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September 7, 2014 at 7:30 am #363131
Hello Tam.. I think it extremely RARE we get all the attributes we want.
75% of them .. if we get them is good.
HOWEVER.. I do think.. if a guys WANTS… he can become more for us… i.s. an ok looking guy/fat etc , can lose weight, change his image and become VERY attractive.
Also.. we can change vibes, there’s and ours.. called SELF IMPROVEMENT.. learning patience/how to communicate/be more tolerant/less aggressive/ needy etc etc etc.
So.. someone THAT WAS our 75%.. in time, can become 90 – 95%.
September 7, 2014 at 8:51 am #363139Serena
Red, welcome to the thread…
Maria/Harley – I like your descriptions of inner qualities and I’d like some of the same too.
Tam – good to see you on the board :) Hope you’ve been keeping well.
Maria saw the photo and wow, he is hot. I think he looks like both men but leaning more to Mr.Bloom. Those eye are gorg. What are you waiting for? Lol Keep us posted. ;) He doesn’t have a cocky sort of facial expression. This is going to sound weird but some guys just look creepy and harsh in their photos like you can already tell what kinda guy he is going to be. This one is mysterious. I’m definitely intrigued.
September 7, 2014 at 8:57 am #363140Harley
Agree 1000% with you on the “photo look ” thing Serena… some guys just TOO creepy or arrogant !
Yea.. Maria has to Go get her man.
September 7, 2014 at 10:45 am #363162Violet
Welcome to the thread, Red :)
Well, I must say – all your men sound rather delicious ;)
I’m borrowing from “The Secret” in asking that question, because I think it’s important to have an idea of the kind of man we want…
Personally, my guy will have a really positive “can do / let’s try” attitude. In the past I went for creative guys, and I do still require that, but now I realise that I want a “big ideas” man. He’s creative, but it’s an outer creativity – he doesn’t capture things; he makes them from nothing. He pushes the envelop all the time. He’s forward thinking and open-minded; we have similar views on life. He’s insightful and gives good advice. He’s also very generous and thoughtful, and wants to take care of me.
Moving on – what kind of relationship do you ladies want? Like, once you are with the guy, how does the relationship / your life together unfold / look?
Tam, I am still annoyed about what happened on the MM forum. Do you want to resolve it?
September 7, 2014 at 11:39 am #363165Harley
i want a committed relationship… not neccessarily marriage ring done official again. I WOULD wear his ring, do the ceremony, party, dress , the whole shebang… just bot bothered if legal or not. AS long as I love him with all my heart,soul, body gut and head, that’e enough for me.
I expect fidelity/honesty/trust… even if I hear some things I don’t want to.
I want a mature guy.. in outlook/not age.. though I don’t want a guy more than 4 yrs younger than me.. don’t mind older at all.
I want a guy who can communicate and work through disagreements… as life together is never plain sailing.
I want a confident guy who is “happy in himself” and likes his own space a bit.. not TOO much, as I like my own space too. good humour, kind, intelligent.A guy who is equal to me.
I want a guy who doesn’t always agree with me/has his own opinions on stuff/ different hobbies, interests but also mutual ones.
WE must have A LOT of the same values.. re children/family/animals/health, living conditions (together), relationship,money(or at least balance each other out).
I would like us to grow together/adapt as problems/life unfolds.. rather than growing apart…as so many couples do.
I would like a guy whom I can rely on… of course that does not mean 1005 but one i know who ” has my back” I want one that even when he disappoints me… I STILL want to come home to him and make it work.
I want someone who truly is my other half.
NOT asking for much, am I ???? Ha Ha Ha
September 7, 2014 at 11:48 am #363166Harley
Re.. how it all unfolds. I don’t mind only seeing him once a week for a while. I’m in no hurry with my next relationship. I’d rather go slow and get it right. No mad hurry on introducing kids or moving in together.
OF COURSE… me, being me, the wedding is already planned in my head.. but I KNOW to sit on that one now, wait till the honeymoon period is over, to see how we really get on. I would rather work through a few arguments and make sure NO GHOSTING, before I say the LOVE WORD.
I say I LOVE YOU after sex/lovemaking sometimes, but the day I tell a guy in broad daylight, no hangover from the night before, and over a cup of coffee/mundane task that ” I love him “, then he’ll know I mean it !
September 7, 2014 at 12:48 pm #363167maria
Serena, I think the reason why that pic (and he, in reality) draws you in is because he manages to look super hot, “bad”, mysterious, masculine, strong, intelligent and nice/kind at the same time.
