I just am a really positive person… (to the point that it actually annoys my friends sometimes)…
I can tell you that yesterday wasn’t exactly a top day though. I was expecting handymen between 8 and 9 in the morning… and they showed up 5 to… 2 pm. Then the “job” they did took 5 minutes to do and I would have done it 10 times better myself (which I told them) (and I also told them it made me happy that I will never see them again)…
That may sound harsh but it’s not. We’re getting our balcony/terrace doors renovated in my house (apartment building) (50 apartments and 50 doors), and the door guys have been running in and out all summer, somehow managing to not once do anything right or on time. The “incident” yesterday wasn’t the first, it was like the fiftieth.
It really wasn’t funny when I was in the situation, but I did laugh later when I called a friend and told her about it…
As for the “crystal balling”, I’ll focus and see if something comes up… and I’ll tell you about it tomorrow/within a couple of days.
Vi, I watched part 2 last night, and again, it’s great. Not in the way that I’m learning something new, but in the way that they are confirming what I already know – and they do it in a really simple and interesting, yet direct and non censored way (which is great for people who know nothing about the subject).
I’d like to point out that I don’t eat the way he does though. I don’t eat red meat at all. I basically eat chicken/turkey, fish and eggs, vegetables, avocados, olives, nuts, beans, lentils and lots of butter, coconut and olive oil. Did you eat like him when eating high fat?
August 22, 2014 at 2:35 am #360769maria
Oh, and about pouring love into yourself and that happy attracts happy, this is from one of Sabrinas articles:
“People who have found happiness within themselves are usually the most desirable to members of the opposite sex and become like magnets because they are at peace and generate a sense of joy” (David D Burns).
August 22, 2014 at 3:19 am #360770Harley
Maria… you sound like you could be in ireland, this is how Irish builders go on. we are well fed up of them. I slept in this morning but it’s Friday so WAYHEH !
August 22, 2014 at 5:10 am #360783maria
Hey Harley, weren’t you going to put up an avatar pic!? If you do it I’ll do it too. I mean I’ll put up a real pic instead of my fairy…
August 22, 2014 at 6:05 am #360789Harley
I can’t do it. I tried. I am crap at IT and get all stressed. I don’t know whether I a meant to log in on gravatar, or START a new grvater etc etc etc. I NEED BABY STEPS explained on how to do it.
I just..GAVE UP !
August 22, 2014 at 7:27 am #360795Serena
Hello Hello,
Ladies, crisis averted. I was spazzing for no reason. It was just a low point yesterday. Today is a new day. :)
Maria, I was hoping you’d have some direct words to slap me in the face. lol I think a part of me still cares for him, but not in the sense that I want things to back to how they were or us to have a second chance. I just want him to be well. I also learned from yesterday’s experience he can’t pull me back in. It’s not that easy. I read this saying this morning that I think really fits with my mindset this morning: “Peace comes to those who let go.”
My text to him just said “Hope all went well on Sunday”. It wasn’t anything to stress over at all.
I agree with you on living in the present, and being grateful for what you have but everyone’s life could be better or improve in some ways and I think that’s where the positive affirmations come into play. You have to already be grateful and feel you have enough and you are enough. Then believe in the Universe’s power. This is where I think people get lost or don’t understand the concept. Just bec you ask for something doesn’t mean you’ll get that exact manifestation at the time that you want it. It’s like you believe that you want it, you’ve asked for it and you’ll receive it when the time is right and if it’s meant for you. But you’re not meant to constantly think about it and let it consume you. I believe you should carry on living and loving and being grateful. I truly believe in the saying everything happens for a reason. So like you I do believe in dreaming and fulfilling my dreams but I think the two go hand in hand or at least complement one another.
Maria, your builder story made me laugh. I didn’t think it was harsh at all. I think builders have a different watch/clock to everyone else in the world and then can somehow justify time. And they know people need them so they don’t care.
Harley don’t give up if you want to do the avatar thing, I can try and help you. I just need to read what it’s asking. Just heading off now…but can do help if you like over the weekend.
Vi – hope you’re having a smashing day so far. :)
August 22, 2014 at 7:32 am #360797Harley
Well said Serena.
YES.. I need help. google the thing yourself and give me condensed step by step instructions please.
