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- This topic has 1,590 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
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September 24, 2014 at 10:45 am #365881
Lol, that’s so funny Harl… Frank is most likely busy during the day. If he contacts you it’ll probably be in the evening…
Sherri, Vi, I was only observing MM (so no username). I figured it’d take too much of my time if I started writing in there too.
Vi, that’s great with the yellow top and bra… updates later please on how you feel wearing them and if something special happens.
Celeste, yes, shoes and boots… I don’t even dare to count mine… or tell people some approximate number… I just say “plenty” or “lots”…
September 24, 2014 at 10:52 am #365883maria
Ann, that sounds like an all through lovely pedicure :-D
September 24, 2014 at 11:11 am #365889Ann
It really is Maria….sometimes she gives me a facial too. She escaped Tibet, through India, years ago, she had been persecuted for her religious beliefs….and, still, she is full of love, light, goodness. When I think about how I stress over silly things, I try to think of her strength.
She escaped by being sold as a piece of cattle really..the people getting her out of Tibet thought she was going to be working in a brothel in India. She had her brother over in India already though, and he saved her from that life by buying her in India. It’s quite a story.
Puts lots of things into perspective.
September 24, 2014 at 11:11 am #365890Tamara
I see that you act passive-agressive. Well, I won’t let your honesty, manipulation and provocation reach me.
About perspective, yours seems limited to your belly button.
September 24, 2014 at 11:13 am #365892Tamara
* dishonesty
September 24, 2014 at 12:11 pm #365910Sherri
What is a paywall?? You have to pay for your membership now? Do you pay them Vi? Tam?
FWNB = Friends with NO Benefits ;) hahaha and guess what I met them all on the dating site LOL. I have friends who r all married and with kids and so it is not possible to hang out with them or go for a movie with them often. I kind of relate to guys easier I find than girls. So these FWNBs I go with them for movies, dinner, lunches, coffee, drives, pool, golf, picnic, bbq, helicopter ride …. wow did not realise it had become such a big list. Its fun and no stress and no wondering when will they contact me etc. etc. Since we are just friends it doesn’t matter who contacts whom first. Or if someone is busy or has to cancel at the last minute or anything. Its fun to be with them and get their perspective on life. I am quite selective in my FWNBs though. What is the point of being friends with someone who cannot make conversation or anything right :) Also don’t need any guys with an attitude :D
September 24, 2014 at 1:23 pm #365922maria
What a story Ann! She sounds a lot like my healing teacher. She’s not from Tibet but she is a Buddhist. She too has this divinity about her (she’s 77 and has been doing healing since she was 15, and she’s super clairvoyant as well)… It feel soo good just to be near such people and their energy…
Vi, you’re goreous and have a really strong look, I’m not surprised your friend wanted to take pics of you, you could totally be a model…
Sherri, MM now cost $29 a month and are for members only…
September 24, 2014 at 1:47 pm #365923Harley
Ha… well I won’t be paying for MM.. that’s for sure. MM = Marlon Manson.. or whatever that nutcase is !
GREAT story ANN.. reminds us to appreciate what we have in life.
I decided.. am going to get pregnant by the German, call the child Adolf… and PISS my family off ! .. Am joking btw ! Am telling ya… If I bring the German home… they’ll ask him if he’s a Nazi !!!! I’m serious ! NO offence to anyone by the way with my referances… just showing how small minded my family ARE !
yep.. he’s working till 10 I figure.. but he may not get in touch at all. And I’m ok if he doesn’t. Am glad I was “big” enough to break the ice.
My niece and great niece are home from Oz… so had a nice catch up with them.
September 24, 2014 at 4:03 pm #365937Ann
@Maria…. a healing teacher. What a wonderful thing. In my mind every person on earth should have a primary physician, a dentist and a counselor. Haaa. You are so correct, when I am near someone physically who has it together so to speak, and is touch with the universe, I can just feel it.
Harley, my gut is telling me Frank was responding cordially to your birthday message, and that is it. Just my two cents.
Sherri, I too, am more comfortable around guys. I have FWNBs too, and it really helped me during the time I ended my marriage and got out into the world. It’s only been in the last year or so that I find I am craving more. But, my FWNBs are my rocks. I have one in particular who I think would move mountains for me if I asked him, and I would do the same for him.