If you measure his face it probably says 1,618 (the golden ratio) in every single direction too…
Plus he goes straight through that camera lens (he should stop singing and be an actor instead)…
Anyhow, I’m just gonna go with the flow. I’ll meet him cause I’m attracted to him… I have no expectations whatsoever. What will be will be…
I know he doesn’t want to give up his freedom, and in a way (many ways) I don’t want to give up mine either. It may sound strange but there’s a compatibility in that on several levels.
Tam, have an ideal in your head but be open to alternatives. Don’t be afraid to try something new, if you don’t like it you can always go back to your ideal…
Harley, I LOVE that you’re so passionate about this. I too find it very interesting and fun to discuss…
Vi, what kind of relationship do I want?
With the right guy I will definitely go all in – house, marriage, kids, everything.
Untill I meet “the one”, I will either be single, in a casual relationship, or in a bf/gf relationship that has no long term plans.
September 7, 2014 at 1:22 pm #363170Harley
OMG.. I WAS just reading about the golden ratio today… it was to do with windows in houses.. Don’t ask ! Also Maria, I agree with your must be compatible about “space”. Yes.. He SHOULD be an actor< I also think people can be “free” but “committed” if you know what I mean… not trapping them, tying them down. I suppose actors with GOOD marriages are an example… they are “free” .. off for months “shooting” but are EXTREMELY committed to their partners. Or.. explorers/daredevils like Bear Grylls, again who spend ages away from his wife, or military folk.
I guess that’s WHY I’m not totally against LDR.s. I hung out with military folk who spent long times apart, or Irish people working abroad recently and the wives are still here.. I know they are married so maybe that makes LDR’s lightly different. hence why I would try it with Frank.. IF I got the chance. Someone suggested lately I am setting myself up for failure with him, it’s doomed from the start with the distance, but… you can’t choose who you fall for I think. Others disagree with me and say YOU CAN CHOOSE.. you can look in your area and find a guy,,,,and that’s POSSIBLY true… but I always HAVE to follow my heart.. say I “have tried”.. even if it is failure.
I wouldn’t have changed a thing with the Mike situation.. look at all I learned. How to spot red flags, watch actions match words, most of all, I HAVE STOPPED carrying a fantasy round in my head and heart that I did for near 23 yrs.
WOULD ANY OF YOU GO FOR A RELATIONSHIP THAT YOU SPOTTED RED FLAGS ??? i.e age differance, political views, LDR, separated guy,someone you KNEW your family would not approve of etc etc etc.
I just ask because of Frank.. separated, wants more kids, LDR.. and YET.. I STILL want to try !( Ha ha.. maybe he don’t !!!!)
September 7, 2014 at 3:20 pm #363174Violet
Harl, provided the guy is single, for me the first red flags are not about his background – it is all about how he treats me.
– Does he initiate contact regularly?
– Does he make plans in advance?
– Does he make an effort with planning the dates?
– Does he let me set the pace?
– Is he playing it warm? (As opposed to playing it cool or hot [fast forwarding])Obviously background is important, but if a man demonstrates consistently through HIS ACTIONS that he is playing it warm, he is actually demonstrating that he is mature and ready for a relationship.
September 7, 2014 at 3:35 pm #363175Violet
The kind of relationship I want…
He is my King, and I am his Queen. ;) We both want to cherish and adore each other; we can laugh at each others flaws. We want to build something together, and we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
I see my guy working in the same business as me; and we would be a husband and wife film team. We’re both quite social – we do things together and apart, but have a lot of the same interests so doing things together happens naturally. We have a lot of freedom in our lives (I already do), so our lives emanate from this sense that life is abundant (as opposed to busy).
We get on really well with each other’s families.
We live in a nice flat in London, but in the future possibly move to the States (or somewhere else). Probably we’ll have a little girl by the time I’m 36 (I know I’m going to have one child… a girl. It’s this weird feeling… I see her… I KNOW it’s going to happen).
September 7, 2014 at 3:41 pm #363176Tamara
Thanks Harley and Maria for your answers. And thanks Serena for yournice words.
I think I want to be attracted from the get go, so I guess I need to find him attracting physically and his way to be/behave. I don’t wanna try with someone I am not fully attracted to. I am wondering if it s good. …
Violet, I am in the same feelings and find it good that you ask to resolve it. We can do it by emails. I let you start as you initiated.
September 7, 2014 at 3:47 pm #363177Harley
Ha ! Guess Frank has TOO many red flags then !!!
