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August 30, 2014 at 3:56 pm #362000
Hi all.. Wexford a washout . It WAS Taghmon Maria.. but house too run down and cost too much to renovate.
2 have come up in Cavan so will put offers on them Monday.
But I enjoyed the spin.
WOW Vi.. WHAT a transformation in you. Good idea moving all around in your room. keep up the good work.
August 31, 2014 at 1:45 pm #362065maria
Vi, I agree with Harley – WOW!!!
Your insights/enlightments lately aren’t exactly teeny-tiny, they are major and life changing.
And I totally agree what we surround us with and how we dress etc, has a huge impact on how we feel. “Dead” things like art, colors, clothes etc. can affect us, our energy and our feelings as much as people can…
Harl, I KNEW it was the Kilgarvan/Taghmon house (or, well, I suspected it).
In the pictures it looked like it had some potential… sorry it looked worse in reality… I’m sure you’ll find your dream house though… better luck next time… or the next one after that…
August 31, 2014 at 1:51 pm #362068Harley
I put 2 offers on houses in Cavan.. 1 hr from work and home.. so … commutable. I will hear back next thurs or so………….. MAYBE… I’m not meant to get a house here… maybe I should just run off to Germany. ha ha ha.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I just spent mine househunting… met a few good looking guys on the way !
September 1, 2014 at 1:26 am #362127maria
Good Morning Girls !
Monday, September, Fall… – I LOVE IT !
Harley, perhaps you should wait and see how your Germany “project” develops before you go and by a house!?
Or only buy if you find your absolute dream house to the absolute dream prize!?
September 1, 2014 at 3:18 am #362128Harley
Happy, happy morning everyone !
Maria,I had thought of waiting for Germany, BUT then I thought.. I WANT to be independent with my own base here.. in case things went pearshape, it is an investment in the future for my son.. for him to have something to sell/live in after I am gone. To be used as a hoiday home.. or I can always sell it.
Anyway. it woudl take several months to organise a move to another country IF.. it were to be a possibility. I would rather play it safe.. do an LDR for a few mths, give him time to sort his marriage out, see re work, somewhere to live, THEN move.
I would NOT move JUST for a man.. it would be for a whole new experience .. he would be icing on the cake !
September 1, 2014 at 3:40 am #362130maria
That sounds very wise, Harley!
I was thinking the same – whatever happens a house in Ireland will be a good steady base in your life (and in your son’s life as well) (perhaps he can help with the renovation too!?)
And like you said if things change, you can always sell it, or use it as a holiday home.
Is there a law against pulling the house down and building a new one? In some cases that can be cheaper than renovating it…
September 1, 2014 at 11:58 am #362165Serena
Hi girlies,
Missed you guys. I spent the weekend with family. And crossed off one of my wish list items. Was so excited. :)
I’m going to post twice as I’m reading on this page then will post again once I’ve read the rest. I’m a bit behind as you can tell.
Harls, makes sense. I didn’t think it was common practice to put in an offer without seeing a property first, but can understand if things are moving quickly. I think that this is so exciting and perhaps the fresh start you need. :)
You have a great attitude toward things with the German too. You seem much more happy and at ease with things.
Welcome Ann…hope things are going well for you too. :)
Maria, it’s exactly that the arrogance and know-it-all attitude that irks me time and time again.
How was your crawfish party? What exactly do you do there? Is it similar to a calm bake?Regarding my friend, I can see a bit of selfishness there and I have always believed there is a bit selfishness too her. I attributed it to middle child syndrome. I’ve known her for years but just accepted that’s the way she was/is. But now it’s just really bothering me. I don’t know if it’s bec I’m envious that she is engaged so I’m trying to find fault in things I accepted in the past. Even though it did bug me before that she was like this. She has treated me and another friend really poorly as of the last year. So my dilemma is do I go to the farewell party? Or when the email comes with the details just tell her how I feel like I don’t feel think she’s been a good friend to me lately when I needed her, yet when she needed me I was there at the drop of a hat and to top it off I heard about her engagement from a friend…and not from her which was hurtful. What do you ladies think?
Completely get you regarding the medium prophecies. I think I’m just looking for anything related to career, relationships, health, life in general. I don’t know if that’s too much or not enough detail. I’m in Toronto if that helps you too.
September 1, 2014 at 12:08 pm #362166Serena
Hey Vi.. <3 Welcome back. Wow I can feel your positivity. I haven’t had a chance yet to listen to the CDs but I will. I can’t wait. I have some positive news too, I recently learned of an accupuncturist that specializes in the condition I’m dealing with an have an appt to see him this week – so looking forward to healing without meds, which haven’t been working so well. Your transformation sounds amazing. I’m really happy for you. I think it’s inspiring to us all. :)
Perhaps I’ve been feeling a bit down and dreary too bec I haven’t been dressing my best. It’s funny because I think back to last week and I’ve been dressing how I feel which hasn’t been good for me. The day I really dressed up for work was bec we had a big event. Everyone said how nice I looked and that day I actually felt my strongest in a long time.
