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September 9, 2014 at 3:24 pm #363479
Ah.. this house is not on the net. a girl at work told me about it. just has a ” for sale ” sign outside and a contact no.
Yes.. Frank… confusing ! but… interesting, just how i love it.
September 9, 2014 at 10:34 pm #363563red
Recently I was talking to a friend of mine at work when her husband came in and droped off keys to the truck with a large trailor on the back, she said she did not want to drive it because she did not like the trailor on the back. He told her not tobe such a wuss about it and how did she k ow if she did not try. He was kind of gruff but not mean. I was smiling. My friend said her life was fuller because of him being hard on her. She said she was lazy but he made her hike, she wanted to hunt but did not know how he tought her, she said her life would have been so small with out him.
I want a man like that.
Someone who does not see my flaws as flaws but as a challange or growing experiance.
Someone who wants to grow with me.
And like to cuddle.
I don’t care what he looks like so long as we make each other laugh, can still want each other after a fight. Will have each others back even when we know the person is wrong.
Will put up with each others shit big and small.
Can talk about stuff that does not matter to anyone but us but is OK with just sitting quietly with me to.
I think my friend found the other half to her clam shell.
Now if I could just find mine.September 10, 2014 at 3:36 am #363579Harley
That’s a LOVELY desciption RED.
Another house just came up on the Net. off to see it today. near where I was yesterday.
It’s all action. Thank god I don’t have a man here… no time for him lately !
Sunny as shit here !
September 10, 2014 at 3:51 am #363583Violet
Morning lovelies <3
THe thing with shy men is that, because they are introverted, it is harder to get a grasp on who they are. Under that shyness can be a lot of selfishness. Not always; but that has been my experience with shy men.
Harley – that sounds like a great place you put a bid on! Hope it works out!
Any plans for the week girls?
Okay, I have to share something – it’s kind of gross, but I’m really surprised at this. I’ve basically had candida for the last seven years – (if you don’t know what it is – it’s an internal fungus), and it used to manifest on me through my big toes. I usually give myself a pedicure once a month, and when the nail varnish comes off I have to contend with the fungus toes. THey’ve been better in the last year, but I just took my nail varnish and… my toes are completely fungus free!!! First time in seven years. I wonder if it’s the positive thinking? I haven’t changed anything else. So bizarre. Mind > matter!
(sorry if I grossed any of you out :P)
September 10, 2014 at 4:00 am #363586Harley
Totally grossed .. not !
It’s nice to be able to share personal issues here !
Thats’.. great. I’d say it is a combination of yoga, and different attitude to life/positive vibe.
Oh yes.. other house later today cheap too. options, options ! ONE has to turn up Trumps!
September 10, 2014 at 4:08 am #363590maria
Hahaha, the topics in this thread… fungus free toes now. Hilarious! (I’m happy for you though, and positive thinking really CAN heal you).
Sunny day here too…
I’m already planning what to wear on Saturday…
Hope the sun stays all week…
September 10, 2014 at 5:40 am #363593maria
Actually… that book Serena <3 mentioned earlier (Mind Over Medicine) is about exactly that – healing yourself through positive thinking/that our minds have a huge power over our bodies…
That said, have you not changed anything in your diet lately Vi? What we eat also has a huge effect on candida/fungus…
September 10, 2014 at 6:15 am #363594Harley
So.. what you wearing ?????
September 10, 2014 at 8:11 am #363603maria
Well, I have 2 alternatives so far (and remember this is a countryside marina, not Saint Tropez – so casual is key):
If sunny, I’ll wear something sporty, girly like rolled up white skinny pants, a pink tank top, Nike sneakers, probably a hoodie or sweater tied around my waist in case the weather changes, a ponytail and sunglasses, and,
if rainy, something cool rock festival inspired like green wellies, tiny jeans shorts, a white tank top and a green parka…
How does that sound?
September 10, 2014 at 8:22 am #363604Harley
Perfect ! I like both ! the first says ” marina mermaid ” , the second says ” groovy rock chick “
September 10, 2014 at 9:35 am #363617Sherri
Vi – happy about the toes :)
Maria – All the best!!!My daughter has her bday party this Sat and I have 6 seven year old girls coming and we are going to be having a make up and dress up party. With nail polish, child friendly makeup, dress up clothes etc. etc. WOW just thinking abt this I am getting tired.
Sunday is my birthday and my aunt and some friends are coming over in the evening to celebrate it with me :)
I met a nice guy yesterday on our 1st date but I cut short the date as I realised that we are not compatible at all and way too different. The more he spoke, the more I realised that he is quite judgemental and quite narrow minded. I don’t think he even realises it. He calls himself open minded and perhaps he is as compared his family and friends. But not someone I see in my life at all.
