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- This topic has 1,590 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
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September 12, 2014 at 9:08 pm #364215
Ha ha Vi. That’s mad. Best of luck with it. When will you hear back from them ???? It’s all action and happening ??? I look back on my life a year ago and would never have imagined how much it’s changed. Mad. Just mad.
September 12, 2014 at 10:39 pm #364220maria
Just asked my angels to have a talk with his… It really is a good thing if they all agree that we’re a match (not kidding).
My next update will be after our “date”.
Vi, that’s funny about your house… proves that what you see is not always what you get… and that sometimes (quite often) a facade is just an illusion that tricks your vision and fools your mind… All kinds of things can be hidden under the surface (good and bad), so THAT IS WHERE we really should look…
Good Luck with the Roscommon house Harley !
Enjoy your weekends my sweet darlings (all of you), I know I will <3<3<3
September 13, 2014 at 9:59 am #364236red
This has got to be the longest topic ever. I love it.
Someone asked where I am, I live in colorado. Brrrrrr bring back the warm weather.I don’t remember my dreams lately.
Last night I did wake up to a strange noise….you know when you lay in bed just listenig your eyes darting from corner to corner.
I fell asleep with the bedroom door open and by beagel was sleeping under the bed snoring like a bear. Almost gave me a heart attack.Harley you should post pictures of your house hunting advintures even if it is just the hairy ass of a farmer. Its the odd stuff in life that makes it worth living.
I hate bitchy bosses. I came late to the morning meeting the other day, we do a morning cheer every morning, I had just walked up at the end of the cheer. Boss said right in frunt of everyone, oh just in time for your cheer. Its just one or two words. that morning it was “work safe” so I shocked the shit out of him and made everyone else chuckel at the top of my lungs I yelled out work safe while jumping up and down with my hands in the air. Ha ya f@#$%er take that!
He just walked away and I got back to work.September 13, 2014 at 10:31 am #364241Harley
That’s CLASSIC Red. Serves the moany asshole right !!
House hunting went well. it needs tons of work but has potential. I put in an offer so will hear next week. It’s less than 30 mins from one of our major offices, on a main rd, has a neighbour, close to a pub and 2km from a village. 2 hrs to home.
It would take me 3-5 yrs to have it up and running but it’s a start back to recovery from recession and planning for a future if i get it. I have NO money left over to start ding it up but I’ll figure it out as I go along. I always DO. No pics of men, but some nice of scenery which I will upload to FB later.
Time will tell.
Can’t wait to hear of maria’s date.
September 14, 2014 at 9:27 am #364311Harley
Wakey Wakey Maria.
How’d the date go ???
Are you STILL with him, ha ha ha ??????
September 14, 2014 at 9:43 am #364314Serena
Hi girls,
Hope everyone is well. I haven’t had a chance to catch up yet, but thought I’d post to let you know I’m still alive. :)
Just been a crazy week at work. I was put on a priority project for the President’s office and those are never fun. It’s a lot of work in a short span of time. Also, the work I was asked to do falls a little outside my realm of expertise and scope of my work. I had spent a lot of time reading and researching and finished my initial draft which seemed to go over well, only to be told on Friday afternoon that the strategic direction of the project may change and I may have to scrap all the work to date and start again on Monday. :| It makes me laugh my place of work its fraught with politics and bureaucracy which is the norm sadly.
Anyway so I’ve been quite busy, then had 2 of my acu treatments which have went well. I’m starting to feel better already. Which is curious bec I’ve been on meds for the last 5-6 months that didn’t make me feel any better. I think my system got completely screwed up bec of all the drugs. I feel calmer and am trying not to let work get to me. I’ve started to eat better again…I think it’s all going to be ok. I’ve had some interest from men, but to be honest, I’m focussed on getting my health on track and feeling better overall I haven’t really bothered to much. These are online anyway. I don’t think I give off a friendly vibe when I’m out. I try and smile, but I’m usually out with purpose and focussed on just getting things done. I think I need to stop and smell the roses.
I’ve booked a holiday in two weeks time, need a bit of a break. So am really excited about getting away.
Update on my friend who had the going away party. Well she texted me to find out if I rec’d her email and if i was coming, still no mention of her engagement. I said I wouldn’t be coming but it’s bec we had family friends over for dinner so I couldn’t have gone anyway. Again she still didn’t mention the engagement. I have a feeling she texted bec none of our friends replied to the email. Anyway, I’m not worried about that situation anymore either.
Umm…what else. Oh I was at Starbucks one day and oooo lala hottie alert. Super fit, amazing body, amazing dresser…nice hair. And I mean nice hair. Ok. I think you get the picture. Brief encounter but totally made me day. Haha.
I think that’s it…for now lovely ladies, I’ll look forward to catching up on your stories soon. I really do hope you’ve all been well and I miss you guys. <3.