Harl, whatever is happening with you and the house stuff is a path you’re meant to be on. Whether you stay in Ireland or move to Germany, whatever it is it’s going to be good for you. It’s the experience you must go through. Perhaps you should try and create a vision board. I did that and surprising in 3 weeks I found my place. :) I was encouraged by it, it keeps you believing and knowing what you deserve.
September 1, 2014 at 2:08 pm #362172Harley
Hi Vi… glad to hear all is good.. and still so since i posted earlier today !
Maria.. yes I can pull down a house and renovate…. trouble is.. I have NO money left after I buy a house. I am off to Cork on Sat to view a house there. Someone else has a bid on it so I will probably get outbid !
Serena… I hope you feel better. re friend and party…I would do what SUITS YOU ! If.. you do not go… you have burnt all your bridges with her and the friendship is over… you could say you are ill/have another event and just send a present. If you do go… stay a reasonable amount of time, then LEAVE. yes.. time shall tell with me and a house. In 2 weekends i have been around half of my country !
September 1, 2014 at 3:18 pm #362176maria
Serena, just a quickie (I’ll write more when I have the time), regarding your friend – tell her in a nice, calm and friendly way exactly how you feel, and watch/listen to her reaction.
If she says she’s sorry and seems honest about it, go to the party, and if she defends her behavior, don’t go (and consider your friendship over).
(Just my opinion, you should of course do what you feel is right).
September 1, 2014 at 5:13 pm #362191Violet
Hello beauties <3
Thank you for all the warm vibes! Yes, it’s been a big change. In a way I hate to say it…but yes… depression is all in your head. What a terrible disease. I’ve actually sent my mum “The Secret” and sent my dad a book that inspired the writer of “The Secret”! Haha, that’s me when I get into something – I spread the word ;)
I’m going through a transformation with it now – I’m realising that the art of manifestation is not caring. You request, and then forget about it. The most important thing is filling yourself up with love every day… because otherwise you don’t attract good things into your life. If you love yourself, loving situations follow.
But Love is a full time job :) It’s sooo easy to become unconsciously stressed and worn out. Today I was aware I was feeling a bit negative, and then I sat in a cafe for 30 mins and just watched the world go by. It was so meditative and it made me realise how stressed I’d been. I felt amazing afterwards. It’s odd which things will fill you up!
Serena, regarding your friend situation… Do you actually want to be friends with her? If not… then don’t go. You owe her nothing… and there’s no need to feel obligated or guilty. She’s putting herself first, it is wrong for you to do the same?
I understand the feeling of “when will it be my turn”. All I can say is… I truly believe now that my beliefs have shaped my current reality, and that I haven’t met someone purely because I believed that I would be alone forever. That belief became true – and I know that when I change it, I will meet the right man. I would encourage you to do a little digging and see what belief you have that is limiting you <3
Maria, tell us more about you! I hardly know anything. Have you been in a relationship recently? Are you living alone or with friends?
Harley… maybe you need to take a few days off the house hunting? It sounds like you might burn yourself out if you keep going the way you’re going. Btw, put a picture as the screensaver of your phone works well as a vision board :) And it ALWAYS works for me – anytime I put a country on there, I ALWAYS end up visiting it. I currently have a picture of thousands of dollars on it. I’ll let you know when I win the lotto :) ;)
September 1, 2014 at 6:45 pm #362205Serena
Harley, a vision board as Vi said can be digital on your phone/computer or on a board where you cut photos, words and paste them. So example for you would be the type of house you want find a photo cut it out and paste it on your board. The idea is to put all the things you would like for your life, so other things could include good health, money, a nice hot man. ;) etc…every time you look at the board you know this stuff will manifest into your life. If you read the secret they touch on vision boards too.
This may help you:
jackcanfield . com/ how-to-create-an-empowering-vision-book/
(delete the spaces not the hyphens)Thank you for your perspectives regarding my friend.
There are certainly things I need to think about? I.e. is the friendship worth fighting for…(basically me saying something)? Or do I just carry on and if she makes contact then bring it up?
Here is the thing, I’ve always believed if you have an issue with someone that you consider a friend you should be able to tell them how you feel without the friendship ending and if it ends it means it’s meant to. Real friends can express hurt feelings etc..without fear. That’s what friendships are about – being honest and communicative. Otherwise not saying anything and expecting the person to work things out isn’t fair if they are unaware of how you feel. No?
