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- This topic has 1,590 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
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September 17, 2014 at 11:24 am #364860
Sherri…check out Nissans. I swear by them.
September 17, 2014 at 2:18 pm #364894maria
The cheapest VW models are Jetta and Golf. The cheapest Toyotas are Yaris, Corolla and Prius EX.
They are cheap because they are small, simple and have weak engines. A weak engine may sound like it’s all bad, but it’s not – weak engine means low gas consumption.
The price also differs a lot between the simplest weakest Golf (e.g.) and the strongest one with extra everything.
September 17, 2014 at 10:21 pm #364980red
Oh man I love our dodge truck. With big tires and running boards. Black and chrome. Tan leather on the inside. Try a dodge they are not even broken in untill you hit 100,000 miles.
Don’t do ford, you know what they say about ford
F- found
O- on
R- road
D- dead
Besides nothing sexier than a truck. I saw on drive by a few weeks ago that made me turn my head and drool, I thought that the man inside that truck could look like mell brooks and still be hot as hell. If he smelled like beer and BBQ smoke I would have been in real truble.September 18, 2014 at 1:14 am #364999maria
Harley, I like the Athy house. I like the “Lord of the Rings” vibe, plus you could probably live in it from day one…
Have you seen the Loughanure house (Trovit)? It looks like shit inside, but the site/surroundings are gorgeous… if you fix it up you can probably sell it for € 150 000 or more…
Red, I totally agree about Ford, and black cars/leather.. and yes, what kind of car a guy drives can definitely turn you on or off… at the moment exclusive suvs are my favorite for guys…
Hot guy called last night… and said he’s been crazy busy…
He comes home tomorrow and will winterize/maintain his boat on Saturday… he asked if I wanted to come with him (to the island on Sat) and hang out… I said “Sure. I’d love to” and “Sounds like… great fun” (in a flirty slightly ironic tone). He laughed and said “Yeah, it’ll be a blast” and “I’ll call you tomorrow and we can make further plans”. I said “Great!”, and we hung up…
I think… I’ll wear my wellies this time…
September 18, 2014 at 3:47 am #365009Harley
Woohoo, all good. I will look up house, preservation order on Athy house has put me off it. Too much hassle and money here. I go to put deposit on Tallaghan house today.
September 18, 2014 at 3:50 am #365010Harley
I can’t trace your loughanure house and GREAT news on the guy. Didn’t take HIM long to call !!!!!
September 18, 2014 at 5:18 am #365014maria
The house is in Loughanure, Clane Co. Kildare (on Trovit). Same page as the Lord of the Rings house but at the bottom. (33 pics) (not kidding). The price is on request.
And no, it didn’t take him long… what can I say… he LIKES me lol…
Honestly… he’ll go away for 2-3 weeks after this weekend, so… I kind of knew he’d initiate something for this Saturday… men… SOO predictable…
September 18, 2014 at 6:25 am #365015HARLEY
September 18, 2014 at 8:59 am #365023Serena
Hi ladies,
Just noticed there is another Serena on the board now…the poster in the other thread is not me.
Just in case there is any confusion. :)Can’t stay and chat…but I hope you’re all well.
Maria – you go girl. ;)
Harley – hope the house stuff is going well…sorry I haven’t had a chance to read everything.
Vi – hope you’re well, wherever you are hun.
September 18, 2014 at 9:25 am #365029Sherri
I currently have a Dodge Caravan and looking to downsize to a fuel efficient car. My gas bills r thru the roof. Also I don’t like leather seats as its too hot in summer and too cold in winter and when you move sometime it makes a sound as it you have “farted” LOL. I am def not looking for leather seats. For me its more of the economy, fuel, how long it will last etc.
Ann – Will check out the Nissans :)
September 18, 2014 at 10:56 am #365049celesteannv
Maria.. woo hoo – looks like another hot weekend for you!
Sherri.. I am also looking at cars.. late 2000’s audi a4. Good mileage, super Consumer Report rating – AWD and yes a convertible.. my little indulgence.
Harley.. sending good energy your way about the house.
Serena..hope work going well.
Vi.. hoping you are continuing on positive track.Well here is the BIG news for me.. JOB OFFER!!!!
Working out details and trying to push another one I have in the as they are pretty equal with regards to my interest. Either way hope to give notice Monday!!!!!!
Now J just needs to sell his second store property and all of the big worries will be gone.
Hope you all have an amazing day.September 18, 2014 at 11:11 am #365052Sherri
OMG OMG OMG … I am so glad for you. I have been juggling so many things on my end that I feel mentally tired. Hence all the guys for distraction as it takes my mind from the other stuff. Also I am an extrovert so gain energy by being around people. But I see so clearly all things falling into place. I am just concerned that I am so mentally tired and I have not felt ecstatic when things are falling in place. I am sure God understands that I am really grateful for it just don’t have the energy to do a dance as I usually do.