September 14, 2014 at 10:18 am #364316Harley
Glad to hear the treatment going well Serena. Go enjoy a vacation. Male attention is great. Me getting loads too.. like you.. not interested.
Feeling miserable today with sinus. Frank on Fb liking a mutual mates post. wanker. Oh well. Time to keep busy and think of other things.
Househunting good fun but tiring.
September 14, 2014 at 10:34 am #364317maria
Ha ha, I got home this morning ;-) … went to bed, and then for grocery shopping. I also met up with a friend… but now I’m home…
Do you want to hear the long or the short version?
Great to hear from you Serena… glad to hear that your treatments are working… miss you too <3
September 14, 2014 at 11:27 am #364318Harley
September 14, 2014 at 12:42 pm #364323maria
OK, then long version it is…
Well, I had a GREAT day… and night… I was really looking forward to seeing him, checking him out… finding out more about him…
And… he’s LOVELY… easy going, confident, funny, flirty, kind/caring and oh so gorgeous (seriously, cant stop staring).
First sight – he was by his car fetching some boat stuff when I got to the marina. He saw me and said “You came!”. I said “I did!”. We hugged, he said “Hey” and I said “Hey” back.
The day – was hectic but fun. His friend and brother were there. He was focused on what they were doing, but paid attention to me as well. There were like 200 people there, I recognized at least 50 of them and about 20 were neighbours I have known my whole life, so I wasn’t with him all the time and it didn’t come across as if I was there only to see him.
The night – his friend and brother left and it was just me and him. He asked if I was hungry, I said “I am, a little”. So, we went food shopping, cooked together, ate, drank wine, talked, laughed, flirted…
Then there was this “What do we do now?” moment… and I decided to speed things up a little so I looked at my watch and said “I should probably go” (I was NOT going anywhere). He said “Don’t… go”. I said (with a flirty smile) “You want me to… stay?”. He said “Uh-huh”… then he stroke my arm, put his hand on my back/waist, pulled me closer and… kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and we kissed and kissed and he said “Stay for the night”. I said “O-kay”…
I’m not gonna give you any details of the rest, but yes, we had sex… and it was amazing (can’t describe it any other way)… we’re definitely compatible in bed…
We woke up really early (cause he had to go to the airport). He asked for my number and I gave it to him.
We drove back to the city in separate cars, and the freeway was totally empty and straight and wide… and pretty much made for a street race, so we did that on and off the whole way back (REALLY hope those speed cameras weren’t active)…
I went home and he went to the airport. He texted me a couple of hours ago saying he had a great time last night and this morning. I answered “I had a great time too”. Then he said “You’re quite enchanting”, I answered “Thank you”, then he said “I’ll call you” and I answered “Great!”… and… that’s it.
September 14, 2014 at 12:49 pm #364324Harley
WAYHEH ! Brilliant. It’s all looking GREAT !. Now. we all wait and see.
Frank.. didn’t ask for my number so I guess that says it all !
ohh. I’m soo happy for you. He sounds lovely. WHEN will he be back ????
I just had another offer on a house accepted, but it needs even more work than the last one, so I told realtor to hurry up and let me know about the one in Tallaghan. The one in Tallaghan is a mess inside but overall has better potential I think. The realtor is a married guy who coaches football for Roscommon under 21 Galic football… I wonder WAS that who you saw a few pages back !
September 14, 2014 at 11:56 pm #364390maria
He doesn’t know when he will be back. Probably before the weekend… then he’ll go away again for 2-3 weeks…
This is one of the reasons why he’s not looking for a steady relationship… and I’m fine with that… I’m totally used to being in relationships where you don’t see each other on a regular basis… the difference is that my exes wanted a steady bf/gf relationship regardless (even though we both travelled a lot), and he doesn’t…
To me that doesn’t make a difference though… I just enjoy being with/spending time with him…
Frank would have asked for your number, if you had not said no to everything he said.
The realtor, does your family know (of) him? Does he have a connection to/a passed in the construction business? Does he fancy you? If so, he could be the man I saw…
The Roscommon house, I totally see the potential… What was your bid? 20? More?
Serena, I hope they pay you well… no amount of money is worth getting burned out over though… you def need to stop and smell the roses… a holiday sounds like a great idea… where are you going if I may ask?
And, yup, I agree, hot men can totally make your day…
Vi, I’m looking forward to hearing about the music festival and the possible new house with the film maker guys… Seriously, how cool and perfect is that!!? Sounds like a real “so it begins” moment…
September 15, 2014 at 3:16 am #364397Harley
Hello my darlings. I am feeling brighter and more oprtimistic today. I offered 24k on the hosue.. they would not accept less. Realtor is married.. AND NO. he doesn’t fancy me ! no connection to family.. just a footie mnager. No idea about construction.. must ask him. Expect to hear from him today re putting a deposit down. I had a good vibe about the house.