So basically the situation as it stands is she is supposed to send out an email with details for the get together this week. I was thinking when I rec’d those details I could email back with my feelings as I won’t see her face-to-face and I would want to go and feel uneasy or bring it up and make things awkward for the folks at this do. So if I was to say something how do you think I should position it considering it’s over email and I don’t want it to come across as accusatory but just letting her know how I feel.
A bit of background…she has been a friend of mine for about 10 years and we’ve travelled together and have been room mates while living abroad. We know each other’s immediate families. So have shared quite a bit over the years.
Vi, totally agree I need to figure out what’s limiting me and why I’m not moving forward on that front…despite dating etc. Btw…I’ve not met anyone recently but that’s by choice.
Maria, I’d love to know more about you…did you meet anyone at the crawfish party? ;)
September 1, 2014 at 6:46 pm #362206Serena
…her face-to-face and I WOULDN’T want to go…*
September 1, 2014 at 8:46 pm #362233Ann
I simply think all of you women are wonderful.
September 1, 2014 at 11:54 pm #362254Harley
Ooh…I DO vision boards in my head ALL the time ! No surprises there then. But o will look up the link thanks. I have not even got round to THE SECRET yet…but I will.
I would prefer to talk to a friend in person if I have to say serious stuff. ..I think an email can be cold and taken up the wrong way….u a friend sent me an email re problems with me.. I could just get annoyed…say ‘feck you ‘ and not reply. …i reply too harsh .
Ann. …We love you too. How is the dating going ???
In person. …you get to read the ‘real emotions ‘and realise you are really hurting someone or they realise how upset you are.
September 2, 2014 at 12:46 am #362262Violet
Serena, I forgot to say that is wonderful news about the acupuncturist! Let me know how it goes – I went to one recently but he didn’t resonate with me, so am thinking to try another one that all the yoga teachers I know go to.
Regarding your friend…. I think the same rules of dating can apply to relationships. If you’re not in contact and she’s not making an effort to have you in her life… why say anything? If you don’t go to the party and she reaches out afterwards, then you could talk to her… Otherwise, I don’t think I would waste my precious energy tbh. Sometimes when we try to explain our feelings to others it just disempowers us – puts us in victim mode etc.
Has anyone had hands-on-healing done before? I’m a reiki “master” so have played with this a lot. Yesterday I went for a healing with a friend of mine. I’ve arranged to have six sessions with him but… honestly… I didn’t really like the healing that he did. And afterwards we went for coffee and I realised how low his energy is – how negative he is etc. And I thought – what am I doing getting a “healing” from someone negative? I guess I’m realising that if you go for healing, you need to go to someone with a good vibe (or at least a better vibe than you!), otherwise they can’t help much. What do you guys think? I’m not sure how to tell him that I don’t want any more treatments.
September 2, 2014 at 3:41 am #362266Harley
Hi Vi.. I am enjoying the house hunting.. even if a bit stressful . I LOVE gallivanting all over the country. I really DO need to buy somewhere soon so taking time out is not really an option.
YOUR new VIBE is AWESOME. It really does make a difference. I did all this after my sister died and again after I sold my house. The transformation in you will continue to be AMAZING.
I tried acupunture for my bad back. I went in with an OK vibe, but I LOVED it. It really helped. The downside was that I felt when I STOPPED the treatment, my aches came back. Since I started walking.. my back is 10 times better ! I have not tried any other treatments.
Serena.. I agree a LOT wit what Vi says about your friend. I tend to let people “go/slide” that no longer “give” to me in my life. I have enough friends to waste time on “friends” that have now become “acquaintances”.
Ha.. Frank is already on my screensaver !!!! I will work on the rest. Thanks for the great tips !
And yes.. it CAN be hard to keep self-love up and do it every day.. but it REALLY makes a difference to how we approach each day I believe.
Yes Maria.. tell us ALL about crawfish party !
Ann.. tell us some news !
September 2, 2014 at 3:55 am #362267maria
Hello my darlings!!!
I’ll answer your questions later…
I have now “read” Vi (I started with her because her energy was “asking for attention”).
Before I post the info I have one question though – what is your ex’s (S) hair color?
As for the healing guy, simply tell him that you felt dizzy/tired afterwards and would prefer not to do more sessions right now.
And no, never go to a healer with negative vibes.
September 2, 2014 at 4:53 am #362270Violet
YAY :) He has blondy-brown hair Maria.
Thanks, I will tell my friend that.
Harley, that’s great you’re enjoying it! Why don’t you put a picture of your dream house on your computer desktop? Im glad about your back! I personally think everyone should do yoga as well… I can’t get over how much it has transformed my body.
September 2, 2014 at 6:06 am #362271maria
OK Vi, here goes…
First of all like all people you have both light and darkness in you. For you a little bit of darkness will always be there. You can’t and shouldn’t try to suppress it – you should do your best to live with it and even embrace it (cause it is who you are) (even though not by choice). You have realized that lately.
