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September 5, 2014 at 1:09 pm #362968
Your weekend sounds a LOT more fun than mine Sherri. Enjoy. Hope date goes well.
September 5, 2014 at 4:02 pm #363004Violet
Harley, if you’re up for renting, my parents are trying to rent their home in Limerick! ;) Kerry would be great for you I think.
Sherri, wow – you’re on quite the date-a-thon! Hope some of them turn out to be fun.
I actually have a feeling that I’m going to start dating someone soon. Curious as to who it will be!
September 5, 2014 at 4:44 pm #363013Ann
@Sherri…taking your mom to a sex shop. Ha….So cool. And you have a busy weekend ahead of you!
Gambler Guy keeps contacting me, and my answers are very concise. My target for having him totally gone is Halloween, that’s when I met him last year.
My weekend should be semi-quiet. I will see the new-ish guy that’s been around now for a month or so. If I don’t see him, he calls every day. I have to say he’s really cool. I hope I am not using him to be distracted. We have so much in common, time will tell.
I am starting to ignore on-line messages from guys, and I am thinking of just getting off line. When I read everything here, I see its so much better to be in the real world.
September 6, 2014 at 1:35 am #363048maria
Thanks for the tatt pic Vi, that really was a cute little thing… and I LOVED the Rumi poem too.
I found this text beside a pic of a tattoo on a guys shoulder – “My latest ink. It’s the rune of love, you put it under the pillow of the person you love so she/he will fall in love with you too. I placed it on the shoulder where my angel rests her head so I can be sure she will love me forever!”
Seriously, HOW cute is that??? I MELT when I hear/read things like that… aah, LOVE…
Girls, I wanna talk men and appearance…
We all want men with good inner qualities, but what about the outside? I find it interesting that what makes one girl gaga, can make another feel nada…
Soo, what turnes you on look wise? If you could pick and choose (yes, again), what (or who) would your dream guy look like?
September 6, 2014 at 4:43 am #363052Harley
I was up at 4.30am and off half across the country. Saw a house that “has possibilities”. Am back home now 5 hours later. I hope to see a church next week. i have put a cheeky offer in but bet I will be outbid again.
Thanks for the rent offer Vi but rent is as dear as a mortgage now, that ‘s why I stay with my sister for peanuts.
Ann… stick to your boundaries. I just “look ” online, nothing else. Not interested.
Maria.. I like tall, dark and handsome. Any colour eyes.. but I drowm in frank’s brown ones ! he has dimples too.. I NEVER knew I liked dimples soo much. I like tattoos… but not covered in them and I prefer where they can be hidden. I like long hair.. if it’s tidy/tied back/but well, but overall prefer short hair. I like a smile that “crinkles” rather than “sneers”, if you know what I mean. I like scars/crows feet/bags… all signs of a life led !I prefer them not TOO thin or TOO fat. Cuddly I can handle, although weight would NOT put me off a guy if I really liked him. I like a bit of a tan.. rather than gey/pasty white look of some office workers. I like big hands and long fingers. I don’t like huge “man boobs”. I don’t like too small an ass.. I like one I can grab and pinch. I’m not fussy whether they are hairy… except for back, nose and ears !I love they use aftershave and deoderant… you WOULD be surprised how many Irish farmers.. DON’T. I like good teeth.. I REALLY look for that. Don’t mind if they are a bit yellow… but like them ALL there… Am SURPRISE I am sooo fussy about that.I I like frown marks… again a sign of a life led ! A BAD accent puts me right off a man. I prefer they have hair.. but I KNOW that’s stupid as they WILL go bald with age ! I love a guy who laughs, not mocks people. Kind, intelligent, funny. AND romantic… FRANK… just about sums it all up ! SIGH ! I HATE liars !.. small lies ok… big ones.. NO NO ! And I could never stay with an attractive/or any man that does not like my son.
September 6, 2014 at 10:31 am #363060Violet
I’ve decided on the tattoo I’m gonna get behind my ear! For “some reason” I really wanted two triangles with a dot in the middle, but thought this seemed stupid, so I looked at other geometric shapes.