September 24, 2014 at 4:03 pm #365938maria
Marilyn Manson… yes… imagine bringing him home to meet the parents…
I agree… annoying the family IS fun… but on the other hand… some of the things I do… my mom would freak out if she knew, so better keep most of it a secret…
You should go all in and call the kid Hilter… that’d shut your in laws up for good…
Must be cool to live in Oz… we have a small town by the name of Hell in Sweden… “So, where do you live?” “Oh, I live in Hell” hahaha, seriously…
Because because because because because we’re off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz…
September 24, 2014 at 4:11 pm #365939maria
Hitler not Hilter…
September 24, 2014 at 4:30 pm #365945celesteannv
Ha Ha Maria.. just had image of a dyslexic dictator.. writing Kampf Mein… :)
September 24, 2014 at 6:47 pm #365964Violet
LOL Maria and Harley re. “hilter” :D
Speaking of weird place names – anyone heard of the French town called La-mort-aux-Juifs (‘Death to Jews’)?! There was a petition earlier in the year to get the name changed.
Harley, yeah – I do believe that we are all balls of energy, and we leave trails as we pass through… And if have unfinished business, our energy gets pulled back there.
As of today… I’m understanding that the only closure you can get… is the closure you find within yourself. In my case: learning to accept that there are always two sides to a story… that you can’t convince someone into your experience, and that an honest conversation means two different things to two different people.
In all our cases… it’s like the Buddha quote: “In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” I think letting go is the hardest part for all of us… letting go of expectations, letting go of who we think we are, and letting go of what we feel is owed to us.
I had a nice evening – organised a pub gathering for film maker friends in London… it was lovely :)
Maria, thank you..! That’s really sweet. I actually wore the yellow top on the shoot! lol. I’ve been wearing yellow a lot more since you said that – subconsciously initially; now consciously. Wil let you know what happens ;)
September 24, 2014 at 11:44 pm #365975Harley
Surprise…surprise ..He never replied. You were right Ann. So….no mini Hitler a thank god you’ll be all glad to hear.
I am sorely disappointed but time to move on now. Closure from within as you say Vi. I don’t think I can be even bothered now letting him know I am coming back. I will meet up with other friends and gave a good time anyway .at some stage I would like to salvage our friendship. …just not right now. i will not contact him again.
So..Celeste. where’s this new job??? Nearer home??? Closer to J ????
Vi…Life is indeed looking up for you !!! It’s going well enough over all for ALL of us. Aren’t we blessed.
September 25, 2014 at 3:45 am #365984maria
Good morning my darlings !
This is an article from the site Phoebe recommended in Harley’s Eric/Sabrina thread.
It’s about being proactive instead of passive.
I would of course like to hear your opinions on it.
Google aphrodite passive proactive and you’ll find the article at the top.
(I have tried, but can’t post the link).
September 25, 2014 at 3:51 am #365985maria
Sorry about Frank Harl… I think it’s SHIT that he said he was gonna message you… and then he didn’t.
September 25, 2014 at 4:07 am #365987Harley
Yep.. shit. But I’m handling this rejection better than the Mike one.
If fairness he never led me on, I made the fantasy all up in my own head. The only thing he let me down on was saying we’d meet before I flew back and now to message me. He KNOWs I want more, he’s not stupid and he’s trying to let me down gently.
I am ” not sure what I am” But determined to be positive. I wouldn’t have missed the one night for the world…I just need to give myself swift kick up the ass and get over him now. maybe I’ll be strong enough in 5 weeks to see him AND NOT sleep with him ,or hopefully he won’t turn up. I’d like to go back to being friends in time.
You know my motto… never want a man who doesn’t want you ! I’ll be fine. just need to pick myself up off teh floor abit. Surprised how affected I am…thought I was handling it better.
I will google that article now. and get back to you.
September 25, 2014 at 4:15 am #365988Harley
I read lots of stories submitted by women in the comments on the articles on this site, many of which contain an underlying tone of “I feel powerless, what should I do?” In addition to that, there’s an underlying feeling of helplessness that accompanies them.
I read it every single day, scores of women desperately wanting to “do, do, do” something to control the direction a relationship is moving. To speed one up to their satisfaction, to make a man date them in the way they prefer, to nudge the man along…you get the idea.
