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September 3, 2014 at 9:27 am #362477
Lol yes maybe not so like Lisbeth in her violent ways but all the good stuff. ;)
Thanks for the book suggestion Maria, I’ll try and get my hands on a copy. I’ve come to like Swedish authors.
Sherri, I’m doing alright. I’m content with life but I do know I want things to change/improve in my life and I’m the only person that can make that happen.
Good news about your FWB, it’s kinda cool that things can get back to normal. And you can enjoy each other’s company again and it not be awkward. :)
September 3, 2014 at 11:16 am #362496Violet
Maria, Lol :D A few people picked up on that actually! The spark was only on one side however – his; and it was only physical attraction. I have tons of respect for him as a business man and colleague, and I think he’s a lovely man (mature), but we’re not on the same wavelength.
Going back to “The Secret” – I was actually in SUCH a funk this morning. I kept trying to think my way out of it, but couldn’t. I was getting frustrated, angry and even more negative, because I knew the negative mood was caused by my thoughts, but I couldn’t seem to change them. Then I did a headstand in my yoga practice, and the mood lifted…!
So there’s obviously something else going on with this law of attraction. It doesn’t seem possible to simply “think happy thoughts” and feel better. What do you guys think?
Another weird thing that’s happening to me – since I started listening to “The Secret”, I’ve been sleeping LOADS. It normally takes me more than an hour to fall asleep – now I’m gone in 20 mins, and I’m getting at least eight hours a night – sometimes nine, and last night I had 11! Normally I get six!!! Any ideas why this might be happening? Perhaps cos I’m listening to something positive as I fall asleep, I sleep better?
Glad you had a nice time, Sherri ;)
September 3, 2014 at 11:33 am #362503Violet
Oh, regarding the tatt – I’m drawn to sacred geometry tattoos, but also more abstract ones with watercolour effects. They are completely opposing styles, so I’m not sure how I can marry them! Hence all the research… and I want to find the right tattooist as well. I feel like I need to be tattooed by someone spiritual (spiritual in the same way as me).
September 3, 2014 at 1:19 pm #362535Harley
Gosh… everyone has LOADS of news ! Mine is boring… went house hunting . NO JOY. Saw a lovely one, but got outbid on it. Am looking down the bottom of the country now. The estate agent there has “promised” to find me something… I’ll believe him when it happens…. I actually think he’s flirting a bit with me ! I shall hear from him soon re another house I enquired on.
Back to looking at my vision board !
September 4, 2014 at 12:59 am #362654maria
Hello Hunnies!
The sun is shining and the birds are singing and… new guy is taking up a lot of space in my head (it has been a while since last time a guy did that to me), and I LOVE it…
Serena, bit by bit your life (and health) will change and improve, I’m sure of it <3
Harley, your news are never boring… If you can’t find a house with potential, you could always (like you mentioned earlier), buy a piece of land in a great area and put a motorhome on it…
Sherri, I love your “divas”, we should use that more often in here… I read a book once about embracing your inner goddess… and I totally agreed with every word in it… It sounds like you’re “getting along” really well with your FWB… I’m happy for you :-D
Ann, yes, stay away from gambler guy (I don’t even have to focus to see that he’s toxic)…
Vi, well, I have expressed doubts regarding The Secret earlier and I stand by my words.
I think maybe the key is to not force the thinking – just think happy thoughts when you feel like it, and not because you believe you “have to” in order to achieve improvement in your life (emotional life and life in general).
Great that you sleep better now though. It could be because of The Secret, and it could be because of something else… You have been feeling happier lately, and happiness definitely affects our hormones, and hormones affect our sleep…
As for light and darkess and the balance between them, some of the most beautiful (and true) words that have been said about it is IMO something Leonard Cohen said in one of his songs – “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”. Soo simple, beautiful and true…
Tattoos – I checked out the sacred ones, and they are beautiful. I especially like the ones with triangles… the triangle is such a powerful, magical and strong symbol (and it’s time we reclaim it from the Illuminati).
I like the idea of softening it up with watercolors. How big is it gonna be, and where will you put it?
A great day and lots of <3 to all of you!
September 4, 2014 at 1:31 am #362655Harley
Hi Maria, birds singing here too but I decided to pamper myself and take another day off work with my head cold. Will online house hunt and catch up with a few online friends. maybe make a nice dinner.. sleep a lot ! take the recycling out ! WHOOPEE !
GREAT news on the new man. I HOPE it progresses further. This coming weekend should tell.
I trust everyone else is ticking over nicely today.