WOW.. that’s a very accurate relationship/time based desciption VI…basically you can discount a LOT of men you meet and stick to finding them through work/ mutual film organisations/websites etc !!!
Better meet said guy soon enough if you wish for a child by 36 !
I just want one.. I fancy, fancies me back lie frank.. but FOLLOWS through.
Some married Gi I remember from Germany has just Fb “friended ” me. He’s a bit over-friendly too quick so I just made up a swarm of lies, god help me ( I hate lies !), saying I’m dating a German, moving back there to work, almost have a stepson ! Oh God.. God will give me BAD karma for this ! NOW.. I told him I’m going to the pub to get away from him !I probably have a stalker now, knowing my luck…. he did say he had no friends really whilst in Germany !
September 8, 2014 at 1:36 am #363207maria
Good Morning All <3
Vi, your relationship dreams/plans sound awesome. They will come true, I’m sure of it… and it’s soo true that how a man treats you totally reveals his intentions (as well as his personality).
Harley, would I go against red flags? – It totally depends on what kind they are. For example, other people’s opinion/approval has never and will never be a red flag for me… and in many/some cases trying and failing is better than not trying at all. Trying often leads somewhere, whereas not trying can either lead nowhere or be a wise decision, depending on the situation.
The lie to the German was probably a little too much… but I totally get why you did it… I tell guys all the time (when they ask for my number etc.) that “I’m kind of seeing someone”. It feels so much better saying that instead of “no, you can’t”.
Re hot guy, he’s 6 years older than me, do you guys think that’s (too) much? (I don’t, for me confidence, masculinity and “wisdom” is soo important, and guys my age usually don’t have tons of that)…
September 8, 2014 at 2:26 am #363211maria
Oh, and I found out that the shipyard/marina where he keeps his boat has a website. I checked out the booking lists and he’s booked for 2 pm on Saturday. I’m planning to show up around 12 or 1 pm… soo… game on!
September 8, 2014 at 3:18 am #363212Harley
Hi Maria, I lied to an American ABOUT the German. but yes.. no more lies.. too hard to keep up wuith them anyway.
ha ha ha.. I love your detective work and style !!! GO GET HIM. 6 years age difference is not much… I think MOST guys are not as mature as us anyway.. so he’s really onlty 2 yrs older than you !
Yes.. I shall see re Frank’s red flags….separation and wanting more kids… wanting more kids is a BIG one !Separation not so much.. as he will either go back to her or NOT. I am a BIG believer in trying and failing.. I live with myself, have no regrets and usually LEARN something in the process.
Beautiful day here.. timeto kick ass on some houses !
September 8, 2014 at 3:40 am #363215maria
Ha, OK, I thought the GI was ANOTHER German (since you “remembered him from Germany”) (I thought GI was used for soldiers in general and not American soldiers only)…
I think you definitely should try with Frank if you get the opportunity. You only live once…
September 8, 2014 at 6:45 am #363216Serena
Morning darlings,
Just wanted to send quick hellos and hugs. Back to the grind today.
Maria, you’re correct about his photo he does look like all those things rolled up
it’s quite intriguing. ;)Harley / Vi loved your descriptions about relationships what I want is a combo of it all. As for red flags I think I’ve learned now to trust my gut if sometime feels off and not try to rationalize it. If it’s not right it’s not right. I also think it depends on the red flag is it something that’s more my own hang up that I’ve made a red flag that really isn’t. I don’t know. Is it fair to say the red flags depend on the man and characteristics/variables about him?
In addition to treatment as you ladies have mentioned for me it’s not just how he treats me but ppl in general I.e. Wait staff at a restaurant, an elderly walking across the street. Inevitably, the way he treats these ppl will be you one day once he stops trying to just impress and starts getting comfortable with you.
This week will be crazy for me so if I don’t post as much I haven’t forgotten you girls. I truly love our chat thread and what it’s become. I wish you all a fab day. :D xoxo
September 8, 2014 at 6:47 am #363217Serena
Maria, I’m the investigative sort to so can totally dig you looking up the schedule for the marina. I love it. Lol you go get him you lil minx. ;) Harley if it’s the German you want see how it goes. Are you letting him know you’re coming back?
Vi, have you been on any dates recently? How’s it going?
September 8, 2014 at 6:52 am #363218Serena
Oh and one last thing, I think it’s easier or maybe even kinder to say you’re seeing /talking to someone else to let someone down or create distance between you and a stalker/ pest. Ok ok I’m going now. Hehe.
