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August 22, 2014 at 3:27 pm #360895
Here I am :-D
I’ll pass your question back to you – do I look like you thought I would?
August 22, 2014 at 3:35 pm #360897Harley
YES.. I imagined you blonde and “halo ” ee.. just like your aerie fairy pic ! I figured straight hair though, but I should have know from your gravatar it WOULD be curls. VERY sexy ! I bet you have the guys knocking the door down.. you just are picky as you said. like me !
DID you look my German up on my Fb ??… DO !..in my photos, a photo on his own, sitting at a bar. he’s on my friends as frank.. only 2 of them…younger one obviously ! And there’s one of me him and another guy.. I’m in green, you should see straight away on my main pics. He’s the one on my left. grey teeshirt..not the jumper/sweater
BUT.. you look 18, not 26. BAH HUMBUG ! ha ha ha
August 22, 2014 at 4:54 pm #360920Serena
I will reply properly later, but you both are gorgeous. ;) :) Just as I pictured you. Although Harls thought your hair may have been lighter.
Cinderella and Snow White…
August 22, 2014 at 5:16 pm #360927Harley
No.. black as coal. In fact, my nickname since childhood is Blackie.. but I prefer snowwhite as she had a jealous stepmum( my sister ) and got poisoned, but saved by a handsome prince !… So.. I live in eternal hope !!!!!
August 23, 2014 at 1:00 am #360953maria
Cinderella got the handsome prince too… and half the kingdom… sounds great… and you all know I believe in fairytales…
18, lol, must be all the anti aging fat I’m chowing down… and I LOVE “Halo”, I’m gonna have it played at my wedding…
I do have suitors, and I am picky, but the hard part IMO is finding someone who’s compatible… I don’t worry though… I know I will meet HIM one day…
FB – I’m not on FB. I was but I had to shut it down because of a (literally) crazy stalker… I sometimes spy a little via a friends account though, so maybe I can do that (and check out Frank)…
August 23, 2014 at 2:26 am #360956Harley
Yup.. in my eyes .. he’s HOT !
I like the idea about half the Kingdom !
August 23, 2014 at 3:23 am #360962Violet
Hello girlies!
I’ve been manic for the last few days! It’s so strange, but ever since I started “The Secret” I became very conscious of how negative my thoughts were… and I realised I was sending out a very strong “I’m ALONE” signal to the universe. I started to change it, and instantly… things have changed. I’ve hardly been alone once in the last five days! People are constantly calling me, texting me, or I’m bumping into people. It’s bizarre. Pretty good instant confirmation that “THoughts become things”.
Serena, I confess – I’m not quite sure WHY you’re in contact with the ex? Do you feel that there is more to learn? Because I wasn’t really able to cut things with S until I finally realised I had learned everything I needed from him (after he started messing me around with text messages).
Maria, you said:
“Personally, affirmations and ask, believe, receive is not my thing. I dislike that it disregards being in the now and the fact that true inner happiness is not about being happy because you get what you want, it is about being happy REGARDLESS of if you get it or not.”
THis is where I got “The Sectet” wrong before. It’s not about affirmations. You basically imagine what it feels like to have what you want – you put yourself in that vibration of “already having it”, and then you let it go and continue to live your life. You don’t notice if you get it or not – you just believe totally that it’s coming, irrespective of when that is. And in the meantime you keep creating and enjoying life. The most crucial thing is that you change your thoughts from negative to positive – you send out a happy signal instead of a negative one, and you attract more good things to you.
Oh, and both of you are beautiful :)
August 23, 2014 at 3:25 am #360963Violet
Oh also – the film. The guy ate pretty much like you do – except no legumes. I ate like that too when I was doing HFLC.
August 23, 2014 at 9:21 am #360970Serena
Hello gorgeous ones,
I’m off out shopping. Yay me. I find retail therapy thoroughly relaxing. lol ok maybe that’s just me. Hope you guys have a fabulous day.
Hey Vi,
That’ awesome that things are manifesting and it shows you it does work. :)
Btw, I had a quick glance at your websites and wow you’re talented huni. You’re so passionate about your work. I will take a better look when I have a chance and watch some of the vid clips. While I was on your sites I saw your pic, another beautiful girl in our midst ladies.Like you, I’m not sure about why I’m still in contact, I know it’s definitely not to get back together. But I think he is trying to change, and I can’t be mean to someone if he’s actually trying to be nice for whatever reason. I think I’m tuned now to know if he is trying to wind me up or even to manipulate. He’s actually being nice like enquiring how I’m doing health wise and with work etc. His mum recently had a minor heart attack and he told me about it so I’ve asked about her. I feel like we’re in a place of civility and that’s good I don’t want us to be enemies. So for now I won’t worry about it. I don’t constantly think about him. Our contact is pretty minimal i.e. once every few weeks (the odd time it’s been during the same week), which he mainly initiates. Maybe he’s still around bec I have more to learn.
