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September 23, 2014 at 4:06 pm #365755
Shit, shit, shit…. HE REPLIED !
I said ” happy birthday”.. he said “thank you…..” i said “no probs, tell Michel to text me, i cannot get his number to work, i keep asking ralf but he’s useless at remembering”.. so he said in german”i’ll talk to you tomorrow ” i said ” i don’t understand german THAT much “, he said ” I tell you tomorrow”….so i finished with ” have a GREAT night and No hangover”
Anyway… trying NOT to get my hopes up.. it’s probably to talk about getting in contact with Michel.
I think overall… I would not like to lose him as a friend and am hoping I can get past the ” he probably don’t fancy me ” stage.
September 23, 2014 at 4:24 pm #365760celesteannv
Harley.. crazy boys .. they have no idea how ONE little thing they say can turn us around.
I tried to explain to J how the female brain works .. how we obsess over details, etc. and he said “Boy you girls must be exhausted.” I said .. “yup”
I would just be cool and focus on you, the house.. seeing if you can meet other men and so forth.
Be like water in a river.. let it flow baby..
look at me all mellow now. lolSeptember 23, 2014 at 5:18 pm #365776Harley
Yep.. am giving my self a STIFF chill pill. it’s JUST friendship. I’ll mirror him.
Am still checking other guys out and yes… house a priority…. but it will take ages before I get keys.
TIPS are welcome by the way ! Bedtime for me. Nite nite all.
September 23, 2014 at 5:20 pm #365778redm
I think celesteannv is right. Don’t let this drive you crazy. It sounds like he was just being polite. Its good he responded, and is not being a total jerk. But he also did not put any effort in to keeping the conversation going. Who knows now that you have gotten a responce maybe this will be the bread crumb he needed to open up a new conversation. Oh I hope I am rightSeptember 23, 2014 at 5:28 pm #365782Harley
it’s probs just a breadcrumb… fullstop. the reel me in type.
TIME WILL TELL. I’m not going to analyize… just distract myself and think happy thoughts of my hopeful new house ! what will be, will be. and.. we’ll be mates, if nothing else.
September 23, 2014 at 5:34 pm #365783Violet
There’s a really good article on The Rules Re Visted called “On Being a Typical Girl.” Man, that was probably the most insightful dating article I’ve ever read.
It said that if you’re getting anxious and “over-thinking”, then chances are, there is a good reason. ie. The guy is not making you feel secure. When a guy is really into you, you know it, and you don’t over think things.
I spent enough time on the MM forum to know that men over-think just as much when they’re interested in a girl who isn’t reciprocating.
Celeste, that’s great about the job – go you!
After a weekend of yoga and friends, I went on a photo shoot today! A friend wanted to take some pics and asked me to be her model. It was fun :) Then I went to a sing dancing class tonight – which was awesome! So many talented dancers around.
In other news, saw S today at the yoga studio. Man, he looks like shit. He’s gaunt, his hair is uncut, he has really old stubble. I was taken aback when I saw him. He said hi to me, but he looked at me with daggers… I guess he’s mad I didn’t reply to him last time. Oh well. Funny thing is, I have no bad feelings towards him now. I’m really grateful I had that experience. It was what it was. I think I’m nearly over him.
September 23, 2014 at 8:39 pm #365802Harley
Hey VI. ..that’s great news all round. Really great to hear. I’m fine. Am actually not thinking….except that I will be Ok. Whatever comes.. I’ll be fine. I am Comfortable with walking away or just being mates..If he dies nor offer what I wish. I don’t have to think about how he feels overall. ..just the odd insecurity sets in..time/distance…but when I think of him…I’m happy. At peace. I am certainly not over thinking like I did with Mike….and thank god.
Crazy how A looks like shit.. guess he’s reaping what he sowed now.
September 23, 2014 at 8:41 pm #365803Harley
A….I meant s.
September 24, 2014 at 1:25 am #365818maria
Sherri, you asked a guy to be just friends, and then you got disappointed when he agreed!? Lol, I think that’s cute and a bit funny, but shallow and vain? No.
Celeste, that’s so interesting (and empowering) that once you don’t need a job/her anymore, the dynamics change completely… it really shows what we can accomplish with confidence and attitude…
Harley, “150 shades”, interesting choice of name, not sure if it’s good or bad, but definitely interesting…
Re Frank… wtf I can’t be calm… I’m soo excited for you… it may be nothing but anything that makes life exciting is good IMO. Just go with what will be will be and you’ll be fine. I’m soo looking forward to hear what he will say…
Vi, yes MM really confirmed that sometimes, quite often, guys are just like girls in so many ways…
Great that S is turning into a “non feeling” (or non negative/hurtful feeling) for you.
