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September 8, 2014 at 10:34 am #363229
Well. time will tell as I ALWAYS SAY !
Roll on 8 weeks for Getrmany ! STILL a lifetime away. yet.. it gives him time to miss me and for me to househunt. Off to look at a church later, but BET I will be outbid again… divine intervention is needed here ! It’s a stunningly beautiful church.
September 8, 2014 at 11:43 am #363235maria
Ha, maybe I AM a minx…
Serena, hope you won’t be totally absent this week… I will look for you… and miss you…
Harley, where is the church? I’d like to check it out (if you don’t mind)…
Sherri, you really are the queen of dating. No matter how bad a date is (Saturday guy), you just brush it off and yell “next” – IMPRESSIVE! And pick sent!
Vi, hope you’re doing good <3. Looking forward to your updates. Any sight of cute yoga guy?
September 8, 2014 at 11:52 am #363237Sherri
Maria – haven’t received it yet … will keep a look out. Also I believe in the get back on the horse fast again when you fall off. As these bad dates too are a learning experience for me. I check to see then if there were any red flags that I could have missed. I am so inexperienced in dating and the only way to gain experience is to date right? No amount of books can teach you how to date and how to stand firm and how to pick up red flags and how to keep your hormones in check ;)
Also my weakness is tall guys and the “sick” guy is 6.3″ (swoon) hahahaha. The Sunday guy was 5.9″ …. taller than me but not as tall as I like them but def has the 75% trait requirement that I require of guys.
Vi – besides yoga guy any other eye candy??
Serena – any more acupuncture appointments? Any eye candy anywhere??
Harley – What are you going to do with a church??
September 8, 2014 at 4:30 pm #363279Harley
Drove 5 hours to see church . It was too small and outbuildings too far gone for converting.
I was going to live in it of course Sherri !
Maria.. go to a website :daft.ie.
Go to “commmercial tab”, type in County Tipperary in search fields, maximum price €50,000. TOWN: Mullinahone. Only 3 or 4 properties will come up.
Off to Cavan tomorrow evening. Bet I get outbid again !
September 8, 2014 at 4:49 pm #363282Ann
Tipperary is a real place? It’s not just in the movies? Cool.
September 8, 2014 at 4:54 pm #363283Harley
Yes Ann.. it’s real and beautiful.. a LOT of rich horsebreeders and bottled mineral still water.
I think out of 32 counties.. I’ve seen and been through 20 over the past 3 weeks !
September 8, 2014 at 5:56 pm #363292Ann
There’s a place called Cork too, right? I always have dreamed of living in Ireland, but then you wrote that all Irish men are idiots. Ha.
September 8, 2014 at 6:07 pm #363294celesteannv
Wow. ..busy ladies. Busy weekend here too. Out with J and another couple Friday. Family wedding Saturday. .all good. Was having great gathering Sunday with friends until our little group at a Russian fest was crashed by Js ex. He posted a pic on FB and 45 min later she shows up and joins us uninvited. Very awkward and we ended ip breaking up the party early. A bit of a turd on my day and not sure why she bugs me so much..a bit of a crazy..
September 8, 2014 at 6:10 pm #363295Sherri
Ann, have been meaning to ask U … what hpmd to golf guy??? U guys still dating??
September 8, 2014 at 6:15 pm #363298Violet
Nice to see you here Celeste :) Ha, this thread has been going for so long that everyone is dropping in now ;)
Have to read back over the last two pages but ladies, I have a question. There’s this guy that I met at the yoga studio a while ago (no, no… a different guy! :P) Now, I’m not particularly bothered by this guy. He seems sweet and he’s pretty cute, but this is more of a “how do I deal with this” qutesion, because I never know what to say in these vague situation.
He came to a few of my classes and after a while he started asking me to go for coffee with him. But even though he kept tweeting me, he didn’t ask me out. Then he disappeared for a few weeks and tweeted me saying that we should meet up soon. He’d already said this twice or three times, so I didn’t bother replying. Then he turned up at my class tonight, and afterwards he asked me out again, and took my number.
Now he’s just texted me saying “we should go” for coffee or a glass of wine “sometime…”
What do I say to that? I wouldn’t mind meeting up with him, but I don’t want to initiate or be too forward? Is there a way to address it that suggests he take the bull by the horns and pin down a date?
Maria, I won’t see the cute yoga man for a few more weeks. I only ever see him at the Saturday class – but he didn’t go last Sat and I won’t be going next Sat…
September 8, 2014 at 6:17 pm #363299Violet
Ann, the guy I just posted about is Irish, lol :) They’re not ALL idiots… :P
There’s also a place called Limerick, and Balnaslow.