The guy who was sick called me yesterday and we had a good chat. He is removing his profile from the online dating site but still wanted to keep in touch and schedule a meet up when our schedules co incide. So he sent me his email address and I also have his phone number. I really like our phone chats as he is quite knowledgeable and very matter of fact. I don’t know if I will be attracted to him as that I will know only when we meet …. so lets see :D
September 10, 2014 at 9:40 am #363619Harley
Enjoy all the birthdays Sherri. I hope phone guy is as nice in real life.. he sounds like he could be ! HOPE he arranges a date SOON !
September 10, 2014 at 10:43 am #363637Violet
I havent change my diet at all, and I doubt it’s the yoga…
In general I am feeling really happy! The only other time I ever felt like this, this consistently, was right before I started dating Simon. I had about two months where I was in total bliss – just happy to be alive. And then I met him (proving that you have to be happy in yourself before you can let someone into your life. Of course, being happy doesn’t stop you from letting in the wrong people. You need self respect and self love for that.)
So I know that many good things are on the way – and already happening! Like having fungus-free toenails :) Also, I just got a free ticket to a three day music festival!
Btw, Maria meant to say – thank you for those “Queen” tips and kind words… you summed it up brilliantly >3 Also, those outfits sound hot – pics please ;)
Where is this latest house Harl?
Happy birthday to Sherri’s kiddies :) Btw Sherri, why do you think you’re inexperienced with dating? I think you’ve probably been on more dates than me at this stage! ;) And anyway, experience doesn’t always mean success in the future. This nugget of wisdom finally clicked with me a few months ago. There’s a great article on the Rules re visited called “know why you are dating”. You should check it out <3
September 10, 2014 at 3:13 pm #363682Harley
Hi all. latest house was in Cavan, but the middle of nowhere. The house i put an offer of it a bit isolated too but on a much major route.
it’s hard to know what to do for the best ! My sister is on a rant, threatening me with Solicitors/attorneys letters to get my stuff out of the house. i’ll be ok but it’s just pressure I can do without.
it HAS to get better soon ! Still.. I’m alive !
It’s good to hear we are all mainly happy overall !
September 10, 2014 at 6:50 pm #363739maria
Maybe THIS THREAD is healing…
Thanks Harley… the groovy rock chick look is really tempting… but I think going for his total (masculine) opposite with irresistible femininity in a girly/lolita kind of way (pink, white, ponytail etc.) is a better choice this time… soo… I’m hoping for sunshine…
That said, I am SO SORRY for what you’re going through. Your own sister threatening you… things like that pisses me off beyond words. Family should support and be there for each other. It will get better… sending tons of positive energy your way <3<3<3
Happy birthdays Sherri <3. Keep us updated on phone guy (and every other guy in you life)…
Vi, you are soo welcome <3. That ticket to the music festival – are you going with someone? Remember I said I saw 2 identical tickets (plane or event)!? I know you’re going back to Albuquerque (=2 tickets), but I’m curious anyway…
I’ll see about pics… if I get the opportunity during the day… I’m not gonna ask him to take them though, THAT is for sure…
Serena, I miss you <3
September 10, 2014 at 9:45 pm #363767red
Man toe fungus sucks, I had that once went to the doctor he gave me a pill to take ti kill it, made me sick as hell. On the plus side killed the fungus and I lost ten pounds…I am a silver lineing girl.
Just back from the mob I mean “family” bbq. We have decided on a new place to hide the bodies. Man my second cousin looks just the same as he did when he was 12 just taller, except now he has a wife and kids.
He lookes very happy. Even my aunts were in a good mood untill the cake came out, good thing we had plastic forks or I would need stiches.Little kids running around, all the men bunched togeather talking about what ever they talk about.
All my aunts bunched togeather talking about of all things their husbands.My aunts nabor has chickens. No one was watching the kids….the chickens will NEVER be the same.
Everyone had someone except me.
September 11, 2014 at 3:29 am #363787Harley
Ha ha RED. That’s a hilarious story. I tried emailing but my email seems to be on the blink( broke). I will get one to you somehow. I HAVE NO ONE EITHER !
My dogs ate my neighbours chickens.. she ‘s a Jehovah’s witness.. was NOT happy… BUT.. my dogs were !
Ah families.. ya gotta love them. My sister will get over her rant in time… IF only I could emigrate !
Happy Birthday Sherri. It’s my son’s today. All of 20.
Vi.. enjoy the ticket. SMILE at everyone, you never know who you may meet ! Some taxi driver keeps honking his horn at me.. I pass a taxi rank each morn on my walk and say hello to them all, I presume he is one of them.. but I can’t see with my crocked eye from Germany !
