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September 2, 2014 at 10:26 am #362314
Saying “No” used always be my undoing. I used to feel bad doing it but now …. its become easier. I am still struggling with it though esp if it is family or really good friends. Acquaintances – no problem …
My LO is still in daycare and was trying to convince my mom to convince me to let her stay home today LOL. My older one was excited to go to school. Her bday is next week and we have been planning a “make up” party for her. Got the whole nine yards already – nail polish, child friendly make up, lip glosses, dress up clothes and shoes. She wants to have a fashion show at the house as well … so lets see :)
FWB has always been a really good kisser and I am looking forward to those kisses. He is better than anyone I have ever kissed (new guy included) so I don’t know if that is going to be the deciding point ;) . I’ve told him that he needs to give classes ;) We are going for a movie and may meet up a bit before the movie in the parking lot depending on when my daughter’s bus arrives. So its not going to be straight to the bedroom RFOL. Anyway my house is off limits as long as my parents are visiting so even if we decide to go further it would have to be at his after the movie …. so lets see. I am curious as to whether my barriers would have come up again with regards to him though.
I’m meeting another guy on Friday for the 1st time … lets see how it goes :)
September 2, 2014 at 1:39 pm #362333Violet
Wow Maria – what an interesting reading! It all makes sense. I like the bit about light having more than two sides; as recently I felt like I was battling with these positive emotions; trying to force them, whereas now I just want to drop into whatever I am feeling, and always come back to self love… if that makes sense.
Regarding the guys: the blond one sounds like S, the other guy I don’t know.
The tickets thing is brilliant – I’m about to go back to Albuquerque in the USA! I was there in the summer, and I’m being flown back there for a screening of that film that you watched :D
I don’t wear much yellow, but I’ll wear some tomorrow and also buy some vanilla perfume. I LOVE vanilla!
Do you see anything about moving house for me, by any chance?
Sherri, what happened with your fwb – did you break up with him a while ago? I wasn’t posting when that probably happened.
September 2, 2014 at 1:56 pm #362334Sherri
Vi – my FWB was great … just didn’t enjoy the sex with him (only love foreplay and fooling around) which was fine with me. I started dating this other guy in June and broke things off with my FWB as I am not comfy getting physical with two guys at the same time. Now that the new guy and I have broken up, my fwb contacted me and we are meeting today after 2 months. We stopped being physical with each other almost 3.5 months ago. He was really really busy in the summer and we couldn’t find time where our schedules co-incided. He is not dating anyone and neither am I. He would love to start the old arrangement and I am kind of considering it. I guess today’s meeting will decide for me if I still want to or not. But I am concerned whether my old barriers which he helped get rid off will come back again or not? He still owes me a bbq and I kind of tease him about it.
How are you doing Vi?? I am glad S is out of your system … :D
September 2, 2014 at 2:24 pm #362335maria
To answer your questions…
I live alone in an apartment in the middle of Stockholm.
I broke up with my ex about 10 months ago. He has a professional sports career (martial arts) (I actually met him through work, a colleague of mine was treating his knee injury) and lives in Thailand. He got a contract and was asked to move there. He chose to move and I chose not to go with him.
In a way I still love him dearly, but I know he is not the man I will spend the rest of my life with. He comes home about every third month, and when he does we always meet up and “enjoy each others company”.
Crawfish parties… It’s a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years in my country. The crawfish harvesting is legally limited to late summer (the premier is the first Wednesday in August).
It’s tradition to dine outdoors (in the evening). You basically decorate the garden/trees with colorful lanterns, eat crawfish and a buffe of bread, cheese, salad and some other stuff, and drink snaps and beer and party. Special party hats and snaps songs are obligatory.