Last night I realised that the shape I wanted it the innermost point of a Tantra Yantra! Which is part of my belief system :) So I’m gonna go with that. Sacred geometry on my wrist and collarbone (small), then a watercolour tatt on my side ribs, then something else on the back of my arm… not sure yet. Ooops… that’s five :P And I already have one, on my hip.
Types of men… I like guys who wear their hair in samurai / man buns! I LOVE tatts, lean body. I’m mostly drawn to blonds, but not really fussy with colouring. Think younger David Beckham with the Dalai Lama’s personality… joking ;)
Harley, try to keep positive about the house <3
September 6, 2014 at 11:28 am #363063maria
Wow Harley, that’s a passionate description…
Def agree with tall, dark and handsome…
Anything that makes a man masculine – like big hands, muscles, strength, and yes, scars and tattoos – is sexy and attractive IMO. Masculine guys also make me feel extra feminine in their presence, and I like that.
A guy should be able to “protect” me, but I want him to LOOK LIKE he could/can too… He should also LOOK smart, calm/cool, confident etc, (and NOT arrogant, annoyed, not at ease etc).
Re hair, I prefer a shaved chest, but it’s not a must. Yes to hair on head, arms, legs and face (a smaller beard), no to hair pretty much anywhere else.
I am a sucker for pretty boys, but want them to have a bad vibe too. By bad I mean sex appeal. Not many guys (or people) have that… and that’s probably one of the reasons why I find it so desirable.
If I meet a guy with the qualities described above I fall really fast and hard… my attraction is immediate…
The tattoos sound great Vi. Don’t do anything before you’re absolutely sure though… (and have you found a good tattooist yet?)
I’m not normally attracted to blond guys, but I must say Beckham is (or was) pretty hot… and Brad Pitt… jeez.
Island guy looks like a mix of Orlando Bloom and Joaquin Phoenix…
September 6, 2014 at 11:46 am #363066Violet
Island guy sounds dreamy Maria <3 <3 <3 Sadly, in the past I would go for depressed guys… I actually liked it if a guy was insecure, because it made me feel like he’s understand me / wouldn’t leave me. I’m only attracted to positive people now… thank B-jesus. :P
The cute yoga man wasn’t at class today.
I’m gonna start with the one behind my ear. It requires the least skill (two triangles and a dot :P) and it’s also in a place where I never really have to see it. I think I know who I can go to.
After that, I’ll probably do my ribs, then wrist. The collarbone and back of arm are more intimidating…
September 6, 2014 at 12:34 pm #363075Harley
ALL your tats sound cool Vi..Yes.. I WILL keep upbeat about houses.
Maria.. agree with ALL you say about attraction. same for me too.
ISLAND guy sounds HOT !
September 6, 2014 at 1:12 pm #363081Serena
Hi ya lovelies,
Just catching up…
Wow it’s been an insane work week.
So I had my appt with the acupuncturist and it was only a consult but I think the treatments will be good for me. He said things to me that I was like how on earth do you know these things. He asked what I did for a living and I told him he said your work is stressful. I said it can be, he looked me in the eye and said don’t let ppl get to you know don’t allow them to stress you out. I don’t know how he knew that I can let things / people get to me. But it was powerful, as the consult was 10 mins. So I start next week let’s see what happens.Vi, the tats sound really cool. I wanted to get one at one point on the inside of my arm closer to the wrist that were a composition of lil birds flying away. I’m not sure why thought it was cool. I’m too chicken to do it. lol
Harley, keep the faith with the house thing, your determination will be rewarded. Just don’t get down about it. All good things come with time and belief.