But here’s the thing ladies. You DO have power – but in many cases, you’re simply choosing not to enact it.
Let’s explore, shall we?
Two Words Apply Here: Passive Versus Proactive
Below is the definition of those two words referenced above.
Passive:“Accepting or allowing what happens, without active response or resistance.”
Proactive:“Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen, rather than responding to it after it has happened.”
Get where I’m going here?
I experience this everyday in the comments on this site; women behaving in a passive manner about their future and the man that may or may not be in it.
I see women literally waiting for a man to “pick” them, to reach a decision about them, literally putting their dating lives on hold after a couple of dates or a sexual experience or two. Now granted, it has taken me many, many years to understand the very valuable difference between passive and proactive.
But let me tell you ladies, once you do grasp the concept – empowering is the word.
Free Will and the Power of “Choice”
We all have free will and as such, we are all gifted with the ability to make our own decisions and choices in life.
However, with that gift comes a great amount of responsibility and accountability – for the decisions YOU make. (Heavy is the head that wears the crown…) It goes without saying that we all need to be mature enough to realize that there will be some personal responsibility and accountability that goes along with the power to make those hefty decisions.
When you choose to date passively, you have to accept that you’re choosing to be acted upon by others, thus willfully placing yourself into a rather powerless, hopeless position and one in which you may end up victimized.
However, when you choose to date proactively, you are now choosing to rule your kingdom, in total control of your future and the man who may or may not be in it, thus placing yourself in a very powerful position, one of great hope, and one in which you will not end up victimized.
It’s a mindset, ladies, and it’s a choice. In life we have to be responsible and accountable for our own actions and decisions and when you decide to passively participate in life, often you end up victimized. In the end, there’s no one to blame because you made that co-dependent decision (your decision “depended” upon someone else’s decision, instead of your own), you made the choice for it to be that way.
If, however, you responsibly make a different choice and you chose to proactively participate in life, often you end up feeling in control, feeling as if the world is your oyster. In the end, YOU are the one that is responsible for all the blessings that the universe bestows upon you for your wisdom and strength in making that independent decision for yourself.
Start to look at the world as your oyster ladies, and the men in your life as your kingdom. Instead of passively sitting and waiting, waiting, waiting for men to “pick” you, for THEM to make a decision about YOU – choose to take full advantage of all that life has to offer and of all that being a single, independent modern woman has to offer and instead, YOU make a decision about the MAN. You “pick” your man.
You have the power to do that. You have say-so in the matter. You are free to make your own decisions for yourself and you are empowered by your independence to do so.
Here’s What You DON’T Have The Power To Do:
•Make a man love you.
•Make a man want to enter into a relationship with you.
•Make a man date you and court you in the manner you prefer.
•Make a guy get his act together (i.e. remove other women from it).
•Control the speed at which the relationship progresses (or whether or not it progresses at all).Here’s What You DO Have the Power To Do:
•Walk away from situations and people that do not make you happy, that make you feel used, and that do not care to fulfill your needs.
•Be proactive about finding what it is that you want, what will make you happy, a man that wants the same things as you do and one that’s willing to fulfill your needs.
•Make the choice to be responsible and accountable for your own happiness.Don’t choose to be a helpless victim. Instead, grab hold of the power that is yours. At no other time in history ladies, have women been so powerful and been granted the independence and control over their own lives that they have now – right now, at this very moment in time.
Be a part of that movement, be a part of that revolution and the power that is female force – a piece of that belongs to you, and it’s sitting in your lap, right now as we speak.
Grab your crown and place it high on your head, embrace the responsibility it carries and become accountable for your own happiness – and rule YOUR kingdom with an iron fist. Send them to the dungeons never to see the light of day again, or honor them a Knight at your round table with the possibility of someday becoming your Prince Charming.
The choice is yours – the power is yours. Now what will you do with it – will you start a (dating) revolution?
September 25, 2014 at 4:20 am #365989Harley
I was PROACTIVE.. in that I chose him
I became PASSIVE.. in that I half sat aroudn wondering…make Frank love me/wnata relationship.