September 8, 2014 at 6:21 pm #363300Sherri
Vi he has asked U so many times. If U want to go say yes … I am avbl on this date at this time. He has asked U so the question of U taking initiative doesn’t arise at all. What is ur definition of forward?? Accepting a date?
September 8, 2014 at 6:27 pm #363303Violet
Okay, I just replied – said “I’m totally up for that – pin me down with a day when you know your schedule”.
Was that okay?!
September 8, 2014 at 6:35 pm #363304Violet
Okay, just read back over everything :P
Sherri – EEK re. the guy jumping you! That’s not nice. I’m really impressed with your attitude to new guy – his loss.
Harley, sounds like a good plan re. Frank. I’m thinking regarding the house… maybe part of the reason you haven’t found one, is because you’re not sure if you want to stay in Ireland?
Maria, I actually think six years is a great age gap. Particularly for FWB ;)
Serena, hope to see you soon lovely! No, I’ve given up dating, but I’m trying to open myself up more to getting asked out. I got approached by men twice on the street yesterday, which was really surprising… so I figure I’m on the right track. Just need to be more open and positive :)
September 8, 2014 at 6:37 pm #363305Ann
@Sherri…Golf Guy….hahahaha.
Nope. We had that big “event” weekend, that was fun, but I don’t know, it just felt forced or something. Then we saw each other a couple of times after that, talked and texted and honestly, he is more into golf and his work. It was a mutual ghosting. It’s actually quite an accomplishment for me, because normally I would be doing hand stands, trying to keep his interest up. I just didn’t. He is generally a nice guy though, but, I don’t know, it started to feel like work. I of course am still trying to rid myself of Gambler Guy. I have given myself a drop dead date of Halloween, and I’ve mostly accomplished it. I have retreated on the on-line stuff. There is one guy that I have been dating though, he seems really nice, interested in me, and I him. Keeps asking how he could be so lucky. I’ve become really wary though, so time will tell. I’m trying to get off the whirlwind and just regroup. What’s weird about this guy….Let’s call him Normal Guy, he asks a ton of questions. He is very interested in learning about me. That is new for me. He also talks about the future a lot, and what he wants to do with me this winter. Like I said, we shall see. With my luck, I’ll eventually see some kind of addiction…I’m an Addict Magnet. :)
I’m happy to hear not all Irishmen are idiots :) ….. And, Vi, agree with Sherri, give him a couple available times.
Seriously though, I’ve taken the posts about The Secret to heart. I am trying to think positive thoughts, be centered. I think there is something to how we attract what we are thinking about.
September 9, 2014 at 2:00 am #363347maria
Harley, Cavan seems to have a lot of houses at low prices. Are you going to have a look at one or several houses in the area?
Vi, your reply was totally OK. I’m looking forward to hearing everything about your date with him… and seriously, unknown men approaching you in the streets… you’re becoming a regular guy magnet… your life really is changing… I’m so happy for you <3
Everyone else, I so enjoy reading your posts, even if I don’t comment on everything <3
September 9, 2014 at 3:16 am #363368Harley
Helloo All !
Celeste.. forget the ex. .SHE HAS the issue. TOTAL NUT JOB. Just grit your teeth and be supetr cool. START posting places you and J WON’T be, but pretenf you ARE going to.. will give her the runaround !!! ooh.. I’m evil ! She THINKS she wants him back. but she don’t ! YOU. would have MORE of a problem if HE was going FOR HER !.. HE@S NOT. Be cool and secure.
Ann.. great about golf guy.. yuoare learning. NEW guy is a slow warm up.. THAT ID GREAT ! Play it by ear and see how it goes.
Vi…go out with him!!!!! He’s warming up to a proper date i think. I knnow this forum says WHEn a guys wants you HE MAKES IT CLEAR.. but sometimes I think there are grey areas/mixed signals… super shy guys, WE don’t pick up on their hinnst, so knock them down, they too afraid to try again,guys with money probs/marriage probs.
Sherri.. good luck with new prospects.
Red. .keep baking ! Forget the other guy !
Maria.. yep Cavan close to home. Off to see a house tonight, only ONE in my price range, but I HAVE thought about what VI says…. maybe I AM NOT meant to get a house here !
Serena, hope you not too busy at work,and health is ok.
I KEEP getting eyed up by guys these days.. great for my ego ! But.. I stil think of Frank !
September 9, 2014 at 3:21 am #363369Harley
Oh yes. NOT all Irish guys are bad/idiots.
I’m over exaggerating. SOME.. are gorgeous !
My FWB is a hunk,intelligent, witty,rich and was a farmer !