Maria, Island guy sounds hot. I too, am attracted to guys with darker hair. Someone with a nice hair style. I tend to look at that first. It’s what makes me do a double take. Other than that I like someone that’s bigger than me, so physique wise – muscular but not body building vein popping muscular. I love strong arms – it’s that safe/secure feeling. Eye colour, etc…doesn’t really matter. Although ex had grey eyes and they were beautiful. I do like pretty boys too, the preppy kind. Again like you Maria, with a bit of a bad boy appeal. But not assholes. I don’t like guys who have the attitude like they’re gods gift to womankind. Big turn off. There is a big difference b/t confidence and arrogance. I learned that over the years. I do like cute looking guys too with a bit of a cheeky smile. Oh and I do like tall guys – 6′ and above. I don’t mind tats on guys as long as it’s not really big and loud. It’s got to be tasteful and not necessarily on display to the world, but that’s not a make it or break it thing. Good hygiene is a must. :)
What are you ladies up to today?
I just got this new book, called Mind over Medicine it was a NY Times bestseller so I’m exciting about reading it. I saw the author who is also a doc on a tv programme and I just had a good feeling about her and what she was saying.
I hope you are all fab. <3
September 6, 2014 at 1:19 pm #363082Serena
Oh and dream guys…I like the look of Eric Bana, Peter Facinelli, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Lucas. I just realized all of these guys sort of have some similarities.
September 6, 2014 at 1:40 pm #363083maria
Vi I’m glad you’re not into depressed guys anymore. Never go back to that/it/them. Go for joy from now on :-D
The rose tattoo is REALLY beautiful, I don’t think I have seen a tattoo looking like that on anyone… and the violets are SOO pretty too, and soo YOU of course…
Serena <3, so nice to hear from you, exciting about the acupuncturist… I actually know the basics of acupuncture (pain relief and balancing meridiens)… but that’s nothing really… it takes at least 4 years to be a great acupuncturist.
Oh, island guy is dreamy alright… and the boy can sing too… I’m definitely developing some sort of crush on him already. The chances of me not exploring what can happen between us are zero…
I’ll email you a pic of him… I’m 100% sure of what I feel of course, but it’s fun and interesting to hear other people’s opinions…
Please give review on resemblance to Bloom/Phoenix and over all hotness (in here) :-D
Vi, I’ll send it directly to you, please send me Serena’s email address and I’ll send her a pic as soon as I get it. Harley, I’ll send you one email first (without a pic) to make sure it is the right address, answer that email and I’ll send you a pic as soon as I get it.
September 6, 2014 at 2:07 pm #363085maria
Vi, Harl email sent. Serena we definitely have a similar taste in men…
September 6, 2014 at 2:35 pm #363086Harley
Maria :Got it. just replied.
Serena.. glad you liked your appt. let us know how treatments go.
Vi… sat away from the depressives. This attractive guy wrote an article in the weekend Independent magazine about how he goes for “vulnerable girls”.. girls with bruises/broken legs/in distress…. IT WAS A HUGE TURN OFF for me ! It ALSO made me realise I used to be attracted to guys who needed fixing.. but then doesn’t EVERYONE to some degree !!!, but NOW.. I might still like them.. but I LET THEM FIX THEMSELVES !
September 6, 2014 at 2:59 pm #363087maria
Pic sent Harl!
September 6, 2014 at 3:38 pm #363088Harley
MARIA !!!!! OMG.. he is BABE material. Definately like Orlando Bloom ! You GO get him girl and QUICK ! certainly eye candy for the weekend… or months/years/life !
I’d ALMOST fancy him.. except.. I prefer Frank !
Whatever floats our boats HUH !
HOW…. did you get a pic of him ????
September 6, 2014 at 4:00 pm #363090maria
Yes, he IS babe material, isn’t he!!?
Do you remember the Eurovision Song Contest winner “Fairytale”? The guy is in love with a girl and sings “I don’t care if I lose my mind, I’m already cursed” – that’s kind of how I feel… he’s definitely got me under his s p e l l lol…
I’ll answer you re the pic via email…
September 6, 2014 at 6:28 pm #363099Violet
Hahah – I got the email too – babelicious!!
Serena, welcome back <3 That’s awesome about the acupuncturist. Is he going to work specifically with needles or herbs as well? Did he talk Chinese Medicine with you, or is he a Western acupuntist?
maria, glad you like the water colour tattoos! I think they’re amazing. I never considered getting a flower tattooed onto my body, but they are SO beautiful! I need to find a really skilled artist to do that one though.