I’ve settled myself about Frank again. Much calmer. I like yout apprioach to relationships Maria.. I am working on that one.
I just find it a bit hard to let expectations go. On the night with Frank.. I DID.. I just lived in the moment. Then I somehow fecked it up in my head after.Am working on getting my head screwed back on ok !
Hope all ok with everyone else.
Red.. I LOVE your description about boxes and wires on the other thread !
September 15, 2014 at 12:43 pm #364468Sherri
Date with phone guy today …. lets see how that goes …. he has been really consistent calling and msging me. Lets see if there is any chemistry there. But he def has me intruiged. And he is 6.3″ (swoon).
My bday was awesome …. :D
September 15, 2014 at 1:42 pm #364484celesteannv
Wow.. great news on so many fronts.
Maria.. sounded like a great day.. night :)
Harley.. fingers crossed!
Sherri.. good luck.. can’t keep all these mend straight lol. I am with you on the tall ones.. J is 6’2″ and being a tall girl myself.. nothing better than reaching up for a kiss.. swoon indeed!
Vi.. you are right and I know all of this in my head, but so hard to keep chin up with all of the negative energy. Plus she does have the ability to can me if she so chooses, co insecure there.
I am looking hard for something new a job as stress is really affecting my health.. sleep, etc. J says I am mumbling in my sleep .. wonder if I am arguing her lol.September 15, 2014 at 2:01 pm #364488Harley
HUGS everybody, especially you Celeste. I’ll pray you find a new job soon.
My boss was grumpy today and asked for a meeting with me, then he cancelled meeting until tomorrow. I have a bad feeling my head is for the chopping ! What about , god knows. I am annoyed at his unprofessionalism… saying he wants a meeting, then none. NOW.. I have this hanging over me overnight.
GREAT news Sherri. I love tall guys too. Hope it all goes well.
September 15, 2014 at 3:19 pm #364525maria
Harley, the Tallaghan house, when will you know if you get it?
Totally agree about tall guys… I’m tall too (5.9″) and wanna reach up for a kiss… and be able to wear killer high heels… Hottie is 6.2″…
Re bosses… one thing you can try to get them to be nice to you is to use body language. I know it sounds strange but it works (at least on normal people, perhaps not on psychos)…
You basically copy their body language, and since people love themselves they will like you because their subconscious registers that you “are like them”.
For example: if your boss crosses her arms, you do something simular, like put your right hand on your left forearm, if she crosses her legs you cross your ankles etc. Don’t do it exactly when she does it, wait 20-30 secs…
Seriously this works, and it’s excellent to use on guys as well (he he)…
September 15, 2014 at 3:32 pm #364531Harley
Will hear about house tomorrow. I also sent off cv’s/resume to one or to English schools in Germany ! Not that i’ll hear back !
thanks for the tips with the boss. Will try it. Wish me luck !
September 15, 2014 at 6:05 pm #364575Serena
Hello hello,
Thanks for all the shoutouts ladies. I’m glad you haven’t forgotten me. :$
So I’ve gone back and read but as the convos have moved on I won’t comment on everything.
Harley, please don’t take this to heart. I think the reason you’re having trouble finding a house is bec you’re sending out negative energy. I’ve read the posts and every time you mention a house you put in an offer on you immediately follow it with I will probably be outbid or I can’t afford or it’s going to be a lot of work. All these thoughts are negative energy you are projecting. I know you don’t mean to, but please try. Next time you post about a house, tell us why you love it, why it’s an ideal place, what you’d like it to look like when you’re finished reno’ing. Have you read the Secret or listened to the CDs. Try it, it will completely change how you view things. I know you’ll find the right one, just be positive. Big Hugs….
Vi, what’s this about you moving in with two guys….;) do tell…what’s happening. I don’t know anything about reading dreams so can’t offer anything there. But I’m really happy that things are turning around for you.
Maria, you minx, just read about your weekend rendez vous. ;) You totally owned that situation. I really love your whole attitude toward this guy.
Celeste, can totally associate with your boss issues I have the same an insecure manager – who takes credit for my work and ideas. It sucks. I read Sabrina’s article on here about dealing with difficult people. Not sure I agree with everything but may help you deal.
Sherri – happy belated bday to you and your lil one. Sounds like you’re on a dating roll. Tell us how your date goes tonight….love the fact that he is 6’2.
Red – hope all is well with you.
Hope I didn’t miss anything if I did I apologize ladies, I’ve missed quite a bit over the week.
September 15, 2014 at 8:51 pm #364580celesteannv
Crazy day today but 2 interviews tomorrow and day away from work.. so yeah!
Excited about as i am starting used car shopping with J. My beast of mommobile is so bad on gas that iI will save money each month even AFTER small car payment. Looking at convertibles.. my mid-life crisis..lol
Serena.. yes my boss is all about “I” .. rather than we.