September 9, 2014 at 5:37 am #363375Violet
Maria, the thing is though that I’ve been getting a lot of attention from men for quite a while now… but the reason I started the topic was because “nothing ever happened” as a result of all this attention. The Irish guy was actually one of the people I had in mind when I was writing the topic – as I had a slate of men at that time asking me out but not following through. I came to the conclusion that I was being too eager…
Interestingly, when he asked me out again last night, I slotted into the exact same worrying mind frame. “What will I say? I always say the wrong thing.” etc. Before guys talk to me I project a magnetic aura, but once they talk to me I resort back to my old default position of “I’m not good enough”. I need to learn to maintain an attitude of:
1) I am amazing and loveable, and men want to discover and love me.
2) There are an Abundance of good men out there.I find when I maintain that attitude I become a magnet… but then I let it slip away. Working on it!
Harley, I agree some men are shy… but I’m not interested in any guy now who doesn’t chase me and follow through regularly. They will keep doing that in the relationship, and it’s not good enough.
September 9, 2014 at 5:52 am #363376Harley
Hi Vi.. YES. .you DO need to work on keeping the good vibe. WORK on no 1 and 2.. constantly !
I FIND it helps when YOU fancy the guy back or as LAGIRL says “relationships are easy”.
I mentioned before again and again.. I am fascinated/delighted/confused/puzzled at how EASY everything was with Frank. I “just knew” , NO second guessing or analysing. Like two peasin a pod/jigsaw puzzle that 2 missing pieces slotted together. I NEVER once thought ” am I good enough”. It was ALL so simple .. I just believed. I still DO. I think timing and distance and my mixed signals is our problem.
Maybe… you just haven’t met the “easy ” yet. IDK !
MMMN.. not sure I agree about shy guys. I think they can take a while to get their act together but wehn they do.. the committ. I am open to what YOU say though. I shall have to “monitor 2 shy guys and se if I fully agree with you.. I am not sure yet. YOU.. could be well right ! I don’t always mean “shy”.. other probs. Remember I said Mike fancied me for months but I never noticed, or picked up on his clues/gifts/time spent with me, so he was just about to give up when it hit me.. then again.. You could be right… look at Mike NOW !!!!
September 9, 2014 at 9:15 am #363390maria
Vi, maintaining the attitude of no 1 and 2 sounds like a really good idea.
A few days ago you said (re the kind of relationship you want) “I’m his queen”. I think you need to apply that approach now, don’t wait till you’re in a relationship:
– BE the Queen, Diva, Goddess, Prize (or Minx for that matter),
– LIVE with the attitude that you’re amazing and lovable,
– if a guy shows interest, ALWAYS assume that he is interested/like you etc.
Perhaps you should take on an alter ego and fake it till you make it… practise does make perfect…
Re shyness, I think there are different kinds of shyness… and in most cases a shy guy is most compatible with a shy girl. I know I’m definitely not compatible with shy guys… but that doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with them or with me…
Harley, I think you are meant to find a house in Ireland, I’m not sure if it will happen now or “later” though. As for Frank, by Christmas you will know…
September 9, 2014 at 9:38 am #363396Harley
Thanks for that Maria…helps keep me focused. I’m fairly upbeat and philosophical re Frank…he’ll either step up or not and if he doesn’t. ..I’ve dodged another bullet. I have to find out more about his character….is he a player or not ! I think a shy guy can be brought out of his she’ll by a confident girl…In some ways I think opposites attract….just not too opposite !
September 9, 2014 at 11:05 am #363416maria
It’s also a matter of what turns you on… some girls like confidence and others find shyness super cute… but like you said, too opposite will never work…
Personally I need a man that gets me and that’s easier if we are alike.
There will always be a natural “opposites attract” in a relationship between a man and a woman though, since we are natural opposites. I prefer to call that completing each other though…
September 9, 2014 at 2:53 pm #363470Harley
Yes.. you phrased it better than me Maria. i was thinking of Frank when I discussed shy. he comes across as super confident , even a tad/bit arrogant…. but in bed.. he came across super shy, worried about his look/his breath etc. I am puzzled and intrigued ! And challenged .. to know WHAT he thought of our love-making.. I know he enjoyed it… just.. did it turn him ON or OFF, when he went home and thought about it. he barely said 2 words during it.. only by his increased breathing could I tell he was enjoying and ONCE… he said he liked stuff I did, So… I need to know more ! I’ve NEVER had a man so controlled or quiet in my bed. I’m…. miffed !
On a side note.. I put an offer on house I just saw. it needs LOTS of work but has GREAT potential. I do not think it is my “forever” home if I get it but it’s a leg back up on the property ladder,,,, I WILL probably get outbid… again !. It’s in Cavan.
September 9, 2014 at 3:07 pm #363474maria
Hmm… that IS puzzling… confident in life but not in bed…
And you are absolutely right… in a situation like that a confident girl like you can bring him out of his shell.
It will be very interesting to hear what will happen when you go to Germany and (hopefully) meet him.
Which house in Cavan is it? What address?
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