Your weekend and photo shoot and sing dancing class yesterday sounds awesome. I’m happy your happy <3
September 24, 2014 at 2:05 am #365819maria
Oh, and was Horse really a girl?
September 24, 2014 at 2:53 am #365824Tamara
You told me you wanted to talk and fix things weeks ago. But I received no mails from you.
I guess you changed your mind or wasn’t truly interesting to do that maybe.September 24, 2014 at 3:11 am #365825Harley
Horse.. really a girl ????I’m lost ????? WHERE did this come up in the convo/thread ??? WHAT have I missed ???
I started skimming through “the secret”.. it’s fierce LONG. But I get the plot… if you think postive thoughts, declutter stuff from your life.. what you WANT in life.. starts to manifest. Very interesting and common sense if I think about it.
I am positive and confident today.. not at atll worried whether he texts or not as as I am deciding ” will I choose him ??? ” I am in no hurry with him and am open to exploring his character more.. and if he does not up the ante.. thats him consigned to the thrash can like Mike. So… I see it being a slow burn over the next few weeks till I return to Germany.
POF flirt did not reply but I have said hello to about 6 good looking men on my morning walk ! I’m a born flirt !
September 24, 2014 at 4:16 am #365832maria
Hahaha, Horse is a (quite nasty) person from MM forum. He/she called him/herself “A Man Called Horse”. Vi said she/her when referring to “her”… and when she mentioned MM above it made me remember that I never got any clarity re Horse’s gender…
Hot guy (I really should call him something else, but that name is kind of stuck in my head)… there literally ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone… we now have 5°C/41°F and rain in Stockholm. Fall is definitely coming… and I love it… the trees, the colors, the air and soo many great fall outfits to wear…
September 24, 2014 at 4:46 am #365835Violet
Harl, what I realised is that if you’re not getting the feedback you want from an interaction, you’re better off letting it go as quickly as possible, because holding onto it stops new things from entering your life. There IS a man out there who is perfect for you – maybe it is Frank, maybe it’s someone else, but either way, letting go of the current situation will usher the new stuff into your life faster. Realising this was the biggest motivating force for me letting go of S. It was only 1.5 months ago that I started listening to the secure, and it has already had an alchemical effect on my inner experience of life.
To be honest, I would love to have a conversation with S, where we are actually honest with each other. I don’t know why I still want that. Maybe I think it will help me let go more, or maybe I want it for the ego gratification?
Maria, I didn’t realise you were on MM – did you have a username? I was the one who started suggesting Horse was female – there were lots of clues in what she wrote. People just assumed she was a bloke because of the user name she gave herself “A man called horse”.
Tam, honestly I didn’t like your response – felt like you were expecting me to do the leg work. I don’t feel like rehashing it again – it was a painful experience and I’d prefer not to focus on it.
September 24, 2014 at 4:47 am #365836Violet
Oh, Maria – I bought a yellow top and a yellow sports bra last week! :)
September 24, 2014 at 5:39 am #365838Harley
OOh.. thanks for the tip about an interaction. that makes LOTS of sense.. yep.. am not going to get into texting crap.
OK.. HORSE.. NOW. it all makes sense.
I can understand what you mean about an “honest convo”.. I just think with some people.. you Don’t get it. They dance around in passive/agressive/ manipulation/feeling sorry for themselves, HINTING at stuff.. but NOt coming outright and saying it. I have a friend like this.. I never ask her much anymore or interract.. as she just feeds you crumbs of convo.. and leaves sentences hanging.. never completly honest or tell you ALL of a story. it was tiring.I have disengageda lot from her. And yes.. you ARE right, you need to leave the old behind to make room for the new. I just like to tie up loose ends as much as possible before moving on… it is an IRISH trait. ha ha ha.
Think very carefully befeor having an honest convo with him. are you fully prepared for all the consequences ???
September 24, 2014 at 6:02 am #365839Tamara
YOU asked to talk. I am nice and told you yes ok, you can start (saying what you feel/think) and now you say you didn’t like this answer?! Non sense IMO. I don’t know what leg work mean, but I understand you didn’t want to talk and fix things, you were expecting apologies from me and maybe put me in a bad position here. Guess what: I didn’t do you wrong! You did me wrong!