I’m NOW. back to PROACTIVE… walking away , because I KNOW my value and my needs are not being met right… he and I are not on the same page. I am not exactly CHOOSING to be PROACTIVE right now becasue it does not completely feel right, I am FORCING myself to do it.. because reality is staring me in the face.. he’s putting NO effort in.
Give or take a bit of time.. I will have CHOSEN PROACTIVE.
I am HAPPY I am taking some sort of action, even if it doesn’t feel right. I am sure in a few weeks I will look back and be glad I did !
GOOD timing on the article Pheebs and Maria. Thanks. It has given me purpose and structure for the days ahead.
September 25, 2014 at 4:24 am #365990Harley
I’m STILL at “knight and round table bit.. prince charming” but I’ll soon ” banish him to the dungeon”.
I’m a bit like a NUMPTY Humpty Dumpty at the momment.. ALL the King’s horses and ALL the king’s men, CANNOT put me back together again !
But.. am working on it ! AS WE SPEAK !
September 25, 2014 at 4:56 am #365991Harley
OOOH.. and THANKS to Celeste.. I have an image ALL morning so far of a mini Hitler, aka that dwarf actor Warick (what ya may call him), with a Hitler face, but Warick body, running around backwards and jumbling words crazily like in “pinky and the brain” cartoon,” Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight? Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky – try to take over the world!
Brain: We must prepare for tomorrow night. Pinky: Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night? Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky – try to take over the world!”
OOOH… and their IN a village called…..La-mort-aux-Juifs (‘Death to Jews’)?!
SO.. thanks for cheering me up guys !
September 25, 2014 at 7:23 am #365994maria
Yes, it’s the article.
Thank you my sweat Harley for copying it <3 (and for reading and commenting on it).
I didn’t bring it up because I in any way think that anyone in this thread is passive… I just love what she says… and it applies to life in general as well as to our love lives…
I know many of you are into The Secret, and you know I’m not a super fan. I think that even if you are a fan it really is a good idea to combine it with proactiveness… cause The Secret and passiveness will never work…
Humpty Dumpty… the harsh reality is no one can put us together.. we have to do it ourselves, eventhough, never forget, love IS healing…
I especially like the “Grab your crown and place it high on your head, embrace the responsibility it carries and become accountable for your own happiness – and rule YOUR kingdom with an iron fist. Send them to the dungeons never to see the light of day again, or honor them a Knight at your round table with possibility of some day becoming your Prince Charming”.
It’s so colorful and fairytaly and speaks straight to my heart.
I think every girl in the world should “grab her crown and place it high on her head, become responsible for her own happiness – and rule HER kingdom with an iron fist”…
And as said our love lifes are only one part of it… the contents of this article could and should be used in every and any situation in life…
It all boils down to control… just make the right decisions and choices and take control of YOUR lives girls, and the world will be your oyster…
September 25, 2014 at 9:02 am #365997Harley
Yep.. I decided to take back control, am holding my crown high..( I got a diamante huge headpiece to put in my hair for germany.. kinda tiara, but more head comb.. but BIG )I value myself more ,I forgot in his message he put a smiley face, blowing a kiss.. but that mean’s nothing… he still not putting effort in.
We have a Guinness advertisement here at the moment… sums it all up for me.. “IN PURSUIT OF MORE “.
I started to read the SECRET and whilst a good idea , I think more like youself. I thought so far…it’s a load of regurgitated shite I have read everywhere. I do LOVE the idea to be positive and think good thoughts to make life better, but that’s about it.
September 25, 2014 at 9:12 am #365998celesteannv
Great article Maria and Harley. thanks for sharing!
Vi.. I love that quote and totally agree on closure. No one can give it to you. I found that I won my own with R.
Sorry about Frank H.. but like you said before, he has many things on his plate and would most likely not have been able to offer you what you want/need for the long run. Maybe he sees that too and is actually doing the right thing by staying away.
Job is in marketing for a chain of urgent care facilities. Not really closer as I will not have a central location… and will be troubleshooting at a variety of sites. More flexible though and will be able to work from home at times. Really excited and looking forward to new challenges. Was very stunted here!September 25, 2014 at 10:01 am #366000Harley
I know.. he IS doing the right thing. And I will be glad and grateful.. in time.
Yea.. great article.
Am sooo glad you are going to be more challanged at work. I like to be like that too. It will all work out somehow.
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