Everyone does this, young and old, families with kids and friends with friends…
Soo, the crawfish party I attended was at a friends house. He is known for his great (and wild) parties. Any party at his house usually starts with 10-20 people eating, drinking and talking for hours, the we go clubbing, and afterwards we go back to his house for after partying, and that’s kind of when the real party starts – more people join in from the clubs and from his neighbourhood (he has really fun neighbours, they are all artistic and a bit self centered) (actors, musicians etc.) (he too is a musician), and there’s usually a mix of live rock music, singing, dancing, cooking, eating, bathing (his house is by the water), laughing and talking till (as mentioned earlier in this thread) 7-8-9 in the morning…
I did actually meet someone interesting. Not at the party, but at a club. it’s the third time now that I bump into him when out partying. We’re definitely attracted to each other… the problem is we’re not compatible (for a stable relationship). He (too) is a musician and lives for his music and pretty much “creates” all night and sleeps all day…we could be compatible as FWB’s though… time will tell…
September 2, 2014 at 2:36 pm #362338maria
Sherri, nice to hear from you. Tam is doing fine. We email each other frequently (she gets to hear all the party/ex details that are too juicy to mention in here lol)…
Harley, I forgot, your color is green and your smell is also green, as in green tea or the smell of a green garden or freshly mown grass etc. It is a color/smell for comfort and strength and growth.
Serena, Ann it does take time and energy to do a reading, so I might do yours in a couple of days or next week. I hope that’s OK!?
September 2, 2014 at 2:45 pm #362340Harley
ha ha Maria… i LOVE the smell of fresh mown grass ! I wore GREEN when I got together with Frank.. I WAS going to bring a fushia pink lace dress to Germany… maybe I should pack the green lace one i just bought.. but he’ll be sick of seeing me in green !
Shame about your ex Bf, but great to hear you are so philosophical about it. the new guy sounds interesting… FWB if nothing else as you say !
Sherri… let us know how it all works out.
glad you are doing GREAT at work Vi. WHEN you are REALLY famous, we can say we have the pleasure of knowing you.
September 2, 2014 at 3:02 pm #362346maria
Yes, it makes sense Vi, just surrender to who you are and embrace and love every bit of you – light and dark.
I don’t think you have met guy no 2 yet.
You don’t have to wear yellow, you can have the color visible in your home, like a painting with yellow in it, or yellow pillows or a blanket etc.
I’ll have a look at the possible moving.
I too love vanilla. Sephora has a really cheap (it does not smell cheap), but great vanilla. Seriously, when I wear it people tell me “you smell soo good” several times a day (even people I don’t know, like taxi drivers etc)…
Harley, what do you think of the perfume “Green Tea” by Elizabeth Arden?
September 2, 2014 at 3:05 pm #362347Serena
Sherri, good luck with the FWB. Keep us posted. Sounds like you could use a little stress relief ;)
Maria, I think it’s great that you can have a friendship of sorts with your ex. Even though it didn’t work out it doesn’t sound like you’re too gutted. Of course you don’t just stop loving and caring for someone.
The crawfish parties sound awesome. When I read you were from Stockholm I immediately thought of Lisbeth from Girl with Dragon Tattoo who lived in an apt in Stockholm. In the book, she was of strong character too.Cool you met someone, let us know if that develops in to “enjoying each other’s company” if that’s where it’s headed. ;) It’s nice to have an admirer even if nothing comes of it.
Maria take your time, I am definitely curious but I can wait for a reading :D Not in a rush. If you need more info, you can email me as I’m a bit para about posting stuff on here. :$
Harl – I love the smell of fresh grass too, there is a perfume that has that crisp smell it’s by a company called Breydo. I love it.
Vi – What did you think of Albuquerque? I’ve been there, it was hot but not humid hot, which I didn’t mind. I went to the Caverns which were amazing.
September 2, 2014 at 3:30 pm #362354Serena
Sorry the perfume is from Byredo…it’s called Blanche.
September 2, 2014 at 5:13 pm #362378Harley
I don’t wear perfume much.. I get headaches. I suffer from sinus. But.. I WILL check these 2 out ! Sweden sound WAAAY cool !
ANN… MY ADVICE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DO NOT go to concert with gambler guy. He’s suffering withdrawal and trying to suck you back in…. remember.. you told me the SAME about Mikey a few days ago ! He’s defo back with the ex… a mutual mate told me tonight.. I am not bothered, just re-enforces what an ass he is and lucky escape I had !
September 2, 2014 at 5:14 pm #362379Violet
Hey girls <3
Sherri, I guess see how it goes with the fwb. It doesn’t sound like you’re invested, so it might be fun.