September 4, 2014 at 6:09 pm #362833Violet
Hey sweet hearts <3
Today was a great day in London :) Worked, went to a nice yoga class, then went to a friend’s birthday and stuffed myself with macaroons and green tea all day, then met another friend for dinner and wine… I feel stuffed :P
Maria, Leonard Cohen is my hero! I adore that man. Yeah, I’m trying to find the balance between thinking positively and white knuckling it. My friend who I went to dinner with is a really positive person, and I see how her positivity naturally flows from her, whereas for me it’s still a process of retraining myself to think differently. I know the next step is not to be so effected by other people’s actions.
Hope you’re feeling better Harley!
In other news, I can barely believe it, but S contacted me AGAIN today, asking me to meet him. It’s just comical at this stage… :P
September 4, 2014 at 6:16 pm #362836Violet
Oh, and I’m glad you mentioned the triange Maria – I was actually thinking of getting one behind my ear! It’s really simple, but looks beautiful. Now I’m thinking of getting a love rune in that place though – also a lovely symbol.
Te sacred geometry ones are beautiful… but they are SO big. To get one that has any amount of detail in it requires a huge surface area of skin… I don’t want a few small tattoos instead of one big one.
September 5, 2014 at 12:12 am #362859maria
Ha ha, that’s why I asked where will you place it… cause they are so BIG.
Love runes are really cool. Do you have any particular in mind? I mean what do you want it to symbolize?
Love your attitude re S.
As for Sephora stores, I’m not sure but it seems there aren’t any in the UK anymore :( …
Harl, hope you’re feeling better… and that you’re good too Serena.
I won’t be seeing new guy this weekend. I talked to my dad and he said first boat pulling out day is next Saturday.
Happy Friday ALL <3
September 5, 2014 at 12:55 am #362863Violet
Oops, I meant to write “I WANT a few small tattoos instead of one big one” :P
There’s only one love rune I saw that I liked – it’s actually the one for women. I like the idea of having a simple geometric shape behind my ear, and having a love rune there might help me… ha ;)
Re. S… I’m actually just bamboozled that he’s still contacting me. Not only that, but he asked me to meet him last minute, even though I told him not to do this. Is he stupid or what?
What are your plans for the weekend Maria?
Lots of love ladies! <3
September 5, 2014 at 2:42 am #362868maria
I’ll check out the “women” love rune. Is it a viking or high elf (or some other) kind of rune?
No party plans this weekend so far…
I have a walk date tomorrow with a friend, which means that we go for a looong walk with her dog and talk a lot.
I’m sure there will be some lovely shopping… and cleaning of the apartment too…
and I will probably check out new guy’s videos 10 times or more… sigh… 26 going on 16.
Is S stup? Yes, he is! You’re not even thinking of seeing him are you!!?
What are YOUR plans for the weekend (Vi, and everyone else)?
September 5, 2014 at 2:44 am #362869maria
He’s stupid, not stup…
September 5, 2014 at 3:00 am #362870Violet
Haha, noooo. I’m not replying to that text message. Funny how a month ago him texting me sent me into a terrible headspace… now I’m rolling my eyes :P I’m happy that I’m making progress :) I want to move beyond this though… I learned a lot from the experience and I hope I’ll start to appreciate that soon, and forget the negative stuff.
Maria, sounds like a nice, chilled weekend. Do you work full time over the week?
I’m teaching yoga tonight, then again at 9am tomorrow morning, then going to my favourite ashtanga class (and hopefully conversation to the next level with the cute guy ;)), then going to a women’s yoga circle on Saturday night. Sunday will to yoga, go for coffee and just get out of the house :P
BTW – happy anniversary girls! This thread has now been running for a month :) <3
September 5, 2014 at 3:00 am #362871Violet
Oh, I don’t know what rune it is… I can email you a pic!
September 5, 2014 at 3:11 am #362873Harley
Hi all… I am feeling MUCh better. back on top form ! More onlne hsouehuntng.
That’s MAD re S Vi..comical as you say. Funny how we see them for the asses they are NOW. OF course he’ll keep chasing you. just stick to your guns and boundaries. when He FINALLy gets it through his thick skull he lost you.. or finds another willing girl.. this current one, don’t sound like it,he will move on and leave you alone.
maybe you should consider moving job location as well as house !
Tattoos.. great. I liek small ones. .that can be hidden or showm depending on wht you wear.
Maria, Ann, Serena, Vi.. have a GREAT weekend. I spoke to Gibson last night. She is just chilling, relaxing, busy in her job. I told her we all missed her on here !
September 5, 2014 at 4:12 am #362880maria
That’s a lot of yoga lol…
One month!!! YAY and cheers to that and us!!!