I don’t like what I am seeing. Don’t pretend with me, don’t play the victim and don’t insinuate I behaved bad.
I let you another chance. I was open to discuss honesty and sincerely and in private.
I am disappointed to see how you answer one more time.
And you prefer speaking with a man who played you again and again…
September 24, 2014 at 10:03 am #365863celesteannv
Vi.. how fun a photo sheet and there is a bit of satisfaction in living well, while others are not. So glad all is going well.
Harley, J told me that some guys would see me as a flirt, but he knows I am just super friendly with everyone..l strangers, friends, cats, dogs, women, men, babies. He loves it. You enjoy people.. good for you!
Do not think you are vain at all. This guy actually listened to you when you told him what you wanted. That is all.Maria,
Fall in spades here too.. but sunny. I hate that summer is ending, but do love fall clothes. I have more boots than any woman should own.Feeling strong here and trying to figuring out what will and won’t get done before next Friday. New place chomping at the bit for me to start.
Happy Hump Day to all and yeah its Date Night!!!!
September 24, 2014 at 10:09 am #365867Harley
I’d be happy with a date let alone a HUMP !
nearest hump I’ll get is either sitting on a camel or arguing with someone !
Think I’ll go with the camel !
My niece is home from Oz on vacation so off to see her later and my great-niece.
No news from effing German.. but I’m ok with it. cool as a cucumber.
September 24, 2014 at 10:10 am #365868Sherri
Harley – U are chatting with him … that’s a start. If he wants to be friends and you r ok with that, go for it.
Celeste – So happy for you about your job.
Ann – How are you doing?
Maria – I like “hot guy” as the name. Lets keep it ;) . I know crazy right that when he decides that he just wants to be friends I get disappointed. I was hoping for at least a kiss. But we just hugged and it felt totally platonic. I am taking a step back from him now. I never realised I was a complicated person … guess I am ;)
Vi – Photoshoot, dancing, yoga … what all do you have ur fingers into LOL. Where do you find the time???
My list of FWNBs is increasing. I have 4 on there now. I am going to be meeting with my 1st FWB next week and I have actually seriously been considering becoming FWB with him again. I saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with another guy yesterday. It was fun. He had a beer and I had a cooler just before going to see the movie. He is sweet but I don’t see a spark there. But totally love pulling his leg. I have told him that I am not looking to date him and he is ok with just hanging out. So that’s good. He knows quite a bit about cars and we were talking about that too yesterday.
About the MM forum, I am not able to login. I don’t know why? I have not gone there for months so don’t know what is going on there. Is Horse really a woman? I could never understand what he was posting anyway. I guess his language level was too high for me or something. Maria, what was ur username on MM.
September 24, 2014 at 10:18 am #365872Violet
Sherri, what’s a FWNB? It’s really since I stopped online dating that my time freed up and I became more sociable. Dating had become a redundant past time for me, and it felt like I could do better things with my time. Which I do now :) I’m glad I had all the dating experiences that I did, but I’m ready for something new now.
Mark put the MM forum behind a paywall, to get rid of the haters, trolls and freeloaders :D
September 24, 2014 at 10:20 am #365873Violet
Harl, ha – yeah, I think that’s why I want to have “an honest convo” with S – to tie up loose ends! But I don’t think tying up loose ends is possible when two people are involved… some times threads just get abandoned, and maybe we pick them up again in another lifetime.
September 24, 2014 at 10:31 am #365876Violet
Tam, We clearly have very different perspectives on what happened and I don’t see any point in trying to resolve it. no hard feelings.
September 24, 2014 at 10:35 am #365878Ann
Hi….I’m doing pretty well today. I didn’t block him though, I updated on the other thread. It’s ok at this point, I’m going to see how today goes.
The leaves are turning here in Midwest USA too….. It’s been beautiful here.
I’m going to get a pedicure tonight. I go to a woman who is from Tibet, and is a Buddhist. She has her own salon, and plays beautiful Tibetan chant music…talks about compassion, acceptance, tolerance…..in such a peaceful serene voice, the lights are always dimmed. She’s my church. :)
September 24, 2014 at 10:39 am #365879Harley
MMN.. I like the idea of another lifetime ! Picking up threads.. look at me asn Mike and Frank after ALL these years. Ha ! ALL roads lead to Germany ! That’s a nice, cool way to look at things Vi.
Sherri’s guys.. are friends with no benefits.. i.e just friends ! SEE.. SHE.. even makes things complicated for us !!! ha ha ha.
Hot Island Guiy. Yum Yum Yum !
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