I’m doing really well thanks :) I realised when Maria asked me what colour hair S has that I hadn’t mentioned him in ages (weeks?!). I actually asked that I be over him (via the law of attraction), and I think it worked. I still get pangs every now and then, but I know I need to let go of him if I want to have space in my life for the right man.
Serena, I hardly saw any of ABQ when I was there – I was at a film festival so basically saw the insides of theatres, bars and hotels :P It didn’t strike me as a particularly exciting place. I’m spending a few days in LA on my way back though, which will be cool :)
Maria, thank you for the reading btw! I completely forgot to say thank you. And ha – my bedroom is painted yellow! I choose the colour… but now I’m sick of it. I want white walls again… clean, fresh, bright…
I know it’s silly, but the man part made me feel a little sad. i only want to meet “the guy” now… I’m 32… I want to share the rest of my life with someone. I actually met a cute guy at my yoga studio two weeks ago, who I go to the same class with. I haven’t spoken much to him, but he looks at me a lot, and he’s struck up conversation with me both times I’ve met him. He has a really nice vibe – very positive, friendly. No idea what industry he’s in.
I spent all this evening researching tattoo designs! I’ve literally been planning this tattoo for months, and I still have no idea what I want….
September 2, 2014 at 5:19 pm #362381Violet
Also trying to find London stockists of Vanilla Sephora :P
September 2, 2014 at 5:19 pm #362382Ann
Harley…… your advice is good. I won’t go to the concert. Why would he be suffering withdrawal? I never had the sense he really cared about me. I was the one that did all the caring. lol
Maria…..any time a reading feels right. I appreciate it, no worries!
September 2, 2014 at 5:21 pm #362383Harley
VI… HALF THE TIME…..WE ALL SECRETLY WANT MEN AND RELATIONSHIPS.. it’s finding the right guy ! Yoga bear ( get it.. YOGI BEAR !.. DOH !)sounds cool. Check him out.. flirt, look at him, bite your lip, look away, look back, lick your lips, look away. Do it cool.. not I’m trying to lick an icepop ! ha ha ha ! I hope to hear more stories on this guy ! BE RECEPTIVE !
September 2, 2014 at 5:27 pm #362385Violet
Ha, I’m not making a secret of it anymore ;) For years I was ashamed that I wanted a boyfriend… now I am open about it. I definitely want a solid man in my life. Saying that, anything beyond getting chatting up would be welcomed right now. I actually get chatted up practically every time I teach yoga and have a male student in the class. I think the exercise excites them ;) I’m sure there are better things to come… now that I’m working on changing my beliefs.
I forgot to mention – the yoga guy has dark hair and eyes! I don’t think he’s in my industry though; got the sense he was corporate.
September 2, 2014 at 5:29 pm #362386Violet
Ann, I don’t know the story with your guy, but sometimes these men still want us, even if they don’t really care about us. They THINK they care about us, but it’s really just a desire for validation.
September 2, 2014 at 5:32 pm #362389Ann
That is possible..he also is very obsessive, a person of ritual and habits. I’ve thought about how he was just used to me being around.
But your point is a good one. If he wanted me to do something for him, and I didn’t, he’d pout. If I did something for him, he’d get euphoric.
September 2, 2014 at 5:46 pm #362395Violet
I just know with my last guy… he treated me terribly, but wouldn’t let me go when I tried to break up with him, and kept chasing me after we broke up (even though he replaced me within a few days and is still with the gf!). He THINKS he cares about me – but those arent the actions of a caring man. They’re the actions of a selfish brat.
That’s why some men’s actions are confusing and contradictory. They are immature, they run on hormones and emotions, and they can’t handle not winning / getting their own way. It’s actually that simple, lol :)
September 3, 2014 at 1:46 am #362445maria
Morning girls <3
Yup Serena, you simply don’t mess with Lisbeth… or me (I love that book/film by the way… girl power to the max).