Your light side is symbolized by circles in different forms (balls, bubbles etc). Circles are a symbol of eternity, but also of difficulty to change/not repeat a pattern.
Your dark side is symbolized by dark trees (a forrest) and earth, and cold, windy, rainy weather. Earth is a symbol of both birth and death, both joy and sadness and both the beginning and the end.
Light has two (or more) sides, just like darkness and just like you. Life is not about fighting either side, it is about balancing them in best posssible way for you/each individual…
I see two guys.
One is blond and artistic, and like you his two sides are evident – he can be sensitive, kind and happy, but also melancholic and very selfish.
The other one has darker brownish hair and brown eyes, and kind of a classic look about him. He works in your field of business. He too is kind and a little melancholic but he’s not selfish.
Both of them are good looking. None of them are the love of your life, but you have/will learn a lot from them, and you will be able to deal with however they behave, in a good way.
I see two tickets. I can’t say if it’s event or plane tickets, but they are identical and that means that you will either travel two times to the same place, or you will travel (or go to an event) with someone.
I also see apples, which is a symbol of health. Your health – mental and physical – is getting (much) stronger, and just like with light and darkness, it is a matter of balance – a balance between too little and too much, motion and rest/quietness etc.
Last, and this might sound strange but I often sense a smell and a color when I focus on someone. It’s either a smell/color they like or a smell/color that would help/do them good. Your’s (at the moment) are vanilla and yellow. It’s a soft, powdery, sunny smell and a light shiny yellow. If you wear a perfume with that smell it can/will help you to bring light and happiness into your life (and to attract the right kind of people)…
That’s it. I look forward to your comments. Please ask as many questions as you want <3
September 2, 2014 at 8:40 am #362278Serena
Good Morning Ladies,
Ann – what’s going on with you? How was your weekend?
Harley – I’m in agreement with you regarding the email, having thought about it some more. I won’t send an email like that. It’s hard to move past things sometimes when you can’t hear/sense tone. It may be misconstrued and taken the wrong way all together.
However, I have decided to take the route of not doing or saying anything. I agree with Vi – I can totally see how it’s the victim mentality and I don’t want that. I want to surround myself with positive people who care about my wellbeing as I would about theirs not ppl who only reach out bec they need something or need a shoulder.
Vi – Will def let you know about the acupuncturist and how that goes. I don’t know him and he asked if I wanted treatment and I said I will come for a consult first. I’d like to get a vibe and see what he says before I commit to treatments with him.
My RMT does reiki but I’ve not tried it. Agree with Maria’s way of getting out of it.
Harley – I wish I could go gallivanting around the country. :) Sounds like even though you’re not finding a place you’re experiencing your own country in way you never would have.
Maria – wow that’s amazing, with such detail in Vi’s reading. Interested to hear Vi on what you’ve said. Can’t wait for my reading now. :)
September 2, 2014 at 9:44 am #362292Harley
yep all… seeing more of my country than I EVER thought possible. In this past year, I have never done so much travelling in my entire life.. and I LOVE IT !
Serena, yes ignore. she can make the effort and reach out if she wants.. I bet she will be too selfish.
Maria.. great reading.
Vi.. WHAT do you make of it ???? Am looking forward to Serena’s!!! And Ann’s !!! i am very happy with mine !
I have a horrid head cold.. so taking tomorrow off work ! Bed early tonight !
September 2, 2014 at 9:46 am #362293Sherri
Hi Ladies,
How are you? Vi, Maria, Serena, Harley, Ann :) … I’ve been sooooooooooo busy. School started today and I don’t know if it will get busier or less busy :)
Maria – Where is Tams? I miss her :(
Meeting FWB today after 2 months since I broke it off. I don’t know whether the meeting will be good or awkward. He is a very sweet guy just not a “relationship” guy.
Serena/Maria – funny about lawyers LOL. My cousin is a lawyer and he is really nice. May be the exception?? IDK :)
Have a great day ladies!!!
September 2, 2014 at 9:49 am #362294Serena
I’ve also discovered in the past week that I’m ok with letting toxic relationships and negative friendships go. Without worrying that I’ve lost something, new and positive people will come into my life who are on the same path. :D
September 2, 2014 at 10:08 am #362308Harley
Hi all… I think WE are ALL learning to let toxic things GO ! The freedom and relief and pride in myself doing it IS AMAZING !
It’s getting easier to say “NO”.
Sherri.. good luck with FBW.. listen to what he says. YOU .. will either know or NOT if you want to go back ther… I bet you don’t !.. AND HE DOES.. ha ha ha.
Must be sad sending them back to school !.. or peace and quiet ! ha ha ha !
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