Germany.. has a lot to answer for !
More househunting. I have a bid on one. it’s not ideal but it will do if it has to !
Maria.. outfit soudns cool. I LOVE the way you have it already planned ” to get pics” A woman after my own heart/devious mind! lol ! Yes.. wear the girlie outfit !
Serena.. stop working so hard !
September 11, 2014 at 5:01 am #363793maria
The poor poor chickens…
I too had sending problems this morning… seriously, they should call themselves shitmail . com…
Happy B-day Harley’s troubled little brat… be nice to him today…
Germany… started the bloody war…
Think I’m gonna by some condoms today… cause you never know… better safe than sorry… I’m totally embracing the “act as if it is going to happen and it will” – law of something.
The pics were Vi’s wicked idea, not mine…
Good Morning All !!!
September 11, 2014 at 5:14 am #363794Violet
LOL – of Maria, that’s so funny about the tickets! I am going with a friend… the tickets are identical though. The one I was given was for three days, and my friend is just coming tonight. Although, now that you mention it – I am going with a friend who has the same name as me!
I honestly think this thread IS healing. I had this experience a year ago where I had an online journal, and every wish I wrote in that journal came true. I overcame my eating disorder, met a guy, loads of other things too. It was incredible. I didn’t understand the law of attraction then, but now it all makes sense.
I woke up this morning and was offered a part time job at a University! I know more good things are coming – especially money-wise :)
Harley, speaking of money – why don’t you put a picture of money onto your iPhone? Honestly, this shit works. You need to become a money magnet. Also, CAN you move out of your sisters? If she’s that negative then it would be great to get away from her.
Red, where in the world are you?
Hugs girls <3
September 11, 2014 at 5:15 am #363795Violet
Typo – meant to write: are NOT identical.
Also, are any of you ladies any good at dream interpretation? For the last month I’ve been having really vivid dreams… would love some insight <3
September 11, 2014 at 5:38 am #363796Harley
Ha ! Germay might have started the war but I’ll bloody end it !
RENT is oo dear Vi.. so I will put up with her for now. I am CRAP at dream interpretations.. I only dream of Frank and houses thse days.
Yep. I will put money into my vision board. Thanks for the tip !
Yep.. Junioer gone to Dublin.. probably to suck Dad out of money. I will see him tonight and be nice ! Might even go for a meal if he wants !
OOOh. met some mad farmer on my travels last night who talked to my tits instead of my face. GREAT FUN !
Seriously.. this house hunting throws up ALL kind of experiences.
My niece posted on Fb ” Before I met you< I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason”. I reposted it and said as a heading ! AWW ! And he asked me why i was laughing and I said.. becasue I’m happy “.. which happened withfrank.. so if he’s snooping my Fb.. he better get the hint.. Mike.. WILL be snooping.. and cop on/realise I met someone else !
September 11, 2014 at 7:13 am #363801Violet
Harl, you should document the house hunting experience through photography! It would be really interesting. Even take pics of the people that you talk to!
Okay, here’s the dream, in case any one can decode.
Normally when I am with a guy, I dream about them constantly, every night. But with S., I had maybe five dreams about him the whole time we were dating. I thought this was really weird at the time, and I asked one of my psychic friends about it, and she thought that he was so closed that his soul didn’t travel at night. This made sense to me.
Anyway, since I stopped returning his texts and calls (and I bumped into him), I’ve been dreaming about him a lot. First it was dream where he was asking me to get back with him, but now I keep having this recurring nightmare where I meet him and his new girl friend, and I feel totally inadequate to her. He seems really happy with her, and she seems like a really nice girl. I wake up feeling terrible… It is a nightmare. Sad, I know :P
Anyone know what that might mean?
September 11, 2014 at 7:14 am #363802red
Don’t blame the man for talking to your tits…men CANT multi task. In his mind all he was thing was where did I put the box for boobies.
September 11, 2014 at 7:27 am #363805Harley
OOH Vi.. what a horrible dream??
I have NO idea.
Maria shall help you out on this one I think.
Red.. ha ha ha.. HE WAS messing witha toolbox at the time !
Good idea Vi ! I could/should document !
September 11, 2014 at 7:59 am #363807maria
Dreams are the brains way of processing, integrating and understanding new information. Our brains choose to work on the things that it considers most important. Dreams also process unresolved emotions and thoughts.
Soo… your dream means that you’re processing your feelings for him, which is good cause it will help you to get him out of your system.
I do believe that our dreams can process things that has not yet happened, but those dreams are different and not like the one you’re having of your ex.
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