I just had a lovely evening at a women’s yoga circle. We did a beautiful mediation after the yoga, and we were guided to focus on our wombs. I had such a strange experience – when I focused on my womb I felt all this power and energy there! It was so strong that I started to cry. Very beautiful experience.
So, some of you have touched on vibe of guy’s we like.. but how about we get more specific? What kinds of qualities does your ideal guy have? What does he do with his life etc?
September 6, 2014 at 7:31 pm #363103Serena
Ooo ladies you got me all curious now. :D Maria send send….
The acu guy is semi-retired has been practicing for a while and even in Cali. He only takes on people he knows/thinks he can help. He practices Chinese acu and will be using a mixture of needles and herbs He said he would also teach me how to meditate once we resolved some of my issues.
Vi, your evening sounds so calming and relaxing.
In answer to your question about qualities I think their are qualities that are a given for any women – i.e. honest, respectful, sincere, etc…
For me I’d like someone that can make me laugh, has social awareness of what’s going on in the world, can hold a convo about anything. And I don’t mean talking about our feelings. lol. Is supportive, accepting and is family-oriented – not a recluse. Has interests besides work and the gym. Is ambitious and driven to do things to better himself and has a sense of passion for life and experiences. I think there are other things I just can’t think at the moment. :$
September 6, 2014 at 7:35 pm #363105Serena
Oh and definitely intelligence is a turn on. But not a know-it-all I.e. the lawyers.
I don’t really mind the profession he is in (except the lawyers – can you tell I really don’t like to date lawyers.) as long as he can stand on his own two feet.
September 6, 2014 at 7:58 pm #363108red
Oh what a fun topic. I am in need of a fun topic. LOL.
Tall dark and handsome…what girl would not want that. A new guy statred at work today and a friend of mine was spinning. All a tither. He is way to young for me but wow was he hot. Warm brown hair a nice beard clip and clean, and OMG the best blue eyes I have ever seen. I grabed her are yelled out field trip and drug her down to see him.
I am a sucker for southern men. Country boys. Hair color does not matter, body hair. have it don’t have it I don’t care it depends on the man, some guys can pull it off some can’t. I like a good smile, smart, funny, good heart. I like thick men, cuddly. Thin men are not my style. Big hands always a plus.
I joke at work that if he is a redneck that smells of bar-b-q and drinks beer I will follow him anywhere. Rednecks are my kryptonight.
I love tats on a man. Sooooo hot.
The funny thingis my friend at work is married. She loves her husband and was just enjoying the new eyecandy. She said she loves a man with tats, scruff and adatuid, she married a man with non tats, clean shaven, and totaly mild. He thinks the world of her. Just goes to show you love is blind.September 7, 2014 at 1:14 am #363113maria
That’s so cute and so funny that you cried over your womb Vi <3
Inner qualities, hmm…
I want to be turned on by his brain, his heart and his soul as much as by his appearance…
He has to know how to play, laugh, love and live life to the fullest…
I want him:
– to be intelligent, have social awareness (like Serena said) and social SKILLS,
– to be verbal, emotional, creative, spiritual, healthy and strong,
– to have lots of interests and hobbies, and share some of mine (especially the nerdy ones),
– to get me, touch, reach and understand my inner being, my soul and who I am,
– to adore and worship me, be good in bed and give me space when I need it,
– to be kind, honest and respectful (again, like Serena said),
– to be confident and proud in who he is and what he does,
– to be driven and disciplined in his career and as a person (but he should also be able to relax)…
If a guy has the qualities above, then money is a plus (not because I want his money, but because I don’t want him to have less money than I have). If he doesn’t have the qualities above, then money means nothing and makes no difference…
Pic sent Serena :-D
September 7, 2014 at 1:25 am #363114maria
AND I want him:
– to be funny, happy, loving, free and passionate – to have an over all positive attitude about life.
Should have been first on the list, but it got lost somewhere…
September 7, 2014 at 4:11 am #363121Harley
Ha Ha RED.. I LOVE you and all the others here.