I do work full time, but I do some of my planning/work at home. I also have a few side jobs/incomes.
Looking forward to hearing about next levels with cute guy.
Yes, email rune, please.
Great that you’re feeling better Harl <3. I DO miss Gib. Say hi to her from me next time you talk to her…
September 5, 2014 at 5:09 am #362882Harley
Yes.. I will tell her. she’s busy dancing her ass off these days !
Great to hear you have different irons in the fire. Shame YOU won’t meet Island guy this weekend. BUT.. if it’s meant to be !
Vi.. will fade away with all this yoga.. or else turn into a cat burglar and we can have Sherry remake “to catch a thief”.
September 5, 2014 at 5:55 am #362885maria
Ha ha, or she could be Catwoman. Pick and choose Vi.
“Island guy” is actually a VERY fitting name for him. He is totally focused on his music, career and himself right now… and there’s not a chance that he’ll give up his island ways any day soon.
Suits me fine though, since I am/can be a bit of an island too… I won’t be forever though, one day I’ll settle down on a more solid ground.
September 5, 2014 at 6:11 am #362893Harley
OOOH.. he’s not for you longterm so ! A nice fling will do grand !
Gibson said to say a BIG HI back to you as well, and the others.
CATWOMAN sounds better. I love the idea of the rune tattoo.
I decided to be proactive and write to Michael O’leary( CEO Ryanair.. airport in Germany beside my mates) seeking a job. Probably nothing will come of it, or his PA will refer me to a crap website with NO vacancies. But.. no harm in asking. HE hates Civil Servants though ! He can only say “NO”.
September 5, 2014 at 8:37 am #362897maria
I’m not seeing anything longterm with him no, but who knows… what will be will be…
I too find the runes interesting… must be my viking heritage calling…
I don’t think I want one on myself though… perhaps I can force my next bf (or FWB ;) ) to get one… or my ex… he already has lots of tatts…
IF I got one I think I would choose an ankh – an ancient Egyptian symbol for zest, joy and love of life, eternal life, balance and energy. (I wear one around my neck and that will do for now though).
Are you kidding? Ryanair NEEDS you. Your personality and charm would make the passengers totally forget Ryan’s delayed flights, misplaced luggage and dead engines. In fact you should email THAT to Michael O’leary.
Gib <3
September 5, 2014 at 9:26 am #362910Sherri
Hello Divas …. GM
I was chatting with a guy yesterday online and it was a really interesting conversation. He gives a lecture in the University every week to couples about how to communicate more effectively in the bedroom. It was quite an enlightening conversation. Its funny how I find these guys online on a dating site and we have really interesting conversations ……
September 5, 2014 at 11:00 am #362946Harley
I actually asked O’ leary to a wedding once….but he was seeing his now wife at the time !!! Perhaps I should remind his PA.
Mikey back to liking my posts….ha ha ha .
Sherri….get good tips for us all
September 5, 2014 at 12:36 pm #362963Violet
Haha! And I went to Yoga today too ;)
I’ll go with Catwoman :) It’s incredible actually – just over a month ago my body changed, and now I have the “yoga body”. I never imagined it would happen to me, but it did. The great thing is that I’m eating a ton, and I just seem to be staying the same or getting even leaning out more…
It’s so nice… because compared to dieting, I know that this body is for keeps. Yoga is an integral part of my life; not something I have to stick to.
I’m actually pretty quiet with work this week, so am spending a few hours a day researching the tattoos. It feels like the right time to get them done. Oh, did I mention I’m getting four?!
Harley, Serena, Sherri – weekend plans?
September 5, 2014 at 12:48 pm #362964Harley
Good on you Vi. I have 2.
Weekend plans… off to see a house early morn in Roscommon. .. think it’s a waste of time though but I still need to make sure. I have less than 30k so I have faced facts… I will buy a dump that needs serious doing up… will take 5 yrs. But I’ll wing and prayer it and figure it out as I go along !
I am leaning more toward Kerry/Limerick however… nicer scenery, Kerry and Shannon Airports and our offices are all around there too. have spotted a derelict but it could be made beautiful… I may go see it next week. Eventually add on an extension.
Otherwise.. relaxing !
September 5, 2014 at 12:59 pm #362965Sherri
I had a date tonight but he cancelled yesterday as he has been asked to work late … so today I plan to take my mom to a sex shop (she has never been to one) …. hahahaha hopefully she will enter it and not refuse :D
Saturday – I am spending the day at my aunt’s place as I have some work with her and then in the evening I have a date with another guy.
Sunday – Morning with sister at the flea market and afternoon a coffee date. I am looking forward to this date as he was quite fun on the phone.
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