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September 11, 2014 at 8:39 am #363812
Red – hilarious story
Harley – bobbies hahaha … don’t they have t-shirts that say look at my face not down here or something ;)
Maria – all ready for the weekend?
Vi – Stop analysing everything and just live and enjoy. :)
Serena – where are you???
The preparations for the bday party (cleaning up) is in full swing. Sometimes its good to have parties, it helps you to clean your house :D
The Sat guy has gone MIA ….. oh well so words don’t match actions …. NEXT
The phone guy has been contacting me quite religiously. Too bad I am quite busy in the weekend else we could have met.
The new guy … lets call him P has been contacting me too. Messages like … “Just saying hi” Or “how are you doing?” or “hope you didn’t get wet in the rain” pop on my phone. I am polite and answer. I realise I am over him. Just keeping him on the back burner for FWB in case I am interested.My 1st FWB’s bday was yesterday so I wished him and we are meeting on the 16th to celebrate his and my bdays. Haven’t decided about him yet.
I also got a letter sent in the mail to provide documents to get child care subsidy …. that will help me so much …. I am really excited about that :)
September 11, 2014 at 8:39 am #363813maria
And if you drink alcohol and go to bed drunk/under the influence, you will not dream that night. Instead you will dream extra vivid dreams the coming night (if you go to bed sober).
September 11, 2014 at 8:50 am #363815Harley
Interesting on the dream Maria. Lets hope my dreams come true !
Glad to hear all is good with everyone else.
September 11, 2014 at 9:13 am #363820Violet
Thanks Maria :) Well, I’l tell you… the reason I bring it up at all is because three nights ago I had a really weird dream. In it, I decided to BUY a house on a particular street in the area I live in. I’ve only been on this street once in my life, so don’t know it well. I also don’t want to live in this area any more. In addition, buying is not something I’ve ever wanted to don But the dream was so potent that I woke up and started researching houses for sale on that street. I vaguely remembered the name of the house in my dream, and when I researched, I found a house for sale… with a very similar name! It was bizarre.
Then literally 20 mins later, a friend contacted me and said she might have a lead on somewhere for me to live. She said it’s not in the area that I want… it’s in the area where the house in my dream was! And… it’s owned by a guy… and it’s a house, as opposed to a flat.
It was just really weird… I don’t know… It feels like I’m tapping into something else here. Which is why I asked about the S dream… I do believe that our consciousness can connect in dream time (same way they do when we are awake).
September 11, 2014 at 9:16 am #363822Harley
Listen to your dream Vi. go see THAT house quick !
Re S.. time to let go and say goodbye and BE AT PEACE.
THAT’s a MAD feckin dream about the house though!
September 11, 2014 at 9:26 am #363823maria
YES, I’m ready (and the forecast predicts lovely summer weather) (yay).
I’m gonna let him lead… I’ll tease him and flirt, but I won’t play hard to get or withhold anything…
Sherri, keep juggling the guys, you’re doing a great job…
Our minds are extremely complex Vi, and since we know soo little about it, I’d say that anything is possible till proven impossible.
September 11, 2014 at 9:30 am #363824maria
Oh, and what was the color of the house? White, brick or other?
September 12, 2014 at 3:44 am #364041Harley
I MAY be looking at a house n Roscommon tomorrow !
More shenanigans no doubt !
Maria.. enjoy the Marina. Can’t wait to hear.
Vi.. any update on your guy ???
Sherri.. keep weeding out those guys. You are beconming a real pro !
RED.. STAY STRONG ! Time will tell how it pans out.
Serena.. HELLO ??????? WE MISS YOU !
September 12, 2014 at 6:57 am #364052maria
Happy weekend girls <3
Vi, how was last night? Have you heard from coffee/wine guy?
By the way… the full moon can be the reason for your dream… during and around it we have more weird and vivid dreams… the last full moon was 9th September…
Harley, is the house in Tallaghan, Ballinagare, Roscommon (€ 28000)? If it is, the house looks good, but what the hell’s up with the garden? Are those BUSHES in front of the door?
Sherri, have a great kiddies birthday party.
Yes Serena, wheeere aaare youuu!!!
I’m SOO excited for tomorrow… really looking forward to spending the day (and night?) with him… to have fun… and see where it might lead…
I am drawn to him/his energy like a magnet to steel… and I already know what I feel… it’ll be interesting to read/feel in (and find out) HIS level of interest… and to watch him express it…
September 12, 2014 at 7:44 am #364055Harley
Yep.. that’s the house !
September 12, 2014 at 8:00 am #364056maria
It looks good on the outside. Solid roof. Hope the inside is good aswell. The scary bushes can easily be cut down…
September 12, 2014 at 9:16 am #364064Sherri
Yesterday we made posters so the kids come to the correct house LOL. My older daughter also wanted a poster outside our door telling others that its her birthday …. hahaha. Its so much easier for loot bags now as there are places that make them so that way you don’t have to spend time shopping and making it. One stop shop YAY!!! So much better for busy moms :)
September 12, 2014 at 9:31 am #364065Harley
No word from bloody estate agent !