September 8, 2014 at 7:34 am #363219Harley
Hi all. my gut tells me all is ok with Frank. He’s just super busy, stressed with everyone pulling out of him.. and I am in another country, saying I didn’t want a relationship.
It’s his birthday in 2 weeks so I will just TIMELINE him then ” Happy Birthday”.. no message. It will “put me back in his head” without the pressure/neediness of another message.
2 mutual friends of his and mine, already know I am coming back so he will proabably have read FB posts to themm, or they will have talked to him.
I think 2 weeks before I go back. mid Oct so, I will GROUP message them all, say ” coming over Oct 30th for the weekend, thougth it would be nice to catch up for drinks and see how you are all doing, let me know where and when if you can make it. Am staying at Franco’s this time “.. I hope I don’t piss/annoy Mark off by not staying in his mum’s hotel this time !
Yes.. I will try with him if i have the chance.. life is FAR too short. Even if it is a booty call. I will be ok and handle it.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
September 8, 2014 at 9:17 am #363220Sherri
Hi Ladies,
So much to catch up on …
Vi – love the tats idea :)
Maria – Pic pls ……
Tams – Nice to hear from you ….
Harley – Hows the house hunting going on??? You are doing some courses too right?
My weekend was good and not so good.
Saturday guy – turned out to be a creep and he did not have any kind of creepy vibes. He jumped me in the parking lot after we said bye to get some action (wandering hands and all). I was literally “No, get away from me” and loudly. Don’t think he would have done it if I was not loud as I think he was more scared of other people hearing than that he was doing something that the girl did not want. And he was like “Sorry that happened” and then he wanted to kiss me to make up. Are you freaking serious??? Bloody a**h**e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday guy – was fabulous. Totally gets my sense of humour. Most of our values, dreams meet. We like a lot of the same things except he is into sports and I am not. He asked if I would like to go for dinner on the next date but he has not set a date yet. So basically a good experience. However, he smokes like 1 cigarette a day. So I am not really sure….. However, he is also a good contact for my work so I am in literally two minds if I should contact him for stuff work related. But what if we begin dating then and it doesn’t work out, wont that get weird??
New guy contacted me to ask me how I was doing. I took his call and he apologised for the way he broke things up and that it was a big mistake on his part. I told him it was a mistake to break up over text because that was quite disrespectful esp when we had shared a lot of things but you are right, we are way too different so its all good. He was indirectly hinting at dating again and I told him that I don’t want to date him anymore as what’s the point of dating someone you don’t see a future with. I did mention though that FWB I am not sure, I will think about it ….. Thoughts ladies????
September 8, 2014 at 9:29 am #363221Harley
Sherri.. Hello. Yep.. still househunting. I keep getting outbid !
Going to see another one tomorrow. About an hour from home, probably be outbid again.
Yep.. doing an online English teaching course. going good.. but a bit tougher thatn I thought. It’s with the idea of checking out teaching posts when next in Germany.
FOR ME.. the possible FWB guys sounds a shit ! CRAP breakng up over text.. show reallybad values/manners for me.. but it’s up to you !
Work and pleasure.. VERY rarely mix. Keep him as one or the other.
Overall. it’s going good for you though.
September 8, 2014 at 9:51 am #363223Sherri
The only thing I am thinking abt the possible FWB guy was that FWB is just sex right and in that field I need experience and he can teach me quite a bit. Also the way he broke up and the photo of his ex will keep me on track. But I have not made any decisions. I am anyway really busy this week and next. I am meeting 1st FWB to celebrate his and my birthday on the 16th so will think on that then. I have not said yes to either guy. In the meantime lets see if the Sunday guy steps up and plans a dinner date as he mentioned and I have been talking to another guy who was sick this weekend and so could not meet but very religiously calls and messages me. Lets see where that goes.
September 8, 2014 at 10:10 am #363225Harley
Yep.. just go into your “mancave” and think with the level head.. the guy that cancelled… time will tell if him a messer or not.. I’m not too impressed with him !
September 8, 2014 at 10:24 am #363227Sherri
When we spoke (even though he was sick), he sounded really stuffed up so not righting him off yet. And I dont want to be around sick people and get sick for my daughter’s and my birthdays so that’s good that he cancelled. If he had passed anything to me, he would have def been a right off.
The Sunday guy works too much IMO so lets see if he steps up to date or something bec I am not avbl to meet every weekend so he will have to step up during the week to meet too.
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