So things in the works were:
– child care subsidy – CHECK
– financial settlement from ex – Just came thru yesterday. – CHECK (I will have a great retired life but till then I have to struggle LOL …. 65 years come on fast ;) )
– Annulment procedure – Not even started, just thinking of it is getting me tired
– Changing of my name – Will look into it soon, as I was waiting for the settlement first
– Buying a new (pre-loved) car – Checking things out slowlyI have been having severe pain in my hands and back which is stressing me out too as I need my job. One of the therapists who was working with me and which was helping (I have gone to many many therapists which did not work) has agreed to work on me at a subsidized rate as my insurance does not cover all his charges. I have always been a physical person and so I think right now I just need a good cuddle. Should I put up an ad for that on kijiji (thinking …. ;) LOL)
What plans for the weekend girls??
September 18, 2014 at 11:17 am #365055maria
Serena, I knew right away that the other girl wasn’t you…
Celeste, great news about the job offer… keep us updated… and Audi A4… solid car IMO…
Harley, you’ll meet someone, I’m sure of it… I think a lot of things will happen in Germany… and as said there will be other guys than Frank there…
I wonder how much they got/paid for Loughanure!? The Tallaghan house, are you buying it because you’re 100 % sure you want it, or (to some extent) because you’re tired of driving around and looking at houses?
Re the wellie outfit… I think I’m gonna go with a less groovy and more chic version – black wellies, white (mini) shorts, black knitted sweater that leaves one shoulder bare and brown pilot sunglasses… How does that sound?
September 18, 2014 at 11:32 am #365059celesteannv
Sherri.. so sorry about the pain. I have been struggling with gyno issues myself and hate not being 100%.Good luck with the car shopping. That can be exhausting too.
My next step is to request increase in child support. The ex will freak, but since my arrangement was never formal … I can go back to the well so to speak. Boy eats in two weeks what I get for support a month and ex making 2X what I do with kid at his house 1/3 of the time.Harley… Germany happening how soon again?
Maria.. Love the outfit idea! Sounds so sexy! What is it about boots and shorts that drives men crazy? I am not a waif but have long legs and I did black cowboy boots and shorts last weekend. The Polish hands were certainly Roman… lol
September 18, 2014 at 12:28 pm #365074Sherri
Serena – Its funny that you wanted to reassure us that the other girl wasn’t you. Of course it wasn’t you LOL
Celeste – don’t you have child support tables in the US? In Canada we have child support tables set in stone and they can change every year depending if your income goes up or down. My ex is taking me to court again as my income increased last year and so he has to pay me $60 less per month. I said that’s fine don’t need to go to court but he said he wants to do this the “proper way”. Not paying a lawyer for this just dealing with it on my own and what services I can get for free.
Harley – all the best on your house hunting. I wonder if I will be in the same boat next year.
Maria – I love the outfit but isn’t it cold there? In Canada its already getting cold but its really hot in the office.
September 18, 2014 at 1:13 pm #365084celesteannv
We do, and it is state by state. However, we set up an informal agreement for custody and child support. I realized that I have been shortchanging myself. Support does not change automatically every year here even if you have a formal agreement. You have to go to court if major life changes, job loss, etc. Then of course it goes away when child is 18. I only have 2.5 years, but need to rebuild my nest egg.September 18, 2014 at 1:34 pm #365086maria
Sherri, the summer weather has been unreal here this year… and we still have 20°C/68°F… (and it will last over the weekend)…
Re cars, what matters in the end is that you’re happy with the car, soo… just do your research and then listen to your gut when you choose…
Celeste, EXACTLY, men can NOT resist a girl in shorts and boots… Last Saturday I was going for girly, this Sat I’m going for sexy and irresistible… my goal is to make it impossible for him to keep his hands off me ;-)
September 18, 2014 at 2:59 pm #365093Harley
Celeste.. great news on job and car .. yep I go back for Halloween. Frank doesn’t appear interested though but plenty more men as Maria says. Though I will be disappointed but ok too. At least I will have closure with him if he don’t turn up. I hope J gets his shop sold.
Serena.. we all knew it weren’t you !
Sherri.. good luck with car and men ! it will all come to pass for you in time.
Ann… keep up good work with gambler guy.
September 18, 2014 at 3:06 pm #365095Harley
My posts wouldn’t take so had to break them up.
Vi.. hope you well and busy by sounds of Fb !
DeeDee and RED.. come back!
Maria… great outfit. Loving it ! I chose house because YES I am tired, sister and bro have me under pressure to get my stuff out of house and barns.
I like the feel of this house. it has a stone barn out the back I hope to convert to master bedroom eventually. LOGICALLY.. it’s a cheap house with good prospects re extension/decor and resale. it’s a good location.. I have a neighbour, on a main rd, close to a pub and a village 2km away. Some houses I looked at were VERY remote. It’ half and hour to one hour away from 3 of our offices so I have good job transfer prospects. it’s 2 hrs from home. scenery nice. So.. overall it’s good. I WOULD have liked to be closer to home and the airport but I can’t have everything. you don’t get location, gorgeous house AND price for the shite money I had and paid… 28,000… about 19,000 US dollars. I paid 35,000k NOW ( interest on loan, legal fees etc) what I paid 160,000 for 7 years ago.September 18, 2014 at 4:47 pm #365109Ann
Harley, that’s really exciting about the house. Real Estate crashed here in the US too, it’s crazy.