Just have to focus on positives and push job anxiety away.
Harley..hugs.. feel your pain. Good luck.
Vi.. what is this about 2 male roomies??? Night all .. big day tomorrow.September 15, 2014 at 9:07 pm #364584red
I am well thank you for asking. Work is OK, home life is fine. I go on vacation next week. 7 days of freedom. My sister and I are heading up to the mountains for a few days. The aspens are starting to change. Soon everything will be gold. I love spring, summer and fall…I hate winter. I don’t like the cold and the dark.Harley:
I will try to send you the post I have on man .v. womans minds. It is so funny and totaly true. Stay positive what ever you deside will be what is best.A man at work is puzzling me. He has a girl friend, we have talked about her. He is not flirting with me but he is their evertime I turn around. When I go to lunch or break he will sit at my table. We have fun talking. We enjoy the same movies. I don’t think he is hitting on me but he never behaved this way before. I have worked with him for two maybe three years. I get the inmpresion he is feeling me out for something I just don’t know what.
September 15, 2014 at 10:50 pm #364602maria
Harley, good luck with house and boss.
Celeste, good luck with finding car, interviews and boss. Consider trying the body language thing.
Serena, soo glad you’re back (if only for a moment?) <3. I’m totally high on this guy… right now his feelings are far behind mine… I have a feeling that’ll change soon though ;-)
Red, can you share the man vs womans mind article on here? It’d be interesting to read it. I love the cold and the dark… I love spring, summer and fall more though…
September 15, 2014 at 11:28 pm #364604Harley
Hi all. Good point about house Serena. I will be more positive. Compared to some I have looked at…This one had heating…electrics and a toilet. I guess it’s hard for me having to buy somewhere so far from home due to prices too steep over my neck of the woods. Whilst I see it as a challenge and new start and exciting times ahead…I am a little worried about not having family or friends to fall back on…but I’ll be grand. I always am. I just got to make the best of situations and see the positive.
Ha Maria. …thus guy don’t stand a chance. He better cave now if he has any sense.
Good luck with the auto Celeste.
Red…Enjoy vacation and the flirting. Monitor this workmate. …is he still with the gf for sure ??? Use him to practice your flirting on..ha ha ha . The ego boost is great.
Vi…let us know as soon as you hear about house share .I hope you get it.
I am sooo busy….I never even read the secret yet.i don’t even know how to download and listen to cd. ..All too stressful for me.i WILL read it someday. Just not right now with all I am busy with.
September 16, 2014 at 8:34 am #364645Sherri
Good Morning Ladies!!!!
All great news girls …. Maria …. totally practice ur wiles on him .. he wont stand a chance ;)
So let me share the news in the manner of importance:
– I got approved for child care subsidy …YAY so that means so much less money every week out of pocket for me.
– My car exterior is all rusted and I have been told that I either fix the exterior before the winter comes or buy a new car after the winter. So I am busy researching as to what I want to do. What is holding me from just dumping the old car is that I changed my tires just last year and put in a new battery 3 years ago. Wonder if I can sell the parts … but where do I go? This is all new for me. It totally sucks having to think about money all the time. Esp when I did not have to worry about it when I was married. I was reading some of the posts in the other threads and I do not agree with the ladies. I would rather be with a guy who works may be 40 hrs a week and with both our incomes together we make a decent amount of money than with a guy who works 80 hrs a week and makes a really indecent amount of money.– Lastly, I am not at all impressed with phone guy and he is going on my rotation and is on probation in my mind. He is just starting his business and yesterday around 2pm gives me a call (leaving VM) and messages me cancelling our date as he got a new client meeting which he had to go to. We were supposed to meet at 4pm. So right now though I am chatting with him, he is not on my favourites list. I used the time to visit dealerships and learn about cars to make an informed decision and went with one of my FWNB (friends with no benefits) for dinner as he wanted to treat me for my birthday.
Meeting my 1st FWB today in the evening to celebrate both of our birthdays. I have still not made my decision as I really cant think about sex when I have my car decision to make.
September 16, 2014 at 8:45 am #364646Serena
Sorry Maria, you asked me where I was going I totally forgot to reply in my last post. I’m off to Chicago.
Sherri quickly regarding the car, look up the blue book /black book value, then factor in the new battery and tires. If you sell it to a dealer or do a trade-in it’s important to know how much your car is worth. Don’t make yourself a target to be a sucker. Then once you know all this you can go and negotiate even if you do this through a private sale. Know the value the of your car at present. If you’re doing a trade-in or leasing a new car, do not tell them about the trade in until after you’ve negotiated the new car lease or pre-loved car price. Once you’ve settled then say oh yes I’ll also do a trade-in, my car is worth this much. I’ve had it assessed. Just be confident in whatever you say. Hope this helps a bit.
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