In all honesty, I’m content with where I am and where I’m heading in my own life :) that’s the main thing for me. :)
P.s. Maria I haven’t forgotten about the articles I will read them and post.
August 23, 2014 at 11:33 am #360978maria
Nice to hear from you, girls! I love reading your updates!
I know Vi, like I said to Serena there’s not that much difference between The Secret and positive thinking in general/looking at your future in a positive way.
I choose to be positive in the now and about the future and just let things naturally flow and happen and be what they will be, and that’s probably very simular to your (and Serena’s) description of The Secret.
Serena, your approach to and thoughts regarding your ex situation sounds healthy. You did see that I answered you about it, right!? (Not that you need to comment on it, but I thought maybe you didn’t see it!?)
As for Sabrinas articles, I totally understand if no one checks them out. To be honest, personally I probably click on 9 of 10 “real” links, and copy and paste/rewrite about 1 0f 10 “dead” links.
And shopping… are you kidding me??? Pure pleasure IMO, I LOVE it!
Harley, detailed house hunting reports please :-D
August 23, 2014 at 1:52 pm #360992Harley
I AM tired. 7 hours driving all in. house was a mess. TOO much work and money to undertake. But.. an enjoyable day out. I went to Foxford Woollen Mills and spent a fortune. I wanted a blanket but refused to buy as they were €90 upwards. About $60 US.
I have some childhood ones form there that are now retaining at €115 !!!! I got some nice Irish ceramic stuff and Irish red jewellery that I hope matches my dress. I shall probably not get to read the secret for ages .. but I wil ! Am glad it’s working for you, Violet !
Vi will laugh.. I am off to Limerick( her home county) on Monday to look at a house there… it too is a wreak.. but CHEAP ! The plan is to do it up bit by bit and transfer the job eventually… but it may be horrid, a step too far like Mayo. Again 3 and 1/2 hrs from home, but beggers can’t be choosers with no money !
BUT.. our Dept has LOADS of offices there and it is close to 3-4 airports.. for my little jaunts abroad ! I JUST HAVE to find somewhere soon !
I got chatted up by a farmer on the way home when I stopped for an ice pop… but he wasn’t my type ! I flirted back though !
August 24, 2014 at 3:03 am #361041maria
OK Harley, crystal ball time!
(To be taken with a huge grain of salt).
There is a guy, a local one… your son knows him. He is or was earlier some sort of soccer or rugby coach. You know who he is and he knows who you are. He is single and quite good looking…
And then there is another guy, who I think is Frank. He wants to talk to you in person not via messages or phone. If you go to Germany and meet him, hear him out very calmly. There will be other guys there who are attracted to you… the question is if you are attracted to them.
Regarding houses, there is a house near the coast, it is (or was) white and it’s solitary located. There’s a small fish market/farmers market and a village kind of near by. It could be in an area that starts with Dun or has dun in the name. Perhaps you can keep an extra eye open for such a house… it might be something (but it might also be nothing).
PS. If the Frank info seems lame, it’s because it is – I really don’t sense anything more about him, except that he is occupied with his wife, and you already know that…
August 24, 2014 at 5:55 am #361054Violet
Harley, you know what – I think Limerick would be great for you! Or Wexford. They both have (very) small city vibes, are quite pretty… a little more cosmopolitan and open minded than the towns in Ireland. I think property is pretty cheap in Limerick now. Also, you don’t need to read the secret – it’s an audio book. (Did you get it? I think I emailed it to you).
Aw, thanks Serena :) Yes, I’ve definitely found my vocation… I am very blessed.
Did you party this weekend Maria? I actually haven’t even had a glass of wine in more than a month!
I’m actually in Ireland at the moment… had some unexpected business here, which is quite exciting! Getting to spend time with my family and friends here, which is great. Back to Londres tomorrow.
August 24, 2014 at 8:04 am #361077Harley
Hello all !
very Interesting Maria.. I will keep my eye out. My son has never played sport so no idea who that is ! But I’ll keep looking.
Yep.. Franks DOES prefer to talk in real life.. so. we’ll see. Still 10 weeks till I’m back.. but he can miss me. AND.. I will listen.. calmly.
Houses.. Interesting. I am fast getting disillusioned !
Hello Vi.. great you enjoying the time at home ! You are leaving Limerick.. I am going down tomorrow. 5am. Bright and early.
August 24, 2014 at 8:25 am #361079maria
Vi, nope, no partying this weekend. Dinner at a friends place yesterday, shopping today and some other stuff. Oh, and I put up a love poem on my hallway wall… I think it sends out a good energy that is nice to come home to…
Harley, Dun can be Don as in Donegal… Is that a good place for houses/living?
August 24, 2014 at 9:36 am #361085Harley
Hi Maria.. Yes. I did consider Donegal. I might consider it again. I had forgotten it. Thanks for reminding me.
Dinner is a nice way to end the weekend. And a cool oral pic is always nice to come home to.