Celeste, good luck with the job change. Its gotta be better, right?
On a sidenote…a platonic, male friend of mine just asked me to go to his cabin with him for 6 days. I can’t get away, and I am bumming about that. I would have had so much fun. It’s a last minute thing though, and I just can’t swing it. I find myself being busier and busier with fun stuff lately, I think I’m doing ok, thank you Harley for the encouragement. Some days are bad, but most days are good.
Maria…….the men you date don’t have a chance. Haaaa.
September 18, 2014 at 5:45 pm #365115Harley
Ann…. unsuitable men are like a bad drug we have to wean ourselves off. Frank weaned me off Mike.. now I need to go cold turkey on Frank. ha ha ha. You’ll get there. Ivy has been giving you some great advice. I think it’s just hard to let go of bad things that actually were a “comfort blanket” for us.. you knew what to expect from him and loved feeling needed. It takes an awful long time for things to get into our thick skulls at times !
You’ll get there. We’ll keep badgering you until you do !
September 18, 2014 at 6:37 pm #365121Violet
Hi girls! :) <3
My my, you’ve all been busy – especially Maria ;) Delighted to read about your fun times, ya little minx :)
I needed to take a break from the forum. I’m not sure why actually. I’ve been in an amazing mood for the last week. I swear, I’m totally high on life… I feel like I’m on drugs half the time..! I think that’s been occupying most of my energy.
I met the guy for coffee today… turns out he is gay – LOL! :D Which I was thankful for – I completely didn’t fancy him, and I wasn’t sure why, because he’s very cute. Now I know… ;)
I have a feeling I’ll have much more exciting news quite soon :)
Hugs girls xxx
September 18, 2014 at 6:45 pm #365122Violet
Harley, great news on the house!!! Are you definitely buying it?
Deedee, I don’t know if you read the whole thread, but it contains how my views changed. There’s no external “reason”. It is not your age, your appearance, your heritage, or the guys you go for. It’s your beliefs. Deep down, I bet you have a core belief that prevents you from meeting a guy. You’re touching on it with the “not worthy” thing, but I bet you can get more specific.
For me, it was “I’m going to be alone forever”. All I was attracting was aloneness. Even my bedroom was full of pictures of beautiful women, by themselves, looking tragic and depression.
Have you ever wondered why some assholes have lovely girlfriends, and some unattractive women have hot boyfriends? It’s because THEY BELIEVE THEY CAN. Having relationships, getting dates, does not even factor for them as not being a possibility… so it happens.
Your thoughts become things. Change your beliefs, and you will change your life :)
September 18, 2014 at 9:34 pm #365130Sherri
So phone guy is out. I got tired of waiting for him to reschedule a date and kinda asked him if he just wanted to be pen pals or wanted to meet in real life. He totally misunderstood the situation and told me that he already told me that he could meet me this weekend and would come my side. To this I said that he had mentioned that we will meet if the weekend pans out well. He did not make definite plans. To this he said that I am making a mountain of a mole hill and that he now doesn’t want to meet me anymore as if chatting with me is so difficult he doesn’t even want to think how meeting me would be. I kind of had a feeling as if he did not want to come out of virtual chatting that’s y I pushed bec I needed to know. After he cancelled last time I was not impressed and had started pulling back as in chatting less and no phone calls telling him that I was busy which I was. Oh well another one bites the dust. Any advice if I handled this properly or could do better next time?? As in better communication …. how?
September 19, 2014 at 1:17 am #365141maria
Good Morning all and happy happy weekend !!!
Vi <3, I suspected you needed a little break from this place… I’m soo happy you’re happy, and as for being “totally high on life” I’m right there with you and in the same place… And look at you… so irresistible you’re even attracting gay guys now… …Any news on the house front?
Harley, I think you did the right thing buying the house… it definitely has potential… it’s a proper house and not a cottage, which is good. The price was good too, and if you change your mind you can always sell it…
Ann, a 6 day cabin trip sounds awesome, sorry you couldn’t go… you sure things are only platonic between you and him!!?
Sherri, phone guy seems to be in the “difficult” (and arrogant) category… you know, the kind that think they have it all figured out and know everything… it wouldn’t have mattered if you had approached him differently, he would still have been difficult and arrogant…
Hot guy… called last night and we made plans for Saturday.
He’s gonna pick me up at 10 am. We’ll stop for shopping (!!!) on our way to the island. He needs to buy some boat stuff so we’ll go to this huge place that sells wood, tile, paint, plants, outdoor furniture, boat stuff, car stuff etc. I’m gonna look for some stuff for my apartment and my car… Then we’ll go grocery shopping…
Seriously, I get to do one of my absolute favorite things (shopping), with my favorite guy AND skip around in my wellies looking all cute and sexy while doing it… I’m in HEAVEN…
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