Ha ! LOOT bags have been here for YEARS ! Hope she has a great birthday Sherri.
September 12, 2014 at 9:31 am #364066celesteannv
Happy birthday to all the Virgos this week that I have missed.
Insane week. Lovely Bday night Wednesday with J. He has so little resources but is still able to surprise me!Work still HORRENDOUS.. Boss is unbearable no matter how hard I try to use all my amazing people skills lol.
I know she is in my life for me to learn something.. just not sure whatI am fervently looking and getting a few bites, but nothing solid yet.
Maria.. would love any insight into what you see about where I will end up. I saw a lovely “visionary” I have gone to a few times, but she is not getting anything clear there. Mind you she is also the one who told me that I should expect a marriage proposal.. which is also EXTREMELY unlikely unless you count the drunk guy in porta-potty line at a music eventVi.. you are processing for sure. I had dreams about ex husband for years and R will still pop up from time to time. Funny.. I dream about J but they are like real life movies.. almost excerpts from our daily life, so not sure what that means.
Maria.. have a ton of fun!!! It sounds like sparks are ready to fly!
Harley goodluck with the house hunting
Sherri good luck with the kiddos.. I remember how draining – but fun – those are!Hope all have an great Friday!
September 12, 2014 at 10:14 am #364073Harley
Celeste.. KEEP looking. It will ALL work out eventually. Same with J and money… it just takes good old time !
September 12, 2014 at 11:49 am #364109Sherri
Ladies, the talks with phone guy is going great. We most probably are going to meet on Monday unless something comes up and either one of us have to cancel. I am currently not really ready to begin a relationship but am considering FWB. May be I may leave 1st and 2nd FWB completely and go for a 3rd ;) . hahaha now I am being completely naughty :D
With phone guy I like that we can talk and discuss stuff in a matter of fact way. He gives a class once a week at a university about bedroom communication. Wonder if he gives personal lessons too ;) and if he can teach me anything :P
I haven’t decided anything right now just thinking out loud :)
September 12, 2014 at 12:06 pm #364113Ann
What are loot bags?
September 12, 2014 at 12:33 pm #364119Sherri
Give aways to kids when they come for a birthday party
September 12, 2014 at 2:35 pm #364158maria
Thanks Celeste <3. I’ll put you on my list.
Your boss is teaching you how to deal smoothly (and for your best benefit) with bitches (her). She is also teaching you to never become bitter (like her), and to appreciate the people in your life who are kind and caring (her opposite).
Keep that in mind when you deal with her…
Her behavior will be her fall one day… I almost feel sorry for her…
The best way to approach her is IMO in a nice, amused almost sarcastic way – just enough to make her wonder what you are thinking, but not enough for her to confront or call you out on it. Let her know that you don’t take/agree with her shit, but don’t give her a chance to “punish” or call you out.
There’s actually a small chance that she will treat you better if you “let her know” that you dislike her behavior. The chance of that is small though… most likely her reaction will be frustration…
Sherri, phone guy sounds interesting… looking forward to your update after your date with him…
September 12, 2014 at 3:21 pm #364169Harley
Ok.. am game on for house in Roscommon tomorrow.
great advice re Celeste Maria !
September 12, 2014 at 4:34 pm #364180celesteannv
Thanks so much for that. She really is a very miserable person. Unfortunately bringing out fear in me.. I NEED my job until I find another. I have called her out gently and it just is ga on the fire. Right now, I am trying to keep out of her line of fire until I can walk.
Hoping you have an amazing day tomorrow!All of you are so wonderful.. Heading out to movie and dinner with my son, so hoping to decompress!
Sherri.. keep it up baby
Harley!.. want to see countryside pics!September 12, 2014 at 4:51 pm #364186Violet
Celeste, what I learned about this people is that the best thing to do is to take the emotional charge out of your interaction with her. She’s obviously triggering you – you need to remember that she treats everyone badly, and this is not a reflection on you. Take all your emotion out of your interactions with her – be civil, but nothing more, and ignore her efforts to reach out to you. The way to change the interaction is for YOU to change. Stop caring.
Maria, good luck tomorrow! ;)
The concert was awesome – REALLY interesting, experimental music. So glad I went! :)
September 12, 2014 at 4:51 pm #364188Violet
Good luck tomorrow Harls! I can’t keep up with all this house stuff, lol :D
September 12, 2014 at 5:21 pm #364197Harley
You can’t keep up Vi ???? My head meets my ass on the drive back….Each time ! The ass says ‘where are you heading ????’ The head replies ‘up my own ass ”’boom boom !
I will try for pics Celestial but Roscommon does not have the best scenery !!! I could get a pic of a farmer’s hairy ass if I catch him when he bends over ….saw one the other day !!!! Chin up Celestial. Do a vision board of that awesome new job you are going to get …..SOON !!
Maria. Good luck !!!!
September 12, 2014 at 6:07 pm #364199Violet
I just applied for a house living with two 35 year old film maker guys! It begins.
Maria, I just realised today that my current house is white on the front… and brick at the back!!!
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