And.. shopping is always fun.
August 25, 2014 at 10:36 am #361214maria
Hello my darlings!
I hope the house inspection went well today, Harley…
and Vi, Serena, I’m looking forward to your updates…
I’ll write more later…
August 25, 2014 at 2:15 pm #361239Harley
No go on the househunting again. saw a lovely one but “sale agreed ” just went on it. I am off to stay in a hotel in Dublin tomorrow. A gift from a friend. Some ” me time”. Back to the drawing board on the house.
I miss the bloody German. He snuck into my thoughts again. DAMN !
Hope all well with everyone else.
August 25, 2014 at 3:35 pm #361256Harley
just thought I’d keep you all updated. mike and I do be on this mutual Fb sie where we worked in Germany. A guy asked, “what’s the one thing/personyou miss most about hahn” Mike and I posted at the same time.. he said something like”too may people, too many thing”. I said ” Spatlese” ( wine), he immediately said “her^”……. I take it THAT meant me ????? ha ha ha… god loves a try-er ( a guy that tries)…. AND there’s me just horny for Frank now !
August 25, 2014 at 3:44 pm #361259Ann
August 25, 2014 at 3:59 pm #361261Harley
NOT a hope Ann… it’s all too little too late. ANYWAY….. last week on same site he called the ex Gf… GF again… so I take it they are back on.
I’m a little flattered to tell the truth… but mainly SAD and ANALYTICAL… sad.. because he ruined a good thing, analytical because I can see where we no longer have things in common, LDR, could never trust him. he has proven he has no committment or staying power in relationships. And imagine… if the poor GF were to see that comment. How hurt she would be ! I feel sooo sorry for her… 5 yrs with her, on and off and never moved in with her etc. SHE.. I think perhaps settles for less… NOT ME !
August 25, 2014 at 4:58 pm #361265Serena
Hello Dolls,
I’ve been a bit under the weather so hence my lack of posting. :(
Maria, I’m so sorry I did see that you replied, and I meant to comment on that too. I agree with you on if someone is trying to change I can be supportive of that change. I can do it without giving in and giving up on my beliefs of what I deserve. I do appreciate your advice :) well from all you girlies.
I agree with your comment on the hardest part is finding someone compatible and not just on paper, if you know what I mean.
I didn’t end up buying anything on my shopping escapade but I did see a lot of things that are now on my list and some made it to my wish list. ;)
Maria, can you do a crystal ball reading for me too? :) I find this very curious. Especially what you said to Harls. Also, how was your dinner with friends and your shopping?
Harley your house adventures are exciting but I suppose for you they’re are disappointing. I know you’ll find the right one, it just means the ones you’re seeing are not for you but when the right one comes along you’ll know exactly why it’s right for you and it will be yours. I know it.
I would find the FB comment a lil ego boost but nothing more and I know you’re much stronger now and so won’t take it to mean anything else and then a pleasant gesture.
Vi how was your trip home? Do anything exciting?
Hope you all had a fab Monday.
August 25, 2014 at 5:12 pm #361266Ann
I find the crystal ball thing fascinating.
August 26, 2014 at 12:19 am #361324maria
Harley, I think houses are like guys – you have to be compatible with them and it has to feel right. And Mike, sigh, yes he’s a flake to say the least. You’re SOO high above him… Snow White needs a PRINCE, not a bloody mummer (from Game of Thrones).
Serena, I hope you’re feeling better <3. I think that in a way one’s way of shopping has similarities to one’s way of choosing a guy. Like if you’re picky when it comes to shopping, you’re most likely picky when it comes to guys too… It’s true for me anyway… and in both cases being picky is good IMO. And I too didn’t buy anything this time, but saw a few interesting items I definitely will have a second look at.
The dinner was with an old friend I haven’t seen in a while. It was just me and her, and we had LOTS to talk about. It was lovely.
Is there something specific you want me to have a look at in the “crystal ball”?
August 26, 2014 at 12:42 am #361326maria
Vi, I watched the last part of you documentary last night and… if part 1 and 2 were great, part 3 was even greater.
It kind of was the moment of truth when he did all those tests at the end, and pretty much proved that fat doesn’t make you fat or ill. His cholesterol was perfect, the inflammation in his body so low it was unmeasureable, and his muscle mass had gone up and his fat percentage down. He had lost weight on a diet of about 3000 calories a day, without making an effort, and he felt like a teenager again.
I think one of the other guys summed it up pretty well when he said “What we eat influences practically every biological, physiological and biochemical process in our bodies”.
Your documentary is in a way like Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me, but the other way around. IMO your film is more important though, cause while Spurlock focuses on the problem (which also is a good thing), you focus on the solution.
I give it 10 points of 10 possible.
If it was up to me it’d get an Academy Award. Super Size Me was nominated, but you should definitely WIN one.
It might sound as if I’m exaggerating, but I’m not, this is truly how I feel in the matter.
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