August 22, 2014 at 7:33 am #360798Serena
I forgot to add…for me at least I think it’s becoming easier for me to have interactions with him and not think anything more of them is bec he doesn’t live here so it’s easier for us both to meet new people and move on. I won’t do a ‘fantasy’ LDR relationship again with anyone.
August 22, 2014 at 7:34 am #360799maria
OK, I’ll try to be clear:
1. Click on www . gravatar . com in Erics post.
2. Click on “sign in” (top right corner).
3. Click on “need an account?” and enter your email address, username (Harley) and password.
4. Click on “sign up”.
5. They (worldpress . com) will send you an email to confirm your address.
6. Click on “activate account” in that email.
7. They will thank you for confirming your email and ask if you want to go back to Gravatar.
8. Click on “sign in to Gravatar”. By doing that you automatically log in to Gravatar, and when in there you can put up a pic. You just choose a pic you have in your phone or computer, and if you want to you can zoom/cut it.
Remember/write down your password, cause you will need it if you want to change your pic.
If it doesn’t work, just tell me and we’ll figure out what went wrong.
August 22, 2014 at 7:35 am #360800Serena
Will do Harley. Hope you’re day is going fantastical. ;)
August 22, 2014 at 7:35 am #360801Serena
your not you’re
August 22, 2014 at 7:37 am #360803Harley
Ok.. will try later. I DID lots of that, but went wrong on URl address or something.
Thanks… A LOT ! xoxoxo
August 22, 2014 at 7:41 am #360804maria
Ha, we all posted almost at the same time…
August 22, 2014 at 7:55 am #360805Serena
Haha…happy fingers.
Maria, I’m curious to know what you think about me keeping in contact with dude. I was hoping you’d be more vocal about it. I don’t mind harsh, if that’s why you’re hesitating. Let me have it. lol
August 22, 2014 at 9:49 am #360816Harley
SOOOO.. Maria, now you know what I look like !
Is it what you thought ????
Thanks for emails all, cd and book. I have NO idea how to use CD, and book not emailig to my work address to print off. but I’ll figure it all out.
THANKS for all the support !
August 22, 2014 at 1:29 pm #360875maria
Harley my dear, I have a confession, I knew what you looked like cause a while (months) ago you posted a link to your FB account, and I clicked on it, and there you were… you beautiful Snow White…
As for if your looks match your personality, they DEFINITELY do – you look sexy, sassy, bold, cool and as said BEAUTIFUL… Any man with some sense in his head would be lucky to have you on his arm (in that red dress) and in his life…
Serena, lol, no I’m not holding back any harsh words. I did say something (when you first told us that you’re back in contact with him), like that you should keep you answers short, and if he doesn’t get that you’re not interested in being more that friends, then go NC, and I think, judging by what you are saying, that you’re kind of doing just that.
You have also explained that you don’t want him back and I believe you… and I believe that if he “tries” anything/to manipulate you, you will be able to see that, and stop it/him in a non dramatic way.
The fact that you wanted things to be “good” between you is not a bad thing IMO, as long as you don’t do it for other reasons (because you want him back)… AND I kind of have a soft spot for people who try to change and he does try, at least a little. That does NOT mean that you should go back to him, it means that if you can be friends/have no hard feelings towards each other, it is far better than being enemies.
I agree that dreaming and fulfilling your dreams and affirmations are simular, if the affirmations are done and approached the way you describe above. It’s the believing that you already have received something that I find a bit off, but then again as said I always “see” myself as happy and fullfilled in the future and that is not far from the concept of the law of attraction.
Now lets see if I can remember that Gravatar password correctly…
August 22, 2014 at 1:41 pm #360880Harley
ha ha ha. Yep.. all you say is true Maria. I shall HAVE to wear the red dress.. hope the German sees it to piss him off !!! Yes… upload.. QUICK !
Serena…This ongoing saga still with your guy is REALLY interesting. It’s like a soap opera.. what WILL he say next, HOW will he step the pace up. It’s sure keeping me entertained ( in an inquisitive way.. NOT .. in a I’m laughing/enjoying it way.)I KNOW that is NOT your intent but I love analysing people and trying to figure brains out at times.
Vi…. hope it’s a happy, happy friday.
I’m off to County MAYO tomorrow to look at a house. 3 hrs away. Something to be at. I can always transfer the job !
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