The new guy… I found out that he has a boat on the same island as I/my family has a holiday house on… and he’s supposed to pull it out of the sea this coming weekend or the next… soo, I might go there and check it/him out…
Actually Harley, there are a lot of similarities between Sweden and Ireland – like you we believe in faries and lepricons, we love to sing and dance, and running naked in the streets (or anywhere) – pretty much normal behavior here too…
You are so welcome Vi <3
I totally agree white walls are the best… then you can change your room(s) with pillows, blankets, paintings etc. easily and whenever you feel like it.
Regarding houses and moving, I see a whitish and a brick colored house. The whitish is the better choice. If your house is white – stay, if it’s brick colored – a move to a white house would be a good choice (if such a house appears). If your house is brown or some other color, again chose a white house over a brick colored one if/when you move.
By the same business field, I meant the artistic/creative field, and not necessarily the film industry… and the reading wasn’t that far into the future, so your “the one” might show up sooner than you think…
Last, I’m a bit curious about something… was there ever a tiny spark/tension between you and “D”?
September 3, 2014 at 3:04 am #362447Violet
Thanks Maria :) I actually tink my current house is white, but I have to move voyt of here. My house mates ar so, so toxic, and I can’t really bear it anymore. Im not going to rush into any old pace though, so I’ve asked the universe and will see what happenx.
Thats a relief about the man, ha ;)
Who is D???
September 3, 2014 at 4:25 am #362451maria
Vi, you can move from a white house to another, much better, white house… (or just listen to your gut, it will help you make the right decision).
D… is your co-worker… the nice, good energy one who enjoys eating loads of fat :-D
September 3, 2014 at 6:26 am #362456Serena
Hello dolls,
Just popped in to say have a fabulous day. :D
Maria, that book series is one of my favs too. Kept me reading page after page. You totally remind me of Lisbeth.
I’m glad to hear everyone is doing well, it’s great we’re all making progress and stepping toward great things. It’s exciting.
<3 xoxo
September 3, 2014 at 8:24 am #362463maria
Thank you Serena! Lisbeth may be a level or two above me though, at least when it comes to killing people with a nail gun and force tattooing them.
There’s another trilogy in the same genre ((Swedish crime/Stockholm noir), that you might like if you liked the Lisbeth books. It’s “Easy Money”, “Never Fuck Up” and “Life Deluxe” by Jens Lapidus.
There’s no female hero in his books, but I really like them anyway, so much so that I might even forgive him for (originally) being a lawyer.
Speaking of tattoos, Vi, is yours gonna be an image or a word/sentence?
September 3, 2014 at 8:38 am #362465Harley
Ha Maria. …you can tattoo Vi !!I LOVE the sound of Sweden. We really ARE getting multinational here these days !
Vi…move quick. Toxic roommates are not nice.
Ann…VI nailed it on what I meant. Now GG NO longer has his slave around. ..He is missing your obedience…mammy traits.. not actually YOU unfortunately.
Serena…any news from your guy lately ???
Sherri. …what’s the latest on old FWB ???
September 3, 2014 at 8:39 am #362466Sherri
Good morning divas :D
Maria – Crawfish parties, musician FWB/bf?? boat ride buddy … u go girl!!!
Harley – I hope you are feeling better. Is it house hunting day today?? I too want to buy a house but have other stuff that needs my attention 1st :(
Serena – Hope u r doing well. Yep, learn to throw out the unwanted/people who bring u down. But then u also need to open urself up to the new people to come into ur life to replace them.
Vi – Go for it and make lots of goo goo eyes at Yoga bear. Use mascara and then u can flutter those eyes at him ;) …. I don’t remember a D … tell us about him Vi
Ann – Keep away from gambler guy …. he is ur poison
Yesterday was great with FWB. I think I missed his company quite a bit. We had so much of catching up to do. I told him all about my bachelorette party, zip lining, helicopter ride, family functions and wedding, my parents visit …. whew. And had an amazing kissing and making out session with him. I totally needed the stress relief ;). He is a sweet guy but still has a lot of growing up to do. I can totally be a kid around him bec he is a kid himself LOL. I wont be surprised if we spontaneously started playing tag in a parking lot but that wouldn’t happen as he has a bad knee :D Both of our birthdays are coming up next week but we both are quite busy to meet up next week so have decided to meet the week after to celebrate our birthdays and lets see what else. ;)
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