Serena and Maria said ALL my desciptions I think. I like a guy who “knows where he going in life “.. i.e re dreams/aspirations/career…. OF course this doesn’t always GO TO PLAN.. but I like that he HAS A PLAN !
I LOVE a man that shows love/patience/tolerance to kids/animals/old folk.( ALL 3 can be INTOLERANT at times in my book !).
I love a man that stands up to me, does not let me away with stuff and is not afraid to disagree or tell me when I’m wrong.. even at the risk of hurting me OR our relationship.
I love a man that inspires me every day and when my day is bad, he just emphatises.. NOT give advice, and I wake up the next day, knowing the world is a better place for having him in it.
I like a slightly “edgy ” vibe.. a guy “doing things”, living life re hobbies, on the move, not a lazy, unmotivated,depressive,needy,clingy vibe. I like a “mysterious” vibe.. one that keeps me guessing. Frank.. says NOTHING on FB… he’s out living life in the “real world” as he told me, Mike says ALL… on FB a LOT.. boring, intellectual stuff.. off the wall stuff.. some I like, some I’m like “WTF ????”………… I can learn a LOT from FB !
I LOVE.. a HAPPY vibe, people who smile, not frown all the time, guys who talk positive, even about problems, not moan all the time. I like guys who talk/seek solutions to problems and ask my advice, not one’s who “spin their wheels” in the SAME situation all the time.. i.e mike re STILL NOT finding work.. near 10 mths later ! I like guys who TALK good about other folk, not spread bad gossip or put people down.
I LOVE action , rather than talk ! i.e Mike STILL living with ex wife, Frank.. moved out from the situation, Mike.. no work, Frank… debating promotion.. whether to move countries or not.
I LOVE an ambitious vibe and a DREAM vibe… I like guys who work towards their dreams. As I do !. … wondering is there ANY WAY I can afford that church !!!!… I DON’T DO SIMPLE !
I like guys who SUPPORT my dreams… even if off the wall and crazy ( church !). My FWB always supports my harebrained dreams.. he KNOWS I’m an achiever ! My ex hubby.. thought me crazy !I’d like a guy who does not try to change me. ALL guys are attracted to me because I am unique/different/ a free spirit… they all want to capture me.. WHEN they do.. they try to change me.. except for FWB and Mike… Frank.. time shall tell. As I do say.. ” I’m easy to get, but hard to keep ” !!!
I like an old fashioned vibe… remembers history, how to date.. picnics, walks in forests, romance, holding hands, bike rides, trip in a carraige round central park, that type of stuff.. not all money orientated ! i don’t like a stingy guy… just not one completely money fixated ( though I know men think of money and sex every 4 seconds or so !). I like guys who remember important things.. i’e I never got roses once in my life… I told Mike, before we were dating.. he bought me a dozen the next week.
I like a mature vibe… a guy who cuts out the bullshit, don’t string me along, says what I don’t wan to hear,takes responsibility for his actions, communicates.. or at least tries, comes BACK to work arguments out, reasons with me, don’t act like a petulant, sulky child, making me feel guilty for things.
I like a bit of a dominating vibe… as in I can be fierce independent and dominant/too focused in life.. I need/want a man who “wears the trousers” and “settles” me, “compliments ” me. “reins” me in, when I’m going too crazy !
I like good things in life, but I also like simple things !
Rhett Butler shall do me grand and I can be his Scarlett !
September 7, 2014 at 5:22 am #363126Tamara
LOLOLOLOLOLOL Oh Gosh Harley, hilarious the end!!!
Ladies, I have read some of your posts and it s really pleasant to.
I really like Maria’s and Harley’s description about their dream men, I haven’t read all descriptions also…Sherri, thanks to have asked how I am. I am fine thanks, still doing my things.
I can see that you all are going well, and that s great.These last days I was wondering if it was fine from me that I want to find my man beautiful and with some physical qualities that fit me, such as a glance that I find beautiful, full lips, rather tall, muscular but not like a bodybuilder, handsome, etc…. I was wondering if it s not too much, too limited, too many canons? Like is it normal that love goes into these things?
I am curious to hear if someone has an opinion about it.
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